  * Set whether to use the network connection if it's available.
  * @param aMode if true use the network connection if it's available. if false don't use the
  *     network connection even if it's available.
 public void setUseDataConnection(boolean aMode) {
  protected void onDraw(Canvas c, OpenStreetMapView osmv) {

    if (DEBUGMODE) logger.trace("onDraw");

     * Do some calculations and drag attributes to local variables to save
     * some performance.
    final OpenStreetMapViewProjection pj = osmv.getProjection();
    final int zoomLevel = osmv.getZoomLevel(false);

    final int tileSizePx = this.mRendererInfo.maptileSizePx();
    final int tileZoom = this.mRendererInfo.maptileZoom();
    final int worldSize_2 = 1 << (zoomLevel + tileZoom - 1);

     * Calculate the amount of tiles needed for each side around the center
     * one.
    mViewPort.offset(worldSize_2, worldSize_2);
    final int tileNeededToLeftOfCenter = (mViewPort.left >> tileZoom) - 1;
    final int tileNeededToRightOfCenter = mViewPort.right >> tileZoom;
    final int tileNeededToTopOfCenter = (mViewPort.top >> tileZoom) - 1;
    final int tileNeededToBottomOfCenter = mViewPort.bottom >> tileZoom;

    final int mapTileUpperBound = 1 << zoomLevel;

    // make sure the cache is big enough for all the tiles
    final int numNeeded =
        (tileNeededToBottomOfCenter - tileNeededToTopOfCenter + 1)
            * (tileNeededToRightOfCenter - tileNeededToLeftOfCenter + 1);

    /* Draw all the MapTiles (from the upper left to the lower right). */
    for (int y = tileNeededToTopOfCenter; y <= tileNeededToBottomOfCenter; y++) {
      for (int x = tileNeededToLeftOfCenter; x <= tileNeededToRightOfCenter; x++) {
        /* Construct a URLString, which represents the MapTile. */
        final int tileY = MyMath.mod(y, mapTileUpperBound);
        final int tileX = MyMath.mod(x, mapTileUpperBound);
        final OpenStreetMapTile tile =
            new OpenStreetMapTile(this.mRendererInfo, zoomLevel, tileX, tileY);

        pj.toPixels(x, y, mTilePos);
        final Drawable currentMapTile = mTileProvider.getMapTile(tile);
        if (currentMapTile != null) {
              mTilePos.x, mTilePos.y, mTilePos.x + tileSizePx, mTilePos.y + tileSizePx);

        if (DEBUGMODE) {
          c.drawText(tile.toString(), mTilePos.x + 1, mTilePos.y + mPaint.getTextSize(), mPaint);
          c.drawLine(mTilePos.x, mTilePos.y, mTilePos.x + tileSizePx, mTilePos.y, mPaint);
          c.drawLine(mTilePos.x, mTilePos.y, mTilePos.x, mTilePos.y + tileSizePx, mPaint);

    // draw a cross at center in debug mode
    if (DEBUGMODE) {
      final GeoPoint center = osmv.getMapCenter();
      final Point centerPoint = pj.toMapPixels(center, null);
      c.drawLine(centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y - 9, centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y + 9, mPaint);
      c.drawLine(centerPoint.x - 9, centerPoint.y, centerPoint.x + 9, centerPoint.y, mPaint);
 /** Whether to use the network connection if it's available. */
 public boolean useDataConnection() {
   return mTileProvider.useDataConnection();