@Override public boolean matchItem(ItemStack target, ItemStack candidate, WrappedRecipe recipe) { boolean b; try { b = (Boolean) checkItemEquals.invoke(recipe.recipe, target, candidate); } catch (Exception e) { Ref.LOGGER.warn("[Mekanism Recipe Handler] failed to match item!", e); return false; } return b; }
@Override public List<Object> getInputs(IRecipe recipe) { List<Object> ingredients = null; if (recipeClass != null && recipeClass.isInstance(recipe) && inputField != null && checkItemEquals != null) { try { Object[] input = (Object[]) inputField.get(recipe); ingredients = new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList(input)); } catch (Exception e) { Ref.LOGGER.warn("[Mekanism Recipe Scan] " + recipe.getClass().getName() + " failed!", e); return null; } } return ingredients; }
static { if (Loader.isModLoaded("Mekanism")) { try { recipeClass = (Class<? super IRecipe>) Class.forName("mekanism.common.recipe.MekanismRecipe"); checkItemEquals = recipeClass.getDeclaredMethod("checkItemEquals", ItemStack.class, ItemStack.class); checkItemEquals.setAccessible(true); inputField = recipeClass.getDeclaredField("input"); inputField.setAccessible(true); } catch (Exception e) { Ref.LOGGER.warn("[Mekanism Recipe Scan] MekanismRecipe.class could not be obtained!", e); } } else { Ref.LOGGER.info("[Mekanism Recipe Scan] Disabled."); } }