예제 #1
  * Displays the MyChunks Help Page to the given Player
  * @param Player The Player needing help
 public static void sendHelp(Player player) {
   player.sendMessage("§e     MyChunks Help Page:");
       "§2/chunk buy§b Purchase the current chunk for " + Econ.format(Econ.buyPrice));
   player.sendMessage("§2/chunk sell§b Sell the current chunk for " + Econ.format(Econ.sellPrice));
   player.sendMessage("§2/chunk list§b List locations of owned Chunks");
   player.sendMessage("§2/chunk info§b List Owner and CoOwners of current Chunk");
   player.sendMessage("§2/chunk clear§b Sell all owned Chunks");
   player.sendMessage("§2/chunk coowner [Action] [Type] [Name]");
   player.sendMessage("§bAction = 'add' or 'remove'");
   player.sendMessage("§bType = 'player' or 'group'");
   player.sendMessage("§bName = The group name or the Player's name");