public static void run(String[] args) throws UnableToCreateEntityException, UnableToLoadEntityException, UCMEntityNotFoundException, UnknownEntityException, TagException, UnableToGetEntityException, UnableToInitializeEntityException { Options o = new Options(); Option oentity = new Option("entity", "e", true, 1, "The UCM entity"); Option otag = new Option("tag", "t", true, 1, "The tag. Given as: \"key1=val1&key2=val2\""); Option otagtype = new Option("tagtype", "y", true, 1, "The tag type"); Option otagid = new Option("tagid", "i", true, 1, "The tag id"); o.setOption(oentity); o.setOption(otag); o.setOption(otagtype); o.setOption(otagid); o.setDefaultOptions(); o.setHeader("Set a tag for an UCM entity"); o.setSyntax("SetTag -e <entity> -t <tag> -y <tag type> -i <tag id>"); o.setDescription( "Examples:" + Options.linesep + "SetTag -e baseline:bls@\\somevob -T \"key1=val1&key2=val2\" -y myjob -i 10101" + Options.linesep + "SetTag -e baseline:bls@\\somevob -T \"key1=&key2=val2\" -y myjob -i 10101" + Options.linesep + "The last example will remove key1 from the tag"); o.parse(args); try { o.checkOptions(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.severe("Incorrect option: " + e.getMessage()); o.display(); System.exit(1); } UCMEntity e = null; e = UCMEntity.getEntity(oentity.getString()).load(); Tag tag = e.getTag(otagtype.getString(), otagid.getString()); /* Split key value structure */ String[] tags = otag.getString().split("&"); for (String t : tags) { String[] entry = t.split("="); try { logger.config("+(" + entry[0] + ", " + entry[1] + ") "); tag.setEntry(entry[0].trim(), entry[1].trim()); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ea) {"-(" + entry[0] + ") "); tag.removeEntry(entry[0]); } } try { tag.persist(); } catch (TagException ex) { if (ex.getType().equals(Type.CREATION_FAILED)) { logger.severe("Could not persist the tag."); System.exit(1); } } if (tag.isCreated()) {"Tag created."); } else {"Tag updated."); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { Options o = new Options(net.praqma.vans.Version.version); Option ofile = new Option("file", "f", true, 1, "The file to parse. *.ewp"); Option orel = new Option("relative", "r", false, 0, "If set, only the relative path is provided"); Option ocut = new Option("cutoff", "c", false, 1, "Cutoff a given string from the path"); o.setOption(ofile); o.setOption(orel); o.setOption(ocut); o.setDefaultOptions(); o.setSyntax("IARParse -f <file> [ -r ] [ -c <cutoff> ]"); o.setHeader("Parse an IAR project file for files."); o.setDescription("Examples:" + Options.linesep + "IARParse -f test.ewp -c c:\\data"); o.parse(args); try { o.checkOptions(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Incorrect option: " + e.getMessage()); o.display(); System.exit(1); } File file = new File(ofile.getString()); if (!file.exists()) { System.err.println("The file does not exist"); System.exit(1); } if (o.verbose()) { o.print(); } boolean relative = orel.used ? true : false; String cutoff = ocut.used ? ocut.getString().toLowerCase() : ""; try { IARParser p = new IARParser(file); int length = p.getPath().length(); for (File f : p.getFiles()) { String d = ""; if (relative) { d = f.getAbsolutePath().substring(length); } else { d = f.getAbsolutePath(); } if (cutoff.length() > 0) { if (d.toLowerCase().startsWith(cutoff)) { d = d.substring(cutoff.length()); } } System.out.println(d); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("The file was not an acceptable project file: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } }