/** Allows all other currently registered actions to occur after the action */ public void allowAllStrongActions(IExecutableAction<? super EntType> action) { for (IExecutableAction<? super EntType> followUp : strongDefaultMap.keySet()) { graph.addEdge(action, followUp, ChooseAlwaysAdapter.<EntType>getInstance()); } }
/** Allows all future strong actions to occur after the action. */ public void allowAllFutureActions(IExecutableAction<? super EntType> action) { strongDefaultMap.put(action, ChooseAlwaysAdapter.<EntType>getInstance()); }
public void allowFollowUp( IExecutableAction<? super EntType> attack, IExecutableAction<? super EntType> following) { setFollowUpChooser(attack, following, ChooseAlwaysAdapter.<EntType>getInstance()); }