public static void viewAd(String id) { Ad ad = Ad.findById(Long.parseLong(id)); List<Category> cats = Category.find("categorytype_id=?1 order by id", "1").fetch(); EntityManager entityManager = play.db.jpa.JPA.em(); List<BigInteger> bCounts = entityManager .createNativeQuery( "select count(*) as maxCount from Ad as a group by category_id order by maxCount") .getResultList(); int min = bCounts.get(0).intValue(); int max = bCounts.get(bCounts.size() - 1).intValue(); bCounts = entityManager .createNativeQuery( "select count(*) as maxCount from Ad as a group by category_id order by category_id ") .getResultList(); List<String> fonts = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < bCounts.size(); i++) { BigInteger count = bCounts.get(i); int x = Ads.getFontSize(count.intValue(), min, max); fonts.add(String.valueOf(x)); } render(ad, fonts, min, max, cats); }
@Test public void findRepostByCategories_Entity_複数_00() { Category cat1 = Category.findBySerialCode("cat-biz").first(); Category cat2 = Category.findBySerialCode("cat-enta").first(); List<RepostBase> lst = RepostBase.findRepostByCategories(cat1, cat2).fetch(); assertThat(lst.size(), is(5)); // DBからの取得リストの並び保証なし }
@Test public void findRepostByCategories_Entity_複数_投稿者_00() { Category cat1 = Category.findBySerialCode("cat-biz").first(); Category cat2 = Category.findBySerialCode("cat-enta").first(); Account acnt = Account.findByLoginName("goro_san").first(); List<RepostBase> lst = RepostBase.findRepostByCategories(cat1, cat2).contributor(acnt).fetch(); assertThat(lst.size(), is(3)); // DBからの取得リストの並び保証なし }
@Test public void findRepostByCategories_Entity_複数_投稿者_降順_00() { Category cat1 = Category.findBySerialCode("cat-biz").first(); Category cat2 = Category.findBySerialCode("cat-enta").first(); Account acnt = Account.findByLoginName("goro_san").first(); List<RepostBase> lst = RepostBase.findRepostByCategories(cat1, cat2) .contributor(acnt) .orderBy(RepostBase.OrderBy.DATE_OF_REPOST_DESC) .fetch(); assertThat(lst.size(), is(3)); assertThat(lst.get(0).getLabel().serialCode, is("cat-biz")); }
@Override public Category deserialize(JsonElement json, Type type, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { Category category = new Category(); JsonObject object = json.getAsJsonObject(); category.setNameDE(object.get("nameDE").getAsString()); category.setNameEN(object.get("nameEN").getAsString()); for (JsonElement jsonQuestion : object.get("questions").getAsJsonArray()) { Question question = context.deserialize(jsonQuestion, new TypeToken<Question>() {}.getType()); category.addQuestion(question); } return category; }
public static Result newTeam() { Form<Team> filledForm = teamForm.bindFromRequest(); if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { System.out.println("Errors: " + filledForm.errors()); return badRequest( views.html.index.render( Team.all(), teamForm, Category.all(), categoryForm, Interview.all(), interviewForm, Application.getLoggedinUser())); } else { filledForm.get().save(); return redirect(routes.Application.index()); } }
@Override public void onStart(Application app) { Category food = null; Category travel = null; Category sport = null; Category other = null; Company admin = null; Company bitCamp = null; long ownedCoupinID1 = 0; long ownedCoupinID2 = 0; int quantity = 1; int status = Coupon.Status.ACTIVE; String picture = Play.application().configuration().getString("defaultProfilePicture"); if (!Company.exists("Admin")) { bitCamp = new Company( "Admin", "*****@*****.**", HashHelper.createPassword("bitadmin"), new Date(), picture, adress, city, contact); bitCamp.status = Status.ACTIVE;; } if (!Company.exists("BitCamp")) { bitCamp = new Company( "BitCamp", "*****@*****.**", HashHelper.createPassword("bitcamp"), new Date(), picture, adress, city, contact); bitCamp.status = Status.ACTIVE;; } if (Category.exists("Food") == false) { food = new Category( "Food", "");; } if (Category.exists("Travel") == false) { travel = new Category( "Travel", "");; } if (Category.exists("Sport") == false) { sport = new Category( "Sport", "");; } if (Category.exists("Other") == false) { other = new Category("Other");; } if (Coupon.checkByName(nameCoupon1) == false) { Coupon.createCoupon( nameCoupon1, 80, new Date(), "", travel, descriptionCoupon1, remarkCoupon1, 5, 25, new Date(), bitCamp, status); } if (Coupon.checkByName(nameCoupon2) == false) { ownedCoupinID1 = Coupon.createCoupon( nameCoupon2, 40, new Date(), "", other, descriptionCoupon2, remarkCoupon2, 5, 20, new Date(), bitCamp, status); } /* creating a coupon that is not expired */ if (Coupon.checkByName(nameCoupon3) == false) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); String dateString = "01/01/2051"; Date date = null; try { date = df.parse(dateString); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ownedCoupinID2 = Coupon.createCoupon( nameCoupon3, 20, date, "", food, descriptionCoupon3, remarkCoupon3, 2, 5, new Date(), bitCamp, status); } if (Coupon.checkByName(nameCoupon4) == false) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); String dateString = "05/05/2020"; Date date = null; try { date = df.parse(dateString); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Coupon.createCoupon( nameCoupon4, 350, date, "", travel, descriptionCoupon4, remarkCoupon4, 5, 30, new Date(), bitCamp, status); } if (Coupon.checkByName(nameCoupon5) == false) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); String dateString = "05/05/2020"; Date date = null; try { date = df.parse(dateString); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Coupon.createCoupon( nameCoupon5, 17, date, "", food, descriptionCoupon5, remarkCoupon5, 5, 30, new Date(), bitCamp, status); } if (Coupon.checkByName(nameCoupon6) == false) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); String dateString = "05/05/2020"; Date date = null; try { date = df.parse(dateString); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Coupon.createCoupon( nameCoupon6, 34, date, "", travel, descriptionCoupon6, remarkCoupon6, 5, 30, new Date(), bitCamp, status); } if (Coupon.checkByName(nameCoupon7) == false) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); String dateString = "05/05/2020"; Date date = null; try { date = df.parse(dateString); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Coupon.createCoupon( nameCoupon7, 219, date, "", travel, descriptionCoupon7, remarkCoupon7, 5, 30, new Date(), bitCamp, status); } if (Coupon.checkByName(nameCoupon8) == false) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); String dateString = "05/05/2020"; Date date = null; try { date = df.parse(dateString); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Coupon.createCoupon( nameCoupon8, 25, date, "", sport, descriptionCoupon8, remarkCoupon8, 5, 30, new Date(), bitCamp, status); } if (Coupon.checkByName(nameCoupon9) == false) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); String dateString = "05/05/2020"; Date date = null; try { date = df.parse(dateString); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Coupon.createCoupon( nameCoupon9, 239, date, "", travel, descriptionCoupon9, remarkCoupon9, 5, 30, new Date(), bitCamp, status); } if (User.check("*****@*****.**") == false) { User.createUser( "Admin", "", new Date(), "", "", "", "*****@*****.**", HashHelper.createPassword("bitadmin"), true, picture); EmailVerification setVerified = new EmailVerification(1, true);; } if (User.check("*****@*****.**") == false) { User user = new User( "Jesenko", "Gavric", new Date(), "", "", "", "*****@*****.**", HashHelper.createPassword("johndoe"), false, picture);; EmailVerification setVerified = new EmailVerification(2, true);; Coupon c1 = Coupon.find(ownedCoupinID1); Coupon c2 = Coupon.find(ownedCoupinID2); TransactionCP.createTransaction( "AH-324ASDas", "bitSale", c1.price, quantity, c1.price, "TOKEN01010", user, c1); c1.maxOrder = c1.maxOrder - quantity; c1.statistic.bought(quantity);; TransactionCP.createTransaction( "AH-324ASsadD", "bitSale", c2.price, quantity, c2.price, "TOKEN2222", user, c2); c2.maxOrder = c2.maxOrder - quantity; c2.statistic.bought(quantity);; } if (User.check("*****@*****.**") == false) { User.createUser( "Vedad", "Zornic", new Date(), "", "", "", "*****@*****.**", HashHelper.createPassword("johndoe"), false, picture); EmailVerification setVerified = new EmailVerification(3, true);; Subscriber sb = new Subscriber(User.findByEmail("*****@*****.**"));; } if (FAQ.checkByQuestion("Želim kupiti današnju ponudu. Kako da to učinim?") == false) { FAQ.createFAQ( "Želim kupiti današnju ponudu. Kako da to učinim?", "Morate biti " + "registrovani i ulogovani na stranicu. Ukoliko još nemate nalog," + " registracija je besplatna i traje manje od 30 sekundi, a također se " + "možete uvezati sa Vašim Facebook nalogom. Kada se ulogujete kliknite na" + " dugme Kupi i pratite jednostavne korake."); } if (FAQ.checkByQuestion("Na koji način plaćam ponudu i je li sigurno?") == false) { FAQ.createFAQ( "Na koji način plaćam ponudu i je li sigurno?", "Plaćanje možete obaviti na" + " jedan od sljedećih načina:" + "1. Putem eKredita – eKredit možete uplatiti u banci ili pošti na naš transkcijski " + "račun, a on će Vam biti dodijeljen sljedeći radni dan ili najkasnije 48 sati nakon" + " uplate. Kada Vaš eKredit bude prikazan na Vašem profilu možete obaviti željenu kupovinu. " + "Više informacija možete pronaći na ovom linku nakon prijave na Vaš profil." + "2. Putem kartice – Plaćanje je zbog sigurnosti, jednostavnije realizacije i brzine " + "obrade zahtjeva limitirano na kreditne i debitne MasterCard, Maestro i VISA kartice. " + "Plaćanje je potpuno sigurno, a više o tome možete pročitati na - sigurnost plaćanja." + "3. Dio plaćate eKreditom, a dio karticom – Prilikom kupovine potrebno je da unesete iznos " + "eKredita koji želite da Vam se odbije i dalje idete na „Nastavi kupovinu“. Unesete sve" + " potrebne podatke i na taj način će Vam se jedan dio odbiti u vidu eKredita a ostatak" + " vrijednosti će biti rezervisan na Vašoj kartici." + "4. Gotovinska uplata kupona ili ekredita - uplatu možete izvršiti na eKupon prodajnim mjestima u" + " BBI tržnom centru i Grand centru na Ilidži. " + "5. Kupovina poklon bona na ime i prezime osobe koju želite bez obzira da li je registrovan korisnik ili ne."); } if (FAQ.checkByQuestion("Šta se dešava ako ponuda dana ne dosegne minimalan broj kupaca?") == false) { FAQ.createFAQ( "Šta se dešava ako ponuda dana ne dosegne minimalan broj kupaca?", "Da bi ponuda " + "uspjela mora dostići minimalan broj kupaca koji se određuje u dogovoru s partnerima." + "U slučaju da se ne kupi dovoljan broj kupona, ponuda propada i ništa Vam se ne naplaćuje. " + "Da izbjegnete ovakve situacije, pozovite što više osoba da se uključe na ponudu na " + "kojoj ste učestvovali."); } // Creating 10 testing posts. if (Post.all().size() < 1) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Post.createPost( "Man must explore, and this is exploration at its greatest", "Problems look mighty small from 150 miles up", post_content, "", new Date(), User.find(true), "no,tag"); } } }
public static void list( String search, int category, Integer size, Integer page, int firstPage, int lastPage) { List<Ad> ads = null; List<Category> cats = Category.find("categorytype_id=?1", "1").fetch(); EntityManager entityManager = play.db.jpa.JPA.em(); List<BigInteger> bCounts = entityManager .createNativeQuery( "select count(*) as maxCount from Ad as a group by category_id order by maxCount") .getResultList(); int min = bCounts.get(0).intValue(); int max = bCounts.get(bCounts.size() - 1).intValue(); bCounts = entityManager .createNativeQuery( "select count(*) as maxCount from Ad as a group by category_id order by category_id ") .getResultList(); List<String> fonts = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < bCounts.size(); i++) { BigInteger count = bCounts.get(i); int x = Ads.getFontSize(count.intValue(), min, max); fonts.add(String.valueOf(x)); } int pagesCount = 0; page = page != null ? page : 1; if (search.trim().length() == 0) { Long l = null; if (category == 0) { ads = Ad.find("order by createDate desc").fetch(page, size); l = Ad.count(); } else { ads = Ad.find(" category_id=?1 order by createDate desc", category).fetch(page, size); l = Ad.count(" category_id=?1 ", category); } Long l2 = (l / 10); if ((l % 10) > 0) l2 = (long) (Math.floor(l2) + 1); pagesCount = Integer.valueOf(l2.intValue()); } else { search = search.toLowerCase(); Long l = null; if (category == 0) { ads = Ad.find( "(lower(headline) like ?1 OR lower(description) like ?2)", "%" + search + "%", "%" + search + "%") .fetch(page, size); l = Ad.count( "(lower(headline) like ?1 OR lower(description) like ?2)", "%" + search + "%", "%" + search + "%"); } else { ads = Ad.find( " category_id=?1 and (lower(headline) like ?2 OR lower(description) like ?3)", category, "%" + search + "%", "%" + search + "%") .fetch(page, size); l = Ad.count( "category_id=?1 and (lower(headline) like ?2 OR lower(description) like ?3)", category, "%" + search + "%", "%" + search + "%"); } Long l2 = (l / 10); if ((l % 10) > 0) l2 = (long) (Math.floor(l2) + 1); pagesCount = Integer.valueOf(l2.intValue()); } if ((lastPage - page) <= 2) { firstPage = page - 2; lastPage = page + 7; if (lastPage > pagesCount) lastPage = pagesCount; } else if ((page - firstPage) <= 2) { firstPage = page - 7; lastPage = page + 2; if (firstPage < 1) { firstPage = 1; lastPage = 10; } } if (lastPage > pagesCount) lastPage = pagesCount; render(ads, search, size, page, pagesCount, firstPage, lastPage, cats, fonts); }