public void refreshOxygenTiles() { try { Iterator<ITransmitter> it = this.pipes.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ITransmitter transmitter =; if (transmitter == null || ((TileEntity) transmitter).isInvalid() || ((TileEntity) transmitter).getWorldObj() == null) { it.remove(); continue; } // This causes problems with Sealed Oxygen Pipes (and maybe also unwanted chunk loading) /* if (!(((TileEntity) transmitter).getWorldObj().getBlock(((TileEntity) transmitter).xCoord, ((TileEntity) transmitter).yCoord, ((TileEntity) transmitter).zCoord) instanceof BlockTransmitter)) { it.remove(); continue; } */ for (int i = 0; i < transmitter.getAdjacentConnections().length; i++) { TileEntity acceptor = transmitter.getAdjacentConnections()[i]; if (!(acceptor instanceof ITransmitter) && acceptor instanceof IConnector) { this.oxygenTiles.put(acceptor, ForgeDirection.getOrientation(i)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { FMLLog.severe("Failed to refresh oxygen pipe network."); e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public void split(ITransmitter splitPoint) { if (splitPoint instanceof TileEntity) { this.pipes.remove(splitPoint); /** * Loop through the connected blocks and attempt to see if there are connections between the * two points elsewhere. */ TileEntity[] connectedBlocks = splitPoint.getAdjacentConnections(); for (TileEntity connectedBlockA : connectedBlocks) { if (connectedBlockA instanceof INetworkConnection) { for (final TileEntity connectedBlockB : connectedBlocks) { if (connectedBlockA != connectedBlockB && connectedBlockB instanceof INetworkConnection) { Pathfinder finder = new PathfinderChecker( ((TileEntity) splitPoint).getWorldObj(), (INetworkConnection) connectedBlockB, NetworkType.OXYGEN, splitPoint); finder.init(new BlockVec3(connectedBlockA)); if (finder.results.size() > 0) { /** * The connections A and B are still intact elsewhere. Set all references of wire * connection into one network. */ for (BlockVec3 node : finder.closedSet) { TileEntity nodeTile = node.getTileEntity(((TileEntity) splitPoint).getWorldObj()); if (nodeTile instanceof INetworkProvider) { if (nodeTile != splitPoint) { ((INetworkProvider) nodeTile).setNetwork(this); } } } } else { /** * The connections A and B are not connected anymore. Give both of them a new * network. */ IOxygenNetwork newNetwork = new OxygenNetwork(); for (BlockVec3 node : finder.closedSet) { TileEntity nodeTile = node.getTileEntity(((TileEntity) splitPoint).getWorldObj()); if (nodeTile instanceof INetworkProvider) { if (nodeTile != splitPoint) { newNetwork.getTransmitters().add((ITransmitter) nodeTile); } } } newNetwork.refresh(); } } } } } } }