예제 #1
  * Inference between a compound term and a component of it
  * @param compound The compound term
  * @param component The component term
  * @param compoundTask Whether the compound comes from the task
  * @param memory Reference to the memory
 private static void compoundAndSelf(
     CompoundTerm compound, Term component, boolean compoundTask, Memory memory) {
   if ((compound instanceof Conjunction) || (compound instanceof Disjunction)) {
     if (memory.currentBelief != null) {
       CompositionalRules.decomposeStatement(compound, component, compoundTask, memory);
     } else if (compound.containComponent(component)) {
       StructuralRules.structuralCompound(compound, component, compoundTask, memory);
   } else if ((compound instanceof Negation) && !memory.currentTask.isStructural()) {
     if (compoundTask) {
       StructuralRules.transformNegation(((Negation) compound).componentAt(0), memory);
     } else {
       StructuralRules.transformNegation(compound, memory);