예제 #1
 private void fire(ItemStack is, World world, EntityPlayer ep, Entity ent) {
   Vec3 look = ep.getLookVec();
   double[] looks = ReikaVectorHelper.getPlayerLookCoords(ep, 2);
   if (!(ent instanceof EntityPlayer) && ReikaWorldHelper.lineOfSight(world, ep, ent)) {
     ItemStack fl = new ItemStack(Item.flint.itemID, 0, 0);
     EntityItem ei =
         new EntityItem(
             looks[0] / look.lengthVector(),
             looks[1] / look.lengthVector(),
             looks[2] / look.lengthVector(),
     ei.delayBeforeCanPickup = 100;
     ei.motionX = look.xCoord / look.lengthVector();
     ei.motionY = look.yCoord / look.lengthVector();
     ei.motionZ = look.zCoord / look.lengthVector();
     if (!world.isRemote) ei.velocityChanged = true;
     if (!world.isRemote) world.playSoundAtEntity(ep, "dig.gravel", 1.5F, 2F);
     if (is.getItemDamage() > 4096) { // approx the 1-hit kill of a 10-heart mob
       ReikaParticleHelper.EXPLODE.spawnAt(world, ent.posX, ent.posY, ent.posZ);
       world.playSoundAtEntity(ent, "random.explode", 1, 1);
     ent.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.causePlayerDamage(ep), this.getAttackDamage(is));
     ReikaEntityHelper.knockbackEntity(ep, ent, 0.4);
     // ent.setRevengeTarget(ep);
예제 #2
  public void onEntityTick(MinecartUpdateEvent event) {
    EntityMinecart minecart = event.minecart;
    if (!canUpdateCart(minecart)) return;
    Vec3 cartPoint = new Vec3(minecart.posX, minecart.posY, minecart.posZ);

    List<BehaviourWrapper[]> wrappers = new ArrayList<>();
    for (BlockPos pos :
            new BlockPos(cartPoint).add(-2, -2, -2), new BlockPos(cartPoint).add(2, 2, 2))) {
      IBlockState state = minecart.worldObj.getBlockState(pos);
      wrappers.add(TrackPathProvider.INSTANCE.getTracksAsArray(minecart.worldObj, pos, state));
    double angDiff = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    double posDiff = 2;
    BehaviourWrapper best = null;
    RayTraceTrackPath bestTrace = null;
    boolean reverse = false;
    for (BehaviourWrapper[] wrapperArray : wrappers) {
      for (BehaviourWrapper w : wrapperArray) {
        RayTraceTrackPath rayTrace =
            w.getPath().rayTrace(cartPoint.addVector(0, -0.5, 0), new Vec3(0, 1, 0));
        if (rayTrace == null) continue;
        if (rayTrace.distance > posDiff) continue;
        boolean rev = false;

        Vec3 cartAngle = new Vec3(minecart.motionX, minecart.motionY, minecart.motionZ).normalize();
        Vec3 pathAngle = w.getPath().direction(rayTrace.interp).normalize();
        if (cartAngle.distanceTo(pathAngle)
            > cartAngle.distanceTo(pathAngle.subtractReverse(new Vec3(0, 0, 0)))) {
          pathAngle = pathAngle.subtractReverse(new Vec3(0, 0, 0));
          rev = true;

        double diff = cartAngle.distanceTo(pathAngle);
        if (diff > angDiff) continue;

        best = w;
        posDiff = rayTrace.distance;
        angDiff = rayTrace.distance;
        bestTrace = rayTrace;
        reverse = rev;
    if (best != null && bestTrace != null) {
      Vec3 pathDir = best.getPath().direction(bestTrace.interp).normalize();
      if (reverse) pathDir = pathDir.subtractReverse(new Vec3(0, 0, 0));
      Vec3 cartAngle = new Vec3(minecart.motionX, minecart.motionY, minecart.motionZ);
      double speed = cartAngle.lengthVector();
      speed = Math.min(speed, 0.2);
      minecart.motionX = pathDir.xCoord * speed;
      minecart.motionY = pathDir.yCoord * speed;
      minecart.motionZ = pathDir.zCoord * speed;

      Vec3 pathPos = bestTrace.closestPoint;
      minecart.posX = pathPos.xCoord + minecart.motionX;
      minecart.posY = pathPos.yCoord + minecart.motionY;
      minecart.posZ = pathPos.zCoord + minecart.motionZ;
  private void doBolt(EntityBallLightning other) {
    Vec3 vec = ReikaVectorHelper.getVec2Pt(posX, posY, posZ, other.posX, other.posY, other.posZ);
    // EntityGluon g = new EntityGluon(this, other);
    // worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(g);
    targetColor = other.color;

        new DimensionTarget(worldObj),

    double len = vec.lengthVector();
    for (double i = 0; i < len; i += 0.0625) {
      double dx = posX - i * vec.xCoord / len;
      double dy = posY - i * vec.yCoord / len;
      double dz = posZ - i * vec.zCoord / len;
      if (worldObj.isRemote) this.gluonParticles(other, dx, dy, dz, (float) (i / len));

      if (ChromaOptions.HOSTILEFOREST.getState()) {
        AxisAlignedBB box =
            AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(dx, dy, dz, dx, dy, dz).expand(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
        List<EntityLivingBase> elb = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityLivingBase.class, box);
        for (EntityLivingBase e : elb) {
          e.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.generic, isPylonSpawn ? 4 : 1);
     * Checks to see if this enderman should be attacking this player
    private boolean shouldAttackPlayer(EntityPlayer p_70821_1_)

        Vec3 vec3 = p_70821_1_.getLook(1.0F).normalize();
        Vec3 vec31 = new Vec3(this.posX - p_70821_1_.posX, this.getEntityBoundingBox().minY + (double)(this.height / 2.0F) - (p_70821_1_.posY + (double)p_70821_1_.getEyeHeight()), this.posZ - p_70821_1_.posZ);
        double d0 = vec31.lengthVector();
        vec31 = vec31.normalize();
        double d1 = vec3.dotProduct(vec31);
        return d1 > 1.0D - 0.025D / d0 ? p_70821_1_.canEntityBeSeen(this) : false;
예제 #5
  public static ForgeDirection getDirectionForLookVector(Vec3 lookVec) {
    double distance = lookVec.lengthVector();

    if (lookVec.yCoord > distance * 0.9) {
      return ForgeDirection.UP;
    if (lookVec.yCoord < distance * -0.9) {
      return ForgeDirection.DOWN;

    return getCompassDirectionForLookVector(lookVec);
 public MovingObjectPosition collisionRayTrace(Vec3 startVec, Vec3 endVec) {
   Block block = new Block(Material.rock);
   // It's possible for the startVec to be embedded in a lump (causing it
   // to hit the opposite side), so we must move it farther away
   Vec3 d = startVec.subtract(endVec);
   double scale = 5.2; // Diagonal of a 3³. (Was initially using incrScale = 2)
   // This isn't quite right; the dVector would properly be normalized here
   // & rescaled to the max diameter. But we can survive without it.
   // Unnormalized length of dVector is 6m in surviavl mode IIRC. This'll
   // be way longer than it needs to be.
   // Why is it + instead of -? Hmm.
   startVec = startVec.add(SpaceUtil.scale(d, scale));
   MovingObjectPosition shortest = null;
   for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); i++) {
     ClayLump lump = parts.get(i);
     lump.toRotatedBlockBounds(this, block);
     MovingObjectPosition mop = block.collisionRayTrace(worldObj, pos, startVec, endVec);
     if (mop != null) {
       mop.subHit = i;
       if (shortest == null) {
         shortest = mop;
       } else {
         Vec3 s = shortest.hitVec;
         Vec3 m = mop.hitVec;
         s = new Vec3(s.xCoord, s.yCoord, s.zCoord);
         m = new Vec3(m.xCoord, m.yCoord, m.zCoord);
         startVec = startVec.subtract(s).subtract(m);
         if (m.lengthVector() < s.lengthVector()) {
           shortest = mop;
   return shortest;
   // return super.collisionRayTrace(w, pos, startVec, endVec);
예제 #7
 private boolean isPlayerLookingAtTarget() {
   // code used from the Enderman player looking code.
   EntityPlayer player = FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().thePlayer;
   World world = FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().theWorld;
   Vec3 vec3 = player.getLook(1.0F).normalize();
   Vec3 vec31 =
           entity.posX - player.posX,
           entity.boundingBox.minY + entity.height / 2.0F - (player.posY + player.getEyeHeight()),
           entity.posZ - player.posZ);
   double d0 = vec31.lengthVector();
   vec31 = vec31.normalize();
   double d1 = vec3.dotProduct(vec31);
   return d1 > 1.0D - 0.050D / d0;
예제 #8
  public void setTarget(int x, int y, int z) {
    // We target the middle of the block, at the very top.
    final Vec3 target = Vec3.createVectorHelper(x + 0.5, y + 1, z + 0.5);

    // Horizontal distance between the origin and target
    final double distHorizontal =
            * Math.sqrt(
                Math.pow(target.xCoord - projectileOrigin.xCoord, 2)
                    + Math.pow(target.zCoord - projectileOrigin.zCoord, 2));

    // No vertical multiplier is applied for decline slopes.
    final double distVertical =
        Math.max((target.yCoord - projectileOrigin.yCoord) * KNOB_LOB_VERTICAL_MUL, 0);

    // Calculate the arc of the trajectory
    final float lobScale =
                Math.max(KNOB_LOB_MINIMUM_VALUE, KNOB_LOB_BONUS + distHorizontal + distVertical));

    // Calculate the velocity of the projectile
    final Vec3 velocity =
        TileEntityCannonLogic.calculateTrajectory(projectileOrigin, target, lobScale);

    // m/s applied to item.
    final double speed = velocity.lengthVector();

    // reverse the vector to angles for cannon model
    final Vec3 direction = velocity.normalize();
    final double pitch = Math.asin(direction.yCoord);
    final double yaw = Math.atan2(direction.zCoord, direction.xCoord);

    // Set yaw and pitch
    targetYaw.set(Math.toDegrees(yaw) + YAW_OFFSET_DEGREES);

    currentYaw = targetYaw.get();
    currentPitch = targetPitch.get();

    // Sync targets
예제 #9
  public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack is, World world, EntityPlayer ep) {
    if (is.getItemDamage() <= 0) {
      return is;
    if (!ReikaPlayerAPI.playerHasOrIsCreative(ep, Block.gravel.blockID, -1)) {
      if (!world.isRemote) world.playAuxSFX(1001, (int) ep.posX, (int) ep.posY, (int) ep.posZ, 1);
      return is;
    for (float i = 1; i <= 128; i += 0.5) {
      Vec3 look = ep.getLookVec();
      double[] looks = ReikaVectorHelper.getPlayerLookCoords(ep, i);
      AxisAlignedBB fov =
              looks[0] - 0.5,
              looks[1] - 0.5,
              looks[2] - 0.5,
              looks[0] + 0.5,
              looks[1] + 0.5,
              looks[2] + 0.5);
      List infov = world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityLivingBase.class, fov);
      for (int k = 0; k < infov.size(); k++) {
        EntityLivingBase ent = (EntityLivingBase) infov.get(k);
        if (!ep.equals(ent)
            && this.isEntityAttackable(ent)
            && ReikaWorldHelper.lineOfSight(world, ep, ent)) {
          double dist =
              ReikaMathLibrary.py3d(ep.posX - ent.posX, ep.posY - ent.posY, ep.posZ - ent.posZ);
          double x = ep.posX + look.xCoord;
          double y = ep.posY + ep.getEyeHeight() + look.yCoord;
          double z = ep.posZ + look.zCoord;
          double dx = ent.posX - ep.posX;
          double dy = ent.posY - ep.posY;
          double dz = ent.posZ - ep.posZ;
          if (!world.isRemote) {
            ItemStack fl = new ItemStack(Item.flint);
            EntityItem ei =
                new EntityItem(
                    look.xCoord / look.lengthVector() + ep.posX,
                    look.yCoord / look.lengthVector() + ep.posY,
                    look.zCoord / look.lengthVector() + ep.posZ,
            ei.delayBeforeCanPickup = 100;
            ei.motionX = dx;
            ei.motionY = dy + 1;
            ei.motionZ = dz;
            // ReikaChatHelper.writeCoords(world, ei.posX, ei.posY, ei.posZ);
            ei.velocityChanged = true;
            world.playSoundAtEntity(ep, "dig.gravel", 1.5F, 2F);
            ei.lifespan = 5;

            if (is.getItemDamage() > 4096) { // approx the 1-hit kill of a 10-heart mob
              // ReikaPacketHelper.sendUpdatePacket(RotaryCraft.packetChannel,
              // PacketRegistry.GRAVELGUN.getMinValue(), world, (int)ent.posX, (int)ent.posY,
              // (int)ent.posZ);
              // world.playSoundAtEntity(ep, "random.explode", 0.25F, 1F);
            if (ent instanceof EntityDragon) {
              EntityDragon ed = (EntityDragon) ent;
                  ed.dragonPartBody, DamageSource.causePlayerDamage(ep), this.getAttackDamage(is));
            } else {
              int dmg = this.getAttackDamage(is);
              if (ent instanceof EntityPlayer) {
                for (int n = 1; n < 5; n++) {
                  ItemRegistry ir = ItemRegistry.getEntry(ent.getCurrentItemOrArmor(n));
                  if (ir != null) {
                    if (ir.isBedrockArmor()) dmg *= 0.75;
              ent.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.causePlayerDamage(ep), dmg);
              if (dmg >= 500) RotaryAchievements.MASSIVEHIT.triggerAchievement(ep);
            if (ent instanceof EntityMob
                && (ent.isDead || ent.getHealth() <= 0)
                && ReikaMathLibrary.py3d(ep.posX - ent.posX, ep.posY - ent.posY, ep.posZ - ent.posZ)
                    >= 80) RotaryAchievements.GRAVELGUN.triggerAchievement(ep);
          // ReikaWorldHelper.spawnParticleLine(world, x, y, z, ent.posX, ent.posY+ent.height/2,
          // ent.posZ, "crit", 0, 0, 0, 60);
          for (float t = 0; t < 2; t += 0.05F)
            world.spawnParticle("crit", x, y, z, dx / dist * t, dy / dist * t, dz / dist * t);
      if (infov.size() > 0 && !(infov.size() == 1 && infov.get(0) instanceof EntityPlayer)) {
        if (!ep.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
              Block.gravel.blockID, -1, ep.inventory.mainInventory);
        return new ItemStack(is.itemID, is.stackSize, is.getItemDamage() - 1);
    return is;