@Test( dataProvider = "basicInfo", dependsOnMethods = {"testExecuteNoAction"}, alwaysRun = true) public void testRemoveArticles( ArticleList articleList, Map<String, Integer> indices, Set<String> validDois, Set<String> orphanDois) throws Exception { // delete first three dois List<Article> articlesToDelete = dummyDataStore.get(ArticleList.class, articleList.getID()).getArticles().subList(0, 3); String[] articlesToDeleteArray = new String[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { articlesToDeleteArray[i] = articlesToDelete.get(i).getDoi(); } action.setCommand("REMOVE_ARTICLES"); action.setListKey(articleList.getListKey()); action.setArticlesToRemove(articlesToDeleteArray); String result = action.execute(); assertEquals(result, Action.SUCCESS, "Action didn't return success"); assertEquals(action.getActionErrors().size(), 0, "Action returned error messages"); assertEquals( action.getActionMessages().size(), 1, "Action didn't return messages indicating success"); for (Article article : articlesToDelete) { String doi = article.getDoi(); assertFalse( getDois(action.getArticleList().getArticles()).contains(doi), "Article " + doi + " didn't get removed from action's article list"); assertFalse( action.getArticleOrderCSV().contains(doi), "Article " + doi + " didn't get removed from action's csv"); } // check the values in the db List<Article> storedArticleList = dummyDataStore.get(ArticleList.class, articleList.getID()).getArticles(); for (Article article : articlesToDelete) { String doi = article.getDoi(); assertFalse( getDois(storedArticleList).contains(doi), "Article " + doi + " didn't get removed from list in the database"); try { articleService.getArticle(doi, DEFAULT_ADMIN_AUTHID); } catch (NoSuchArticleIdException e) { fail( "Article " + doi + " got deleted from the database instead of just being removed from the list"); } } }
@Test( dataProvider = "basicInfo", dependsOnMethods = {"testExecuteNoAction", "testUpdateArticleList"}, alwaysRun = true) public void testAddArticle( ArticleList articleList, Map<String, Integer> indices, Set<String> validDois, Set<String> orphanDois) throws Exception { String articlesToAddCsv = "id:new-article-for-adding-1,id:new-article-for-adding-2"; for (String doi : articlesToAddCsv.split(",")) { Article article = new Article(); article.setDoi(doi); article.setTitle("New article for adding"); dummyDataStore.store(article); } action.setCommand("ADD_ARTICLE"); action.setListKey(articleList.getListKey()); action.setArticlesToAddCsv(articlesToAddCsv); String result = action.execute(); assertEquals(result, Action.SUCCESS, "Action didn't return success"); assertEquals(action.getActionErrors().size(), 0, "Action returned error messages"); assertEquals( action.getActionMessages().size(), 1, "Action didn't return messages indicating success"); for (String doi : articlesToAddCsv.split(",")) { assertTrue( action.getArticleOrderCSV().contains(doi), "Article " + doi + " didn't get added to action's csv"); assertTrue( getDois(action.getArticleList().getArticles()).contains(doi), "Article " + doi + " didn't get added to action's articleList"); } // check the values that got stored to the database List<Article> storedArticles = dummyDataStore.get(ArticleList.class, articleList.getID()).getArticles(); for (String doi : articlesToAddCsv.split(",")) { assertTrue( getDois(storedArticles).contains(doi), "Article " + doi + " didn't get added to the list in the database"); } }
@Test( dataProvider = "basicInfo", dependsOnMethods = {"testExecuteNoAction"}, alwaysRun = true) public void testUpdateArticleList( ArticleList articleList, Map<String, Integer> indices, Set<String> validDois, Set<String> orphanDois) throws Exception { // execute the action to get the current CSV action.setCommand("foo"); action.setListKey(articleList.getListKey()); action.execute(); clearMessages(); List<Article> existingArticles = dummyDataStore.get(ArticleList.class, articleList.getID()).getArticles(); // move first doi to last in reorder String reorderedArticleCsv = action.getArticleOrderCSV(); String articleToReorder = reorderedArticleCsv.substring(0, reorderedArticleCsv.indexOf(",")); reorderedArticleCsv = reorderedArticleCsv.replaceFirst(articleToReorder + ",", ""); reorderedArticleCsv += ("," + articleToReorder); List<String> orderedArticlesForDb = Arrays.asList(reorderedArticleCsv.split(",")); Map<String, Integer> newIndices = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < orderedArticlesForDb.size(); ++i) { newIndices.put(orderedArticlesForDb.get(i), i); } String displayName = "Spam"; action.setCommand("UPDATE_LIST"); action.setListKey(articleList.getListKey()); action.setArticleOrderCSV(reorderedArticleCsv); action.setDisplayName(displayName); String result = action.execute(); assertEquals(result, Action.SUCCESS, "Action didn't return success"); assertEquals(action.getActionErrors().size(), 0, "Action returned error messages"); assertTrue( action.getActionMessages().size() > 0, "Action didn't return messages indicating success"); // check properties on action assertEquals( action.getArticleList().getListKey(), articleList.getListKey(), "action changed article list after update"); assertEquals(action.getDisplayName(), displayName, "action had incorrect display name"); assertEquals( getDois(action.getArticleList().getArticles()), orderedArticlesForDb, "Action returned wrong Dois in articleList"); assertEquals( action.getArticleOrderCSV(), reorderedArticleCsv, "Action returned different articleOrderCSV"); // the action should show the article csv in order of the valid articles assertEquals( isSorted(action.getArticleOrderCSV().split(","), newIndices), true, "Action returned wrong order after update articles"); for (ArticleInfo articleInfo : action.getArticleInfoList()) { String doi = articleInfo.getDoi(); assertEquals( validDois.contains(doi), true, "Action returned orphan articles in articleInfoList"); } // check what got stored to the database ArticleList storedArticleList = dummyDataStore.get(ArticleList.class, articleList.getID()); assertEquals( storedArticleList.getDisplayName(), displayName, "Article List got saved to the database with incorrect display name"); assertEqualsNoOrder( storedArticleList.getArticles().toArray(), existingArticles.toArray(), "Articles got removed or added from the list on reordering"); }