@CommandRequirements() @Command( aliases = "npc", usage = "create [name] (text)", desc = "create an NPC", modifiers = "create", min = 2) @CommandPermissions("basic.create") public static void create(CommandContext args, Player player, HumanNPC npc) { if (!PermissionManager.canCreate(player)) { player.sendMessage(MessageUtils.reachedNPCLimitMessage); return; } ArrayDeque<String> texts = new ArrayDeque<String>(); String firstArg = args.getString(1); if (args.argsLength() >= 3) { texts.add(args.getJoinedStrings(2)); } if (firstArg.length() > 16) { player.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "The name of this NPC will be truncated - max name length is 16."); firstArg = args.getString(1).substring(0, 16); } if (Economy.useEconPlugin()) { if (Economy.hasEnough(player, UtilityProperties.getPrice("basic.creation"))) { double paid = Economy.pay(player, UtilityProperties.getPrice("basic.creation")); if (paid > 0) { player.sendMessage( MessageUtils.getPaidMessage( player, "basic", "basic.creation", firstArg.replace("/", " "), false)); } } else { player.sendMessage(MessageUtils.getNoMoneyMessage(player, "basic.creation")); return; } } int UID = NPCManager.register( firstArg, player.getLocation(), player.getName(), NPCCreateReason.COMMAND); NPCDataManager.setText(UID, texts); HumanNPC created = NPCManager.get(UID); created.getNPCData().setOwner(player.getName()); Messaging.send(player, created, Settings.getString("CreationMessage")); NPCDataManager.selectNPC(player, NPCManager.get(UID)); Messaging.send(player, created, Settings.getString("SelectionMessage")); }
@CommandRequirements() @Command( aliases = "npc", usage = "help (page)", desc = "view the Basic NPC help page", modifiers = "help", min = 1, max = 2) @CommandPermissions("basic.use.help") @ServerCommand() public static void npcHelp(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, HumanNPC npc) { int page = 1; if (args.argsLength() == 2) { page = Integer.parseInt(args.getString(1)); } HelpUtils.sendBasicHelpPage(sender, page); }
@Command( aliases = "npc", usage = "moveto [x y z] (world pitch yaw)", desc = "move an NPC to a location", modifiers = "moveto", min = 4, max = 7) @CommandPermissions("basic.modify.moveto") public static void moveTo(CommandContext args, Player player, HumanNPC npc) { double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; float yaw = npc.getLocation().getYaw(), pitch = npc.getLocation().getPitch(); String world = npc.getWorld().getName(); switch (args.argsLength()) { case 7: yaw = Float.parseFloat(args.getString(6)); case 6: pitch = Float.parseFloat(args.getString(5)); case 5: world = args.getString(4); if (Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(world) == null) { Messaging.sendError(player, "Invalid world."); return; } case 4: x = Double.parseDouble(args.getString(1)); y = Double.parseDouble(args.getString(2)); z = Double.parseDouble(args.getString(3)); } Location loc = new Location(Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(world), x, y, z, pitch, yaw); npc.teleport(loc); npc.getNPCData().setLocation(loc); player.sendMessage( StringUtils.wrap(npc.getName()) + " moved to the coordinates " + StringUtils.wrap(x) + ", " + StringUtils.wrap(y) + ", " + StringUtils.wrap(z) + " in the world " + StringUtils.wrap(world) + "."); }
@CommandRequirements() @Command( aliases = "npc", usage = "remove (all)", desc = "remove NPCs", modifiers = "remove", min = 1, max = 2) public static void remove(CommandContext args, Player player, HumanNPC npc) { if (args.argsLength() == 2 && args.getString(1).equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { if (PermissionManager.hasPermission(player, "citizens.basic.modify.remove.all")) { if (NPCManager.GlobalUIDs.size() == 0) { Messaging.sendError(player, "There are no NPCs to remove."); return; } NPCManager.removeAll(NPCRemoveReason.COMMAND); NPCDataManager.deselectNPC(player); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "The NPC(s) disappeared."); } else { Messaging.sendError(player, MessageUtils.noPermissionsMessage); } return; } if (npc == null) { player.sendMessage(MessageUtils.mustHaveNPCSelectedMessage); return; } if ((!NPCManager.isOwner(player, npc.getUID()) && PermissionManager.hasPermission(player, "citizens.admin.override.remove")) || (NPCManager.isOwner(player, npc.getUID()) && PermissionManager.hasPermission(player, "citizens.basic.modify.remove"))) { NPCManager.remove(npc.getUID(), NPCRemoveReason.COMMAND); NPCDataManager.deselectNPC(player); player.sendMessage(StringUtils.wrap(npc.getName(), ChatColor.GRAY) + " disappeared."); return; } Messaging.sendError(player, MessageUtils.noPermissionsMessage); }
@CommandRequirements() @Command( aliases = "npc", usage = "list (name) (page)", desc = "view a list of NPCs for a player", modifiers = "list", min = 1, max = 3) @CommandPermissions("basic.use.list") public static void list(CommandContext args, Player player, HumanNPC npc) { switch (args.argsLength()) { case 1: MessageUtils.displayNPCList(player, player, npc, "1"); break; case 2: if (StringUtils.isNumber(args.getString(1))) { MessageUtils.displayNPCList(player, player, npc, args.getString(1)); } else { if (ServerUtils.matchPlayer(args.getString(1)) != null) { MessageUtils.displayNPCList( player, ServerUtils.matchPlayer(args.getString(1)), npc, "1"); } else { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Could not match player."); } } break; case 3: if (ServerUtils.matchPlayer(args.getString(1)) != null) { MessageUtils.displayNPCList( player, ServerUtils.matchPlayer(args.getString(1)), npc, args.getString(2)); } else { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Could not match player."); } break; } }
@Command( aliases = "npc", usage = "[path|waypoints] (reset|index)", desc = "toggle waypoint editing", modifiers = {"path", "waypoints"}, min = 1, max = 2) @CommandPermissions("waypoints.edit") public static void waypoints(CommandContext args, Player player, HumanNPC npc) { if (args.argsLength() >= 2 && args.getString(1).equalsIgnoreCase("reset")) { npc.getWaypoints().resetWaypoints(); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Waypoints " + StringUtils.wrap("reset") + "."); return; } if (NPCDataManager.equipmentEditors.containsKey(player)) { Messaging.sendError(player, "You can only be in one editor at a time."); return; } int index = npc.getWaypoints().size() - 1; if (args.argsLength() == 2 && StringUtils.isNumber(args.getString(1))) { index = args.getInteger(1) - 1; if (index < 0) index = 0; if (npc.getWaypoints().size() != 0 && index >= npc.getWaypoints().size()) { player.sendMessage( ChatColor.GRAY + "Index out of bounds. This NPC only has " + StringUtils.wrap(npc.getWaypoints().size()) + " waypoints."); return; } } if (index < 0) index = 0; PathEditingSession editing = NPCDataManager.pathEditors.get(player); int UID = npc.getUID(); if (editing == null) { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + StringUtils.listify("Waypoint Editing Controls")); player.sendMessage( StringUtils.wrap("Left") + " click adds a waypoint, while " + StringUtils.wrap("right") + " click acts as an undo."); player.sendMessage( StringUtils.wrap("Right clicking") + " the NPC will cause him to restart from the current index."); player.sendMessage(StringUtils.wrap("Repeat") + " this command to finish."); editing = new PathEditingSession(UID, index); } else if (editing.getUID() == UID && args.argsLength() == 1) { player.sendMessage(StringUtils.wrap("Finished") + " editing waypoints."); NPCDataManager.pathEditors.remove(player); return; } else if (editing.getUID() != UID) { player.sendMessage( ChatColor.GRAY + "Now editing " + StringUtils.wrap(npc.getName()) + "'s waypoints."); editing = new PathEditingSession(UID, index); } if (npc.getWaypoints().size() > 0) { npc.getWaypoints().setIndex(index); npc.teleport(npc.getWaypoints().get(index).getLocation()); } NPCDataManager.pathEditors.put(player, editing); }
@Command( aliases = "npc", usage = "money (give|take) (amount)", desc = "control an npc's balance", modifiers = "money", min = 1, max = 3) public static void money(CommandContext args, Player player, HumanNPC npc) { switch (args.argsLength()) { case 1: if (PermissionManager.hasPermission(player, "citizens.basic.use.showmoney")) { player.sendMessage( StringUtils.wrap(npc.getName()) + " has " + StringUtils.wrap(Economy.format(npc.getBalance())) + "."); } else { player.sendMessage(MessageUtils.noPermissionsMessage); } break; case 3: if (!PermissionManager.hasPermission(player, "citizens.basic.modify.money")) { player.sendMessage(MessageUtils.noPermissionsMessage); return; } double amount; try { amount = Double.parseDouble(args.getString(2)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Messaging.sendError(player, "Invalid balance change amount entered."); return; } String keyword = "Took "; if (args.getString(1).contains("g")) { if (Economy.hasEnough(player, amount)) { keyword = "Gave "; Economy.pay(npc, -amount); Economy.pay(player, amount); } else { player.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "You don't have enough money for that! Need " + StringUtils.wrap( Economy.format(amount - Economy.getBalance(player.getName())), ChatColor.RED) + " more."); return; } } else if (args.getString(1).contains("t")) { if (Economy.hasEnough(npc, amount)) { Economy.pay(npc, amount); Economy.pay(player, -amount); } else { player.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "The npc doesn't have enough money for that! It needs " + StringUtils.wrap(Economy.format(amount - npc.getBalance()), ChatColor.RED) + " more in its balance."); return; } } else { player.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "Invalid argument type " + StringUtils.wrap(args.getString(1), ChatColor.RED) + "."); return; } player.sendMessage( ChatColor.GREEN + keyword + StringUtils.wrap(Economy.format(amount)) + " to " + StringUtils.wrap(npc.getName()) + ". Your balance is now " + StringUtils.wrap(Economy.getFormattedBalance(player.getName())) + "."); break; default: Messaging.sendError(player, "Incorrect syntax. See /npc help"); break; } }