public String getQualifiedColumn(String modelProperty) throws XavaException { PropertyMapping propertyMapping = (PropertyMapping) propertyMappings.get(modelProperty); if (propertyMapping != null && propertyMapping.hasFormula()) return getColumn(modelProperty); String tableColumn = getTableColumn(modelProperty, true); if (Is.emptyString(tableColumn)) return "'" + modelProperty + "'"; if (referencePropertyWithFormula) { referencePropertyWithFormula = false; return tableColumn; } // for calculated fields or created by multiple converter if (modelProperty.indexOf('.') >= 0) { if (tableColumn.indexOf('.') < 0) return tableColumn; String reference = modelProperty.substring(0, modelProperty.lastIndexOf('.')); if (tableColumn.startsWith(getTableToQualifyColumn() + ".")) { String member = modelProperty.substring(modelProperty.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); if (getMetaModel().getMetaReference(reference).getMetaModelReferenced().isKey(member)) return tableColumn; } // The next code uses the alias of the table instead of its name. In order to // support multiple references to the same model if (reference.indexOf('.') >= 0) { if (getMetaModel().getMetaProperty(modelProperty).isKey()) { reference = reference.substring(0, reference.lastIndexOf('.')); } reference = reference.replaceAll("\\.", "_"); } return "T_" + reference + tableColumn.substring(tableColumn.lastIndexOf('.')); } else { return getTableToQualifyColumn() + "." + tableColumn; } }
private void setupDefaultConverters() throws XavaException { Iterator it = propertyMappings.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PropertyMapping propertyMapping = (PropertyMapping); propertyMapping.setDefaultConverter(); } }
private void makePatternMap(List<String> patternPairs) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (patternPairs != null) { patternMap = new LinkedMap(); for (String pair : patternPairs) { // Find the last occurrence of comma to avoid regexp quoting int pos = pair.lastIndexOf(','); if (pos < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Marformed pattern,int pair; no comma: " + pair); } String regexp = pair.substring(0, pos); String pristr = pair.substring(pos + 1); int pri; Pattern pat; try { pri = Integer.parseInt(pristr); int flags = Perl5Compiler.READ_ONLY_MASK; pat = RegexpUtil.getCompiler().compile(regexp, flags); patternMap.put(pat, pri); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal priority: " + pristr); } catch (MalformedPatternException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal regexp: " + regexp); } } } }
public void addPropertyMapping(PropertyMapping propertyMapping) throws XavaException { propertyMappings.put(propertyMapping.getProperty(), propertyMapping); modelProperties.add(propertyMapping.getProperty()); // To keep order tableColumns.add(propertyMapping.getColumn()); if (propertyMapping.hasFormula() && !getMetaModel().isAnnotatedEJB3()) { propertyMapping.getMetaProperty().setReadOnly(true); } }
/** @return Not null */ public ReferenceMapping getReferenceMapping(String name) throws XavaException, ElementNotFoundException { ReferenceMapping r = referenceMappings == null ? null : (ReferenceMapping) referenceMappings.get(name); if (r == null) { throw new ElementNotFoundException("reference_mapping_not_found", name, getModelName()); } return r; }
private PropertyMapping getMappingForColumn(String column) throws XavaException { if (propertyMappings == null) { throw new ElementNotFoundException("mapping_not_found_no_property_mappings", column); } Iterator it = propertyMappings.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PropertyMapping propertyMapping = (PropertyMapping); if (propertyMapping.getColumn().equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { return propertyMapping; } } throw new ElementNotFoundException("mapping_for_column_not_found", column); }
public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[pm: "); if (patternMap.isEmpty()) { sb.append("EMPTY"); } else { for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Pattern, Integer>> iter = patternMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry<Pattern, Integer> ent =; sb.append("["); sb.append(ent.getKey().getPattern()); sb.append(": "); sb.append(ent.getValue()); sb.append("]"); if (iter.hasNext()) { sb.append(", "); } } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); }
/** @throws XavaException If it does not have a overlapped property, or any other problem. */ public String getOverlappingPropertyForReference(String reference, String propertyOfReference) throws XavaException { String column = getReferenceMapping(reference).getColumnForReferencedModelProperty(propertyOfReference); if (propertyMappings == null) { throw new XavaException("reference_property_not_overlapped", propertyOfReference, reference); } Iterator it = propertyMappings.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PropertyMapping mapping = (PropertyMapping); if (column.equalsIgnoreCase(mapping.getColumn())) return mapping.getProperty(); } throw new XavaException("reference_property_not_overlapped", propertyOfReference, reference); }
/** * Return the value associated with the first pattern that the string matches, or the specified * default value if none, considering only patterns whose associated value is less than or equal * to maxPri. */ public int getMatch(String str, int dfault, int maxPri) { Perl5Matcher matcher = RegexpUtil.getMatcher(); for (Map.Entry<Pattern, Integer> ent : patternMap.entrySet()) { if (ent.getValue() <= maxPri) { Pattern pat = ent.getKey(); if (matcher.contains(str, pat)) { log.debug2("getMatch(" + str + "): " + ent.getValue()); return ent.getValue(); } } } log.debug2("getMatch(" + str + "): default: " + dfault); return dfault; }
/** @return Not null */ public PropertyMapping getPropertyMapping(String name) throws XavaException, ElementNotFoundException { int i = name.indexOf('.'); if (i >= 0) { String rName = name.substring(0, i); String pName = name.substring(i + 1); if (isReferenceNameInReferenceMappings(rName)) { return getReferenceMapping(rName).getReferencedMapping().getPropertyMapping(pName); } else { // by embedded references: -> address_city return getPropertyMapping(name.replace(".", "_")); } } PropertyMapping p = propertyMappings == null ? null : (PropertyMapping) propertyMappings.get(name); if (p == null) { throw new ElementNotFoundException("property_mapping_not_found", name, getModelName()); } return p; }
private Collection getReferenceMappings() { return referenceMappings == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : referenceMappings.values(); }
private Collection getPropertyMappings() { return propertyMappings.values(); }
public boolean hasReferenceMapping(MetaReference metaReference) { if (referenceMappings == null) return false; return referenceMappings.containsKey(metaReference.getName()); }
public boolean hasPropertyMapping(String memberName) { return propertyMappings.containsKey(memberName); }
private String getTableColumn(String modelProperty, boolean qualifyReferenceMappingColumn) throws XavaException { PropertyMapping propertyMapping = (PropertyMapping) propertyMappings.get(modelProperty); if (propertyMapping == null) { int idx = modelProperty.indexOf('.'); if (idx >= 0) { String referenceName = modelProperty.substring(0, idx); String propertyName = modelProperty.substring(idx + 1); if (getMetaModel().getMetaReference(referenceName).isAggregate() && !Strings.firstUpper(referenceName).equals(getMetaModel().getContainerModelName())) { propertyMapping = (PropertyMapping) propertyMappings.get(referenceName + "_" + propertyName); if (propertyMapping == null) { int idx2 = propertyName.indexOf('.'); if (idx2 >= 0) { String referenceName2 = propertyName.substring(0, idx2); String propertyName2 = propertyName.substring(idx2 + 1); return getTableColumn( referenceName + "_" + referenceName2 + "." + propertyName2, qualifyReferenceMappingColumn); } else { throw new ElementNotFoundException( "property_mapping_not_found", referenceName + "_" + propertyName, getModelName()); } } return propertyMapping.getColumn(); } ReferenceMapping referenceMapping = getReferenceMapping(referenceName); if (referenceMapping.hasColumnForReferencedModelProperty(propertyName)) { if (qualifyReferenceMappingColumn) { return getTableToQualifyColumn() + "." + referenceMapping.getColumnForReferencedModelProperty(propertyName); } else { return referenceMapping.getColumnForReferencedModelProperty(propertyName); } } else { ModelMapping referencedMapping = referenceMapping.getReferencedMapping(); String tableName = referencedMapping.getTableToQualifyColumn(); boolean secondLevel = propertyName.indexOf('.') >= 0; String columnName = referencedMapping.getTableColumn(propertyName, secondLevel); boolean hasFormula = referencedMapping.getPropertyMapping(propertyName).hasFormula(); if (qualifyReferenceMappingColumn && !secondLevel && !hasFormula) { return tableName + "." + columnName; } else if (hasFormula) { String formula = referencedMapping.getPropertyMapping(propertyName).getFormula(); referencePropertyWithFormula = true; return qualifyFormulaWithReferenceName( formula, referencedMapping.getModelName(), modelProperty); } else { return columnName; } } } throw new ElementNotFoundException( "property_mapping_not_found", modelProperty, getModelName()); } if (propertyMapping.hasFormula()) return propertyMapping.getFormula(); return propertyMapping.getColumn(); }
public void addReferenceMapping(ReferenceMapping referenceMapping) throws XavaException { if (referenceMappings == null) referenceMappings = new HashMap(); referenceMappings.put(referenceMapping.getReference(), referenceMapping); referenceMapping.setContainer(this); }