/** Initialize this plugin. */ public synchronized void initialize() throws PluginException { super.initialize(); _resources = new SyntaxPluginResources(this); // Folder to store user settings. try { _userSettingsFolder = getPluginUserSettingsFolder(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new PluginException(ex); } // Load plugin preferences. loadPrefs(); // Install the factory for creating SQL entry text controls. final IApplication app = getApplication(); final ISQLEntryPanelFactory originalFactory = app.getSQLEntryPanelFactory(); // _sqlEntryFactoryProxy = new OsterSQLEntryAreaFactory(this, originalFactory); _sqlEntryFactoryProxy = new SQLEntryPanelFactoryProxy(this, originalFactory); app.setSQLEntryPanelFactory(_sqlEntryFactoryProxy); _autoCorrectProvider = new AutoCorrectProviderImpl(_userSettingsFolder); createMenu(); createAdditionalActions(); }
/** * Perform this action. Use the <TT>CloseAllSessionsCommand</TT>. * * @param evt The current event. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { IApplication app = getApplication(); CursorChanger cursorChg = new CursorChanger(app.getMainFrame()); cursorChg.show(); try { new CloseAllSessionsCommand(app).execute(); } finally { cursorChg.restore(); } }
void load(IApplication app) { _prefs = app.getSquirrelPreferences(); _plugins = app.getPluginManager().getPluginInformation(); _appArgs = ApplicationArguments.getInstance().getRawArguments(); _version = Version.getVersion(); _pluginLoc = new ApplicationFiles().getPluginsDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); URL[] urls = app.getPluginManager().getPluginURLs(); _pluginURLs = new URLWrapper[urls.length]; for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; ++i) { _pluginURLs[i] = new URLWrapper(urls[i]); } }
private void createMenu() { IApplication app = getApplication(); ActionCollection coll = app.getActionCollection(); JMenu menu = _resources.createMenu(IMenuResourceKeys.MENU); app.addToMenu(IApplication.IMenuIDs.SESSION_MENU, menu); Action act = new ConfigureAutoCorrectAction(app, _resources, this); coll.add(act); _resources.addToMenu(act, menu); act = new FindAction(getApplication(), _resources); coll.add(act); _resources.addToMenu(act, menu); act = new FindSelectedAction(getApplication(), _resources); coll.add(act); _resources.addToMenu(act, menu); act = new RepeatLastFindAction(getApplication(), _resources); coll.add(act); _resources.addToMenu(act, menu); act = new MarkSelectedAction(getApplication(), _resources); coll.add(act); _resources.addToMenu(act, menu); act = new ReplaceAction(getApplication(), _resources); coll.add(act); _resources.addToMenu(act, menu); act = new UnmarkAction(getApplication(), _resources); coll.add(act); _resources.addToMenu(act, menu); act = new GoToLineAction(getApplication(), _resources); coll.add(act); _resources.addToMenu(act, menu); act = new DuplicateLineAction(getApplication(), _resources); coll.add(act); _resources.addToMenu(act, menu); act = new CommentAction(getApplication(), _resources); coll.add(act); _resources.addToMenu(act, menu); act = new UncommentAction(getApplication(), _resources); coll.add(act); _resources.addToMenu(act, menu); }
void load() { try { if (new File(_queriesFileName).exists()) { XMLObjectCache cache = new XMLObjectCache(); cache.load(_queriesFileName, getClass().getClassLoader()); Iterator it = cache.getAllForClass(Folder.class); if (it.hasNext()) { _rootFolder = (Folder) it.next(); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException ignore) { // first time user has run pgm. } catch (XMLException ex) { final Logger log = _app.getLogger(); log.showMessage(Logger.ILogTypes.ERROR, "Error loading queries file: " + _queriesFileName); log.showMessage(Logger.ILogTypes.ERROR, ex); } catch (DuplicateObjectException ex) { final Logger log = _app.getLogger(); log.showMessage(Logger.ILogTypes.ERROR, "Error loading queries file: " + _queriesFileName); log.showMessage(Logger.ILogTypes.ERROR, ex); } }
/** Save cached objects. */ void save() { try { XMLObjectCache cache = new XMLObjectCache(); try { if (_rootFolder != null) { cache.add(_rootFolder); } } catch (DuplicateObjectException ignore) { } cache.save(_queriesFileName); } catch (IOException ex) { final Logger logger = _app.getLogger(); logger.showMessage( Logger.ILogTypes.ERROR, "Error occured saving queries to " + _queriesFileName); logger.showMessage(Logger.ILogTypes.ERROR, ex); } catch (XMLException ex) { final Logger logger = _app.getLogger(); logger.showMessage( Logger.ILogTypes.ERROR, "Error occured saving queries to " + _queriesFileName); logger.showMessage(Logger.ILogTypes.ERROR, ex); } }
public void execute() { ValidateSQLCommand cmd = new ValidateSQLCommand( _valProps._prefs, _valProps._sessionProps, _valProps._sql, _valProps._stmtSepChar, _valProps._solComment); try { cmd.execute(); _valProps._msgHandler.showMessage(cmd.getResults()); } catch (Throwable th) { final String msg = "Error occured when talking to the web service"; s_log.error(msg, th); _app.showErrorDialog(msg, th); } }
/** * Create a new session. * * @param app Application API. * @param driver JDBC driver for session. * @param alias Defines URL to database. * @param conn Connection to database. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any parameter is null. */ public Session(IApplication app, ISQLDriver driver, ISQLAlias alias, SQLConnection conn) { super(); if (app == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null IApplication passed"); } if (driver == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null ISQLDriver passed"); } if (alias == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null ISQLAlias passed"); } if (conn == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null SQLConnection passed"); } _app = app; _driver = driver; _alias = alias; _conn = conn; _props.assignFrom(_app.getSquirrelPreferences().getSessionProperties()); }
/** Dump the application. */ public void execute() { List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>(); List<String> titles = new ArrayList<String>(); synchronized (_app) { ApplicationStatusBean bean = new ApplicationStatusBean(); bean.load(_app); try { files.add(createJavaBeanDumpFile(bean)); // i18n[DumpApplicationCommand.title.status=Application Status Bean] titles.add(s_stringMgr.getString("DumpApplicationCommand.title.status")); } catch (Throwable th) { // i18n[DumpApplicationCommand.error.dumpingstatus=Error dumping Application Status bean] final String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("DumpApplicationCommand.error.dumpingstatus"); _msgHandler.showMessage(msg); _msgHandler.showMessage(th, null); s_log.error(msg, th); } // Dump System Properties. try { File tempFile = File.createTempFile(PREFIX, SUFFIX); IDataSetViewer dest = new DataSetViewerTextFileDestination(tempFile); dest.show(new HashtableDataSet(System.getProperties())); files.add(tempFile); // i18n[DumpApplicationCommand.title.systemprops=System Properties] titles.add(s_stringMgr.getString("DumpApplicationCommand.title.systemprops")); } catch (Throwable th) { // i18n[DumpApplicationCommand.error.dumpingsystemprops=Error dumping metadata] final String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("DumpApplicationCommand.error.dumpingsystemprops"); _msgHandler.showMessage(msg); _msgHandler.showMessage(th, null); s_log.error(msg, th); } // Dump drivers try { File tempFile = File.createTempFile(PREFIX, SUFFIX); _app.getDataCache().saveDrivers(tempFile); files.add(tempFile); // i18n[DumpApplicationCommand.title.drivers=Drivers] titles.add(s_stringMgr.getString("DumpApplicationCommand.title.drivers")); } catch (Throwable th) { // i18n[DumpApplicationCommand.error.dumpingdrivers=Error dumping drivers] final String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("DumpApplicationCommand.error.dumpingdrivers"); _msgHandler.showMessage(msg); _msgHandler.showMessage(th, null); s_log.error(msg, th); } // Dump aliases. try { File tempFile = File.createTempFile(PREFIX, SUFFIX); _app.getDataCache().saveAliases(tempFile); files.add(tempFile); // i18n[DumpApplicationCommand.title.aliases=Aliases] titles.add(s_stringMgr.getString("DumpApplicationCommand.title.aliases")); } catch (Throwable th) { // i18n[DumpApplicationCommand.error.dumpingaliases=Error dumping aliases] final String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("DumpApplicationCommand.error.dumpingaliases"); _msgHandler.showMessage(msg); _msgHandler.showMessage(th, null); s_log.error(msg, th); } // Dump sessions. final ISession[] sessions = _app.getSessionManager().getConnectedSessions(); final DumpSessionCommand sessionCmd = new DumpSessionCommand(); for (int i = 0; i < sessions.length; ++i) { try { File tempFile = File.createTempFile(PREFIX, SUFFIX); sessionCmd.setSession(sessions[i]); sessionCmd.setDumpFile(tempFile); sessionCmd.execute(); files.add(tempFile); // i18n[DumpApplicationCommand.title.sessiondump=Session Dump: {0}] String title = s_stringMgr.getString( "DumpApplicationCommand.title.sessiondump", sessions[i].getIdentifier()); titles.add(title); } catch (Throwable th) { // i18n[DumpApplicationCommand.error.sessiondump=Error dumping sessions] final String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("DumpApplicationCommand.error.sessiondump"); _msgHandler.showMessage(msg); _msgHandler.showMessage(th, null); s_log.error(msg, th); } } } combineTempFiles(titles, files); deleteTempFiles(files); }
/** * Create some additional actions and add them to the application. These actions are not part of * the menu, but needs to be initialized with the resources of the syntax plugin. Some of these * actions may be depend on a concrete editor. */ private void createAdditionalActions() { IApplication app = getApplication(); ActionCollection coll = app.getActionCollection(); coll.add(new SquirrelCopyAsRtfAction(getApplication(), _resources)); }