public void validateOnSave() throws BusinessException { if (getNquotationlower() == null) throw new BusinessException("合理报价偏差率不能为空"); if (PuPubVO.getUFDouble_NullAsZero(getNquotationlower()).compareTo(UFDouble.ZERO_DBL) < 0) throw new BusinessException("合理报价偏差率不能小于零"); if (PuPubVO.getUFDouble_NullAsZero(getNquotationlower()).compareTo(UFDouble.ONE_DBL) > 0) throw new BusinessException("合理报价偏差率不能大于壹"); }
public UFDouble getThreeParameters(String ccustmanid, String corp) throws DAOException { String sql1 = " select sum(f.dfybje) from arap_djzb z join arap_djfb f on z.vouchid = f.vouchid " + " where z.djlxbm in ('D1','2348') and isnull(z.dr, 0) = 0 and isnull(f.dr, 0) = 0 " + " and f.jsfsbm ='25' and z.dwbm='" + corp + "' and z.zgyf=0 and f.hbbm= '" + ccustmanid + "' "; UFDouble d1 = PuPubVO.getUFDouble_NullAsZero( getBaseDao().executeQuery(sql1, HgBsPubTool.COLUMNPROCESSOR)); String sql2 = " select sum(z.bbje) from arap_djzb z join arap_djfb f on z.vouchid = f.vouchid " + " where z.djlxbm in ('D3','2346') and isnull(z.dr, 0) = 0 and isnull(f.dr, 0) = 0 " + " and z.dwbm='" + corp + "' and z.prepay = 'Y' and f.hbbm= '" + ccustmanid + "' "; UFDouble d2 = PuPubVO.getUFDouble_NullAsZero( getBaseDao().executeQuery(sql2, HgBsPubTool.COLUMNPROCESSOR)); UFDouble d3 = UFDouble.ZERO_DBL; if (d2.sub(d1).compareTo(d3) > 0) { d3 = d2.sub(d1); } return d3; }