public ITileSource getTileSourceByName(String tileName, boolean warnWhenSelected) { if (tileName == null || tileName.length() == 0) { return null; } List<TileSourceTemplate> knownTemplates = TileSourceManager.getKnownSourceTemplates(); File tPath = extendOsmandPath(ResourceManager.TILES_PATH); File dir = new File(tPath, tileName); if (!dir.exists()) { TileSourceTemplate ret = checkAmongAvailableTileSources(dir, knownTemplates); if (ret != null) { return ret; } // try to find among other templates ret = checkAmongAvailableTileSources(dir, getInternetAvailableSourceTemplates()); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } else if (tileName.endsWith(SQLiteTileSource.EXT)) { return new SQLiteTileSource(dir, knownTemplates); } else if (dir.isDirectory() && !dir.getName().startsWith(".")) { TileSourceTemplate t = TileSourceManager.createTileSourceTemplate(dir); if (warnWhenSelected && !t.isRuleAcceptable()) { Toast.makeText( ctx, ctx.getString(R.string.warning_tile_layer_not_downloadable, dir.getName()), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } if (!TileSourceManager.isTileSourceMetaInfoExist(dir)) { TileSourceTemplate ret = checkAmongAvailableTileSources(dir, knownTemplates); if (ret != null) { t = ret; } else { // try to find among other templates ret = checkAmongAvailableTileSources(dir, getInternetAvailableSourceTemplates()); if (ret != null) { t = ret; } } } return t; } return null; }
public static void installMapLayers( final Activity activity, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener onClickListener) { final OsmandSettings settings = ((OsmandApplication) activity.getApplication()).getSettings(); final Map<String, String> entriesMap = settings.getTileSourceEntries(); if (!settings.isInternetConnectionAvailable(true)) { Toast.makeText(activity, R.string.internet_not_available, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return; } final List<TileSourceTemplate> downloaded = TileSourceManager.downloadTileSourceTemplates(); if (downloaded == null || downloaded.isEmpty()) { Toast.makeText(activity, R.string.error_io_error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return; } Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity); String[] names = new String[downloaded.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { names[i] = downloaded.get(i).getName(); } final boolean[] selected = new boolean[downloaded.size()]; builder.setMultiChoiceItems( names, selected, new DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which, boolean isChecked) { selected[which] = isChecked; if (entriesMap.containsKey(downloaded.get(which).getName()) && isChecked) { Toast.makeText(activity, R.string.tile_source_already_installed, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } } }); builder.setNegativeButton(R.string.default_buttons_cancel, null); builder.setTitle(R.string.select_tile_source_to_install); builder.setPositiveButton( R.string.default_buttons_apply, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { List<TileSourceTemplate> toInstall = new ArrayList<TileSourceTemplate>(); for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { if (selected[i]) { toInstall.add(downloaded.get(i)); } } for (TileSourceTemplate ts : toInstall) { settings.installTileSource(ts); } if (onClickListener != null) { onClickListener.onClick(dialog, which); } } });; }
public void updateDescription(LocalIndexInfo info) { File f = new File(info.getPathToData()); if (info.getType() == LocalIndexType.MAP_DATA) { Map<String, String> ifns = app.getResourceManager().getIndexFileNames(); if (ifns.containsKey(info.getFileName())) { try { Date dt = app.getResourceManager().getDateFormat().parse(ifns.get(info.getFileName())); info.setDescription(getInstalledDate(dt.getTime(), null)); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { info.setDescription(getInstalledDate(f)); } } else if (info.getType() == LocalIndexType.TILES_DATA) { ITileSource template; if (f.isDirectory() && TileSourceManager.isTileSourceMetaInfoExist(f)) { template = TileSourceManager.createTileSourceTemplate(new File(info.getPathToData())); } else if (f.isFile() && f.getName().endsWith(SQLiteTileSource.EXT)) { template = new SQLiteTileSource(app, f, TileSourceManager.getKnownSourceTemplates()); } else { return; } String descr = ""; descr += app.getString(R.string.local_index_tile_data_name, template.getName()); if (template.getExpirationTimeMinutes() >= 0) { descr += "\n" + app.getString( R.string.local_index_tile_data_expire, template.getExpirationTimeMinutes()); } info.setDescription(descr); } else if (info.getType() == LocalIndexType.SRTM_DATA) { info.setDescription(app.getString(R.string.download_srtm_maps)); } else if (info.getType() == LocalIndexType.WIKI_DATA) { info.setDescription(getInstalledDate(f)); } else if (info.getType() == LocalIndexType.TTS_VOICE_DATA) { info.setDescription(getInstalledDate(f)); } else if (info.getType() == LocalIndexType.DEACTIVATED) { info.setDescription(getInstalledDate(f)); } else if (info.getType() == LocalIndexType.VOICE_DATA) { info.setDescription(getInstalledDate(f)); } }
public ITileSource getMapTileSource(boolean warnWhenSelected) { String tileName = MAP_TILE_SOURCES.get(); if (tileName != null) { ITileSource ts = getTileSourceByName(tileName, warnWhenSelected); if (ts != null) { return ts; } } return TileSourceManager.getMapnikSource(); }
public boolean installTileSource(TileSourceTemplate toInstall) { File tPath = extendOsmandPath(ResourceManager.TILES_PATH); File dir = new File(tPath, toInstall.getName()); dir.mkdirs(); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) { try { TileSourceManager.createMetaInfoFile(dir, toInstall, true); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } } return true; }
private TileSourceTemplate checkAmongAvailableTileSources( File dir, List<TileSourceTemplate> list) { if (list != null) { for (TileSourceTemplate l : list) { if (dir.getName().equals(l.getName())) { try { dir.mkdirs(); TileSourceManager.createMetaInfoFile(dir, l, true); } catch (IOException e) { } return l; } } } return null; }
private void loadTilesData( File tilesPath, List<LocalIndexInfo> result, boolean backup, LoadLocalIndexTask loadTask) { if (tilesPath.canRead()) { for (File tileFile : listFilesSorted(tilesPath)) { if (tileFile.isFile() && tileFile.getName().endsWith(SQLiteTileSource.EXT)) { LocalIndexInfo info = new LocalIndexInfo(LocalIndexType.TILES_DATA, tileFile, backup); updateDescription(info); result.add(info); loadTask.loadFile(info); } else if (tileFile.isDirectory()) { LocalIndexInfo info = new LocalIndexInfo(LocalIndexType.TILES_DATA, tileFile, backup); if (!TileSourceManager.isTileSourceMetaInfoExist(tileFile)) { info.setCorrupted(true); } updateDescription(info); result.add(info); loadTask.loadFile(info); } } } }
public Map<String, String> getTileSourceEntries() { Map<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); File dir = extendOsmandPath(ResourceManager.TILES_PATH); if (dir != null && dir.canRead()) { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); Arrays.sort( files, new Comparator<File>() { @Override public int compare(File object1, File object2) { if (object1.lastModified() > object2.lastModified()) { return -1; } else if (object1.lastModified() == object2.lastModified()) { return 0; } return 1; } }); if (files != null) { for (File f : files) { if (f.getName().endsWith(SQLiteTileSource.EXT)) { String n = f.getName(); map.put(f.getName(), n.substring(0, n.lastIndexOf('.'))); } else if (f.isDirectory() && !f.getName().equals(ResourceManager.TEMP_SOURCE_TO_LOAD) && !f.getName().startsWith(".")) { map.put(f.getName(), f.getName()); } } } } for (TileSourceTemplate l : TileSourceManager.getKnownSourceTemplates()) { map.put(l.getName(), l.getName()); } return map; }
public List<TileSourceTemplate> getInternetAvailableSourceTemplates() { if (internetAvailableSourceTemplates == null && isInternetConnectionAvailable()) { internetAvailableSourceTemplates = TileSourceManager.downloadTileSourceTemplates(); } return internetAvailableSourceTemplates; }
public class OsmandSettings { // GLOBAL instance - make instance global for application // if some problems appear it can be unique for Application (ApplicationContext) private static OsmandSettings INSTANCE; public static OsmandSettings getOsmandSettings(Context ctx) { if (INSTANCE == null) { synchronized (ctx.getApplicationContext()) { if (INSTANCE == null) { INSTANCE = new OsmandSettings((OsmandApplication) ctx.getApplicationContext()); } } } return INSTANCE; } public interface OsmandPreference<T> { T get(); boolean set(T obj); String getId(); } // These settings are stored in SharedPreferences private static final String SHARED_PREFERENCES_NAME = "net.osmand.settings"; // $NON-NLS-1$ /// Settings variables private OsmandApplication ctx; private SharedPreferences globalPreferences; private SharedPreferences defaultProfilePreferences; private SharedPreferences profilePreferences; private ApplicationMode currentMode; // cache variables private long lastTimeInternetConnectionChecked = 0; private boolean internetConnectionAvailable = true; private List<TileSourceTemplate> internetAvailableSourceTemplates = null; // TODO make all layers profile preferenced???? private OsmandSettings(OsmandApplication ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; globalPreferences = ctx.getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFERENCES_NAME, Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE); // start from default settings currentMode = ApplicationMode.DEFAULT; defaultProfilePreferences = getProfilePreferences(ApplicationMode.DEFAULT); profilePreferences = defaultProfilePreferences; // if(FOLLOW_TO_THE_ROUTE.get()){ currentMode = readApplicationMode(); profilePreferences = getProfilePreferences(currentMode); // } } public static String getSharedPreferencesName(ApplicationMode mode) { if (mode == null) { return SHARED_PREFERENCES_NAME; } else { return SHARED_PREFERENCES_NAME + "." +; } } private SharedPreferences getProfilePreferences(ApplicationMode mode) { return ctx.getSharedPreferences(getSharedPreferencesName(mode), Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE); } // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<ApplicationMode> APPLICATION_MODE = new OsmandPreference<ApplicationMode>() { public String getId() { return "application_mode"; }; @Override public ApplicationMode get() { return currentMode; } @Override public boolean set(ApplicationMode val) { ApplicationMode oldMode = currentMode; boolean changed = globalPreferences.edit().putString(getId(),; if (changed) { currentMode = val; profilePreferences = getProfilePreferences(currentMode); switchApplicationMode(oldMode); } return changed; } }; public ApplicationMode getApplicationMode() { return APPLICATION_MODE.get(); } protected ApplicationMode readApplicationMode() { String s = globalPreferences.getString(APPLICATION_MODE.getId(),; try { return ApplicationMode.valueOf(s); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return ApplicationMode.DEFAULT; } } protected void switchApplicationMode(ApplicationMode oldMode) { // change some global settings/ for car if (currentMode == ApplicationMode.CAR) { SHOW_TRANSPORT_OVER_MAP.set(false); SHOW_OSM_BUGS.set(false); } // update vector renderer RendererRegistry registry = ctx.getRendererRegistry(); BaseOsmandRender newRenderer = registry.getRenderer(RENDERER.get()); if (newRenderer == null) { newRenderer = registry.defaultRender(); } if (registry.getCurrentSelectedRenderer() != newRenderer) { registry.setCurrentSelectedRender(newRenderer); ctx.getResourceManager().getRenderer().clearCache(); } } // Check internet connection available every 15 seconds public boolean isInternetConnectionAvailable() { return isInternetConnectionAvailable(false); } public boolean isInternetConnectionAvailable(boolean update) { long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTimeInternetConnectionChecked; if (delta < 0 || delta > 15000 || update) { ConnectivityManager mgr = (ConnectivityManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo active = mgr.getActiveNetworkInfo(); if (active == null) { internetConnectionAvailable = false; } else { NetworkInfo.State state = active.getState(); internetConnectionAvailable = state != NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED && state != NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTING; } } return internetConnectionAvailable; } /////////////// PREFERENCES classes //////////////// public abstract class CommonPreference<T> implements OsmandPreference<T> { private final String id; private final boolean global; private T cachedValue; private SharedPreferences cachedPreference; private boolean cache; private Map<ApplicationMode, T> defaultValues; private T defaultValue; public CommonPreference(String id, boolean global, T defaultValue) { = id; = global; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; } public CommonPreference(String id, boolean global, boolean cache, T defaultValue) { = id; = global; this.cache = cache; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; } protected SharedPreferences getPreferences() { return global ? globalPreferences : profilePreferences; } public void setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode mode, T defValue) { if (defaultValues == null) { defaultValues = new LinkedHashMap<ApplicationMode, T>(); } defaultValues.put(mode, defValue); } public T getProfileDefaultValue() { if (global) { return defaultValue; } if (defaultValues != null && defaultValues.containsKey(currentMode)) { return defaultValues.get(currentMode); } return defaultValue; } protected T getDefaultValue() { if (global) { return defaultValue; } if (defaultValues != null && defaultValues.containsKey(currentMode)) { return defaultValues.get(currentMode); } if (defaultProfilePreferences.contains(getId())) { return getValue(defaultProfilePreferences, defaultValue); } else { return defaultValue; } } protected abstract T getValue(SharedPreferences prefs, T defaultValue); protected abstract boolean setValue(SharedPreferences prefs, T val); @Override public T get() { if (cache && cachedValue != null && cachedPreference == getPreferences()) { return cachedValue; } cachedPreference = getPreferences(); cachedValue = getValue(cachedPreference, getDefaultValue()); return cachedValue; } @Override public String getId() { return id; } @Override public boolean set(T obj) { SharedPreferences prefs = getPreferences(); if (setValue(prefs, obj)) { cachedValue = obj; cachedPreference = prefs; return true; } return false; } } private class BooleanPreference extends CommonPreference<Boolean> { private BooleanPreference(String id, boolean defaultValue, boolean global) { super(id, global, defaultValue); } private BooleanPreference(String id, boolean defaultValue, boolean global, boolean cache) { super(id, global, cache); } @Override protected Boolean getValue(SharedPreferences prefs, Boolean defaultValue) { return prefs.getBoolean(getId(), defaultValue); } @Override protected boolean setValue(SharedPreferences prefs, Boolean val) { return prefs.edit().putBoolean(getId(), val).commit(); } } private class IntPreference extends CommonPreference<Integer> { private IntPreference(String id, int defaultValue, boolean global) { super(id, global, defaultValue); } private IntPreference(String id, int defaultValue, boolean global, boolean cache) { super(id, global, cache, defaultValue); } @Override protected Integer getValue(SharedPreferences prefs, Integer defaultValue) { return prefs.getInt(getId(), defaultValue); } @Override protected boolean setValue(SharedPreferences prefs, Integer val) { return prefs.edit().putInt(getId(), val).commit(); } } private class FloatPreference extends CommonPreference<Float> { private FloatPreference(String id, float defaultValue, boolean global) { super(id, global, defaultValue); } private FloatPreference(String id, float defaultValue, boolean global, boolean cache) { super(id, global, cache, defaultValue); } @Override protected Float getValue(SharedPreferences prefs, Float defaultValue) { return prefs.getFloat(getId(), defaultValue); } @Override protected boolean setValue(SharedPreferences prefs, Float val) { return prefs.edit().putFloat(getId(), val).commit(); } } private class StringPreference extends CommonPreference<String> { private StringPreference(String id, String defaultValue, boolean global) { super(id, global, defaultValue); } @Override protected String getValue(SharedPreferences prefs, String defaultValue) { return prefs.getString(getId(), defaultValue); } @Override protected boolean setValue(SharedPreferences prefs, String val) { return prefs.edit().putString(getId(), val).commit(); } } private class EnumIntPreference<E extends Enum<E>> extends CommonPreference<E> { private final E[] values; private EnumIntPreference( String id, E defaultValue, boolean global, boolean cache, E[] values) { super(id, global, cache, defaultValue); this.values = values; } private EnumIntPreference(String id, E defaultValue, boolean global, E[] values) { super(id, global, defaultValue); this.values = values; } @Override protected E getValue(SharedPreferences prefs, E defaultValue) { int i = prefs.getInt(getId(), -1); if (i < 0 || i >= values.length) { return defaultValue; } return values[i]; } @Override protected boolean setValue(SharedPreferences prefs, E val) { return prefs.edit().putInt(getId(), val.ordinal()).commit(); } } /////////////// PREFERENCES classes //////////////// // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final CommonPreference<Boolean> USE_INTERNET_TO_DOWNLOAD_TILES = new BooleanPreference("use_internet_to_download_tiles", true, false, true); { USE_INTERNET_TO_DOWNLOAD_TILES.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.CAR, true); } // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name // cache of metrics constants as they are used very often public final OsmandPreference<MetricsConstants> METRIC_SYSTEM = new EnumIntPreference<MetricsConstants>( "default_metric_system", MetricsConstants.KILOMETERS_AND_METERS, true, true, MetricsConstants.values()); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> USE_TRACKBALL_FOR_MOVEMENTS = new BooleanPreference("use_trackball_for_movements", true, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> USE_HIGH_RES_MAPS = new BooleanPreference("use_high_res_maps", false, false, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Float> MAP_TEXT_SIZE = new FloatPreference("map_text_size", 1.0f, false, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> SHOW_POI_OVER_MAP = new BooleanPreference("show_poi_over_map", false, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> SHOW_TRANSPORT_OVER_MAP = new BooleanPreference("show_transport_over_map", false, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<String> PREFERRED_LOCALE = new StringPreference("preferred_locale", "", true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<String> USER_NAME = new StringPreference("user_name", "NoName", true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<String> USER_OSM_BUG_NAME = new StringPreference("user_osm_bug_name", "NoName/Osmand", true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<String> USER_PASSWORD = new StringPreference("user_password", "", true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<DayNightMode> DAYNIGHT_MODE = new EnumIntPreference<DayNightMode>( "daynight_mode", DayNightMode.AUTO, false, DayNightMode.values()) { protected boolean setValue(SharedPreferences prefs, DayNightMode val) { ctx.getDaynightHelper().setDayNightMode(val); return super.setValue(prefs, val); } }; // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name // make cloudmade by default why osmand is not stable enough public final OsmandPreference<RouteService> ROUTER_SERVICE = new EnumIntPreference<RouteService>( "router_service", RouteService.CLOUDMADE, false, RouteService.values()); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public static final String SAVE_CURRENT_TRACK = "save_current_track"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String LOCAL_INDEXES = "local_indexes"; // $NON-NLS-1$ // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final CommonPreference<Boolean> SAVE_TRACK_TO_GPX = new BooleanPreference("save_track_to_gpx", false, false); { SAVE_TRACK_TO_GPX.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.CAR, true); SAVE_TRACK_TO_GPX.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.BICYCLE, true); SAVE_TRACK_TO_GPX.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.PEDESTRIAN, true); } // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> FAST_ROUTE_MODE = new BooleanPreference("fast_route_mode", true, false); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final CommonPreference<Integer> SAVE_TRACK_INTERVAL = new IntPreference("save_track_interval", 5, false); { SAVE_TRACK_INTERVAL.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.CAR, 5); SAVE_TRACK_INTERVAL.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.BICYCLE, 10); SAVE_TRACK_INTERVAL.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.PEDESTRIAN, 20); } // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> USE_OSMAND_ROUTING_SERVICE_ALWAYS = new BooleanPreference("use_osmand_routing_service", true, false); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> SHOW_OSM_BUGS = new BooleanPreference("show_osm_bugs", false, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> DEBUG_RENDERING_INFO = new BooleanPreference("debug_rendering", false, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> SHOW_FAVORITES = new BooleanPreference("show_favorites", false, false); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Integer> MAP_SCREEN_ORIENTATION = new IntPreference( "map_screen_orientation", ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final CommonPreference<Boolean> SHOW_VIEW_ANGLE = new BooleanPreference("show_view_angle", false, false, true); { SHOW_VIEW_ANGLE.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.BICYCLE, true); SHOW_VIEW_ANGLE.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.PEDESTRIAN, true); SHOW_VIEW_ANGLE.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.CAR, false); } // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final CommonPreference<Boolean> AUTO_ZOOM_MAP = new BooleanPreference("auto_zoom_map", false, false); { AUTO_ZOOM_MAP.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.CAR, true); } // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public static final int ROTATE_MAP_NONE = 0; public static final int ROTATE_MAP_BEARING = 1; public static final int ROTATE_MAP_COMPASS = 2; public final CommonPreference<Integer> ROTATE_MAP = new IntPreference("rotate_map", ROTATE_MAP_NONE, false, true); { ROTATE_MAP.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.CAR, ROTATE_MAP_BEARING); ROTATE_MAP.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.BICYCLE, ROTATE_MAP_BEARING); ROTATE_MAP.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.PEDESTRIAN, ROTATE_MAP_COMPASS); } // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public static final int CENTER_CONSTANT = 0; public static final int BOTTOM_CONSTANT = 1; public final CommonPreference<Integer> POSITION_ON_MAP = new IntPreference("position_on_map", CENTER_CONSTANT, false); { POSITION_ON_MAP.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.CAR, BOTTOM_CONSTANT); POSITION_ON_MAP.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.BICYCLE, BOTTOM_CONSTANT); POSITION_ON_MAP.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.PEDESTRIAN, CENTER_CONSTANT); } // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Integer> MAX_LEVEL_TO_DOWNLOAD_TILE = new IntPreference("max_level_download_tile", 18, false, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Integer> LEVEL_TO_SWITCH_VECTOR_RASTER = new IntPreference("level_to_switch_vector_raster", 1, false, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> MAP_VIEW_3D = new BooleanPreference("map_view_3d", false, false); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Integer> AUDIO_STREAM_GUIDANCE = new IntPreference("audio_stream", AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> USE_ENGLISH_NAMES = new BooleanPreference("use_english_names", false, true); public boolean usingEnglishNames() { return USE_ENGLISH_NAMES.get(); } // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> SHOW_MORE_MAP_DETAIL = new BooleanPreference("show_more_map_detail", false, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final CommonPreference<Boolean> USE_STEP_BY_STEP_RENDERING = new BooleanPreference("use_step_by_step_rendering", false, false); { USE_STEP_BY_STEP_RENDERING.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.CAR, false); USE_STEP_BY_STEP_RENDERING.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.BICYCLE, false); USE_STEP_BY_STEP_RENDERING.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.PEDESTRIAN, false); } // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final CommonPreference<Boolean> MAP_VECTOR_DATA = new BooleanPreference("map_vector_data", false, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final CommonPreference<String> MAP_OVERLAY = new StringPreference("map_overlay", null, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final CommonPreference<String> MAP_UNDERLAY = new StringPreference("map_underlay", null, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final CommonPreference<Integer> MAP_OVERLAY_TRANSPARENCY = new IntPreference("overlay_transparency", 200, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final CommonPreference<Integer> MAP_TRANSPARENCY = new IntPreference("map_transparency", 255, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final CommonPreference<String> MAP_TILE_SOURCES = new StringPreference("map_tile_sources", TileSourceManager.getMapnikSource().getName(), true); public List<TileSourceTemplate> getInternetAvailableSourceTemplates() { if (internetAvailableSourceTemplates == null && isInternetConnectionAvailable()) { internetAvailableSourceTemplates = TileSourceManager.downloadTileSourceTemplates(); } return internetAvailableSourceTemplates; } public final CommonPreference<String> PREVIOUS_INSTALLED_VERSION = new StringPreference("previous_installed_version", "0.6.5", true); public ITileSource getMapTileSource(boolean warnWhenSelected) { String tileName = MAP_TILE_SOURCES.get(); if (tileName != null) { ITileSource ts = getTileSourceByName(tileName, warnWhenSelected); if (ts != null) { return ts; } } return TileSourceManager.getMapnikSource(); } private TileSourceTemplate checkAmongAvailableTileSources( File dir, List<TileSourceTemplate> list) { if (list != null) { for (TileSourceTemplate l : list) { if (dir.getName().equals(l.getName())) { try { dir.mkdirs(); TileSourceManager.createMetaInfoFile(dir, l, true); } catch (IOException e) { } return l; } } } return null; } public ITileSource getTileSourceByName(String tileName, boolean warnWhenSelected) { if (tileName == null || tileName.length() == 0) { return null; } List<TileSourceTemplate> knownTemplates = TileSourceManager.getKnownSourceTemplates(); File tPath = extendOsmandPath(ResourceManager.TILES_PATH); File dir = new File(tPath, tileName); if (!dir.exists()) { TileSourceTemplate ret = checkAmongAvailableTileSources(dir, knownTemplates); if (ret != null) { return ret; } // try to find among other templates ret = checkAmongAvailableTileSources(dir, getInternetAvailableSourceTemplates()); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } else if (tileName.endsWith(SQLiteTileSource.EXT)) { return new SQLiteTileSource(dir, knownTemplates); } else if (dir.isDirectory() && !dir.getName().startsWith(".")) { TileSourceTemplate t = TileSourceManager.createTileSourceTemplate(dir); if (warnWhenSelected && !t.isRuleAcceptable()) { Toast.makeText( ctx, ctx.getString(R.string.warning_tile_layer_not_downloadable, dir.getName()), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } if (!TileSourceManager.isTileSourceMetaInfoExist(dir)) { TileSourceTemplate ret = checkAmongAvailableTileSources(dir, knownTemplates); if (ret != null) { t = ret; } else { // try to find among other templates ret = checkAmongAvailableTileSources(dir, getInternetAvailableSourceTemplates()); if (ret != null) { t = ret; } } } return t; } return null; } public boolean installTileSource(TileSourceTemplate toInstall) { File tPath = extendOsmandPath(ResourceManager.TILES_PATH); File dir = new File(tPath, toInstall.getName()); dir.mkdirs(); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) { try { TileSourceManager.createMetaInfoFile(dir, toInstall, true); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } } return true; } public Map<String, String> getTileSourceEntries() { Map<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); File dir = extendOsmandPath(ResourceManager.TILES_PATH); if (dir != null && dir.canRead()) { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); Arrays.sort( files, new Comparator<File>() { @Override public int compare(File object1, File object2) { if (object1.lastModified() > object2.lastModified()) { return -1; } else if (object1.lastModified() == object2.lastModified()) { return 0; } return 1; } }); if (files != null) { for (File f : files) { if (f.getName().endsWith(SQLiteTileSource.EXT)) { String n = f.getName(); map.put(f.getName(), n.substring(0, n.lastIndexOf('.'))); } else if (f.isDirectory() && !f.getName().equals(ResourceManager.TEMP_SOURCE_TO_LOAD) && !f.getName().startsWith(".")) { map.put(f.getName(), f.getName()); } } } } for (TileSourceTemplate l : TileSourceManager.getKnownSourceTemplates()) { map.put(l.getName(), l.getName()); } return map; } public static final String EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DIR = "external_storage_dir"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public File getExternalStorageDirectory() { return new File( globalPreferences.getString( EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DIR, Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath())); } public boolean setExternalStorageDirectory(String externalStorageDir) { return globalPreferences.edit().putString(EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DIR, externalStorageDir).commit(); } public File extendOsmandPath(String path) { return new File(getExternalStorageDirectory(), path); } // This value is a key for saving last known location shown on the map public static final String LAST_KNOWN_MAP_LAT = "last_known_map_lat"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String LAST_KNOWN_MAP_LON = "last_known_map_lon"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String LAST_KNOWN_MAP_ZOOM = "last_known_map_zoom"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String MAP_LAT_TO_SHOW = "map_lat_to_show"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String MAP_LON_TO_SHOW = "map_lon_to_show"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String MAP_ZOOM_TO_SHOW = "map_zoom_to_show"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public LatLon getLastKnownMapLocation() { float lat = globalPreferences.getFloat(LAST_KNOWN_MAP_LAT, 0); float lon = globalPreferences.getFloat(LAST_KNOWN_MAP_LON, 0); return new LatLon(lat, lon); } public boolean isLastKnownMapLocation() { return globalPreferences.contains(LAST_KNOWN_MAP_LAT); } public void setMapLocationToShow(double latitude, double longitude) { setMapLocationToShow(latitude, longitude, getLastKnownMapZoom(), null); } public void setMapLocationToShow(double latitude, double longitude, int zoom) { setMapLocationToShow(latitude, longitude, null); } public LatLon getAndClearMapLocationToShow() { if (!globalPreferences.contains(MAP_LAT_TO_SHOW)) { return null; } float lat = globalPreferences.getFloat(MAP_LAT_TO_SHOW, 0); float lon = globalPreferences.getFloat(MAP_LON_TO_SHOW, 0); globalPreferences.edit().remove(MAP_LAT_TO_SHOW).commit(); return new LatLon(lat, lon); } public int getMapZoomToShow() { return globalPreferences.getInt(MAP_ZOOM_TO_SHOW, 5); } public void setMapLocationToShow( double latitude, double longitude, int zoom, String historyDescription) { Editor edit = globalPreferences.edit(); edit.putFloat(MAP_LAT_TO_SHOW, (float) latitude); edit.putFloat(MAP_LON_TO_SHOW, (float) longitude); edit.putInt(MAP_ZOOM_TO_SHOW, zoom); edit.commit(); if (historyDescription != null) { SearchHistoryHelper.getInstance() .addNewItemToHistory(latitude, longitude, historyDescription, ctx); } } public void setMapLocationToShow(double latitude, double longitude, String historyDescription) { setMapLocationToShow(latitude, longitude, getLastKnownMapZoom(), historyDescription); } // Do not use that method if you want to show point on map. Use setMapLocationToShow public void setLastKnownMapLocation(double latitude, double longitude) { Editor edit = globalPreferences.edit(); edit.putFloat(LAST_KNOWN_MAP_LAT, (float) latitude); edit.putFloat(LAST_KNOWN_MAP_LON, (float) longitude); edit.commit(); } public int getLastKnownMapZoom() { return globalPreferences.getInt(LAST_KNOWN_MAP_ZOOM, 5); } public void setLastKnownMapZoom(int zoom) { globalPreferences.edit().putInt(LAST_KNOWN_MAP_ZOOM, zoom).commit(); } public static final String POINT_NAVIGATE_LAT = "point_navigate_lat"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String POINT_NAVIGATE_LON = "point_navigate_lon"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public LatLon getPointToNavigate() { float lat = globalPreferences.getFloat(POINT_NAVIGATE_LAT, 0); float lon = globalPreferences.getFloat(POINT_NAVIGATE_LON, 0); if (lat == 0 && lon == 0) { return null; } return new LatLon(lat, lon); } public boolean clearPointToNavigate() { return globalPreferences.edit().remove(POINT_NAVIGATE_LAT).remove(POINT_NAVIGATE_LON).commit(); } public boolean setPointToNavigate(double latitude, double longitude, String historyDescription) { boolean add = globalPreferences .edit() .putFloat(POINT_NAVIGATE_LAT, (float) latitude) .putFloat(POINT_NAVIGATE_LON, (float) longitude) .commit(); if (add) { if (historyDescription != null) { SearchHistoryHelper.getInstance() .addNewItemToHistory(latitude, longitude, historyDescription, ctx); } } return add; } public static final String LAST_SEARCHED_REGION = "last_searched_region"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String LAST_SEARCHED_CITY = "last_searched_city"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String lAST_SEARCHED_POSTCODE = "last_searched_postcode"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String LAST_SEARCHED_STREET = "last_searched_street"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String LAST_SEARCHED_BUILDING = "last_searched_building"; // $NON-NLS-1$ public static final String LAST_SEARCHED_INTERSECTED_STREET = "last_searched_intersected_street"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public String getLastSearchedRegion() { return globalPreferences.getString(LAST_SEARCHED_REGION, ""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } public boolean setLastSearchedRegion(String region) { Editor edit = globalPreferences .edit() .putString(LAST_SEARCHED_REGION, region) .putLong(LAST_SEARCHED_CITY, -1) .putString(LAST_SEARCHED_STREET, "") .putString(LAST_SEARCHED_BUILDING, ""); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ if (globalPreferences.contains(LAST_SEARCHED_INTERSECTED_STREET)) { edit.putString(LAST_SEARCHED_INTERSECTED_STREET, ""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } return edit.commit(); } public String getLastSearchedPostcode() { return globalPreferences.getString(lAST_SEARCHED_POSTCODE, null); } public boolean setLastSearchedPostcode(String postcode) { Editor edit = globalPreferences .edit() .putLong(LAST_SEARCHED_CITY, -1) .putString(LAST_SEARCHED_STREET, "") .putString( //$NON-NLS-1$ LAST_SEARCHED_BUILDING, "") .putString(lAST_SEARCHED_POSTCODE, postcode); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (globalPreferences.contains(LAST_SEARCHED_INTERSECTED_STREET)) { edit.putString(LAST_SEARCHED_INTERSECTED_STREET, ""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } return edit.commit(); } public Long getLastSearchedCity() { return globalPreferences.getLong(LAST_SEARCHED_CITY, -1); } public boolean setLastSearchedCity(Long cityId) { Editor edit = globalPreferences .edit() .putLong(LAST_SEARCHED_CITY, cityId) .putString(LAST_SEARCHED_STREET, "") .putString( //$NON-NLS-1$ LAST_SEARCHED_BUILDING, ""); // $NON-NLS-1$ edit.remove(lAST_SEARCHED_POSTCODE); if (globalPreferences.contains(LAST_SEARCHED_INTERSECTED_STREET)) { edit.putString(LAST_SEARCHED_INTERSECTED_STREET, ""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } return edit.commit(); } public String getLastSearchedStreet() { return globalPreferences.getString(LAST_SEARCHED_STREET, ""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } public boolean setLastSearchedStreet(String street) { Editor edit = globalPreferences .edit() .putString(LAST_SEARCHED_STREET, street) .putString(LAST_SEARCHED_BUILDING, ""); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (globalPreferences.contains(LAST_SEARCHED_INTERSECTED_STREET)) { edit.putString(LAST_SEARCHED_INTERSECTED_STREET, ""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } return edit.commit(); } public String getLastSearchedBuilding() { return globalPreferences.getString(LAST_SEARCHED_BUILDING, ""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } public boolean setLastSearchedBuilding(String building) { return globalPreferences .edit() .putString(LAST_SEARCHED_BUILDING, building) .remove(LAST_SEARCHED_INTERSECTED_STREET) .commit(); } public String getLastSearchedIntersectedStreet() { if (!globalPreferences.contains(LAST_SEARCHED_INTERSECTED_STREET)) { return null; } return globalPreferences.getString(LAST_SEARCHED_INTERSECTED_STREET, ""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } public boolean setLastSearchedIntersectedStreet(String street) { return globalPreferences.edit().putString(LAST_SEARCHED_INTERSECTED_STREET, street).commit(); } public boolean removeLastSearchedIntersectedStreet() { return globalPreferences.edit().remove(LAST_SEARCHED_INTERSECTED_STREET).commit(); } public static final String SELECTED_POI_FILTER_FOR_MAP = "selected_poi_filter_for_map"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public boolean setPoiFilterForMap(String filterId) { return globalPreferences.edit().putString(SELECTED_POI_FILTER_FOR_MAP, filterId).commit(); } public PoiFilter getPoiFilterForMap(OsmandApplication application) { String filterId = globalPreferences.getString(SELECTED_POI_FILTER_FOR_MAP, null); PoiFilter filter = application.getPoiFilters().getFilterById(filterId); if (filter != null) { return filter; } return new PoiFilter(null, application); } public static final String VOICE_PROVIDER_NOT_USE = "VOICE_PROVIDER_NOT_USE"; // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<String> VOICE_PROVIDER = new StringPreference("voice_provider", null, false); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final CommonPreference<String> RENDERER = new StringPreference("renderer", RendererRegistry.DEFAULT_RENDER, false) { protected boolean setValue(SharedPreferences prefs, String val) { if (val == null) { val = RendererRegistry.DEFAULT_RENDER; } BaseOsmandRender loaded = ctx.getRendererRegistry().getRenderer(val); if (loaded != null) { ctx.getRendererRegistry().setCurrentSelectedRender(loaded); super.setValue(prefs, val); ctx.getResourceManager().getRenderer().clearCache(); return true; } return false; }; }; { RENDERER.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.CAR, RendererRegistry.CAR_RENDER); RENDERER.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.PEDESTRIAN, RendererRegistry.PEDESTRIAN_RENDER); RENDERER.setModeDefaultValue(ApplicationMode.BICYCLE, RendererRegistry.BICYCLE_RENDER); } public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> VOICE_MUTE = new BooleanPreference("voice_mute", false, true); // for background service public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> MAP_ACTIVITY_ENABLED = new BooleanPreference("map_activity_enabled", false, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public static final String SERVICE_OFF_ENABLED = "service_off_enabled"; // $NON-NLS-1$ // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<String> SERVICE_OFF_PROVIDER = new StringPreference("service_off_provider", LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Integer> SERVICE_OFF_INTERVAL = new IntPreference("service_off_interval", 5 * 60 * 1000, true); // this value string is synchronized with settings_pref.xml preference name public final OsmandPreference<Integer> SERVICE_OFF_WAIT_INTERVAL = new IntPreference("service_off_wait_interval", 90 * 1000, true); public final OsmandPreference<String> CONTRIBUTION_INSTALL_APP_DATE = new StringPreference("CONTRIBUTION_INSTALL_APP_DATE", null, true); public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> FOLLOW_THE_ROUTE = new BooleanPreference("follow_to_route", false, true); public final OsmandPreference<String> FOLLOW_THE_GPX_ROUTE = new StringPreference("follow_gpx", null, true); public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> SHOW_ARRIVAL_TIME_OTHERWISE_EXPECTED_TIME = new BooleanPreference("show_arrival_time", true, true); public enum DayNightMode { AUTO(R.string.daynight_mode_auto), DAY(R.string.daynight_mode_day), NIGHT(R.string.daynight_mode_night), SENSOR(R.string.daynight_mode_sensor); private final int key; DayNightMode(int key) { this.key = key; } public String toHumanString(Context ctx) { return ctx.getResources().getString(key); } public boolean isSensor() { return this == SENSOR; } public boolean isAuto() { return this == AUTO; } public boolean isDay() { return this == DAY; } public boolean isNight() { return this == NIGHT; } public static DayNightMode[] possibleValues(Context context) { SensorManager mSensorManager = (SensorManager) context.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE); Sensor mLight = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT); if (mLight != null) { return DayNightMode.values(); } else { return new DayNightMode[] {AUTO, DAY, NIGHT}; } } } public enum MetricsConstants { KILOMETERS_AND_METERS(R.string.si_km_m), MILES_AND_YARDS(R.string.si_mi_yard), MILES_AND_FOOTS(R.string.si_mi_foots); private final int key; MetricsConstants(int key) { this.key = key; } public String toHumanString(Context ctx) { return ctx.getResources().getString(key); } } }