/* * addAuto method. parse the Automobile object and add them to three tables. */ public void addAuto(Automobile auto) { String name = null; float price = 0; int autoid = 0; String sql = null; try { String autoName = auto.getMake() + " " + auto.getModel(); price = auto.getBasePrice(); sql = "insert into automobile (name, base_price) values('" + autoName + "'," + price + ")"; // MySQL command statement.executeUpdate(sql); // add to automobile table sql = "select id from automobile where name ='" + autoName + "';"; ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql); // use ResultSet object to receive while (rs.next()) { autoid = rs.getInt("id"); // get auto_id } for (int i = 0; i < auto.getOptionSetNum(); i++) { name = auto.getOptionSetName(i); sql = "insert into optionset (name, auto_id) values('" + name + "'," + autoid + ")"; statement.executeUpdate(sql); // add to optionset table int opsid = 0; sql = "select id from optionset where name ='" + name + "';"; ResultSet rrs = statement.executeQuery(sql); while (rrs.next()) { opsid = rrs.getInt("id"); // get optionset id } for (int j = 0; j < auto.getOptionNum(i); j++) { name = auto.getOptionName(i, j); price = auto.getOptionPrice(i, j); sql = "insert into options (name, price, option_id) values('" + name + "'," + price + "," + opsid + ")"; statement.executeUpdate(sql); // add to options table } } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String modelName = request.getParameter("model"); response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); DefaultSocketClient client = new DefaultSocketClient("localhost", 8088); if (client.openConnection()) { Automobile a = client.getModelfromServer(modelName); writer.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML>"); writer.println("<html>"); writer.println("<head>"); writer.println("<title>ConfigModel</title>"); writer.println("</head>"); writer.println("<body><div>"); writer.println("<h1>Basic Car Choice</h1>"); writer.println("<form action='Summary.jsp'>"); writer.println("<table action='ConfigModel' border='1px'>"); writer.println( "<tr><td align='middle'><b>Make/Model: </b></td><td>" + a.getMake() + " " + a.getModel() + "</td></tr>"); ArrayList<String> opsetNames = a.getOpsetNames(); for (int i = 0; i < opsetNames.size(); i++) { writer.println("<tr><td align='middle'><b>" + opsetNames.get(i) + ": " + "</b></td>"); writer.println("<td><select name='" + opsetNames.get(i) + "'>"); ArrayList<String> optionNames = a.getOptionNames(opsetNames.get(i)); for (int j = 0; j < optionNames.size(); j++) { String optionName = optionNames.get(j); writer.println("<option value='" + optionName + "'>" + optionName + "</option>"); } writer.println("</select></td>"); writer.println("</tr>"); } writer.println( "<tr><td colspan=2 align='right'><input type='submit' value='Done'/></td></tr>"); writer.println("</table>"); writer.println("</form>"); writer.println("</div></body>"); writer.println("</html>"); session.setAttribute("auto", a); } }