public static Result listBackupsFor_JSON(String username, Long jobId) {"Listing backups for job " + jobId); Job job = Job.findById(jobId); if (job == null) return notFound(); List<Backup> backups = Backup.findByJob(job); return ok(Json.toJson(; }
public static List<Job> findJobsByValidLocation() { return Job.find("byLocationValid", true).fetch(); }
public static List<Job> findMissingCoordinatesByCompany(Company company) { return Job.find("latitude < 0 and longitude < 0 and company=?1", company).fetch(); }
public static List<Job> findByCompany(Company company) { return Job.find("byCompany", company).fetch(); }
public static List<Job> findByJobKey(List<String> jobKeyList) { return Job.find("key in (:jobkeys)").bind("jobkeys", jobKeyList).fetch(); }
public static Job byId(long id) { return Job.find("byId", id).first(); }
public static Job findByJobKey(String key) { return Job.find("byKey", key).first(); }
public static Result createJob(String username) { // TODO needs to come from the session User user = getUser(username); // Get source profile String sourceProfileId = getFormParam("sourceProfileId"); if (sourceProfileId == null) { Logger.warn(MISSING_PARAM + "sourceProfileId"); return badRequest(MISSING_PARAM + "sourceProfileId"); } DatastoreProfile sourceProfile = null; try { sourceProfile = DatastoreProfile.find.byId(Long.parseLong(sourceProfileId)); } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error(t.getMessage()); } if (sourceProfile == null) { Logger.warn(PROFILE_NOT_FOUND + sourceProfileId); return notFound(PROFILE_NOT_FOUND + sourceProfileId); } if (sourceProfile.type != Type.DATASOURCE) { Logger.warn(NOT_A_SOURCE.replace("@@id@@", sourceProfileId)); return badRequest(NOT_A_SOURCE.replace("@@id@@", sourceProfileId)); }"New job - source " + sourceProfile.pluginClass); String listOfActions = getFormParam("requiredActions"); if (listOfActions == null) listOfActions = "";"New job - actions " + listOfActions); // Get sink profile String sinkProfileId = getFormParam("sinkProfileId"); if (sinkProfileId == null) { Logger.warn(MISSING_PARAM + "sinkProfileId"); return badRequest(MISSING_PARAM + "sinkProfileId"); } DatastoreProfile sinkProfile = null; try { sinkProfile = DatastoreProfile.find.byId(Long.parseLong(sinkProfileId)); } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error(t.getMessage()); } if (sinkProfile == null) { Logger.warn(PROFILE_NOT_FOUND + sinkProfileId); return notFound(PROFILE_NOT_FOUND + sinkProfileId); } if (sinkProfile.type != Type.DATASINK) { Logger.warn(NOT_A_SINK.replace("@@id@@", sinkProfileId)); return badRequest(NOT_A_SINK.replace("@@id@@", sinkProfileId)); }"New job - sink " + sinkProfile.pluginClass); // Time expression String timeExpression = getFormParam("timeExpression");"New job - time expression: " + timeExpression); if (timeExpression == null) return badRequest(MISSING_PARAM + "timeExpression"); // TODO - we start immediately for testing purposes ONLY Date start = new Date(); // Job Title String jobTitle = getFormParam("jobTitle"); if (jobTitle == null) return badRequest(MISSING_PARAM + "jobTitle"); Job job = new Job( user, jobTitle, sourceProfile, listOfActions.trim(), sinkProfile, start, getDelay(timeExpression));; SimpleJobManager.getInstance().queueJob(job); return ok(); }
/** Common implementations * */ private static List<Job> getJobsFor(String username) { // TODO needs to come from the session User user = getUser(username); return Job.findByUser(user); }
public static Result deleteJob(String username, Long jobId) { Job job = Job.findById(jobId); if (job != null) Job.deleteCascaded(job); return noContent(); }
/** * When a StartJobMessage is received, the corresponding Job is extracted and the unprocessed * instances are sent and received one at a time to the solver. Every time a text annotation is * processed, JobProcessingActor notifies its parent, the MasterActor, of its progress. */ @Override public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception { if (message instanceof SetUpJobMessage) { ActorRef master = getSender(); SetUpJobMessage jobInfo = (SetUpJobMessage) message; this.conf_id = jobInfo.getConf_id(); this.record_id = jobInfo.getRecord_id(); this.url = jobInfo.getUrl(); LearnerSettings learnerSettings = jobInfo.getLearnerSettings(); Job job = Core.setUpJob(conf_id, url, record_id); ClassificationTester eval = new ClassificationTester(); Evaluator evaluator; String viewName; try { evaluator = Core.getEvaluator(conf_id); viewName = Core.getEvaluatorView(conf_id); } catch (Exception e) { master.tell( new StatusUpdate(0, 0, 0, record_id, eval, "Error receiving evaluator from database"), getSelf()); Core.storeResultsOfRunInDatabase(eval, record_id, false); return; } if (job.getError() != null) { master.tell(new StatusUpdate(0, 0, 0, record_id, eval, job.getError()), getSelf()); Core.storeResultsOfRunInDatabase(eval, record_id, false); return; } List<TextAnnotation> unprocessedInstances = job.getUnprocessedInstances(); List<TextAnnotation> goldInstances = job.getGoldInstances(); completed = 0; skipped = 0; total = unprocessedInstances.size(); master.tell(new StatusUpdate(completed, skipped, total, record_id, eval, null), getSelf()); System.out.println("Created Job Processor Worker"); System.out.println("Sending and recieving annotations:"); try { int maxBatchSize = learnerSettings.maxNumInstancesAccepted; for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex < unprocessedInstances.size(); startIndex += maxBatchSize) { int batchSize = Math.min(maxBatchSize, unprocessedInstances.size() - startIndex); List<TextAnnotation> batch = makeBatch(unprocessedInstances, startIndex, batchSize); Promise<LearnerInstancesResponse> response = job.sendAndReceiveRequestsFromSolver(batch); int batchStartIndex = startIndex; response.onRedeem( new F.Callback<LearnerInstancesResponse>() { @Override public void invoke(LearnerInstancesResponse learnerInstancesResponse) throws Throwable { for (int batchIndex = 0; batchIndex < batchSize; batchIndex++) { if (learnerInstancesResponse.textAnnotations[batchIndex] != null) { TextAnnotation goldInstance = goldInstances.get(batchStartIndex + batchIndex); try { Core.evaluate( evaluator, eval, goldInstance, learnerInstancesResponse.textAnnotations[batchIndex], viewName); } catch (Exception e) { Core.storeResultsOfRunInDatabase(eval, record_id, false); master.tell( new StatusUpdate( completed, skipped, total, record_id, eval, "Error in evaluator. Please check your returned View: " + viewName), getSelf()); master.tell(new StopRunMessage(record_id), master); return; } completed++; } else { skipped++; } } if (completed + skipped < total) Core.storeResultsOfRunInDatabase(eval, record_id, true); else Core.storeResultsOfRunInDatabase(eval, record_id, false); master.tell( new StatusUpdate(completed, skipped, total, record_id, eval, null), getSelf()); System.out.println(String.format("Completed batch of size %s", batchSize)); } }); response.get(learnerTimeout); if (killCommandHasBeenSent()) { System.out.println("Exiting"); Core.storeResultsOfRunInDatabase(eval, record_id, false); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Err sending and receiving text annotations" + ex.getMessage()); master.tell( new StatusUpdate( completed, skipped, total, record_id, eval, "Error receiving and sending text annotations"), getSelf()); Core.storeResultsOfRunInDatabase(eval, record_id, false); ex.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Done"); } else unhandled(message); }