public ArrayList<ComentarioBean> getAllporusuario( int id_usuario, ArrayList<FilterBeanHelper> alFilter, HashMap<String, String> hmOrder, Integer expand) throws Exception { strSQL = "SELECT comentario.* from comentario, amistad where comentario.id_amistad= and amistad.id_usuario2=" + id_usuario; strSQL += SqlBuilder.buildSqlOrder(hmOrder); ArrayList<ComentarioBean> arrComentario = new ArrayList<>(); try { ResultSet oResultSet = oMysql.getAllSql(strSQL); if (oResultSet != null) { while ( { ComentarioBean oComentarioBean = new ComentarioBean(); arrComentario.add(oComentarioBean.fill(oResultSet, oConnection, expand)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBooster.boost( new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":getPage ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return arrComentario; }
@Override public ArrayList<TareaBean> getPage( int intRegsPerPag, int intPage, ArrayList<FilterBeanHelper> hmFilter, HashMap<String, String> hmOrder, Integer expand) throws Exception { strSQL += SqlBuilder.buildSqlWhere(hmFilter); strSQL += SqlBuilder.buildSqlOrder(hmOrder); strSQL += SqlBuilder.buildSqlLimit(oMysql.getCount(strSQL), intRegsPerPag, intPage); ArrayList<TareaBean> arrTarea = new ArrayList<>(); try { ResultSet oResultSet = oMysql.getAllSql(strSQL); if (oResultSet != null) { while ( { TareaBean oTareaBean = new TareaBean(); arrTarea.add(oTareaBean.fill(oResultSet, oConnection, expand)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBooster.boost( new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":getPage ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return arrTarea; }
public ArrayList<ComentarioBean> getPagexidusuario( int id_usuario, int intRegsPerPag, int intPage, ArrayList<FilterBeanHelper> hmFilter, HashMap<String, String> hmOrder, Integer expand) throws Exception { // strSQL += SqlBuilder.buildSqlWhere(hmFilter); // strSQL += SqlBuilder.buildSqlOrder(hmOrder); strSQL = "select, comentario.texto, comentario.fecha, comentario.id_amistad from comentario, amistad, usuario where ( amistad.id_usuario2) AND = comentario.id_amistad AND" + id_usuario; strSQL += SqlBuilder.buildSqlLimit(oMysql.getCount(strSQL), intRegsPerPag, intPage); ArrayList<ComentarioBean> arrComentario = new ArrayList<>(); try { ResultSet oResultSet = oMysql.getAllSql(strSQL); if (oResultSet != null) { while ( { ComentarioBean oComentarioBean = new ComentarioBean(); arrComentario.add(oComentarioBean.fill(oResultSet, oConnection, expand)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBooster.boost( new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":getPage ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return arrComentario; }
public ArrayList<TareaBean> getAllTareaXCurso(Integer intTarea, Integer expand) throws Exception { strSQL += " AND tarea.id_asignaturaevaluacion = " + intTarea; ArrayList<TareaBean> arrTarea = new ArrayList<>(); try { ResultSet oResultSet = oMysql.getAllSql(strSQL); if (oResultSet != null) { while ( { TareaBean oTareaBean = new TareaBean(); arrTarea.add(oTareaBean.fill(oResultSet, oConnection, expand)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBooster.boost( new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":getPage ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return arrTarea; }
@Override public TareaBean get(TareaBean oTareaBean, Integer expand) throws Exception { if (oTareaBean.getId() > 0) { try { ResultSet oResultSet = oMysql.getAllSql(strSQL + " And id= " + oTareaBean.getId() + " "); if (oResultSet != null) { while ( { oTareaBean = oTareaBean.fill(oResultSet, oConnection, expand); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBooster.boost( new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":get ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } } else { oTareaBean.setId(0); } return oTareaBean; }
public int getAmistad(int id_usuario, int id_usuario2) throws Exception { int num = 0; String consulta = "select * from amistad where (id_usuario=" + id_usuario + " and id_usuario2=" + id_usuario2 + ")"; ResultSet oResultSet = oMysql.getAllSql(consulta); if (oResultSet != null) { while ( { num = oResultSet.getInt("id"); } } return num; }
public int getmensajesnuevos(int id_usuario) throws Exception { int num = 0; strSQL = "select count(*) as total from comentario, amistad, usuario where amistad.id_usuario AND = comentario.id_amistad AND amistad.id_usuario2=" + id_usuario + " and comentario.leido=0"; try { ResultSet oResultSet = oMysql.getAllSql(strSQL); if (oResultSet != null) { while ( { num = oResultSet.getInt("total"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBooster.boost( new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":getPage ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return num; }