public synchronized void pause() { if (paused) { return; } if (channelClazz == null) { return; } // We *pause* the acceptor so no new connections are made if (serverChannelGroup != null) { ChannelGroupFuture future = serverChannelGroup.close().awaitUninterruptibly(); if (!future.isSuccess()) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.nettyChannelGroupBindError(); Iterator<Channel> iterator =; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Channel channel =; if (channel.isActive()) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.nettyChannelStillBound(channel, channel.remoteAddress()); } } } } paused = true; }
@Override public Connection createConnection() { if (InVMConnector.failOnCreateConnection) { InVMConnector.incFailures(); ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.debug("Returning null on InVMConnector for tests"); // For testing only return null; } if (acceptor == null) { return null; } if (acceptor.getConnectionsAllowed() == -1 || acceptor.getConnectionCount() < acceptor.getConnectionsAllowed()) { Connection conn = internalCreateConnection( acceptor.getHandler(), new Listener(), acceptor.getExecutorFactory().getExecutor()); acceptor.connect((String) conn.getID(), handler, this, executorFactory.getExecutor()); return conn; } else { if (ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.debug( new StringBuilder() .append("Connection limit of ") .append(acceptor.getConnectionsAllowed()) .append(" reached. Refusing connection.")); } return null; } }
public void beginTransaction(StompConnection connection, String txID) throws Exception { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.stompBeginTX(txID); if (transactedSessions.containsKey(txID)) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.stompErrorTXExists(txID); throw new ActiveMQStompException(connection, "Transaction already started: " + txID); } // create the transacted session getTransactedSession(connection, txID); }
@Override public void run() { try { logger.debug("stopping bridge " + BridgeImpl.this); queue.removeConsumer(BridgeImpl.this); if (!pendingAcks.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.timedOutWaitingCompletions( BridgeImpl.this.toString(), pendingAcks.getCount()); } synchronized (BridgeImpl.this) { logger.debug("Closing Session for bridge " +; started = false; active = false; } if (session != null) { logger.debug("Cleaning up session " + session); session.removeFailureListener(BridgeImpl.this); try { session.close(); session = null; } catch (ActiveMQException dontcare) { } } if (sessionConsumer != null) { logger.debug("Cleaning up session " + session); try { sessionConsumer.close(); sessionConsumer = null; } catch (ActiveMQException dontcare) { } } internalCancelReferences(); if (csf != null) { csf.cleanup(); } synchronized (connectionGuard) { keepConnecting = true; } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Removing consumer on stopRunnable " + this + " from queue " + queue); } ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.bridgeStopped(name); } catch (InterruptedException | RuntimeException e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.error("Failed to stop bridge", e); } }
@Override public void connectionFailed( final ActiveMQException me, boolean failedOver, String scaleDownTargetNodeID) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.bridgeConnectionFailed(failedOver); synchronized (connectionGuard) { keepConnecting = true; } try { if (producer != null) { producer.close(); } cleanUpSessionFactory(csf); } catch (Throwable dontCare) { } try { session.cleanUp(false); } catch (Throwable dontCare) { } if (scaleDownTargetNodeID != null && !scaleDownTargetNodeID.equals(nodeUUID.toString())) { synchronized (this) { try { logger.debug( "Moving " + queue.getMessageCount() + " messages from " + queue.getName() + " to " + scaleDownTargetNodeID); ((QueueImpl) queue) .moveReferencesBetweenSnFQueues(SimpleString.toSimpleString(scaleDownTargetNodeID)); // stop the bridge from trying to reconnect and clean up all the bindings fail(true); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } } else if (scaleDownTargetNodeID != null) { // the disconnected node is scaling down to me, no need to reconnect to it logger.debug( "Received scaleDownTargetNodeID: " + scaleDownTargetNodeID + "; cancelling reconnect."); fail(true); } else { logger.debug("Received invalid scaleDownTargetNodeID: " + scaleDownTargetNodeID); fail(me.getType() == ActiveMQExceptionType.DISCONNECTED); } tryScheduleRetryReconnect(me.getType()); }
@Override public void handlePacket(final Packet packet) { PacketImpl response = new ReplicationResponseMessage(); final byte type = packet.getType(); try { if (!started) { return; } if (type == PacketImpl.REPLICATION_APPEND) { handleAppendAddRecord((ReplicationAddMessage) packet); } else if (type == PacketImpl.REPLICATION_APPEND_TX) { handleAppendAddTXRecord((ReplicationAddTXMessage) packet); } else if (type == PacketImpl.REPLICATION_DELETE) { handleAppendDelete((ReplicationDeleteMessage) packet); } else if (type == PacketImpl.REPLICATION_DELETE_TX) { handleAppendDeleteTX((ReplicationDeleteTXMessage) packet); } else if (type == PacketImpl.REPLICATION_PREPARE) { handlePrepare((ReplicationPrepareMessage) packet); } else if (type == PacketImpl.REPLICATION_COMMIT_ROLLBACK) { handleCommitRollback((ReplicationCommitMessage) packet); } else if (type == PacketImpl.REPLICATION_PAGE_WRITE) { handlePageWrite((ReplicationPageWriteMessage) packet); } else if (type == PacketImpl.REPLICATION_PAGE_EVENT) { handlePageEvent((ReplicationPageEventMessage) packet); } else if (type == PacketImpl.REPLICATION_LARGE_MESSAGE_BEGIN) { handleLargeMessageBegin((ReplicationLargeMessageBeginMessage) packet); } else if (type == PacketImpl.REPLICATION_LARGE_MESSAGE_WRITE) { handleLargeMessageWrite((ReplicationLargeMessageWriteMessage) packet); } else if (type == PacketImpl.REPLICATION_LARGE_MESSAGE_END) { handleLargeMessageEnd((ReplicationLargeMessageEndMessage) packet); } else if (type == PacketImpl.REPLICATION_START_FINISH_SYNC) { response = handleStartReplicationSynchronization((ReplicationStartSyncMessage) packet); } else if (type == PacketImpl.REPLICATION_SYNC_FILE) { handleReplicationSynchronization((ReplicationSyncFileMessage) packet); } else if (type == PacketImpl.REPLICATION_SCHEDULED_FAILOVER) { handleLiveStopping((ReplicationLiveIsStoppingMessage) packet); } else if (type == PacketImpl.BACKUP_REGISTRATION_FAILED) { handleFatalError((BackupReplicationStartFailedMessage) packet); } else { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.invalidPacketForReplication(packet); } } catch (ActiveMQException e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.errorHandlingReplicationPacket(e, packet); response = new ActiveMQExceptionMessage(e); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.errorHandlingReplicationPacket(e, packet); response = new ActiveMQExceptionMessage(ActiveMQMessageBundle.BUNDLE.replicationUnhandledError(e)); } channel.send(response); }
@Override public void handleNoMessageReferences(Map<Long, ServerMessage> messages) { for (ServerMessage msg : messages.values()) { if (msg.getRefCount() == 0) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.journalUnreferencedMessage(msg.getMessageID()); try { storageManager.deleteMessage(msg.getMessageID()); } catch (Exception ignored) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.journalErrorDeletingMessage(ignored, msg.getMessageID()); } } } }
@Override public boolean validateUserAndRole( final String user, final String password, final Set<Role> roles, final CheckType checkType, final String address, final RemotingConnection connection) { X509Certificate[] certificates = null; if (connection.getTransportConnection() instanceof NettyConnection) { certificates = CertificateUtil.getCertsFromChannel( ((NettyConnection) connection.getTransportConnection()).getChannel()); } Subject localSubject; try { localSubject = getAuthenticatedSubject(user, password, certificates); } catch (LoginException e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.debug("Couldn't validate user", e); return false; } boolean authorized = false; if (localSubject != null) { Set<RolePrincipal> rolesWithPermission = getPrincipalsInRole(checkType, roles); // Check the caller's roles Set<RolePrincipal> rolesForSubject = localSubject.getPrincipals(RolePrincipal.class); if (rolesForSubject.size() > 0 && rolesWithPermission.size() > 0) { Iterator<RolePrincipal> rolesForSubjectIter = rolesForSubject.iterator(); while (!authorized && rolesForSubjectIter.hasNext()) { Iterator<RolePrincipal> rolesWithPermissionIter = rolesWithPermission.iterator(); while (!authorized && rolesWithPermissionIter.hasNext()) { Principal role =; authorized =; } } } if (trace) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.trace( "user " + (authorized ? " is " : " is NOT ") + "authorized"); } } return authorized; }
/** * @param packet * @throws Exception */ private void handleAppendAddRecord(final ReplicationAddMessage packet) throws Exception { Journal journalToUse = getJournal(packet.getJournalID()); if (packet.getRecord() == ADD_OPERATION_TYPE.UPDATE) { if (ReplicationEndpoint.trace) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.trace("Endpoint appendUpdate id = " + packet.getId()); } journalToUse.appendUpdateRecord( packet.getId(), packet.getJournalRecordType(), packet.getRecordData(), noSync); } else { if (ReplicationEndpoint.trace) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.trace("Endpoint append id = " + packet.getId()); } journalToUse.appendAddRecord( packet.getId(), packet.getJournalRecordType(), packet.getRecordData(), noSync); } }
private void finishSynchronization(String liveID) throws Exception { for (JournalContent jc : EnumSet.allOf(JournalContent.class)) { Journal journal = journalsHolder.remove(jc); journal.synchronizationLock(); try { // files should be already in place. filesReservedForSync.remove(jc); registerJournal(jc.typeByte, journal); journal.stop(); journal.start(); journal.loadSyncOnly(JournalState.SYNCING_UP_TO_DATE); } finally { journal.synchronizationUnlock(); } } ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 * 1024); for (Entry<Long, ReplicatedLargeMessage> entry : largeMessages.entrySet()) { ReplicatedLargeMessage lm = entry.getValue(); if (lm instanceof LargeServerMessageInSync) { LargeServerMessageInSync lmSync = (LargeServerMessageInSync) lm; lmSync.joinSyncedData(buffer); } } journalsHolder = null; backupQuorum.liveIDSet(liveID); activation.setRemoteBackupUpToDate(); ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.backupServerSynched(server); return; }
@Override public synchronized void addHead(final MessageReference ref) { SimpleString prop = ref.getMessage().getSimpleStringProperty(Message.HDR_LAST_VALUE_NAME); if (prop != null) { HolderReference hr = map.get(prop); if (hr != null) { // We keep the current ref and ack the one we are returning super.referenceHandled(); try { super.acknowledge(ref); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.errorAckingOldReference(e); } } else { map.put(prop, (HolderReference) ref); super.addHead(ref); } } else { super.addHead(ref); } }
protected void close(DirContext context) { try { context.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.error(e.toString()); } }
@Override public void stop() throws Exception { if (stopping) { return; } stopping = true; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Bridge " + + " being stopped"); } if (futureScheduledReconnection != null) { futureScheduledReconnection.cancel(true); } executor.execute(new StopRunnable()); if (notificationService != null) { TypedProperties props = new TypedProperties(); props.putSimpleStringProperty(new SimpleString("name"), name); Notification notification = new Notification(nodeUUID.toString(), CoreNotificationType.BRIDGE_STOPPED, props); try { notificationService.sendNotification(notification); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.broadcastBridgeStoppedError(e); } } }
protected DirContext open() throws NamingException { try { Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, getLDAPPropertyValue(INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY)); if (isLoginPropertySet(CONNECTION_USERNAME)) { env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, getLDAPPropertyValue(CONNECTION_USERNAME)); } else { throw new NamingException("Empty username is not allowed"); } if (isLoginPropertySet(CONNECTION_PASSWORD)) { env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, getLDAPPropertyValue(CONNECTION_PASSWORD)); } else { throw new NamingException("Empty password is not allowed"); } env.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, getLDAPPropertyValue(CONNECTION_PROTOCOL)); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, getLDAPPropertyValue(CONNECTION_URL)); env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, getLDAPPropertyValue(AUTHENTICATION)); context = new InitialDirContext(env); } catch (NamingException e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.error(e.toString()); throw e; } return context; }
public void handleBuffer(final RemotingConnection connection, final ActiveMQBuffer buffer) { StompConnection conn = (StompConnection) connection; conn.setDataReceived(); do { StompFrame request; try { request = conn.decode(buffer); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.errorDecodingPacket(e); return; } if (request == null) { break; } try { invokeInterceptors(this.incomingInterceptors, request, conn); conn.handleFrame(request); } finally { server.getStorageManager().clearContext(); } } while (conn.hasBytes()); }
@Override public boolean checkMemory(final Runnable runWhenAvailable) { if (addressFullMessagePolicy == AddressFullMessagePolicy.BLOCK && maxSize != -1) { if (sizeInBytes.get() > maxSize) { OurRunnable ourRunnable = new OurRunnable(runWhenAvailable); onMemoryFreedRunnables.add(ourRunnable); // We check again to avoid a race condition where the size can come down just after the // element // has been added, but the check to execute was done before the element was added // NOTE! We do not fix this race by locking the whole thing, doing this check provides // MUCH better performance in a highly concurrent environment if (sizeInBytes.get() <= maxSize) { // run it now; } else if (!blocking.get()) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.blockingMessageProduction( address, sizeInBytes.get(), maxSize); blocking.set(true); } return true; } } else if (addressFullMessagePolicy == AddressFullMessagePolicy.FAIL && maxSize != -1) { if (sizeInBytes.get() > maxSize) { return false; } }; return true; }
@Override public synchronized void addTail(final MessageReference ref, final boolean direct) { SimpleString prop = ref.getMessage().getSimpleStringProperty(Message.HDR_LAST_VALUE_NAME); if (prop != null) { HolderReference hr = map.get(prop); if (hr != null) { // We need to overwrite the old ref with the new one and ack the old one MessageReference oldRef = hr.getReference(); referenceHandled(); try { oldRef.acknowledge(); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.errorAckingOldReference(e); } hr.setReference(ref); } else { hr = new HolderReference(prop, ref); map.put(prop, hr); super.addTail(hr, direct); } } else { super.addTail(ref, direct); } }
/** * @param ref * @param message * @return */ private HandleStatus deliverStandardMessage( SimpleString dest, final MessageReference ref, ServerMessage message) { // if we failover during send then there is a chance that the // that this will throw a disconnect, we need to remove the message // from the acks so it will get resent, duplicate detection will cope // with any messages resent if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("going to send message: " + message + " from " + this.getQueue()); } try { producer.send(dest, message); } catch (final ActiveMQException e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.bridgeUnableToSendMessage(e, ref); synchronized (refs) { // We remove this reference as we are returning busy which means the reference will never // leave the Queue. // because of this we have to remove the reference here refs.remove(message.getMessageID()); // The delivering count should also be decreased as to avoid inconsistencies ((QueueImpl) ref.getQueue()).decDelivering(); } connectionFailed(e, false); return HandleStatus.BUSY; } return HandleStatus.HANDLED; }
public NettyServerConnection createConnection( final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, String protocol, boolean httpEnabled) throws Exception { if (connectionsAllowed == -1 || connections.size() < connectionsAllowed) { super.channelActive(ctx); Listener connectionListener = new Listener(); NettyServerConnection nc = new NettyServerConnection( configuration,, connectionListener, !httpEnabled && batchDelay > 0, directDeliver); connectionListener.connectionCreated(NettyAcceptor.this, nc, protocol); SslHandler sslHandler = ctx.pipeline().get(SslHandler.class); if (sslHandler != null) { sslHandler .handshakeFuture() .addListener( new GenericFutureListener<io.netty.util.concurrent.Future<Channel>>() { public void operationComplete( final io.netty.util.concurrent.Future<Channel> future) throws Exception { if (future.isSuccess()) { active = true; } else { future.getNow().close(); } } }); } else { active = true; } return nc; } else { if (ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.debug( new StringBuilder() .append("Connection limit of ") .append(connectionsAllowed) .append(" reached. Refusing connection from ") .append(; } throw new Exception(); } }
@Override public synchronized void stop() throws Exception { if (!started) { return; } // Channel may be null if there isn't a connection to a live server if (channel != null) { channel.close(); } for (ReplicatedLargeMessage largeMessage : largeMessages.values()) { largeMessage.releaseResources(); } largeMessages.clear(); for (Entry<JournalContent, Map<Long, JournalSyncFile>> entry : filesReservedForSync.entrySet()) { for (JournalSyncFile filesReserved : entry.getValue().values()) { filesReserved.close(); } } filesReservedForSync.clear(); if (journals != null) { for (Journal j : journals) { if (j instanceof FileWrapperJournal) j.stop(); } } for (ConcurrentMap<Integer, Page> map : pageIndex.values()) { for (Page page : map.values()) { try { page.sync(); page.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.errorClosingPageOnReplication(e); } } } pageManager.stop(); pageIndex.clear(); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); executor.execute( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { latch.countDown(); } }); latch.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // Storage needs to be the last to stop storageManager.stop(); started = false; }
public void write( final ActiveMQBuffer buffer, final boolean flush, final boolean batch, final ChannelFutureListener futureListener) { final ActiveMQBuffer copied = buffer.copy(0, buffer.capacity()); copied.setIndex(buffer.readerIndex(), buffer.writerIndex()); try { executor.execute( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (!closed) { copied.readInt(); // read and discard if (isTrace) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.trace( InVMConnection.this + "::Sending inVM packet"); } handler.bufferReceived(id, copied); if (futureListener != null) { // TODO BEFORE MERGE: (is null a good option here?) futureListener.operationComplete(null); } } } catch (Exception e) { final String msg = "Failed to write to handler on connector " + this; ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.errorWritingToInvmConnector(e, this); throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e); } finally { if (isTrace) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.trace(InVMConnection.this + "::packet sent done"); } } } }); if (flush && flushEnabled) { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); executor.execute( new Runnable() { public void run() { latch.countDown(); } }); try { if (!latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.timedOutFlushingInvmChannel(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new ActiveMQInterruptedException(e); } } } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { // Ignore - this can happen if server/client is shutdown and another request comes in } }
@Override public List<PagingStore> reloadStores( final HierarchicalRepository<AddressSettings> addressSettingsRepository) throws Exception { File[] files = directory.listFiles(); if (files == null) { return Collections.<PagingStore>emptyList(); } else { ArrayList<PagingStore> storesReturn = new ArrayList<>(files.length); for (File file : files) { final String guid = file.getName(); final File addressFile = new File(file, PagingStoreFactoryNIO.ADDRESS_FILE); if (!addressFile.exists()) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.pageStoreFactoryNoIdFile( file.toString(), PagingStoreFactoryNIO.ADDRESS_FILE); continue; } BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(addressFile))); String addressString; try { addressString = reader.readLine(); } finally { reader.close(); } SimpleString address = new SimpleString(addressString); SequentialFileFactory factory = newFileFactory(guid); AddressSettings settings = addressSettingsRepository.getMatch(address.toString()); PagingStore store = new PagingStoreImpl( address, scheduledExecutor, syncTimeout, pagingManager, storageManager, factory, this, address, settings, executorFactory.getExecutor(), syncNonTransactional); storesReturn.add(store); } return storesReturn; } }
private void handleReattachSession(final ReattachSessionMessage request) { Packet response = null; try { if (!server.isStarted()) { response = new ReattachSessionResponseMessage(-1, false); } logger.debug("Reattaching request from " + connection.getRemoteAddress()); ServerSessionPacketHandler sessionHandler = protocolManager.getSessionHandler(request.getName()); // HORNETQ-720 XXX ataylor? if ( /*!server.checkActivate() || */ sessionHandler == null) { response = new ReattachSessionResponseMessage(-1, false); } else { if (sessionHandler.getChannel().getConfirmationWindowSize() == -1) { // Even though session exists, we can't reattach since confi window size == -1, // i.e. we don't have a resend cache for commands, so we just close the old session // and let the client recreate ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.reattachRequestFailed(connection.getRemoteAddress()); sessionHandler.closeListeners(); sessionHandler.close(); response = new ReattachSessionResponseMessage(-1, false); } else { // Reconnect the channel to the new connection int serverLastConfirmedCommandID = sessionHandler.transferConnection(connection, request.getLastConfirmedCommandID()); response = new ReattachSessionResponseMessage(serverLastConfirmedCommandID, true); } } } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.failedToReattachSession(e); response = new ActiveMQExceptionMessage(new ActiveMQInternalErrorException()); } channel1.send(response); }
/** * Reserves files (with the given fileID) in the specified journal, and places a {@link * FileWrapperJournal} in place to store messages while synchronization is going on. * * @param packet * @throws Exception * @return if the incoming packet indicates the synchronization is finished then return an * acknowledgement otherwise return an empty response */ private ReplicationResponseMessageV2 handleStartReplicationSynchronization( final ReplicationStartSyncMessage packet) throws Exception { ReplicationResponseMessageV2 replicationResponseMessage = new ReplicationResponseMessageV2(); if (activation.isRemoteBackupUpToDate()) { throw ActiveMQMessageBundle.BUNDLE.replicationBackupUpToDate(); } synchronized (this) { if (!started) return replicationResponseMessage; if (packet.isSynchronizationFinished()) { finishSynchronization(packet.getNodeID()); replicationResponseMessage.setSynchronizationIsFinishedAcknowledgement(true); return replicationResponseMessage; } switch (packet.getDataType()) { case LargeMessages: for (long msgID : packet.getFileIds()) { createLargeMessage(msgID, true); } break; case JournalBindings: case JournalMessages: if (wantedFailBack && !packet.isServerToFailBack()) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.autoFailBackDenied(); } final JournalContent journalContent = SyncDataType.getJournalContentType(packet.getDataType()); final Journal journal = journalsHolder.get(journalContent); if (packet.getNodeID() != null) { // At the start of replication, we still do not know which is the nodeID that the live // uses. // This is the point where the backup gets this information. backupQuorum.liveIDSet(packet.getNodeID()); } Map<Long, JournalSyncFile> mapToFill = filesReservedForSync.get(journalContent); for (Entry<Long, JournalFile> entry : journal.createFilesForBackupSync(packet.getFileIds()).entrySet()) { mapToFill.put(entry.getKey(), new JournalSyncFile(entry.getValue())); } FileWrapperJournal syncJournal = new FileWrapperJournal(journal); registerJournal(journalContent.typeByte, syncJournal); break; default: throw ActiveMQMessageBundle.BUNDLE.replicationUnhandledDataType(); } } return replicationResponseMessage; }
@Override public void handlePreparedSendMessage(ServerMessage message, Transaction tx, long queueID) throws Exception { Queue queue = queues.get(queueID); if (queue == null) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.journalMessageInPreparedTX(queueID); return; } postOffice.reroute(message, queue, tx); }
@Override public boolean validateUser( final String user, final String password, X509Certificate[] certificates) { try { getAuthenticatedSubject(user, password, certificates); return true; } catch (LoginException e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.debug("Couldn't validate user", e); return false; } }
private void handleCreateQueue(final CreateQueueMessage request) { try { server.createQueue( request.getAddress(), request.getQueueName(), request.getFilterString(), request.isDurable(), request.isTemporary()); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.failedToHandleCreateQueue(e); } }
@Override public void flushExecutors() { cursorProvider.flushExecutors(); FutureLatch future = new FutureLatch(); executor.execute(future); if (!future.await(60000)) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.pageStoreTimeout(address); } }
public boolean send(final StompConnection connection, final StompFrame frame) { if (ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.trace("sent " + frame); } invokeInterceptors(this.outgoingInterceptors, frame, connection); synchronized (connection) { if (connection.isDestroyed()) { ActiveMQStompProtocolLogger.LOGGER.connectionClosed(connection); return false; } try { connection.physicalSend(frame); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQStompProtocolLogger.LOGGER.errorSendingFrame(e, frame); return false; } return true; } }
@Override public void flushExecutor() { // Wait for any create objects runnable to complete FutureLatch future = new FutureLatch(); executor.execute(future); boolean ok = future.await(10000); if (!ok) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.timedOutWaitingToStopBridge(); } }