예제 #1
   * Perform the action of the plugin.
   * @param document the current document.
  public boolean perform(Document document) throws IOException {
    // Interact with the user to get the layer tag/

    Tag layerTag = getLayerTagFromUser(document);
    if (layerTag == null) return false; // User cancled.
    Tag endTag = new Tag(layerTag.getName(), false);
    // Get the output stream to hold the new document text.
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(document.getOutput());
    // Create a lexical stream to tokenize the old document text.
    LexicalStream in = new LexicalStream(new SelectedHTMLReader(document.getInput(), out));
    for (; ; ) {
      // Get the next token of the document.
      Token token = in.next();
      if (token == null) break; //  Null means we've finished the document.
      else if (token instanceof Comment) {
        Comment comment = (Comment) token;
        if (comment.isSelectionStart()) {
        } else if (comment.isSelectionEnd()) {
          continue; // So comment isn't printed twice.
    return true;
예제 #2
  void writeImageToDisk(Document document, String imgURLString, String fileName) {
    // We could just reference the image on the netscape site,
    // but the point of this example is to show how to write
    // a file to the disk.

    // In order to do this, we need to have the ability access files.
    // And the ability to connect to an arbitrary URL.

    // Copy the image to the work directory.
    File outFile = new File(document.getWorkDirectory(), fileName);
    if (!outFile.exists()) {
      try {
        InputStream in = new URL(imgURLString).openStream();
        FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
        int chunkSize = 1024;
        byte[] bytes = new byte[chunkSize];
        int readSize;
        while ((readSize = in.read(bytes)) >= 0) {
          outStream.write(bytes, 0, readSize);
      } catch (Exception e) {
예제 #3
  * Perform the action of the plugin. This plugin adds a "Netscape Now" button with a link to the
  * Netscape home page.
  * @param document the current document.
 public boolean perform(Document document) throws IOException {
   // Create a print stream for the new document text.
   PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(document.getOutput());
   // Create a lexical stream to tokenize the old document text.
   LexicalStream in = new LexicalStream(new SelectedHTMLReader(document.getInput(), out));
   // Keep track of whether or not we are in the selected text.
   // At the beginning of the document we're outside the selection.
   // After we encounter the start-selection comment, we're inside
   // the selection.
   // After we encounter the end-selection comment, we're outside
   // the selection again.
   boolean inSelection = false;
   Comment selectionStart = null;
   for (; ; ) {
     // Get the next token of the document.
     Token token = in.next();
     if (token == null) break; //  Null means we've finished the document.
     else if (token instanceof Comment) {
       Comment comment = (Comment) token;
       if (comment.isSelectionStart()) {
         selectionStart = comment;
         inSelection = true;
         continue; // Don't print the selection start yet.
       } else if (comment.isSelectionEnd()) {
         inSelection = false;
         insertButton(document, out);
       } else { // don't output this generic comment.
   return true;
예제 #4
  void insertButton(Document document, PrintWriter out) {
    String fileName = "netnow3.gif";
    String imgURLString =
        "http://home.netscape.com/comprod/products/navigator/version_3.0/images/" + fileName;

    writeImageToDisk(document, imgURLString, fileName);

    try {
      // Write the HTML for the button
      Tag anchor = new Tag("A");
      anchor.addAttribute("HREF", "http://www.netscape.com");
      Tag anchorEnd = new Tag("A", false);
      Tag img = new Tag("IMG");
      URL imgURL = new URL(document.getWorkDirectoryURL(), fileName);
      img.addAttribute("SRC", imgURL.toString());
    } catch (Throwable t) {