public LocalGroup save(LocalAccount account, Group group) { if (isNull(account) || isNull(group)) { return null; } LocalGroup result = getGroup(account, group); if (result != null) { return result; } SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); sqLiteDatabase.beginTransaction(); try { long remoteGroupId = 0l; Date createdAt = new Date(); int state = LocalGroup.STATE_ADDED; if (group instanceof LocalGroup) { LocalGroup localGroup = (LocalGroup) group; remoteGroupId = localGroup.getRemoteGroupId(); createdAt = localGroup.getCreatedAt(); state = localGroup.getState(); result = localGroup; } else { result = new LocalGroup(); } ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("SP_Group_ID", group.getId()); values.put("Remote_Group_ID", remoteGroupId); values.put("Group_Name", group.getName()); values.put("Created_At", createdAt.getTime()); values.put("State", state); values.put("Account_ID", account.getAccountId()); long rowId = sqLiteDatabase.replace(TABLE, null, values); if (group instanceof LocalGroup) { result.setGroupId(rowId); result.setId(group.getId()); result.setRemoteGroupId(remoteGroupId); result.setName(group.getName()); result.setCreatedAt(createdAt); result.setState(state); result.setAccountId(account.getAccountId()); } sqLiteDatabase.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { sqLiteDatabase.endTransaction(); } return result; }
public LocalGroup getGroup(LocalAccount account, Group group) { if (account == null || group == null) { return null; } String groupName = group.getName(); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(groupName)) { groupName = groupName.replace("'", "''"); } String sql = "select * from Group_Info where SP_Group_ID = '" + group.getId() + "' and Account_ID = " + account.getAccountId() + " and Group_Name = '" + groupName + "'"; return (LocalGroup) this.query(sql); }