public boolean shutdown(int port, boolean ssl) { try { String protocol = "http" + (ssl ? "s" : ""); URL url = new URL(protocol, "", port, "shutdown"); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.setRequestProperty("servicemanager", "shutdown"); conn.connect(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); int n; char[] cbuf = new char[1024]; while ((n =, 0, cbuf.length)) != -1) sb.append(cbuf, 0, n); br.close(); String message = sb.toString().replace("<br>", "\n"); if (message.contains("Goodbye")) { cp.appendln("Shutting down the server:"); String[] lines = message.split("\n"); for (String line : lines) { cp.append("..."); cp.appendln(line); } return true; } } catch (Exception ex) { } cp.appendln("Unable to shutdown CTP"); return false; }
private void fixConfigSchema() { File configFile; File ctpDir = new File(directory, "CTP"); if (ctpDir.exists()) configFile = new File(ctpDir, "config.xml"); else configFile = new File(directory, "config.xml"); if (configFile.exists()) { try { Document doc = getDocument(configFile); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); Element server = getFirstNamedChild(root, "Server"); moveAttributes(server, sslAttrs, "SSL"); moveAttributes(server, proxyAttrs, "ProxyServer"); moveAttributes(server, ldapAttrs, "LDAP"); if (programName.equals("ISN")) fixRSNAROOT(server); if (isMIRC(root)) fixFileServiceAnonymizerID(root); setFileText(configFile, toString(doc)); } catch (Exception ex) { cp.appendln(, "\nUnable to convert the config file schema."); cp.appendln(, ""); } } else { cp.appendln(, "\nUnable to find the config file to check the schema."); cp.appendln(, ""); } }
private Hashtable<String, String> getJarManifestAttributes(String path) { Hashtable<String, String> h = new Hashtable<String, String>(); JarInputStream jis = null; try { cp.appendln(, "Looking for " + path); InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream(path); if (is == null) { if (!path.endsWith("/MIRC.jar")) { cp.appendln(, "...could not find it."); } else { cp.appendln(, "...could not find it. [OK, this is a " + programName + " installation]"); } return null; } jis = new JarInputStream(is); Manifest manifest = jis.getManifest(); h = getManifestAttributes(manifest); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (jis != null) { try { jis.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } return h; }
private void updateWindowsServiceInstaller() { try { File dir = new File(directory, "CTP"); if (suppressFirstPathElement) dir = dir.getParentFile(); File windows = new File(dir, "windows"); File install = new File(windows, "install.bat"); cp.appendln(, "Windows service installer:"); cp.appendln(, "...file: " + install.getAbsolutePath()); String bat = getFileText(install); Properties props = new Properties(); String home = dir.getAbsolutePath(); cp.appendln(, "...home: " + home); home = home.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"); props.put("home", home); bat = replace(bat, props); setFileText(install, bat); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Unable to update the windows service install.barfile."); } }
private void setOwnership(File dir, String group, String owner) { try { Path path = dir.toPath(); UserPrincipalLookupService lookupService = FileSystems.getDefault().getUserPrincipalLookupService(); GroupPrincipal groupPrincipal = lookupService.lookupPrincipalByGroupName(group); UserPrincipal userPrincipal = lookupService.lookupPrincipalByName(owner); PosixFileAttributeView pfav = Files.getFileAttributeView(path, PosixFileAttributeView.class, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS); pfav.setGroup(groupPrincipal); pfav.setOwner(userPrincipal); } catch (Exception ex) { cp.appendln("Unable to set the file group and owner for\n " + dir); } }
private void updateLinuxServiceInstaller() { try { File dir = new File(directory, "CTP"); if (suppressFirstPathElement) dir = dir.getParentFile(); Properties props = new Properties(); String ctpHome = dir.getAbsolutePath(); cp.appendln(, "...CTP_HOME: " + ctpHome); ctpHome = ctpHome.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"); props.put("CTP_HOME", ctpHome); File javaHome = new File(System.getProperty("java.home")); String javaBin = (new File(javaHome, "bin")).getAbsolutePath(); cp.appendln(, "...JAVA_BIN: " + javaBin); javaBin = javaBin.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"); props.put("JAVA_BIN", javaBin); File linux = new File(dir, "linux"); File install = new File(linux, ""); cp.appendln(, "Linux service installer:"); cp.appendln(, "...file: " + install.getAbsolutePath()); String bat = getFileText(install); bat = replace(bat, props); // do the substitutions bat = bat.replace("\r", ""); setFileText(install, bat); // If this is an ISN installation, put the script in the correct place. String osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); if (programName.equals("ISN") && !osName.contains("windows")) { install = new File(linux, ""); cp.appendln(, "ISN service installer:"); cp.appendln(, "...file: " + install.getAbsolutePath()); bat = getFileText(install); bat = replace(bat, props); // do the substitutions bat = bat.replace("\r", ""); File initDir = new File("/etc/init.d"); File initFile = new File(initDir, "ctpService"); if (initDir.exists()) { setOwnership(initDir, "edge", "edge"); setFileText(initFile, bat); initFile.setReadable(true, false); // everybody can read //Java 1.6 initFile.setWritable(true); // only the owner can write //Java 1.6 initFile.setExecutable(true, false); // everybody can execute //Java 1.6 } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Unable to update the Linux service file"); } }
private void adjustConfiguration(Element root, File dir) { // If this is an ISN installation and the Edge Server // keystore and truststore files do not exist, then set the configuration // to use the keystore.jks and truststore.jks files instead of the ones // in the default installation. If the Edge Server files do exist, then // delete the keystore.jks and truststore.jks files, just to avoid // confusion. if (programName.equals("ISN")) { Element server = getFirstNamedChild(root, "Server"); Element ssl = getFirstNamedChild(server, "SSL"); String rsnaroot = System.getenv("RSNA_ROOT"); rsnaroot = (rsnaroot == null) ? "/usr/local/edgeserver" : rsnaroot.trim(); String keystore = rsnaroot + "/conf/keystore.jks"; String truststore = rsnaroot + "/conf/truststore.jks"; File keystoreFile = new File(keystore); File truststoreFile = new File(truststore); cp.appendln(, "Looking for " + keystore); if (keystoreFile.exists() || truststoreFile.exists()) { cp.appendln(, "...found it [This is an EdgeServer installation]"); // Delete the default files, just to avoid confusion File ks = new File(dir, "keystore.jks"); File ts = new File(dir, "truststore.jks"); boolean ksok = ks.delete(); boolean tsok = ts.delete(); if (ksok && tsok) cp.appendln(, "...Unused default SSL files were removed"); else { if (!ksok) cp.appendln(, "...Unable to delete " + ks); if (!tsok) cp.appendln(, "...Unable to delete " + ts); } } else { cp.appendln(, "...not found [OK, this is a non-EdgeServer installation]"); ssl.setAttribute("keystore", "keystore.jks"); ssl.setAttribute("keystorePassword", "edge1234"); ssl.setAttribute("truststore", "truststore.jks"); ssl.setAttribute("truststorePassword", "edge1234"); cp.appendln(, "...SSL attributes were updated for a non-EdgeServer installation"); } } }