public static void confirmation( String courseName, @Required(message = "Please specify your name") String name, @Required(message = "Please specify your email address") String email, String telephonenumber, @Required(message = "Please specify company") String company, @Required(message = "Please specify billing address") String address, String orgnumber) { if (Validation.hasErrors()) { System.out.println(Validation.errors().toString()); params.flash(); // add http parameters to the flash scope validation.keep(); // keep the errors for the next request index(); } Course course = Course.find("byName", courseName).first(); if (course.isNotFull()) { Participant participant = new Participant(name, email, telephonenumber, company, address, orgnumber); Logger.logInfo( participant + " signed up for " + + " starting " + course.startDate); course.addParticipant(participant); new MailSender().sendConfirmationMail(participant, course); flash.success("Thank you for registering for the Kanban Training Class."); } else { flash.error("Sorry. This course is fully booked"); registerInterest(course); } render(course); }
@Override public void loaded() { Course course = (Course) parameter; courseNameField.textProperty().bindBidirectional(course.getNameProperty()); universityField.textProperty().bindBidirectional(course.getUniversity().getNameProperty()); preRequisitesTable.setItems(course.getPreRequisites()); preRequisiteNameColumn.setCellValueFactory((q) -> q.getValue().getNameProperty()); preRequisiteFieldColumn.setCellValueFactory((q) -> q.getValue().getFieldProperty()); }
@Test public void testGetAllCourses() throws Exception { List<Course> courses = data.getAllCourses(); for (Course c : courses) { System.out.println(c.toString()); List<Section> sections = c.getSections(); for (Section s : sections) { System.out.println("\t\t" + s.toString()); } } }
private static Course getCourse(String courseName) { Course course = Course.find("byName", courseName).first(); return course; }
public static void index() { // Course course = getCourse("Kanban Training Class"); // render(course); List<Course> courses = Course.findAll(); render(courses); }