public static String getId(String recipient) { String ret = null; byte[] testp = recipient.getBytes(); int pcount = 0; for (byte p : testp) { if ((char) p == '|') { pcount++; } } System.out.println("count = " + pcount); if (pcount > 1) { String address = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(recipient, "|")[2]; String test = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(address, "^")[3]; int stop = test.indexOf("<"); if (stop > 0) { test = test.substring(0, stop); } System.out.println(test); ret = test; } else { String address = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(recipient, "|")[1]; String test = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(address, "^")[0]; System.out.println(test); ret = test; } System.out.println("about to test ret " + ret); return ret; }
/** * GET request parameters as map. * * @param requestURL request URL {@link HttpServletRequest#getRequestURL()} * @param pathVariables path markers that should be identified as extra parameters * @return map of parameters (with preserved other) */ public static Map<String, List<String>> getParameters( final String requestURL, final Set<String> pathVariables) { final Map<String, List<String>> parameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); try { final String[] request = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(requestURL, '?'); String key = null; if (request != null && request.length > 0) { final String[] pathPairs = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(request[0], '/'); for (String pathItem : pathPairs) { if (key != null) { if (!parameters.containsKey(key)) { parameters.put(key, new LinkedList<String>()); } final String value = URLDecoder.decode(pathItem, "UTF-8"); parameters.get(key).add(value); key = null; } else if (pathVariables.contains(pathItem)) { key = pathItem; // next path is value } } } if (request != null && request.length > 1) { final String[] parameterPairs = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(request[1], '&'); for (String parameterPair : parameterPairs) { final int idx = parameterPair.indexOf("="); key = idx > 0 ? URLDecoder.decode(parameterPair.substring(0, idx), "UTF-8") : parameterPair; if (!parameters.containsKey(key)) { parameters.put(key, new LinkedList<String>()); } final String value = idx > 0 && parameterPair.length() > idx + 1 ? URLDecoder.decode(parameterPair.substring(idx + 1), "UTF-8") : null; parameters.get(key).add(value); } } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { throw new RuntimeException(uee); } return parameters; }
@Override public void runTask(ProcessInstance instance) throws Exception { fsDefaultFS = String.format( "hdfs://%s:%s", getHelper().get(clusterName + ".nn.address"), getHelper().get(clusterName + ".nn.port")); FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(working)); saveScriptFile(buildCommand(working), working); String cli = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("sh {}/", new Object[] {working}).getMessage(); saveCommandFile(cli, working); String[] cmds = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(cli, " "); FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(logger, working + "/task.log"); Map<String, Object> socketParams = new HashMap<>(); socketParams.put("identifier", getIdentifier()); socketParams.put("taskId", getTaskId()); socketParams.put("type", "workflow"); socketParams.put("user", getUser()); ManagedProcess managedProcess = new ManagedProcess(cmds, getDefaultEnvs(working), working, logger, fileWriter); managedProcess.setSocketParams(socketParams);; }
private Map<String, String[]> getConfigurationMap(Reference ref) { Map<String, String[]> configMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); String separatorChars = ","; RefAddr separatorCharsRefAddr = ref.get("separatorChars"); if (separatorCharsRefAddr != null) { String value = (String) separatorCharsRefAddr.getContent(); if (value != null && !"".equals(value)) { separatorChars = value.trim(); } } Enumeration addrs = ref.getAll(); while (addrs.hasMoreElements()) { RefAddr addr = (RefAddr) addrs.nextElement(); String type = addr.getType(); String value = (String) addr.getContent(); String[] valueArray = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(value, separatorChars); for (int i = 0; i < valueArray.length; i++) { valueArray[i] = valueArray[i].trim(); } configMap.put(type, valueArray); } return configMap; }
public static List<String> parseDirectRecipients(DirectDocuments documents) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList(); for (String recipient : documents.getSubmissionSet().getIntendedRecipient()) { String address = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(recipient, "|")[2]; ret.add(parseXTN(address)); } return ret; }
public void map(Object key, Text value, OutputCollector<Text, Text> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { String[] _allCols = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(value.toString(), splitChar); StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < _allCols.length; i++) { stringBuffer.append(i).append('=').append(_allCols[i]).append("\t"); } output.collect(new Text(_allCols[0]), new Text(stringBuffer.toString())); }
protected String escapeQuotes(final String input) { final String[] splitedInput = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(input, SEMICOLON_CHAR); final List<String> tmp = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final String string : splitedInput) { if (doesNotContainNewLine(string)) { tmp.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeCsv(string)); } else { tmp.add(string); } } return StringUtils.join(tmp, SEMICOLON_CHAR); }
@Override public void configure(Map<String, String> configuration) { if (configuration.get(GROUP_BY) != null) { groupByFields = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(configuration.get(GROUP_BY), GROUP_BY_DELIM); } if (configuration.get(OUTPUT_FIELD) != null) { outputField = configuration.get(OUTPUT_FIELD); } if (configuration.get(OPERATED_FIELD) != null) { operatedField = configuration.get(OPERATED_FIELD); } else { // TODO: 一定要有一个操作字段operatedField? 如果是没有分组的count(*),operatedField是什么? // TODO: 多个分组条件的count,operatedField有几个? operatedField和groupByFields一样吗? // throw new RuntimeException("Aggregator needs a field to operate it. Property missing: " + // OPERATED_FIELD); } if (configuration.get(ASSOC_FIELD) != null) { assocField = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(configuration.get(ASSOC_FIELD), ","); } }
private void parseLine() { String line = reader.getCurrentValue().toString(); String[] tokens = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(line, PASSWD_LINE_SEPARATOR); value = new Passwd( StringUtils.trimToNull(tokens[0]), StringUtils.trimToNull(tokens[1]), StringUtils.trimToNull(tokens[2]) == null ? null : Long.valueOf(tokens[2]), StringUtils.trimToNull(tokens[3]) == null ? null : Long.valueOf(tokens[3]), StringUtils.trimToNull(tokens[4]), StringUtils.trimToNull(tokens[5]), StringUtils.trimToNull(tokens[6])); }
/** 3、字符串的分割 */ @Test public void test3() { // 默认半角空格分割 String str1 = "aaa bbb ccc"; String[] dim1 = StringUtils.split(str1); // => ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"] System.out.println(dim1.length); // 3 System.out.println(dim1[0]); // "aaa" System.out.println(dim1[1]); // "bbb" System.out.println(dim1[2]); // "ccc" // 指定分隔符 String str2 = "aaa,bbb,ccc"; String[] dim2 = StringUtils.split(str2, ","); // => ["aaa", "bbb", // "ccc"] System.out.println(dim2.length); // 3 System.out.println(dim2[0]); // "aaa" System.out.println(dim2[1]); // "bbb" System.out.println(dim2[2]); // "ccc" // 去除空字符串 String str3 = "aaa,,bbb"; String[] dim3 = StringUtils.split(str3, ","); // => ["aaa", "bbb"] System.out.println(dim3.length); // 2 System.out.println(dim3[0]); // "aaa" System.out.println(dim3[1]); // "bbb" // 包含空字符串 String str4 = "aaa,,bbb"; String[] dim4 = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(str4, ","); // => // ["aaa", // "", // "bbb"] System.out.println(dim4.length); // 3 System.out.println(dim4[0]); // "aaa" System.out.println(dim4[1]); // "" System.out.println(dim4[2]); // "bbb" // 指定分割的最大次数(超过后不分割) String str5 = "aaa,bbb,ccc"; String[] dim5 = StringUtils.split(str5, ",", 2); // => ["aaa", // "bbb,ccc"] System.out.println(dim5.length); // 2 System.out.println(dim5[0]); // "aaa" System.out.println(dim5[1]); // "bbb,ccc" }
public Option(String[] columns, String csvLine, String delimiter) { this.optionValuesMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); String[] values = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(csvLine, delimiter); if (values.length != columns.length) { System.out.println("Value length - " + values.length + " Columns length " + columns.length); System.err.println( "Something is massively screwed up and the number of columns does not match the number of values! Exiting the applcation"); System.exit(-1); } for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { this.optionValuesMap.put(columns[i], values[i]); } }
// based on old XDR stuff public static List<String> parseRecipients(DirectDocuments documents) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList(); for (String recipient : documents.getSubmissionSet().getIntendedRecipient()) { if (recipient.startsWith("|")) { String address = StringUtils.remove(recipient, "|"); ret.add(StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(address, "^")[0]); } else { String id = getId(recipient); ret.add(id); } } return ret; }
public static Map<String, String> parseDictionary(String data) { String[] tokens = data.split(","); Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>(); for (String token : tokens) { String[] items = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(token, '='); if (items.length > 2) { String key = items[0]; items = Arrays.copyOfRange(items, 1, items.length); result.put(key.trim(), StringUtils.join(items, "=").trim()); } else { result.put(items[0].trim(), items[1].trim()); } } return result; }
public void syntaxError( Recognizer<?, ?> recognizer, Object offendingSymbol, int line, int charPositionInLine, String msg, RecognitionException e) { CommonTokenStream tokens = (CommonTokenStream) recognizer.getInputStream(); String input = tokens.getTokenSource().getInputStream().toString(); Token token = (Token) offendingSymbol; String[] lines = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(input, '\n'); String errorLine = lines[line - 1]; String simpleMessage = "syntax error at or near \"" + token.getText() + "\""; throw new LangParserException(token, line, charPositionInLine, simpleMessage, errorLine); }
// 使用者 时间 preurl cururl public void map( LongWritable key, Text value, OutputCollector<Text, LongWritable> out, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { String line = value.toString(); String[] _allCols = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(line, TAB); if (_allCols.length < 41) { return; } String gmtCreated = _allCols[AuctionAuctions.OLD_STARTS]; if (gmtCreated != null && gmtCreated.indexOf(date) >= 0) { String status = _allCols[AuctionAuctions.AUCTION_STATUS]; String attr = _allCols[AuctionAuctions.FEATURES]; String from = TaobaoPath.getValue(attr, "source", null); out.collect(new Text(from + "\t" + status), one); out.collect(new Text("cat\t" + _allCols[AuctionAuctions.CATEGORY]), one); } }
@Override protected void doWork(String line, OutputCollector<Text, LongWritable> output) throws IOException { String[] _allCols = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(line, TAB); if (_allCols.length < 47) { return; } String queryDate = DateStringUtils.format(inputArgs[0]); String gmtCreated = _allCols[TcBizOrder.GMT_CREATE]; String payTime = _allCols[TcBizOrder.PAY_TIME]; String gmtModified = _allCols[TcBizOrder.GMT_MODIFIED]; if (Utils.isSameDay(queryDate, gmtCreated)) { output.collect(Utils.mergeKey("t", "sys", "created"), ONE); output.collect(Utils.mergeKey("d", "sys", "created", "m", getMinutes(gmtCreated)), ONE); output.collect(Utils.mergeKey("d", "sys", "created", "s", gmtCreated), ONE); } if (Utils.isSameDay(queryDate, gmtModified)) { output.collect(Utils.mergeKey("t", "sys", "modified"), ONE); } // filter not effective order if (!TcBizOrder.isEffective(_allCols)) { return; } if (TcBizOrder.isMain(_allCols)) { commonMonitor("all", _allCols, output, queryDate); if (TcBizOrder.isB2C(_allCols)) { commonMonitor("b2c", _allCols, output, queryDate); } else { commonMonitor("c2c", _allCols, output, queryDate); } if (TcBizOrder.isFromTgroupon(_allCols)) { commonMonitor("jhs", _allCols, output, queryDate); } if (Utils.isSameDay(payTime, queryDate)) { long fee = TcBizOrder.getTotalFee(_allCols); String key = alipayTradeArea.getArea(fee); output.collect(Utils.mergeKey("t", "alipay_area", key), ONE); } } if (TcBizOrder.isDetail(_allCols)) { String rootCatId = Utils.getValue(_allCols[TcBizOrder.ATTRIBUTES], "realRootCat", "NULL"); commonTotalMonitor("cat", rootCatId, _allCols, output, queryDate); } }
public static void main(String[] f) { try { BufferedReader2 reader = new BufferedReader2( new FileReader( "D:\\tmp\\")); String d = null; Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); while ((d = reader.readLine()) != null) { String[] v = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(d, '\01'); set.add(v[1]); System.out.println(d); } for (String s : set) System.out.println(s); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * This method loads UserAdminRole entity temporal and ARBAC constraint instance variables with * data that was retrieved from the 'ftARC' attribute on the 'ftUserAttrs' object class. This is * the raw format that Fortress uses to condense the temporal and ARBAC data into a compact String * for efficient storage and retrieval and is not intended to be called by external programs. * * @param szRawData contains a raw formatted String that maps to 'ftARC' attribute on * 'ftUserAttrs' object class * @param contextId contains the tenant id. * @param parentUtil provides method to getParents. */ public void load(String szRawData, String contextId, ParentUtil parentUtil) { if ((szRawData != null) && (szRawData.length() > 0)) { String[] tokens = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(szRawData, Config.getInstance().getDelimiter()); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tokens[i])) { switch (i) { case 0: name = tokens[i]; parents = parentUtil.getParentsCB(name.toUpperCase(), contextId); break; case 1: this.setTimeout(Integer.parseInt(tokens[i])); break; case 2: this.setBeginTime(tokens[i]); break; case 3: this.setEndTime(tokens[i]); break; case 4: this.setBeginDate(tokens[i]); break; case 5: this.setEndDate(tokens[i]); break; case 6: this.setBeginLockDate(tokens[i]); break; case 7: this.setEndLockDate(tokens[i]); break; case 8: this.setDayMask(tokens[i]); break; default: String szValue = tokens[i]; int indx = szValue.indexOf(P + GlobalIds.PROP_SEP); if (indx >= 0) { String szOsP = szValue.substring(indx + 2); this.setOsP(szOsP); } indx = szValue.indexOf(U + GlobalIds.PROP_SEP); if (indx >= 0) { String szOsU = szValue.substring(indx + 2); this.setOsU(szOsU); } indx = szValue.indexOf(R + GlobalIds.PROP_SEP); if (indx >= 0) { String szRangeRaw = szValue.substring(indx + 2); this.setRoleRangeRaw(szRangeRaw); } break; } } } } }
public void reduce( Text key, Iterator<Text> values, OutputCollector<Text, Text> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { List<String[]> _temp = new ArrayList<String[]>(); int count = 0; while (values.hasNext()) { Text _out =; String[] tokens = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(_out.toString(), TAB); _temp.add(tokens); if (count++ > 100000) break; } if (count > 10000) { Set<String> ipSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (int posI = 0; posI < _temp.size(); posI++) { String[] array = _temp.get(posI); if (array == null) continue; String mid = array[2]; String ip = array[3]; ipSet.add(ip); } output.collect( key, Utils.mergeKey(String.valueOf(ipSet.size()), StringUtils.join(ipSet, '|'))); return; } /** * ·Ö×éËã·¨ FOREACH ALL_DATA IF IN INDEX THEN UPDATE INDEX AND INSERT DATA ELSE FOREACH SUB_DATA * MAKE INDEX AND SET FIND'S DATA AS NULL */ // List<List<String[]>> dataList = new ArrayList<List<String[]>>(); List<StringBuffer> indexList = new ArrayList<StringBuffer>(); Set<String> ipSet = new HashSet<String>(); boolean muliHost = false; for (int posI = 0; posI < _temp.size(); posI++) { String[] array = _temp.get(posI); if (array == null) continue; String mid = array[2]; String ip = array[3]; ipSet.add(ip); boolean hasIndex = false; for (int i = 0; i < indexList.size(); i++) { StringBuffer index = indexList.get(i); if (index.indexOf("|" + mid + "|") >= 0 || index.indexOf("|" + ip + "|") >= 0) { if (index.indexOf("|" + mid + "|") < 0) { index.append('|').append(mid).append('|'); } if (index.indexOf("|" + ip + "|") < 0) { index.append('|').append(ip).append('|'); } // dataList.get(i).add(array); hasIndex = true; break; } } if (!hasIndex) { StringBuffer index = new StringBuffer("|" + mid + "|" + ip + "|"); // List<String[]> _tmp = new ArrayList<String[]>(); // _tmp.add(array); for (int k = posI + 1; k < _temp.size(); k++) { String[] _newArray = _temp.get(k); if (_newArray == null) { continue; } String _mid = _newArray[2]; String _ip = _newArray[3]; if (index.indexOf("|" + _mid + "|") >= 0 || index.indexOf("|" + _ip + "|") >= 0) { if (index.indexOf("|" + _mid + "|") < 0) { index.append('|').append(_mid).append('|'); } if (index.indexOf("|" + _ip + "|") < 0) { index.append('|').append(_ip).append('|'); } // _tmp.add(_newArray); _temp.set(k, null); } } indexList.add(index); // dataList.add(_tmp); } } // for(String[] _array : _temp){ // output.collect(key,Utils.mergeKey(_array[1],_array[2],_array[3],_array[4])); // } StringBuffer allIndex = new StringBuffer(); for (StringBuffer index : indexList) { allIndex.append(index).append(';'); } if (allIndex.length() > 0) { allIndex.deleteCharAt(allIndex.length() - 1); } output.collect( key, Utils.mergeKey(String.valueOf(indexList.size()), StringUtils.join(ipSet, '|'))); }
public static String parseXTN(String address) { return StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(address, "^")[3]; }
public void map(Object key, Text value, OutputCollector<Text, Text> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { String[] _allCols = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(value.toString(), TAB); output.collect(new Text(_allCols[0]), value); }
public HttpResponse fetch(org.apache.shindig.gadgets.http.HttpRequest request) throws GadgetException { HttpUriRequest httpMethod = null; Preconditions.checkNotNull(request); final String methodType = request.getMethod(); final org.apache.http.HttpResponse response; final long started = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Break the request Uri to its components: Uri uri = request.getUri(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(uri.getAuthority())) { throw new GadgetException( GadgetException.Code.INVALID_USER_DATA, "Missing domain name for request: " + uri, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(uri.getScheme())) { throw new GadgetException( GadgetException.Code.INVALID_USER_DATA, "Missing schema for request: " + uri, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } String[] hostparts = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(uri.getAuthority(), ':'); int port = -1; // default port if (hostparts.length > 2) { throw new GadgetException( GadgetException.Code.INVALID_USER_DATA, "Bad host name in request: " + uri.getAuthority(), HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } if (hostparts.length == 2) { try { port = Integer.parseInt(hostparts[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new GadgetException( GadgetException.Code.INVALID_USER_DATA, "Bad port number in request: " + uri.getAuthority(), HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } } String requestUri = uri.getPath(); // Treat path as / if set as null. if (uri.getPath() == null) { requestUri = "/"; } if (uri.getQuery() != null) { requestUri += '?' + uri.getQuery(); } // Get the http host to connect to. HttpHost host = new HttpHost(hostparts[0], port, uri.getScheme()); try { if ("POST".equals(methodType) || "PUT".equals(methodType)) { HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase enclosingMethod = ("POST".equals(methodType)) ? new HttpPost(requestUri) : new HttpPut(requestUri); if (request.getPostBodyLength() > 0) { enclosingMethod.setEntity( new InputStreamEntity(request.getPostBody(), request.getPostBodyLength())); } httpMethod = enclosingMethod; } else if ("GET".equals(methodType)) { httpMethod = new HttpGet(requestUri); } else if ("HEAD".equals(methodType)) { httpMethod = new HttpHead(requestUri); } else if ("DELETE".equals(methodType)) { httpMethod = new HttpDelete(requestUri); } for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : request.getHeaders().entrySet()) { httpMethod.addHeader(entry.getKey(), StringUtils.join(entry.getValue(), ',')); } // Disable following redirects. if (!request.getFollowRedirects()) { httpMethod.getParams().setBooleanParameter(ClientPNames.HANDLE_REDIRECTS, false); } // HttpClient doesn't handle all cases when breaking url (specifically '_' in domain) // So lets pass it the url parsed: response = FETCHER.execute(host, httpMethod); if (response == null) { throw new IOException("Unknown problem with request"); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now - started > slowResponseWarning) { slowResponseWarning(request, started, now); } return makeResponse(response); } catch (Exception e) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Find timeout exceptions, respond accordingly if (TIMEOUT_EXCEPTIONS.contains(e.getClass())) { "Timeout for " + request.getUri() + " Exception: " + e.getClass().getName() + " - " + e.getMessage() + " - " + (now - started) + "ms"); return HttpResponse.timeout(); } LOG.log( Level.INFO, "Got Exception fetching " + request.getUri() + " - " + (now - started) + "ms", e); // Separate shindig error from external error throw new GadgetException( GadgetException.Code.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } finally { // cleanup any outstanding resources.. if (httpMethod != null) try { httpMethod.abort(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // ignore } } }
/** * @Title: main @Description: TODO(这里用一句话描述这个方法的作用) * * @param @param args 设定文件 * @return void 返回类型 * @throws */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // String input = "d:\\20111202"; //文件路径 // String mainName ="淘宝房产"; //报表名称 String input = args[0]; // 文件路径 String mainName = args[1]; // 报表名称 String tableName = "fangpvuv"; String tableTitle = "PVUV"; String zufang = "zufang", ershoufang = "ershoufang", all = "all", detail = "detail", qmfq = "qmfq", alluv = "unrepeatuv"; if (!new File(input).exists()) { System.out.println("File Not Exist ! => " + input); return; } Report report = Report.newReport(mainName + "每日PV、UV数据"); List<String> lines = Utils.readWithCharset(input, "utf-8"); Table table = null; int allPV = 0; if (lines != null && lines.size() > 0) { for (String line : lines) { if (line.startsWith(zufang)) { tableName = "zufangpvuv"; tableTitle = "租房频道当日PV、UV"; } else if (line.startsWith(ershoufang)) { tableName = "ershoufangpvuv"; tableTitle = "二手房频道当日PV、UV"; } else if (line.startsWith(all)) { tableName = "houseall"; tableTitle = "House下当日PV、UV"; } else if (line.startsWith(detail)) { tableName = "detailpvuv"; tableTitle = "Detail当日PV、UV"; } else if (line.startsWith(qmfq)) { tableName = "qmfqpvuv"; tableTitle = "全民疯抢当日PV、UV"; } else if (line.startsWith(alluv)) { tableName = "allpvuv"; tableTitle = "整站去重UV"; } String[] _cols = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(line, CTRL_A); if (_cols.length > 0) { if (tableName.equals("allpvuv")) { table = report.newTable(tableName, mainName + "总PV、UV(去重)"); table.addCol("allpv", "总PV", String.valueOf(allPV)); table.addCol("vpv", "访客UV", _cols[1]); table.addCol("uuv", "会员UV", _cols[2]); table.addCol( "alluv", "总UV", String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(_cols[1]) + Integer.valueOf(_cols[2]))); break; } else { table = report.newTable(tableName, mainName + tableTitle); table.addCol("vpv", "访客PV", _cols[1]); table.addCol("upv", "会员PV", _cols[2]); if (!tableName.equals("qmfqpvuv") && !tableName.equals("alluv")) { allPV = allPV + Integer.valueOf(_cols[1]) + Integer.valueOf(_cols[2]); } table.addCol("vuv", "访客UV", _cols[3]); table.addCol("uuv", "会员UV", _cols[4]); } } table.sort(Table.SORT_VALUE); } } XmlReportFactory.dump(report, new FileOutputStream(input + ".xml")); }