/* Exception reporting policy method. * @param e the Throwable to report. */ private void exception(Throwable e) { try { _persistent = false; int error_code = HttpResponse.__500_Internal_Server_Error; if (e instanceof HttpException) { error_code = ((HttpException) e).getCode(); if (_request == null) log.warn(e.toString()); else log.warn(_request.getRequestLine() + " " + e.toString()); log.debug(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e); } else if (e instanceof EOFException) { LogSupport.ignore(log, e); return; } else { _request.setAttribute("javax.servlet.error.exception_type", e.getClass()); _request.setAttribute("javax.servlet.error.exception", e); if (_request == null) log.warn(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e); else log.warn(_request.getRequestLine(), e); } if (_response != null && !_response.isCommitted()) { _response.reset(); _response.removeField(HttpFields.__TransferEncoding); _response.setField(HttpFields.__Connection, HttpFields.__Close); _response.sendError(error_code); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogSupport.ignore(log, ex); } }
/** Destroy the connection. called by handle when handleNext returns false. */ protected void destroy() { try { close(); } catch (IOException e) { LogSupport.ignore(log, e); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e); } // Destroy request and response if (_request != null) _request.destroy(); if (_response != null) _response.destroy(); if (_inputStream != null) _inputStream.destroy(); if (_outputStream != null) _outputStream.destroy(); _inputStream = null; _outputStream = null; _request = null; _response = null; _handlingThread = null; if (_statsOn) { _tmpTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (_reqTime > 0) _httpServer.statsEndRequest(_tmpTime - _reqTime, false); _httpServer.statsCloseConnection(_tmpTime - _openTime, _requests); } }
/** * Create MBean for Object. Attempts to create an MBean for the object by searching the package * and class name space. For example an object of the type * * <PRE> * class com.acme.MyClass extends com.acme.util.BaseClass * </PRE> * * Then this method would look for the following classes: * * <UL> * <LI>com.acme.MyClassMBean * <LI>com.acme.jmx.MyClassMBean * <LI>com.acme.util.BaseClassMBean * <LI>com.acme.util.jmx.BaseClassMBean * </UL> * * @param o The object * @return A new instance of an MBean for the object or null. */ public static ModelMBean mbeanFor(Object o) { try { Class oClass = o.getClass(); ClassLoader loader = oClass.getClassLoader(); ModelMBean mbean = null; boolean jmx = false; Class[] interfaces = null; int i = 0; while (mbean == null && oClass != null) { Class focus = interfaces == null ? oClass : interfaces[i]; String pName = focus.getPackage().getName(); String cName = focus.getName().substring(pName.length() + 1); String mName = pName + (jmx ? ".jmx." : ".") + cName + "MBean"; try { Class mClass = loader.loadClass(mName); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("mbeanFor " + o + " mClass=" + mClass); mbean = (ModelMBean) mClass.newInstance(); mbean.setManagedResource(o, "objectReference"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("mbeanFor " + o + " is " + mbean); return mbean; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { if (e.toString().endsWith("MBean")) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(e.toString()); } else log.warn(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e); } catch (Error e) { log.warn(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e); mbean = null; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e); mbean = null; } if (jmx) { if (interfaces != null) { i++; if (i >= interfaces.length) { interfaces = null; oClass = oClass.getSuperclass(); } } else { interfaces = oClass.getInterfaces(); i = 0; if (interfaces == null || interfaces.length == 0) { interfaces = null; oClass = oClass.getSuperclass(); } } } jmx = !jmx; } } catch (Exception e) { LogSupport.ignore(log, e); } return null; }
/** * Handle next request off the connection. The service(request,response) method is called by * handle to service each request received on the connection. If the thread is a PoolThread, the * thread is set as inactive when waiting for a request. * * <p>If a HttpTunnel has been set on this connection, it's handle method is called and when that * completes, false is return from this method. * * <p>The Connection is set as a ThreadLocal of the calling thread and is available via the * getHttpConnection() method. * * @return true if the connection is still open and may provide more requests. */ public boolean handleNext() { // Handle a HTTP tunnel if (_tunnel != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Tunnel: " + _tunnel); _outputStream.resetObservers(); _tunnel.handle(_inputStream.getInputStream(), _outputStream.getOutputStream()); return false; } // Normal handling. HttpContext context = null; boolean stats = false; try { // Assume the connection is not persistent, // unless told otherwise. _persistent = false; _close = false; _keepAlive = false; _firstWrite = false; _completing = false; _dotVersion = 0; // Read requests readRequest(); if (_listener == null || !_listener.isStarted()) { // dead connection _response.destroy(); _response = null; _persistent = false; return false; } _listener.customizeRequest(this, _request); if (_request.getState() != HttpMessage.__MSG_RECEIVED) throw new HttpException(HttpResponse.__400_Bad_Request); // We have a valid request! statsRequestStart(); stats = true; // Pick response version, we assume that _request.getVersion() == 1 _dotVersion = _request.getDotVersion(); if (_dotVersion > 1) { _dotVersion = 1; } // Common fields on the response _response.setVersion(HttpMessage.__HTTP_1_1); _response.setField(HttpFields.__Date, _request.getTimeStampStr()); if (!Version.isParanoid()) _response.setField(HttpFields.__Server, Version.getDetail()); // Handle Connection header field Enumeration connectionValues = _request.getFieldValues(HttpFields.__Connection, HttpFields.__separators); if (connectionValues != null) { while (connectionValues.hasMoreElements()) { String token = connectionValues.nextElement().toString(); // handle close token if (token.equalsIgnoreCase(HttpFields.__Close)) { _close = true; _response.setField(HttpFields.__Connection, HttpFields.__Close); } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase(HttpFields.__KeepAlive) && _dotVersion == 0) _keepAlive = true; // Remove headers for HTTP/1.0 requests if (_dotVersion == 0) _request.forceRemoveField(token); } } // Handle version specifics if (_dotVersion == 1) verifyHTTP_1_1(); else if (_dotVersion == 0) verifyHTTP_1_0(); else if (_dotVersion != -1) throw new HttpException(HttpResponse.__505_HTTP_Version_Not_Supported); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("REQUEST from " + _listener + ":\n" + _request); // handle HttpListener handlers if (!_request.isHandled() && _listener.getHttpHandler() != null) _listener.getHttpHandler().handle("", null, _request, _response); // service the request if (!_request.isHandled()) context = service(_request, _response); } catch (HttpException e) { exception(e); } catch (IOException e) { if (_request.getState() != HttpMessage.__MSG_RECEIVED) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e); else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(e.toString()); } _response.destroy(); _response = null; } else exception(e); } catch (Exception e) { exception(e); } catch (Error e) { exception(e); } finally { int bytes_written = 0; int content_length = _response == null ? -1 : _response.getIntField(HttpFields.__ContentLength); // Complete the request if (_persistent) { boolean no_continue_sent = false; try { if (_inputStream.getExpectContinues() != null) { _inputStream.setExpectContinues(null); no_continue_sent = true; } else { int remaining = _inputStream.getContentLength(); if (remaining != 0) // Read remaining input while (_inputStream.skip(4096) > 0 || _inputStream.read() >= 0) ; } } catch (IOException e) { if (_inputStream.getContentLength() > 0) _inputStream.setContentLength(0); _persistent = false; LogSupport.ignore(log, e); exception(new HttpException(HttpResponse.__400_Bad_Request, "Missing Content")); } // Check for no more content if (!no_continue_sent && _inputStream.getContentLength() > 0) { _inputStream.setContentLength(0); _persistent = false; exception(new HttpException(HttpResponse.__400_Bad_Request, "Missing Content")); } // Commit the response try { _outputStream.close(); bytes_written = _outputStream.getBytesWritten(); _outputStream.resetStream(); _outputStream.addObserver(this); _inputStream.resetStream(); } catch (IOException e) { exception(e); } } else if (_response != null) // There was a request { // half hearted attempt to eat any remaining input try { if (_inputStream.getContentLength() > 0) while (_inputStream.skip(4096) > 0 || _inputStream.read() >= 0) ; _inputStream.resetStream(); } catch (IOException e) { LogSupport.ignore(log, e); } // commit non persistent try { _outputStream.flush(); _response.commit(); bytes_written = _outputStream.getBytesWritten(); _outputStream.close(); _outputStream.resetStream(); } catch (IOException e) { exception(e); } } // Check response length if (_response != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("RESPONSE:\n" + _response); if (_persistent && content_length >= 0 && bytes_written > 0 && content_length != bytes_written) { log.warn( "Invalid length: Content-Length=" + content_length + " written=" + bytes_written + " for " + _request.getRequestURL()); _persistent = false; try { _outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e); } } } // stats & logging if (stats) statsRequestEnd(); if (context != null) context.log(_request, _response, bytes_written); } return (_tunnel != null) || _persistent; }