@Overridepublic void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); ItemStack held = player.getCurrentEquippedItem(); if (held == null || !(held.getItem() instanceof IChiselItem)) { player.closeScreen(); } boolean flag = false; /** * for(int c = 0; c < container.inventory.activeVariations; c++) {ItemStack stack = * container.inventory.getStackInSlot(c);if(stack.getItem() != null) {if (stack.getItem() * instanceof ItemCarvable) {BlockCarvable block = (BlockCarvable) * Block.getBlockFromItem(stack.getItem());if * (block.carverHelper.getVariation(stack.getItemDamage()).getType().equals(TextureType.CTMH)|| * block.carverHelper.getVariation(stack.getItemDamage()).getType().equals(TextureType.CTMX)|| * block.carverHelper.getVariation(stack.getItemDamage()).getType().equals(TextureType.CTMV)) * {flag = true;}} else if(stack.getItem() instanceof ICarvable) {ICarvable block = (ICarvable) * Block.getBlockFromItem(stack.getItem());if * (block.getManager(stack.getItemDamage()).getType().equals(TextureType.CTMH)|| * block.getManager(stack.getItemDamage()).getType().equals(TextureType.CTMX)|| * block.getManager(stack.getItemDamage()).getType().equals(TextureType.CTMV)) {flag = true;}}if * (flag) {GuiDraw.drawTexturedModalRect(container.getSlot(c).xDisplayPosition, * container.getSlot(c).yDisplayPosition, 48, 202, 18, 18);}}} */ }
public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); MerchantRecipeList merchantrecipelist = this.theIMerchant.getRecipes(mc.thePlayer); if (merchantrecipelist != null) { this.nextRecipeButtonIndex.enabled = this.currentRecipeIndex < merchantrecipelist.size() - 1; this.previousRecipeButtonIndex.enabled = this.currentRecipeIndex > 0; } }
/** Called from the main game loop to update the screen. */ @Override public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); MerchantRecipeList var1 = this.recordList; if (var1 != null) { this.nextRecipeButtonIndex.enabled = this.currentRecipeIndex < var1.size() - 1; this.previousRecipeButtonIndex.enabled = this.currentRecipeIndex > 0; } }
@Override public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); MerchantRecipeList merchantrecipelist = this.villager.getRecipes(this.mc.thePlayer); if (merchantrecipelist != null) { this.nextRecipeButtonIndex.enabled = this.currentRecipeIndex < (merchantrecipelist.size() - 1); this.previousRecipeButtonIndex.enabled = this.currentRecipeIndex > 0; } this.currentRecipeIndex = this.villager.getTradeIndex(); }
@Override public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); prevButton.visible = nextButton.visible = container.isRecipes(); }
@Override public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); if (textboxHeat != null) textboxHeat.updateCursorCounter(); }
@Override public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); this.initSetActiveSeedButtons(); this.initSeedSlots(); }
@Override public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); this.textBoxFilter.updateCursorCounter(); }
/** Called from the main game loop to update the screen. */ @Override public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); func_147068_g(); }
/** Called from the main game loop to update the screen. */ public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); if (this.field_147027_y && this.field_147024_w.func_145998_l() >= 0) { this.field_147027_y = false; int var2; int var3; int var4; int var5; GuiBeacon.PowerButton var6; for (int var1 = 0; var1 <= 2; ++var1) { var2 = TileEntityBeacon.field_146009_a[var1].length; var3 = var2 * 22 + (var2 - 1) * 2; for (var4 = 0; var4 < var2; ++var4) { var5 = TileEntityBeacon.field_146009_a[var1][var4].id; var6 = new GuiBeacon.PowerButton( var1 << 8 | var5, this.field_147003_i + 76 + var4 * 24 - var3 / 2, this.field_147009_r + 22 + var1 * 25, var5, var1); this.buttonList.add(var6); if (var1 >= this.field_147024_w.func_145998_l()) { var6.enabled = false; } else if (var5 == this.field_147024_w.func_146007_j()) { var6.func_146140_b(true); } } } byte var7 = 3; var2 = TileEntityBeacon.field_146009_a[var7].length + 1; var3 = var2 * 22 + (var2 - 1) * 2; for (var4 = 0; var4 < var2 - 1; ++var4) { var5 = TileEntityBeacon.field_146009_a[var7][var4].id; var6 = new GuiBeacon.PowerButton( var7 << 8 | var5, this.field_147003_i + 167 + var4 * 24 - var3 / 2, this.field_147009_r + 47, var5, var7); this.buttonList.add(var6); if (var7 >= this.field_147024_w.func_145998_l()) { var6.enabled = false; } else if (var5 == this.field_147024_w.func_146006_k()) { var6.func_146140_b(true); } } if (this.field_147024_w.func_146007_j() > 0) { GuiBeacon.PowerButton var8 = new GuiBeacon.PowerButton( var7 << 8 | this.field_147024_w.func_146007_j(), this.field_147003_i + 167 + (var2 - 1) * 24 - var3 / 2, this.field_147009_r + 47, this.field_147024_w.func_146007_j(), var7); this.buttonList.add(var8); if (var7 >= this.field_147024_w.func_145998_l()) { var8.enabled = false; } else if (this.field_147024_w.func_146007_j() == this.field_147024_w.func_146006_k()) { var8.func_146140_b(true); } } } this.field_147028_x.enabled = this.field_147024_w.getStackInSlot(0) != null && this.field_147024_w.func_146007_j() > 0; }