public void registerFeedIntakeJob(FeedId feedId, JobId jobId, JobSpecification jobSpec) throws HyracksDataException { if (jobInfos.get(jobId) != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Feed job already registered"); } List<IFeedJoint> joints = feedPipeline.get(feedId); IFeedJoint intakeJoint = null; for (IFeedJoint joint : joints) { if (joint.getType().equals(IFeedJoint.FeedJointType.INTAKE)) { intakeJoint = joint; break; } } if (intakeJoint != null) { FeedIntakeInfo intakeJobInfo = new FeedIntakeInfo( jobId, FeedJobState.CREATED, FeedJobInfo.JobType.INTAKE, feedId, intakeJoint, jobSpec); intakeJobInfos.put(feedId, intakeJobInfo); jobInfos.put(jobId, intakeJobInfo); if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {"Registered feed intake [" + jobId + "]" + " for feed " + feedId); } } else { throw new HyracksDataException( "Could not register feed intake job [" + jobId + "]" + " for feed " + feedId); } }
public IFeedJoint getAvailableFeedJoint(FeedJointKey feedJointKey) { IFeedJoint feedJoint = getFeedJoint(feedJointKey); if (feedJoint != null) { return feedJoint; } else { String jointKeyString = feedJointKey.getStringRep(); List<IFeedJoint> jointsOnPipeline = feedPipeline.get(feedJointKey.getFeedId()); IFeedJoint candidateJoint = null; if (jointsOnPipeline != null) { for (IFeedJoint joint : jointsOnPipeline) { if (jointKeyString.contains(joint.getFeedJointKey().getStringRep())) { if (candidateJoint == null) { candidateJoint = joint; } else if (joint .getFeedJointKey() .getStringRep() .contains( candidateJoint .getFeedJointKey() .getStringRep())) { // found feed point is a super set of the earlier find candidateJoint = joint; } } } } return candidateJoint; } }
public IFeedJoint getFeedPoint(FeedId sourceFeedId, IFeedJoint.FeedJointType type) { List<IFeedJoint> joints = feedPipeline.get(sourceFeedId); for (IFeedJoint joint : joints) { if (joint.getType().equals(type)) { return joint; } } return null; }
public List<String> getFeedComputeLocations(FeedId feedId) { List<IFeedJoint> feedJoints = feedPipeline.get(feedId); for (IFeedJoint joint : feedJoints) { if (joint.getFeedJointKey().getFeedId().equals(feedId)) { return connectJobInfos.get(joint.getProvider()).getComputeLocations(); } } return null; }
public IFeedJoint getFeedJoint(FeedJointKey feedPointKey) { List<IFeedJoint> joints = feedPipeline.get(feedPointKey.getFeedId()); if (joints != null && !joints.isEmpty()) { for (IFeedJoint joint : joints) { if (joint.getFeedJointKey().equals(feedPointKey)) { return joint; } } } return null; }
public boolean isFeedPointAvailable(FeedJointKey feedJointKey) { List<IFeedJoint> joints = feedPipeline.get(feedJointKey.getFeedId()); if (joints != null && !joints.isEmpty()) { for (IFeedJoint joint : joints) { if (joint.getFeedJointKey().equals(feedJointKey)) { return true; } } } return false; }
public void registerFeedJoint(IFeedJoint feedJoint) { List<IFeedJoint> feedJointsOnPipeline = feedPipeline.get(feedJoint.getOwnerFeedId()); if (feedJointsOnPipeline == null) { feedJointsOnPipeline = new ArrayList<IFeedJoint>(); feedPipeline.put(feedJoint.getOwnerFeedId(), feedJointsOnPipeline); feedJointsOnPipeline.add(feedJoint); } else { if (!feedJointsOnPipeline.contains(feedJoint)) { feedJointsOnPipeline.add(feedJoint); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Feed joint " + feedJoint + " already registered"); } } }
public void registerFeedCollectionJob( FeedId sourceFeedId, FeedConnectionId connectionId, JobId jobId, JobSpecification jobSpec, Map<String, String> feedPolicy) { if (jobInfos.get(jobId) != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Feed job already registered"); } List<IFeedJoint> feedJoints = feedPipeline.get(sourceFeedId); FeedConnectionId cid = null; IFeedJoint sourceFeedJoint = null; for (IFeedJoint joint : feedJoints) { cid = joint.getReceiver(connectionId); if (cid != null) { sourceFeedJoint = joint; break; } } if (cid != null) { FeedConnectJobInfo cInfo = new FeedConnectJobInfo( jobId, FeedJobState.CREATED, connectionId, sourceFeedJoint, null, jobSpec, feedPolicy); jobInfos.put(jobId, cInfo); connectJobInfos.put(connectionId, cInfo); if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {"Registered feed connection [" + jobId + "]" + " for feed " + connectionId); } } else { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { LOGGER.warning( "Could not register feed collection job [" + jobId + "]" + " for feed connection " + connectionId); } } }
public void removeFeedJointsPostPipelineTermination(FeedConnectionId connectionId) { FeedConnectJobInfo cInfo = connectJobInfos.get(connectionId); List<IFeedJoint> feedJoints = feedPipeline.get(connectionId.getFeedId()); IFeedJoint sourceJoint = cInfo.getSourceFeedJoint(); List<FeedConnectionId> all = sourceJoint.getReceivers(); boolean removeSourceJoint = all.size() < 2; if (removeSourceJoint) { feedJoints.remove(sourceJoint); } IFeedJoint computeJoint = cInfo.getComputeFeedJoint(); if (computeJoint != null && computeJoint.getReceivers().size() < 2) { feedJoints.remove(computeJoint); } }
public synchronized void submitFeedConnectionRequest( IFeedJoint feedJoint, final FeedConnectionRequest request) throws Exception { List<String> locations = null; switch (feedJoint.getType()) { case INTAKE: FeedIntakeInfo intakeInfo = intakeJobInfos.get(feedJoint.getOwnerFeedId()); locations = intakeInfo.getIntakeLocation(); break; case COMPUTE: FeedConnectionId connectionId = feedJoint.getProvider(); FeedConnectJobInfo cInfo = connectJobInfos.get(connectionId); locations = cInfo.getComputeLocations(); break; } SubscribeFeedWork work = new SubscribeFeedWork(locations.toArray(new String[] {}), request); FeedWorkManager.INSTANCE.submitWork( work, new SubscribeFeedWork.FeedSubscribeWorkEventListener()); }
private void handleCollectJobStartMessage(FeedConnectJobInfo cInfo) throws RemoteException, ACIDException { // set locations of feed sub-operations (intake, compute, store) setLocations(cInfo); // activate joints List<IFeedJoint> joints = feedPipeline.get(cInfo.getConnectionId().getFeedId()); for (IFeedJoint joint : joints) { if (joint.getProvider().equals(cInfo.getConnectionId())) { joint.setState(State.ACTIVE); if (joint.getType().equals(IFeedJoint.FeedJointType.COMPUTE)) { cInfo.setComputeFeedJoint(joint); } } } cInfo.setState(FeedJobState.ACTIVE); // register activity in metadata registerFeedActivity(cInfo); // notify event listeners notifyFeedEventSubscribers(cInfo, FeedLifecycleEvent.FEED_COLLECT_STARTED); }
private void handleFeedCollectJobFinishMessage(FeedConnectJobInfo cInfo) throws Exception { FeedConnectionId connectionId = cInfo.getConnectionId(); IHyracksClientConnection hcc = AsterixAppContextInfo.getInstance().getHcc(); JobInfo info = hcc.getJobInfo(cInfo.getJobId()); JobStatus status = info.getStatus(); boolean failure = status != null && status.equals(JobStatus.FAILURE); FeedPolicyAccessor fpa = new FeedPolicyAccessor(cInfo.getFeedPolicy()); boolean removeJobHistory = !failure; boolean retainSubsription = cInfo.getState().equals(FeedJobState.UNDER_RECOVERY) || (failure && fpa.continueOnHardwareFailure()); if (!retainSubsription) { IFeedJoint feedJoint = cInfo.getSourceFeedJoint(); feedJoint.removeReceiver(connectionId); if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) { "Subscription " + cInfo.getConnectionId() + " completed successfully. Removed subscription"); } removeFeedJointsPostPipelineTermination(cInfo.getConnectionId()); } if (removeJobHistory) { connectJobInfos.remove(connectionId); jobInfos.remove(cInfo.getJobId()); feedIntakeProgressTrackers.remove(cInfo.getConnectionId()); } deregisterFeedActivity(cInfo); // notify event listeners FeedLifecycleEvent event = failure ? FeedLifecycleEvent.FEED_COLLECT_FAILURE : FeedLifecycleEvent.FEED_ENDED; notifyFeedEventSubscribers(cInfo, event); }