public void execute(WebScriptRequest req, WebScriptResponse res) throws IOException { final String value = req.getParameter(P_VALUE); NodeRef nodeRef = null; if (null != value && NodeRef.isNodeRef(value)) { nodeRef = new NodeRef(value); } final String engine = req.getParameter(P_ENGINE); String mimetype = req.getParameter(P_MIMETYPE); mimetype = null == mimetype ? D_MIMETYPE : mimetype; final ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (req.getServerPath().contains("/new")) { final String reference = referenceProviderService.getNewReference(engine, null); generateBarcode(reference, output, mimetype); } else { String barcodeValue = value; if (null != nodeRef) { barcodeValue = referenceProviderService.getExistingReference(nodeRef); } if (null != value && !value.isEmpty()) { generateBarcode(barcodeValue, output, mimetype); } else { logger.debug(String.format("No barcode generated for value '%s'", value)); } } res.setContentType(mimetype); // res.setContentEncoding(reader.getEncoding()); res.setHeader("Content-Length", Long.toString(output.size())); // get the content and stream directly to the response output stream // assuming the repository is capable of streaming in chunks, this should allow large files // to be streamed directly to the browser response stream. try { res.getOutputStream().write(output.toByteArray()); } catch (SocketException e1) { // the client cut the connection - our mission was accomplished apart from a little error // message if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"Client aborted stream read."); } catch (ContentIOException e2) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"Client aborted stream read."); } }
/* * Extract favourite nodes of the given type from the comma-separated list in "nodes". */ private Map<PersonFavouriteKey, PersonFavourite> extractFavouriteNodes( String userName, Type type, String nodes) { PrefKeys prefKeys = getPrefKeys(type); Map<PersonFavouriteKey, PersonFavourite> favouriteNodes = new HashMap<PersonFavouriteKey, PersonFavourite>(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(nodes, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String nodeRefStr = st.nextToken(); nodeRefStr = nodeRefStr.trim(); if (!NodeRef.isNodeRef((String) nodeRefStr)) { continue; } NodeRef nodeRef = new NodeRef((String) nodeRefStr); if (!nodeService.exists(nodeRef)) { continue; } if (permissionService.hasPermission(nodeRef, PermissionService.READ_PROPERTIES) == AccessStatus.DENIED) { continue; } // get createdAt for this favourited node // use ISO8601 StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(prefKeys.getAlfrescoPrefKey()); builder.append(nodeRef.toString()); builder.append(".createdAt"); String prefKey = builder.toString(); String createdAtStr = (String) preferenceService.getPreference(userName, prefKey); Date createdAt = (createdAtStr != null ? ISO8601DateFormat.parse(createdAtStr) : null); String name = (String) nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_NAME); PersonFavourite personFavourite = new PersonFavourite(userName, nodeRef, type, name, createdAt); PersonFavouriteKey key = personFavourite.getKey(); favouriteNodes.put(key, personFavourite); } return favouriteNodes; }
@Override protected void processAssociationPersist( NodeRef nodeRef, Map<QName, AssociationDefinition> assocDefs, Map<QName, ChildAssociationDefinition> childAssocDefs, FieldData fieldData, List<org.alfresco.repo.forms.processor.node.AbstractAssocCommand> assocCommands) { if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) getLogger().debug("Processing field " + fieldData + " for association persistence"); String fieldName = fieldData.getName(); Matcher m = this.associationNamePattern.matcher( fieldName.replaceAll(DOT_CHARACTER_REPLACEMENT, DOT_CHARACTER)); if (m.matches()) { String qNamePrefix =; String localName =; String assocSuffix =; QName fullQName = QName.createQName(qNamePrefix, localName, namespaceService); // ensure that the association being persisted is defined in the model AssociationDefinition assocDef = assocDefs.get(fullQName); // TODO: if the association is not defined on the node, check for the association // in all models, however, the source of an association can be critical so we // can't just look up the association in the model regardless. We need to // either check the source class of the node and the assoc def match or we // check that the association was defined as part of an aspect (where by it's // nature can have any source type) // SIDE : since forms and model are generated by SIDE we make the assertion that fields are // valid, so no advanced validation are done if (assocDef == null) { if (getLogger().isWarnEnabled()) { getLogger() .debug( "Field '" + fieldName + "' as an association definition can not be found in the current model"); } assocDef = this.dictionaryService.getAssociation(fullQName); if (assocDef == null) { if (getLogger().isWarnEnabled()) { getLogger() .warn( "Ignoring field '" + fieldName + "' as an association definition can not be found in ANY models "); } return; } else { if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) { getLogger() .debug( "Field '" + fieldName + "' Found as an association definition in another model : " + assocDef.getModel().getName()); } } } String value = (String) fieldData.getValue(); String[] nodeRefs = value.split(","); // Each element in this array will be a new target node in association // with the current node. for (String nextTargetNode : nodeRefs) { if (nextTargetNode.length() > 0) { if (NodeRef.isNodeRef(nextTargetNode)) { if (assocSuffix.equals(ASSOC_DATA_ADDED_SUFFIX)) { if (assocDef.isChild()) { assocCommands.add( new AddChildAssocCommand(nodeRef, new NodeRef(nextTargetNode), fullQName)); } else { assocCommands.add( new AddAssocCommand(nodeRef, new NodeRef(nextTargetNode), fullQName)); } } else if (assocSuffix.equals(ASSOC_DATA_REMOVED_SUFFIX)) { if (assocDef.isChild()) { assocCommands.add( new RemoveChildAssocCommand(nodeRef, new NodeRef(nextTargetNode), fullQName)); } else { assocCommands.add( new RemoveAssocCommand(nodeRef, new NodeRef(nextTargetNode), fullQName)); } } else { if (getLogger().isWarnEnabled()) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.append("Ignoring 'fieldName ") .append(fieldName) .append("' as it does not have one of the expected suffixes (") .append(ASSOC_DATA_ADDED_SUFFIX) .append(" or ") .append(ASSOC_DATA_REMOVED_SUFFIX) .append(")"); getLogger().warn(msg.toString()); } } } else { if (getLogger().isWarnEnabled()) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.append("targetNode ") .append(nextTargetNode) .append(" is not a valid NodeRef and has been ignored."); getLogger().warn(msg.toString()); } } } } } else if (getLogger().isWarnEnabled()) { getLogger().warn("Ignoring unrecognised field '" + fieldName + "'"); } }