예제 #1
  * Return a new DeletionInfo correspond to purging every tombstones that are older than {@code
  * gcbefore}.
  * @param gcBefore timestamp (in seconds) before which tombstones should be purged
  * @return a new DeletionInfo with the purged info remove. Should return DeletionInfo.LIVE if no
  *     tombstones remain.
 public DeletionInfo purge(int gcBefore) {
   if (ranges.isEmpty()) {
     return topLevel.localDeletionTime < gcBefore ? LIVE : this;
   } else {
     // We rebuild a new intervalTree that contains only non expired range tombstones
     List<RangeTombstone> nonExpired = new ArrayList<RangeTombstone>();
     for (RangeTombstone range : ranges) {
       if (range.data.localDeletionTime >= gcBefore) nonExpired.add(range);
     IntervalTree<ByteBuffer, DeletionTime, RangeTombstone> newRanges =
         nonExpired.size() == ranges.intervalCount()
             ? ranges
             : IntervalTree.build(nonExpired, ranges.comparator());
     return topLevel.localDeletionTime < gcBefore
         ? new DeletionInfo(DeletionTime.LIVE, newRanges)
         : new DeletionInfo(topLevel, newRanges);