예제 #1
  public void run() {

    Page page = null;
    IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
    UDIGEditorInput editorInput =
        (UDIGEditorInput) workbenchWindow.getActivePage().getActiveEditor().getEditorInput();
    if (editorInput instanceof PageEditorInput) {
      page = (Page) ((PageEditorInput) editorInput).getProjectElement();
    if (page == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException(Messages.PrintAction_pageError);

    Dimension pSize = page.getSize();

    float factor = (float) pSize.height / (float) pSize.width;
    float xPlus = 10f;
    float yPlus = xPlus * factor;
    int w = pSize.width + (int) xPlus;
    int h = pSize.height + (int) yPlus;
    page.setSize(new Dimension(w, h));

    // IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
    // IEditorPart activeEditor = workbenchWindow.getActivePage().getActiveEditor();
    // PageEditor pageEditor = (PageEditor) activeEditor;
    // ZoomManager zoomManager = (ZoomManager) pageEditor.getAdapter(ZoomManager.class);
    // double next = zoomManager.getNextZoomLevel();
    // zoomManager.setZoom(next);
예제 #2
   * Creates a page based on the template selected in the wizard **Note: this function may swap the
   * width and height if the template prefers different page orientation.
   * @return a page
  protected Page makePage(Rectangle pageSize, Document doc, Template template) {

    Map mapOnlyRasterLayers = null;
    Map mapNoRasterLayers = null;

    // **Note: the iText API doesn't render rasters at a high enough resolution if
    // they are written to the PDF via graphics2d.  To work around this problem, I
    // create two copies of the map: one with only the raster layers, and one with
    // everything else.
    // The "everything else" map gets drawn by a graphics2d.  The other layer must be
    // rasterized and inserted into the PDF via iText's API.

    // make one copy of the map with no raster layers
    mapNoRasterLayers = (Map) ApplicationGIS.copyMap(map);
    List<Layer> layersNoRasters = mapNoRasterLayers.getLayersInternal();
    List<Layer> toRemove = new ArrayList<Layer>();
    for (Layer layer : layersNoRasters) {
      for (IGeoResource resource : layer.getGeoResources()) {
        if (resource.canResolve(GridCoverageReader.class)) {

    // adjust scale
    double currentViewportScaleDenom = map.getViewportModel().getScaleDenominator();
    if (currentViewportScaleDenom == -1)
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "no scale denominator is available from the viewport model"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    if (page1.getScaleOption() == PrintWizardPage1.CUSTOM_MAP_SCALE) {
      float customScale = page1.getCustomScale();
    } else if (page1.getScaleOption() == PrintWizardPage1.CURRENT_MAP_SCALE) {
    } else if (page1.getScaleOption() == PrintWizardPage1.ZOOM_TO_SELECTION) {

    // 3. make the page itself
    Page page = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createPage();
    page.setSize(new Dimension((int) pageSize.getWidth(), (int) pageSize.getHeight()));

    // page name stuff not required, because this page will just get discarded
    MessageFormat formatter =
        new MessageFormat(Messages.CreatePageAction_newPageName, Locale.getDefault());
    if (page.getName() == null || page.getName().length() == 0) {
      page.setName(formatter.format(new Object[] {mapNoRasterLayers.getName()}));

    template.init(page, mapNoRasterLayers);

    if (page1.getRasterEnabled()) {
      // make another copy with only raster layers
      mapOnlyRasterLayers = (Map) ApplicationGIS.copyMap(map);
      List<Layer> layersOnlyRasters = mapOnlyRasterLayers.getLayersInternal();
      List<Layer> toRemove2 = new ArrayList<Layer>();
      for (Layer layer : layersOnlyRasters) {
        for (IGeoResource resource : layer.getGeoResources()) {
          if (!resource.canResolve(GridCoverageReader.class)) {

      // set bounds to match the other map
      SetViewportBBoxCommand cmdBbox =
          new SetViewportBBoxCommand(mapNoRasterLayers.getViewportModel().getBounds());

      if (layersNoRasters.size() > 0) {
            page.getSize(), /*currentViewportScaleDenom*/

    // copy the boxes from the template into the page
    Iterator<Box> iter = template.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
    return page;

    // TODO Throw some sort of exception if the page can't be created
