public static void authenticate(String username, String password) {"Attempting to authenticate with " + username + ":" + password); Admin admin = Admin.findByUsername(username); if ((admin != null) && (admin.checkPassword(password) == true)) {"Successfull authentication of " + admin.username); /** * wanted to put an extra value in session - logged_in_adminid to distinguish an admin, as a * user could be logged in and type the route for admin URLs and get into the restricted * access areas. By putting a new value in session, it can only be set if an admin is logged * in. */ session.put("logged_in_adminid",; /** * if login successful, communicate back to AJAX call in adminlogin.js and that will handle * the next screen */ JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); String value = "correct"; obj.put("inputdata", value); renderJSON(obj); } else { /** * if login unsuccessful, communicate back to AJAX call in adminlogin.js and that will * redisplay login.html with error */"Authentication failed"); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); String value = "Error: Incorrect Email/Password entered."; obj.put("inputdata", value); renderJSON(obj); } }
public static void showPicasaGallery(Long id, String name) { notFoundIfNull(id); PicasaGallery gallery = PicasaGallery.findById(id); notFoundIfNull(gallery); PicasawebService service = new PicasawebService("portfolio"); List<PhotoEntry> photoEntries = Collections.emptyList(); try { feedUrl = new; AlbumFeed feed = service.getFeed(feedUrl, AlbumFeed.class); photoEntries = feed.getPhotoEntries(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Logger.error("Service URL for Picasa is not well formed"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error("Error I/O while communicating with Picasa Service"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceException e) { Logger.error("Picasa service error"); e.printStackTrace(); } List<ImageView> images = new ArrayList<ImageView>(); for (PhotoEntry entry : photoEntries) { ImageView image = new ImageView(); // We take the largest image.thumbnail = entry.getMediaThumbnails().get(entry.getMediaThumbnails().size() - 1).getUrl(); image.url = entry.getMediaContents().get(0).getUrl(); images.add(image); } render("Application/gallery.html", images, gallery); }
public static void closeConnection() { if (twitter != null) {"Closing down Twitter stream..."); twitter.cleanUp(); if (esClient != null) esClient.close(); } else {"No twitter stream found"); } }
public TweetListener(List<String> terms, Client esClient, String esIndex, String esType) { this.terms = terms; this.esClient = esClient; StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) query.append("|"); // query.append("(").append(Pattern.quote(terms.get(i))).append(")"); // query.append("(").append(terms.get(i)).append(")"); query.append(terms.get(i)); }"Query match pattern: " + query.toString()); this.matchPattern = Pattern.compile(query.toString(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);"Query match pattern: " + matchPattern.toString()); }
private static void startStream(List<String> terms) throws TwitterException { if (twitter != null) { twitter.cleanUp(); } if (esClient != null) { esClient.close(); esClient = null; } play.Configuration pconf = Play.application().configuration(); String elasticSearchCluster = pconf.getString(""); if (elasticSearchCluster != null) {"Configuring ElasticSearch..."); Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder().put("", elasticSearchCluster).build(); esClient = new TransportClient(settings) .addTransportAddress( new InetSocketTransportAddress( pconf.getString(""), pconf.getInt("tweet.elasticsearch.transport.port"))); } else { esClient = null; } twitter4j.conf.Configuration tconf = Application.getTwitterConfiguration(); TwitterStreamFactory tf = new TwitterStreamFactory(tconf); twitter = tf.getInstance(); StatusListener l = new TweetListener( terms, esClient, pconf.getString("tweet.elasticsearch.index"), pconf.getString("tweet.elasticsearch.type")); twitter.addListener(l); String[] tracks = new String[terms.size()]; StringBuffer termsString = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) { tracks[i] = terms.get(i); if (i != 0) termsString.append(","); termsString.append(terms.get(i)); } FilterQuery q = new FilterQuery().track(tracks); twitter.filter(q);"Starting listening for tweets using terms " + termsString.toString() + "..."); }
public static Result start() { java.util.Map<String, String[]> map = request().body().asFormUrlEncoded(); List<String> terms = new ArrayList<>(map.size()); for (int i = 0; i < map.size(); i++) { String key = "terms[" + i + "]"; if (map.containsKey(key)) { String[] values = map.get(key); if ((values != null) && (values.length >= 1)) { terms.add(values[0]); } } } StreamConfig config = getConfig(); config.putTerms(terms); config.update(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String t : terms) { sb.append(t); sb.append(", "); } sb.delete(sb.length() - 2, sb.length()); try { startStream(terms); flash("success", "Twitter stream started (" + sb.toString() + ")"); } catch (TwitterException e) {"Error starting twitter stream", e); flash("error", "Error starting Twitter stream" + e.getMessage()); } return redirect(routes.Streams.listAll()); }
public static void save(Project project) { System.out.println("---> " + project.isPersistent()); Logger.warn("Next warning is intended!");; validation.keep(); show(; }
public static void startConnection() { StreamConfig config = getConfig(); try { startStream(config.listTerms()); } catch (TwitterException e) {"Error starting twitter stream", e); } }
public static void map() throws InterruptedException { Application.mapListeners.addListener();"connecting ws."); while (inbound.isOpen()) { String event = await(MapEvent.instance.event.nextEvent()); outbound.send(event); }"disconnecting ws."); Application.mapListeners.removeListener(); }
public static void postDate(String code, String userId, int rank) {;;"" + rank); if (code.equals(Business.BUSINESS)) { Business b = Business.findById(userId); b.rank = rank;; } else if (code.equals(Developer.DEVELOPER)) { Developer d = Developer.findById(userId); d.rank = rank;; } else if (code.equals(Creativo.CREATIVO)) { Creativo c = Creativo.findById(userId); c.rank = rank;; } render(); }
public static void fbLogin() { String token = params.get("token"); if (null != token && !token.isEmpty()) { FacebookClient fb = new DefaultFacebookClient(token); User fbUser = fb.fetchObject("me", User.class);"Facebook User:"******"Such a user does not exists. Create/Register one..."); // Register a new... // Email uniqueness is controlled by Facebook I suppose, so no need to check on our side... sesUser = new SUser(fbUser.getName(), fbUser.getEmail()); sesUser.fbId = fbUser.getId();; } Auth.fbLogin(token, sesUser); } else { redirect("/"); } }
public static Admin getCurrentAdmin() { /** * get currently logged in admin for Candidate ( + Office * ( constructors via new logged_in_adminid written to session on admin * login */ String adminId = session.get("logged_in_adminid"); if (adminId == null) { return null; } Admin logged_in_admin = Admin.findById(Long.parseLong(adminId));"In Admin controller: Logged in admin is " + logged_in_admin.username); return logged_in_admin; }
/** * Validates fields from the registration form and either creates a new user or communicates any * validation errors. */ public static Result submit() { Form<User> filledForm = signupForm.bindFromRequest(); // Check accept conditions if (!"true".equals(filledForm.field("accept").value())) { filledForm.reject("accept", "You must accept the terms and conditions"); } // Check repeated password if (!filledForm.field("password").valueOr("").isEmpty()) { if (!filledForm .field("password") .valueOr("") .equals(filledForm.field("repeatPassword").value())) { filledForm.reject("repeatPassword", "Passwords do not match"); } } // Check if the username and email are valid if (!filledForm.hasErrors()) { String un = filledForm.get().username; String email = filledForm.get().email; if (un.equals("admin") || un.equals("guest")) { filledForm.reject("username", "This username is already taken"); } try { Logger.debug("Finding user " + email); User.findByEmail(email); filledForm.reject( "email", "There is already an account associated with this email address."); } catch (Exception e) { // continue - the user does not exist } } // Return validation results to user or save user if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(form.render(filledForm)); } else { User user = filledForm.get(); /* create an object from a form */ User svUser = new User(user.username,, user.password); /* recreate to get save group info */; return ok(summary.render(svUser)); } }
public void onStatus(twitter4j.Status status) { + " : " + status.getText()); Tweet tweet = new Tweet(status); tweet.conformsToTerms = checkMatch(status);; if (tweet.conformsToTerms && esClient != null) { String json = DataObjectFactory.getRawJSON(status); json = json.replaceAll( "(\"geo\":\\{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":)\\[([-0-9.,]*)\\]", "$1\"$2\""); // Logger.debug("geo mangled json"); // Logger.debug(json); IndexResponse response = esClient.prepareIndex("twitter", "tweet").setSource(json).execute().actionGet(); } }
private static StreamConfig getConfig() { List<StreamConfig> configs = StreamConfig.find.findList(); if (configs.size() > 1) { Logger.error("Multiple stream configurations present!"); } StreamConfig config; if (configs.isEmpty()) { String[] tracks = new String[3]; tracks[0] = "nl-alert"; tracks[1] = "nlalert"; tracks[2] = "\"nl alert\""; config = new StreamConfig(tracks);; } else { config = configs.get(0); } return config; }
public static Result download() { Exporter exporter = new Exporter("/tmp/tweets.xlsx"); List<Tweet> tweets = Tweet.find.all(); try { for (Tweet t : tweets) { SimpleTweet simple = new SimpleTweet(); =; simple.createdAt =; simple.userName = t.fromUser; simple.userId = t.fromUserId; simple.text = t.text; simple.inReplyToName = t.inReplyTo; simple.latitude = t.latitude; simple.longitude = t.longitude; exporter.addTweet(simple); } exporter.write(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { flash("error", "Bestand niet gevonden");"Bestand niet gevonden", e); return ok("Exception opening file"); } // try { response().setContentType("application/x-download"); response().setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=tweets.xlsx"); return ok(new File("/tmp/tweets.xlsx")); /* } catch (IOException e) {"Exception sending zipfile", e); return ok("Exception opening file"); */ // } }
public static void upload(String imei, File data) { try { File pbFile = new File( Play.configuration.getProperty("application.uploadDataDirectory"), imei + "_" + new Date().getTime() + ".pb");; data.renameTo(pbFile); byte[] dataFrame = new byte[(int) pbFile.length()]; ; DataInputStream dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(pbFile)));; Upload upload = Upload.parseFrom(dataFrame); Phone phone = Phone.find("imei = ?", imei).first(); if (phone == null) badRequest(); for (Upload.Route r : upload.getRouteList()) { if (r.getPointList().size() <= 1) continue; Agency a = Agency.find("gtfsAgencyId = ?", "DEFAULT").first(); Route route = new Route("", r.getRouteName(), RouteType.BUS, r.getRouteDescription(), a); = phone; route.routeNotes = r.getRouteNotes(); route.vehicleCapacity = r.getVehicleCapacity(); route.vehicleType = r.getVehicleType(); route.captureTime = new Date(r.getStartTime());; List<String> points = new ArrayList<String>(); Integer pointSequence = 1; for (Upload.Route.Point p : r.getPointList()) { points.add(new Double(p.getLon()).toString() + " " + new Double(p.getLat()).toString()); RoutePoint.addRoutePoint(p,, pointSequence); pointSequence++; } String linestring = "LINESTRING(" + StringUtils.join(points, ", ") + ")"; BigInteger tripShapeId = TripShape.nativeInsert(TripShape.em(), "", linestring, 0.0); TripPattern tp = new TripPattern(); tp.route = route; tp.headsign = r.getRouteName(); tp.shape = TripShape.findById(tripShapeId.longValue());; Integer sequenceId = 0; for (Upload.Route.Stop s : r.getStopList()) { BigInteger stopId = Stop.nativeInsert(Stop.em(), s); TripPatternStop tps = new TripPatternStop(); tps.stop = Stop.findById(stopId.longValue()); tps.stopSequence = sequenceId; tps.defaultTravelTime = s.getArrivalTimeoffset(); tps.defaultDwellTime = s.getDepartureTimeoffset() - s.getArrivalTimeoffset(); tps.pattern = tp; tps.board = s.getBoard(); tps.alight = s.getAlight();; sequenceId++; } // ProcessGisExport gisExport = new ProcessGisExport(; // gisExport.doJob(); }"Routes uploaded: " + upload.getRouteList().size()); dataInputStream.close(); ok(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); badRequest(); } }
protected boolean checkMatch(twitter4j.Status status) { boolean result = false; if (matchPattern.matcher(status.getText()).find()) result = true; if (result) { Logger.debug("Terms found in text"); Logger.debug(" \"" + status.getText() + "\""); return result; } for (URLEntity ue : status.getURLEntities()) { if (matchPattern.matcher(ue.getDisplayURL()).find()) result = true; if (matchPattern.matcher(ue.getExpandedURL()).find()) result = true; } if (result) { Logger.debug("Terms found in URL entities"); for (URLEntity ue : status.getURLEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + ue.getDisplayURL()); Logger.debug(" " + ue.getExpandedURL()); } return result; } for (URLEntity ue : status.getMediaEntities()) { if (matchPattern.matcher(ue.getDisplayURL()).find()) result = true; if (matchPattern.matcher(ue.getExpandedURL()).find()) result = true; } if (result) { Logger.debug("Terms found in Media entities"); for (URLEntity ue : status.getMediaEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + ue.getDisplayURL()); Logger.debug(" " + ue.getExpandedURL()); } return result; } for (HashtagEntity he : status.getHashtagEntities()) { if (matchPattern.matcher(he.getText()).find()) result = true; } if (result) { Logger.debug("Terms found in Hashtag entities"); for (HashtagEntity he : status.getHashtagEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + he.getText()); } return result; } for (UserMentionEntity me : status.getUserMentionEntities()) { if (matchPattern.matcher(me.getScreenName()).find()) result = true; } if (result) { Logger.debug("Terms found in User mention entities"); for (UserMentionEntity me : status.getUserMentionEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + me.getScreenName()); } return result; } Logger.debug("Terms NOT FOUND"); Logger.debug(" Terms not found in URL entities"); for (URLEntity ue : status.getURLEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + ue.getDisplayURL()); Logger.debug(" " + ue.getExpandedURL()); } Logger.debug(" Terms not found in Media entities"); for (URLEntity ue : status.getMediaEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + ue.getDisplayURL()); Logger.debug(" " + ue.getExpandedURL()); } Logger.debug(" Terms not found in Hashtag entities"); for (HashtagEntity he : status.getHashtagEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + he.getText()); } Logger.debug(" Terms not found in User mention entities"); for (UserMentionEntity me : status.getUserMentionEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + me.getScreenName()); } return result; }
public void onException(java.lang.Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); Logger.warn("Exception in Twitter Stream", ex); }
public void onTrackLimitationNotice(int numberOfLimitedStatuses) {"Track limitation, missed " + numberOfLimitedStatuses); }
public void onStallWarning(StallWarning warning) {"Stall warning"); }
public void onScrubGeo(long userId, long upToStatusId) {"Scrub geo"); }
public void onDeletionNotice(StatusDeletionNotice statusDeletionNotice) {"Deletion notice"); }
public static Result index() {"this is home:" + request().toString()); UUIDGenerator uuid = UUIDGenerator.findByUDID(request().username()); return ok(home.render(uuid.getUser().getUsername())); }