private static Tag newTag(String tagType, String tagID, UCMEntity entity, String cgi) throws TagException, UnableToCreateEntityException, UCMEntityNotFoundException, UnableToGetEntityException, UnableToInitializeEntityException { logger.fine("ENTITY=" + entity.toString()); logger.fine("CGI FOR NEW = " + cgi); // System.out.println( "CGI==="+cgi ); /* Delete any existing Tags with the unique ID */ logger.fine( "Deleting Tags with ID: " + tagType + tagID + " for entity " + entity.getFullyQualifiedName()); deleteTagsWithID(tagType, tagID, entity); cgi = "tagtype=" + tagType + "&tagid=" + tagID + (cgi.length() > 0 ? "&" + cgi : ""); String fqname = storeTag(entity, cgi); Tag tag = (Tag) UCMEntity.getEntity(Tag.class, fqname); // tag.SetEntry( "tagtype", tagType ); // tag.SetEntry( "tagid", tagID ); tag.setKeyValue(cgi); tag.setTagEntity(entity); return tag; }
private static Tag newTag(UCMEntity entity, String tagType, String tagID) throws UnableToInitializeEntityException { Tag tag = (Tag) UCMEntity.getEntity(Tag.class, "tag@0@" + entity.getPVob().getName()); // tag.SetEntry( "tagtype", tagType ); // tag.SetEntry( "tagid", tagID ); String cgi = "tagtype=" + tagType + "&tagid=" + tagID; tag.setKeyValue(cgi); tag.setTagEntity(entity); tag.setCreated(true); return tag; }
public void setKeyValue(String cgi) { keyval = Tag.CGIToHash(cgi); this.tagType = (keyval.containsKey("tagtype") ? keyval.get("tagtype") : ""); this.tagID = (keyval.containsKey("tagid") ? keyval.get("tagid") : ""); this.loaded = true; }
public static Tag getTag(UCMEntity entity, String tagType, String tagID, boolean create) throws TagException, UnableToInitializeEntityException, UnableToCreateEntityException, UCMEntityNotFoundException, UnableToGetEntityException { logger.fine(entity.toString()); List<Tag> tags = getTags(entity); for (Tag t : tags) { logger.fine("Current: " + t); /* Is it the correct tag? Return it! */ if (t.getTagType().equals(tagType) && t.getTagID().equals(tagID)) { logger.fine("This is it!"); t.setTagEntity(entity); return t; } } logger.fine("Could not find the Tag with ID " + tagType + tagID + ". Creating new."); if (create) { return newTag(entity, tagType, tagID); } else { return null; } }
public static Tag persist(Tag tag) throws TagException, UnableToCreateEntityException, UnableToLoadEntityException, UCMEntityNotFoundException, UnableToGetEntityException, UnableToInitializeEntityException { /* Make the new tag */ Tag newtag = Tag.newTag( tag.getTagType(), tag.getTagID(), tag.getTagEntity(), Tag.mapToCGI(tag.GetEntries(), true)); /* Delete the old tag */ delete(tag); return newtag; }
private static void deleteTagsWithID(String tagType, String tagID, UCMEntity entity) throws TagException, UnableToInitializeEntityException { logger.fine(tagType + tagID); List<Tag> list = getTags(entity); logger.fine(list.size() + " Tags!"); for (Tag t : list) { logger.fine("Testing " + t.getTagType() + " > " + t.getTagID()); if (t.getTagID().matches("^.*tagtype=" + tagType + ".*$") && t.getTagID().matches("^.*tagid=" + tagID + ".*$")) { String cmd = "rmhlink " + t.getTagType(); try {; } catch (AbnormalProcessTerminationException e) { // throw new UCMException( "Unable to delete tag with " + tagID + ": " + e.getMessage() ); throw new TagException(entity, "", __TAG_NAME, Type.DELETION_FAILED, e); } } } }
public static void run(String[] args) throws UnableToCreateEntityException, UnableToLoadEntityException, UCMEntityNotFoundException, UnknownEntityException, TagException, UnableToGetEntityException, UnableToInitializeEntityException { Options o = new Options(); Option oentity = new Option("entity", "e", true, 1, "The UCM entity"); Option otag = new Option("tag", "t", true, 1, "The tag. Given as: \"key1=val1&key2=val2\""); Option otagtype = new Option("tagtype", "y", true, 1, "The tag type"); Option otagid = new Option("tagid", "i", true, 1, "The tag id"); o.setOption(oentity); o.setOption(otag); o.setOption(otagtype); o.setOption(otagid); o.setDefaultOptions(); o.setHeader("Set a tag for an UCM entity"); o.setSyntax("SetTag -e <entity> -t <tag> -y <tag type> -i <tag id>"); o.setDescription( "Examples:" + Options.linesep + "SetTag -e baseline:bls@\\somevob -T \"key1=val1&key2=val2\" -y myjob -i 10101" + Options.linesep + "SetTag -e baseline:bls@\\somevob -T \"key1=&key2=val2\" -y myjob -i 10101" + Options.linesep + "The last example will remove key1 from the tag"); o.parse(args); try { o.checkOptions(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.severe("Incorrect option: " + e.getMessage()); o.display(); System.exit(1); } UCMEntity e = null; e = UCMEntity.getEntity(oentity.getString()).load(); Tag tag = e.getTag(otagtype.getString(), otagid.getString()); /* Split key value structure */ String[] tags = otag.getString().split("&"); for (String t : tags) { String[] entry = t.split("="); try { logger.config("+(" + entry[0] + ", " + entry[1] + ") "); tag.setEntry(entry[0].trim(), entry[1].trim()); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ea) {"-(" + entry[0] + ") "); tag.removeEntry(entry[0]); } } try { tag.persist(); } catch (TagException ex) { if (ex.getType().equals(Type.CREATION_FAILED)) { logger.severe("Could not persist the tag."); System.exit(1); } } if (tag.isCreated()) {"Tag created."); } else {"Tag updated."); } }
public static List<Tag> getTags(UCMEntity entity) throws TagException, UnableToInitializeEntityException { logger.fine(entity.toString()); String cmd = "describe -ahlink " + __TAG_NAME + " -l " + entity; CmdResult res = null; try { res =; } catch (AbnormalProcessTerminationException e) { Matcher match = pattern_hlink_type_missing.matcher(e.getMessage()); logger.warning("Unable to get tags: " + e.getMessage()); if (match.find()) { logger.fine("Tag type not found"); // UCM.addMessage( "The Hyperlink type \"" + 1 ) + "\" was not // found.\nInstallation: \"cleartool mkhltype " + __TAG_NAME + " -c \"Hyperlink type for // tagging entities\"\"" ); // throw new UCMException( "ClearCase hyperlink type \"" + 1 ) + "\" was not // found. ", e.getMessage(), UCMType.UNKNOWN_HLINK_TYPE ); // UCMException ucme = new UCMException( "ClearCase hyperlink type \"" + 1 ) + // "\" was not found. ", e, UCMType.UNKNOWN_HLINK_TYPE ); // ucme.addInformation( "The Hyperlink type \"" + 1 ) + "\" was not // found.\nInstallation: \"cleartool mkhltype -global -c \"Hyperlink type for tagging // entities\" " + __TAG_NAME + "@" + 2 ) ); TagException te = new TagException(entity, "", __TAG_NAME, Type.NO_SUCH_HYPERLINK, e); te.addInformation( "The Hyperlink type \"" + + "\" was not found.\nInstallation: \"cleartool mkhltype -global -c \"Hyperlink type for tagging entities\" " + __TAG_NAME + "@" +; throw te; } else { logger.fine("Something else"); throw new TagException(entity, "", __TAG_NAME, Type.CREATION_FAILED, e); } } List<String> list = res.stdoutList; // List<Tuple<String, String>> tags = new ArrayList<Tuple<String, // String>>(); // List<String[]> tags = new ArrayList<String[]>(); ArrayList<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>(); /* There are tags */ if (list.size() > 2) { for (int i = 2; i < list.size(); i++) { logger.fine("[" + i + "]" + list.get(i)); Matcher match = pattern_tags.matcher(list.get(i)); if (match.find()) { // tags.add( new Tuple<String, String>( 1 ), // 2 ) ) ); // tags.add( new String[] { 1 ), 2 ) } ); Tag tag = (Tag) UCMEntity.getEntity(Tag.class,; tag.setKeyValue(; tags.add(tag); } } } return tags; }