public void tickEnd(EntityPlayer player) { ItemStack offhand = ((InventoryPlayerBattle) player.inventory).getCurrentOffhandWeapon(); Battlegear.proxy.tryUseDynamicLight(player, offhand); // If we use a shield if (offhand != null && offhand.getItem() instanceof IShield) { if (mc.gameSettings.keyBindUseItem.isKeyDown() && !player.isSwingInProgress && blockBar > 0) { player.motionX = player.motionX / 5; player.motionZ = player.motionZ / 5; } } // If we JUST swung an Item if (player.swingProgressInt == 1 && !player.isSpectator()) { double extendedReach = BattlemodeHookContainerClass.INSTANCE.maxReachDistance(player); if (extendedReach > BattlemodeHookContainerClass.defaultReachDistance(player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)) { MovingObjectPosition mouseOver = Battlegear.proxy.getMouseOver(partialTick, extendedReach); if (mouseOver != null && mouseOver.typeOfHit == MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.ENTITY) { Entity target = mouseOver.entityHit; if (target instanceof EntityLivingBase && target != player && player.getDistanceToEntity(target) > mc.playerController.getBlockReachDistance()) { if (target.hurtResistantTime != ((EntityLivingBase) target).maxHurtResistantTime) { player.attackTargetEntityWithCurrentItem(target); // send packet Battlegear.packetHandler.sendPacketToServer( new ReachTargetPacket(target).generatePacket()); } } } } } }
@Override public void tick() { if (getParent() instanceof EntityPlayer) { if (Morph.config.getSessionInt("allowFlight") == 0) { return; } EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) getParent(); if (!player.capabilities.allowFlying) { player.capabilities.allowFlying = true; player.sendPlayerAbilities(); } if (player.capabilities.isFlying && !player.capabilities.isCreativeMode) { double motionX = player.worldObj.isRemote ? player.motionX : player.posX - player.lastTickPosX; double motionZ = player.worldObj.isRemote ? player.motionZ : player.posZ - player.lastTickPosZ; int i = Math.round(MathHelper.sqrt_double(motionX * motionX + motionZ * motionZ) * 100.0F); if (i > 0 && i < 10) { if (player.isInWater() && slowdownInWater) { player.addExhaustion(0.125F * (float) i * 0.01F); } else { player.addExhaustion(0.035F * (float) i * 0.01F); } } else { player.addExhaustion(0.002F); } if (player.worldObj.isRemote && player.isInWater() && slowdownInWater) { MorphInfo info = Morph.proxy.tickHandlerClient.playerMorphInfo.get(player.getCommandSenderName()); if (info != null) { boolean swim = false; for (Ability ability : info.morphAbilities) { if (ability.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("swim")) { swim = true; break; } } if (!swim) { player.motionX *= 0.65D; player.motionZ *= 0.65D; player.motionY *= 0.2D; } } } } } getParent().fallDistance = 0.0F; // TODO make "Thing" take note of this so it can fly... }
@Override public ItemStack onFocusRightClick( ItemStack itemstack, World world, EntityPlayer p, MovingObjectPosition movingobjectposition) { ItemWandCasting wand = (ItemWandCasting) itemstack.getItem(); if (!ConfigHandler.enableFlight) { return itemstack; } if (wand.consumeAllVis(itemstack, p, getVisCost(), true, false)) { Vec3 vec = p.getLookVec(); double force = 1 / 1.5 * (1 + EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentLevel( Config.enchPotency.effectId, wand.getFocusItem(itemstack)) * 0.2); p.motionX = vec.xCoord * force; p.motionY = vec.yCoord * force; p.motionZ = vec.zCoord * force; p.fallDistance = 0F; if (p instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { ((EntityPlayerMP) p).playerNetServerHandler.floatingTickCount = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) ThaumicTinkerer.tcProxy.smokeSpiral( world, p.posX, p.posY - p.motionY, p.posZ, 2F, (int) (Math.random() * 360), (int) p.posY); world.playSoundAtEntity(p, "thaumcraft:wind", 0.4F, 1F); } if (world.isRemote) p.swingItem(); return itemstack; }
@Override public void control(EntityPlayerCustom playerCustom, EntityPlayer player, Side side) { int x = MathHelper.floor_double(player.posX); int y = MathHelper.floor_double(player.posY); int z = MathHelper.floor_double(player.posZ); int heading = MathHelper.floor_double((double) (player.rotationYaw * 4.0F / 360.0F) + 0.5D) & 3; if (!playerCustom.isSneaking) { if (((((Util.isCube(player.worldObj.getBlock(x, y, z - 1)) && heading == 2) || (Util.isCube(player.worldObj.getBlock(x, y, z + 1)) && heading == 0) || (Util.isCube(player.worldObj.getBlock(x - 1, y, z)) && heading == 1) || (Util.isCube(player.worldObj.getBlock(x + 1, y, z)) && heading == 3)) && ((!Util.isCube(player.worldObj.getBlock(x, y + 1, z - 1)) && heading == 2) || (!Util.isCube(player.worldObj.getBlock(x, y + 1, z + 1)) && heading == 0) || (!Util.isCube(player.worldObj.getBlock(x - 1, y + 1, z)) && heading == 1) || (!Util.isCube(player.worldObj.getBlock(x + 1, y + 1, z)) && heading == 3)) && (!Util.isCube(player.worldObj.getBlock(x, y - 2, z))))) && player.worldObj.getBlock(x, y, z) != Blocks.ladder && player.getCurrentEquippedItem() == null) { playerCustom.isGrabbing = true; playerCustom.rotationYaw = player.rotationYaw; playerCustom.rotationPitch = player.rotationPitch; playerCustom.prevRotationPitch = player.prevRotationPitch; playerCustom.prevRotationYaw = player.prevRotationYaw; playerCustom.grabbingDirections[heading] = true; if (heading == 0) { playerCustom.grabbingDirections[3] = true; } else { playerCustom.grabbingDirections[heading - 1] = true; } if (heading == 3) { playerCustom.grabbingDirections[0] = true; } else { playerCustom.grabbingDirections[heading + 1] = true; } } else { playerCustom.isGrabbing = false; playerCustom.rotationYaw = 0; if (!playerCustom.isRolling) { playerCustom.rotationPitch = 0; } playerCustom.prevRotationPitch = 0; playerCustom.prevRotationYaw = 0; playerCustom.grabbingDirections[0] = false; playerCustom.grabbingDirections[1] = false; playerCustom.grabbingDirections[2] = false; playerCustom.grabbingDirections[3] = false; } if (playerCustom.isGrabbing && !playerCustom.wasSneaking && player.isSneaking()) { playerCustom.wasSneaking = true; } if (!playerCustom.isGrabbing) { playerCustom.wasSneaking = false; } if (playerCustom.wasSneaking) { return; } if (!player.isSneaking() && !(Boolean) ObfuscationReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue( EntityLivingBase.class, (EntityLivingBase) player, 41) && playerCustom.isGrabbing) { if (heading == 1 || heading == 3) { player.setPosition(x + 0.5F, y + 0.9F, player.posZ); player.motionX = 0; } if (heading == 2 || heading == 0) { player.setPosition(player.posX, y + 0.9F, z + 0.5F); player.motionZ = 0; } player.motionY = 0.0; if (player.isSprinting()) { player.setSprinting(false); } } else if ((Boolean) ObfuscationReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue( EntityLivingBase.class, (EntityLivingBase) player, 41) && playerCustom.isGrabbing) { player.motionY = 0.55D; } } // if(side == Side.CLIENT){ //// CPacketPlayerAction(playerCustom.isGrabbing ? 0 : 1)); // } // // if(side == Side.SERVER){ // System.out.println("1 : " + playerCustom.isGrabbing); // } /* CLIENT */ if (!player.worldObj.isRemote) { if (playerCustom.isGrabbing && !player.capabilities.isCreativeMode) { PotionEffect potioneffect = player.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.jump); float f1 = potioneffect != null ? (float) (potioneffect.getAmplifier() + 1) : 0.0F; int i = MathHelper.ceiling_float_int(player.fallDistance - 3.0F - f1); if (i > 0) { player.playSound( i > 4 ? "game.neutral.hurt.fall.big" : "game.neutral.hurt.fall.small", 1.0F, 1.0F); damageEntity(EntityLivingBase.class, player, DamageSource.fall, (float) i); } player.fallDistance = 0; } } }
@SubscribeEvent public void onAttackEntity(AttackEntityEvent event) { if (event.entityLiving.worldObj.isRemote) return; EntityLivingBase attacker = event.entityLiving; EntityPlayer player = event.entityPlayer; Entity target =; ItemStack stack = attacker.getEquipmentInSlot(0); if (stack != null && stack.getItem().onLeftClickEntity(stack, player, target)) return; if (target.canAttackWithItem()) { if (!target.hitByEntity(target)) { float damageAmount = TFC_MobData.STEVE_DAMAGE; if (stack != null) { damageAmount = (float) player .getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.attackDamage) .getAttributeValue(); // player.addChatMessage("Damage: " + i); if (damageAmount == 1.0f) { damageAmount = TFC_MobData.STEVE_DAMAGE; // i = player.inventory.getCurrentItem().getItem().getDamageVsEntity(target, // player.inventory.getCurrentItem()); } } if (player.isPotionActive(Potion.damageBoost)) damageAmount += 3 << player.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.damageBoost).getAmplifier(); if (player.isPotionActive(Potion.weakness)) damageAmount -= 2 << player.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.weakness).getAmplifier(); int knockback = 0; float enchantmentDamage = 0; if (target instanceof EntityLiving) { enchantmentDamage = EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentModifierLiving(player, (EntityLiving) target); knockback += EnchantmentHelper.getKnockbackModifier(player, (EntityLiving) target); } if (player.isSprinting()) ++knockback; if (damageAmount > 0 || enchantmentDamage > 0) { boolean criticalHit = player.fallDistance > 0.0F && !player.onGround && !player.isOnLadder() && !player.isInWater() && !player.isPotionActive(Potion.blindness) && player.ridingEntity == null && target instanceof EntityLiving; if (criticalHit && damageAmount > 0) damageAmount += event.entity.worldObj.rand.nextInt((int) (damageAmount / 2 + 2)); damageAmount += enchantmentDamage; boolean onFire = false; int fireAspect = EnchantmentHelper.getFireAspectModifier(player); if (target instanceof EntityLiving && fireAspect > 0 && !target.isBurning()) { onFire = true; target.setFire(1); } boolean entityAttacked = target.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.causePlayerDamage(player), damageAmount); if (entityAttacked) { if (knockback > 0) { target.addVelocity( -MathHelper.sin(player.rotationYaw * (float) Math.PI / 180.0F) * knockback * 0.5F, 0.1D, MathHelper.cos(player.rotationYaw * (float) Math.PI / 180.0F) * knockback * 0.5F); player.motionX *= 0.6D; player.motionZ *= 0.6D; player.setSprinting(false); } if (criticalHit) player.onCriticalHit(target); if (enchantmentDamage > 0) player.onEnchantmentCritical(target); if (damageAmount >= 18) player.triggerAchievement(AchievementList.overkill); player.setLastAttacker(target); if (target instanceof EntityLiving) target.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.causeThornsDamage(attacker), damageAmount); } ItemStack itemstack = player.getCurrentEquippedItem(); Object object = target; if (target instanceof EntityDragonPart) { IEntityMultiPart ientitymultipart = ((EntityDragonPart) target).entityDragonObj; if (ientitymultipart instanceof EntityLiving) object = ientitymultipart; } if (itemstack != null && object instanceof EntityLiving) { itemstack.hitEntity((EntityLiving) object, player); if (itemstack.stackSize <= 0) player.destroyCurrentEquippedItem(); } if (target instanceof EntityLivingBase) { player.addStat(StatList.damageDealtStat, Math.round(damageAmount * 10.0f)); if (fireAspect > 0 && entityAttacked) target.setFire(fireAspect * 4); else if (onFire) target.extinguish(); } player.addExhaustion(0.3F); } } } event.setCanceled(true); }
@SubscribeEvent public void sleepInBed(PlayerSleepInBedEvent event) { SettingEntry se = null; if (event.entityPlayer.worldObj.isRemote) { se = PerfectSpawnClientHandler.currentServerSettings; } else { se = PerfectSpawn.settings.getValidSettingEntry(); } if (se != null && se.forceBed) { WorldProvider provider = event.entityPlayer.worldObj.provider; EntityPlayer player = event.entityPlayer; World worldObj = player.worldObj; if (provider.dimensionId == se.spawnDimension) { event.result = EntityPlayer.EnumStatus.OK; if (player.isPlayerSleeping() || !player.isEntityAlive()) { event.result = EntityPlayer.EnumStatus.OTHER_PROBLEM; } if (!player.worldObj.isDaytime() && provider.isSurfaceWorld()) { event.result = EntityPlayer.EnumStatus.NOT_POSSIBLE_NOW; } if (Math.abs(player.posX - (double) event.x) > 3.0D || Math.abs(player.posY - (double) event.y) > 2.0D || Math.abs(player.posZ - (double) event.z) > 3.0D) { event.result = EntityPlayer.EnumStatus.TOO_FAR_AWAY; } double d0 = 8.0D; double d1 = 5.0D; List list = player.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB( EntityMob.class, AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox( (double) event.x - d0, (double) event.y - d1, (double) event.z - d0, (double) event.x + d0, (double) event.y + d1, (double) event.z + d0)); if (!list.isEmpty()) { event.result = EntityPlayer.EnumStatus.NOT_SAFE; } } if (player.isRiding()) { player.mountEntity((Entity) null); } this.setSize(player, 0.2F, 0.2F); player.yOffset = 0.2F; if (player.worldObj.blockExists(event.x, event.y, event.z)) { int l = worldObj .getBlock(event.x, event.y, event.z) .getBedDirection(worldObj, event.x, event.y, event.z); float f1 = 0.5F; float f = 0.5F; switch (l) { case 0: f = 0.9F; break; case 1: f1 = 0.1F; break; case 2: f = 0.1F; break; case 3: f1 = 0.9F; } this.func_71013_b(player, l); player.setPosition( (double) ((float) event.x + f1), (double) ((float) event.y + 0.9375F), (double) ((float) event.z + f)); } else { player.setPosition( (double) ((float) event.x + 0.5F), (double) ((float) event.y + 0.9375F), (double) ((float) event.z + 0.5F)); } try { sleepTimer.set(player, 0); sleeping.set(player, true); } catch (Exception e) { PerfectSpawn.instance.logger.log(Level.ERROR, "Couldn't reflect on player bed data"); e.printStackTrace(); } player.playerLocation = new ChunkCoordinates(event.x, event.y, event.z); player.motionX = player.motionZ = player.motionY = 0.0D; if (!player.worldObj.isRemote) { player.worldObj.updateAllPlayersSleepingFlag(); } } }
@Override public boolean onLeftClickEntity(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, Entity entity) { if (entity.canAttackWithItem()) { if (!entity.hitByEntity(player)) { float damage = (float) getAttackDamage(stack); int i = 0; float extraDamage = 0.0F; if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase) { extraDamage = EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentModifierLiving(player, (EntityLivingBase) entity); i += EnchantmentHelper.getKnockbackModifier(player, (EntityLivingBase) entity); } if (player.isSprinting()) { i++; } if (damage > 0.0F || extraDamage > 0.0F) { boolean criricalHit = player.fallDistance > 0.0F && !player.onGround && !player.isOnLadder() && !player.isInWater() && !player.isPotionActive(Potion.blindness) && player.ridingEntity == null && entity instanceof EntityLivingBase; if (criricalHit && damage > 0.0F) { damage *= 1.5F; } damage += extraDamage; boolean fire = false; int j = EnchantmentHelper.getFireAspectModifier(player); if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase && j > 0 && !entity.isBurning()) { fire = true; entity.setFire(1); } boolean attack = entity.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.causePlayerDamage(player), damage); if (attack) { if (i > 0) { entity.addVelocity( (double) (-MathHelper.sin(player.rotationYaw * (float) Math.PI / 180.0F) * (float) i * 0.5F), 0.1D, (double) (MathHelper.cos(player.rotationYaw * (float) Math.PI / 180.0F) * (float) i * 0.5F)); player.motionX *= 0.6D; player.motionZ *= 0.6D; player.setSprinting(false); } if (criricalHit) { player.onCriticalHit(entity); } if (extraDamage > 0.0F) { player.onEnchantmentCritical(entity); } if (damage >= 18.0F) { player.triggerAchievement(AchievementList.overkill); } player.setLastAttacker(entity); if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase) { EnchantmentHelper.func_151384_a((EntityLivingBase) entity, player); } } ItemStack itemstack = player.getCurrentEquippedItem(); Object object = entity; if (entity instanceof EntityDragonPart) { IEntityMultiPart entityMultipart = ((EntityDragonPart) entity).entityDragonObj; if (entityMultipart != null && entityMultipart instanceof EntityLivingBase) { object = (EntityLivingBase) entityMultipart; } } if (itemstack != null && object instanceof EntityLivingBase) { itemstack.hitEntity((EntityLivingBase) object, player); if (itemstack.stackSize <= 0) { player.destroyCurrentEquippedItem(); } } if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase) { player.addStat(StatList.damageDealtStat, Math.round(damage * 10.0F)); if (j > 0 && attack) { entity.setFire(j * 4); } else if (fire) { entity.extinguish(); } } player.addExhaustion(0.3F); } } } return true; }
/** * Called to tick armor in the armor slot. Override to do something * * @param world * @param player * @param itemStack */ @Override public void onArmorTickUpdate(World world, EntityPlayer player, ItemStack itemStack) { ItemStack item3 = player.inventory.armorInventory[3]; ItemStack item0 = player.inventory.armorInventory[0]; // snorkel stuff if (item3 != null && item3.itemID == TropicraftItems.snorkel.itemID) { outOfWater = !player.isInsideOfMaterial(Material.water) || !player.isInWater(); if (outOfWaterLast && outOfWater) { player.setAir(300); } if (outOfWaterLast && !outOfWater) { player.setAir(1200); outOfWaterLast = false; } if (outOfWater) { outOfWaterLast = true; } } else if (player.getAir() > 300 && (item3 == null || item3.itemID != TropicraftItems.snorkel.itemID)) { player.setAir(300); } else { outOfWater = true; outOfWaterLast = true; } // flippers stuff if (item0 != null && item0.itemID == TropicraftItems.flippers.itemID) { if (player.isInsideOfMaterial(Material.water)) { player.capabilities.isFlying = true; player.setAIMoveSpeed(player.capabilities.getWalkSpeed()); if (item0.isItemEnchanted()) { player.moveFlying(1E-4F, 1E-4F, 0.00000000001f); player.motionX /= 1.06999999; player.motionZ /= 1.06999999; player.moveEntityWithHeading(-1E-4F, -1E-4F); } else { player.moveFlying(1E-4F, 1E-4F, 0.00000000001f); player.motionX /= 1.26999999; player.motionZ /= 1.26999999; player.moveEntityWithHeading(-1E-4F, -1E-4F); } int l = EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentLevel(EnchantmentManager.scubaSteve.effectId, item3); if (l > 0) player.moveEntityWithHeading(-1F, -1F); else player.moveEntityWithHeading(-1E-4F, -1E-4F); } else { player.setAIMoveSpeed((float) (player.getAIMoveSpeed() / 1.33333)); player.capabilities.isFlying = false; } hasFlippers = true; } if ((item0 == null || item0.itemID != TropicraftItems.flippers.itemID) && hasFlippers) { if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode && player.capabilities.isFlying) { player.capabilities.isFlying = false; } hasFlippers = false; } }