public void sqlOccurred(Spy spy, String methodCall, String sql) {
   if (!Properties.isDumpSqlFilteringOn() || shouldSqlBeLogged(sql)) {
     if (sqlOnlyLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
           getDebugInfo() + nl + spy.getConnectionNumber() + ". " + processSql(sql));
     } else if (sqlOnlyLogger.isInfoEnabled()) {;
  * Special call that is called only for JDBC method calls that contain SQL.
  * @param spy the Spy wrapping the class where the SQL occurred.
  * @param execTime how long it took the SQL to run, in milliseconds.
  * @param methodCall a description of the name and call parameters of the method that generated
  *     the SQL.
  * @param sql SQL that occurred.
 public void sqlTimingOccurred(Spy spy, long execTime, String methodCall, String sql) {
   if (sqlTimingLogger.isErrorEnabled()
       && (!Properties.isDumpSqlFilteringOn() || shouldSqlBeLogged(sql))) {
     if (Properties.isSqlTimingErrorThresholdEnabled()
         && execTime >= Properties.getSqlTimingErrorThresholdMsec()) {
           buildSqlTimingDump(spy, execTime, methodCall, sql, sqlTimingLogger.isDebugEnabled()));
     } else if (sqlTimingLogger.isWarnEnabled()) {
       if (Properties.isSqlTimingWarnThresholdEnabled()
           && execTime >= Properties.getSqlTimingWarnThresholdMsec()) {
             buildSqlTimingDump(spy, execTime, methodCall, sql, sqlTimingLogger.isDebugEnabled()));
       } else if (sqlTimingLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
         sqlTimingLogger.debug(buildSqlTimingDump(spy, execTime, methodCall, sql, true));
       } else if (sqlTimingLogger.isInfoEnabled()) {, execTime, methodCall, sql, false));