/** * We only want to show double-blind visibility indicators on our own mechs and teammates mechs * (assuming team vision option). */ private boolean trackThisEntitiesVisibilityInfo(Entity e) { IPlayer localPlayer = bv.getLocalPlayer(); if (localPlayer == null) { return false; } if (bv.game.getOptions().booleanOption("double_blind") // $NON-NLS-1$ && ((e.getOwner().getId() == localPlayer.getId()) || (bv.game.getOptions().booleanOption("team_vision") // $NON-NLS-1$ && (e.getOwner().getTeam() == localPlayer.getTeam())))) { return true; } return false; }
@Override public StringBuffer getTooltip() { // Tooltip info for a sensor blip if (onlyDetectedBySensors()) return new StringBuffer(Messages.getString("BoardView1.sensorReturn")); // No sensor blip... Infantry thisInfantry = null; if (entity instanceof Infantry) thisInfantry = (Infantry) entity; GunEmplacement thisGunEmp = null; if (entity instanceof GunEmplacement) thisGunEmp = (GunEmplacement) entity; Aero thisAero = null; if (entity instanceof Aero) thisAero = (Aero) entity; tooltipString = new StringBuffer(); // Unit Chassis and Player addToTT( "Unit", NOBR, Integer.toHexString(PlayerColors.getColorRGB(entity.getOwner().getColorIndex())), entity.getChassis(), entity.getOwner().getName()); // Pilot Info // Nickname > Name > "Pilot" String pnameStr = "Pilot"; if ((entity.getCrew().getName() != null) && !entity.getCrew().getName().equals("")) pnameStr = entity.getCrew().getName(); if ((entity.getCrew().getNickname() != null) && !entity.getCrew().getNickname().equals("")) pnameStr = "'" + entity.getCrew().getNickname() + "'"; addToTT("Pilot", BR, pnameStr, entity.getCrew().getGunnery(), entity.getCrew().getPiloting()); // Pilot Status if (!entity.getCrew().getStatusDesc().equals("")) addToTT("PilotStatus", NOBR, entity.getCrew().getStatusDesc()); // Pilot Advantages int numAdv = entity.getCrew().countOptions(PilotOptions.LVL3_ADVANTAGES); if (numAdv == 1) addToTT("Adv1", NOBR, numAdv); else if (numAdv > 1) addToTT("Advs", NOBR, numAdv); // Pilot Manei Domini if ((entity.getCrew().countOptions(PilotOptions.MD_ADVANTAGES) > 0)) addToTT("MD", NOBR); // Unit movement ability if (thisGunEmp == null) { addToTT("Movement", BR, entity.getWalkMP(), entity.getRunMPasString()); if (entity.getJumpMP() > 0) tooltipString.append("/" + entity.getJumpMP()); } // Armor and Internals addToTT("ArmorInternals", BR, entity.getTotalArmor(), entity.getTotalInternal()); // Heat, not shown for units with 999 heat sinks (vehicles) if (entity.getHeatCapacity() != 999) { if (entity.heat == 0) addToTT("Heat0", BR); else addToTT("Heat", BR, entity.heat); } // Actual Movement if (thisGunEmp == null) { // In the Movement Phase, unit not done if (!entity.isDone() && this.bv.game.getPhase() == Phase.PHASE_MOVEMENT) { // "Has not yet moved" only during movement phase addToTT("NotYetMoved", BR); // In the Movement Phase, unit is done - or in the Firing Phase } else if ((entity.isDone() && this.bv.game.getPhase() == Phase.PHASE_MOVEMENT) || this.bv.game.getPhase() == Phase.PHASE_FIRING) { int tmm = Compute.getTargetMovementModifier(bv.game, entity.getId()).getValue(); // Unit didn't move if (entity.moved == EntityMovementType.MOVE_NONE) { addToTT("NoMove", BR, tmm); // Unit did move } else { // Colored arrow // get the color resource String guipName = "AdvancedMoveDefaultColor"; if ((entity.moved == EntityMovementType.MOVE_RUN) || (entity.moved == EntityMovementType.MOVE_VTOL_RUN) || (entity.moved == EntityMovementType.MOVE_OVER_THRUST)) guipName = "AdvancedMoveRunColor"; else if (entity.moved == EntityMovementType.MOVE_SPRINT) guipName = "AdvancedMoveSprintColor"; else if (entity.moved == EntityMovementType.MOVE_JUMP) guipName = "AdvancedMoveJumpColor"; // HTML color String from Preferences String moveTypeColor = Integer.toHexString( GUIPreferences.getInstance().getColor(guipName).getRGB() & 0xFFFFFF); // Arrow addToTT("Arrow", BR, moveTypeColor); // Actual movement and modifier addToTT( "MovementF", NOBR, entity.getMovementString(entity.moved), entity.delta_distance, tmm); } // Special Moves if (entity.isEvading()) addToTT("Evade", NOBR); if ((thisInfantry != null) && (thisInfantry.isTakingCover())) addToTT("TakingCover", NOBR); if (entity.isCharging()) addToTT("Charging", NOBR); if (entity.isMakingDfa()) addToTT("DFA", NOBR); } } // ASF Velocity if (thisAero != null) { addToTT("AeroVelocity", BR, thisAero.getCurrentVelocity()); } // Gun Emplacement Status if (thisGunEmp != null) { if (thisGunEmp.isTurret() && thisGunEmp.isTurretLocked(thisGunEmp.getLocTurret())) addToTT("TurretLocked", BR); } // Unit Immobile if ((thisGunEmp == null) && (entity.isImmobile())) addToTT("Immobile", BR); if (entity.isHiddenActivating()) { addToTT( "HiddenActivating", BR, IGame.Phase.getDisplayableName(entity.getHiddenActivationPhase())); } else if (entity.isHidden()) { addToTT("Hidden", BR); } // Jammed by ECM if (isAffectedByECM()) { addToTT("Jammed", BR); } // If DB, add information about who sees this Entity if (bv.game.getOptions().booleanOption("double_blind")) { StringBuffer playerList = new StringBuffer(); boolean teamVision = bv.game.getOptions().booleanOption("team_vision"); for (IPlayer player : entity.getWhoCanSee()) { if (player.isEnemyOf(entity.getOwner()) || !teamVision) { playerList.append(player.getName()); playerList.append(", "); } } if (playerList.length() > 1) { playerList.delete(playerList.length() - 2, playerList.length()); addToTT("SeenBy", BR, playerList.toString()); } } // If sensors, display what sensors this unit is using if (bv.game.getOptions().booleanOption("tacops_sensors")) { addToTT("Sensors", BR, entity.getSensorDesc()); } // Weapon List if (GUIPreferences.getInstance().getBoolean(GUIPreferences.SHOW_WPS_IN_TT)) { ArrayList<Mounted> weapons = entity.getWeaponList(); HashMap<String, Integer> wpNames = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // Gather names, counts, Clan/IS // When clan then the number will be stored as negative for (Mounted curWp : weapons) { String weapDesc = curWp.getDesc(); // Append ranges WeaponType wtype = (WeaponType) curWp.getType(); int ranges[]; if (entity instanceof Aero) { ranges = wtype.getATRanges(); } else { ranges = wtype.getRanges(curWp); } String rangeString = "("; if ((ranges[RangeType.RANGE_MINIMUM] != WeaponType.WEAPON_NA) && (ranges[RangeType.RANGE_MINIMUM] != 0)) { rangeString += ranges[RangeType.RANGE_MINIMUM] + "/"; } else { rangeString += "-/"; } int maxRange = RangeType.RANGE_LONG; if (bv.game.getOptions().booleanOption(OptionsConstants.AC_TAC_OPS_RANGE)) { maxRange = RangeType.RANGE_EXTREME; } for (int i = RangeType.RANGE_SHORT; i <= maxRange; i++) { rangeString += ranges[i]; if (i != maxRange) { rangeString += "/"; } } weapDesc += rangeString + ")"; if (wpNames.containsKey(weapDesc)) { int number = wpNames.get(weapDesc); if (number > 0) wpNames.put(weapDesc, number + 1); else wpNames.put(weapDesc, number - 1); } else { WeaponType wpT = ((WeaponType) curWp.getType()); if (entity.isClan() && TechConstants.isClan(wpT.getTechLevel(entity.getYear()))) wpNames.put(weapDesc, -1); else wpNames.put(weapDesc, 1); } } // Print to Tooltip tooltipString.append("<FONT SIZE=\"-2\">"); for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : wpNames.entrySet()) { // Check if weapon is destroyed, text gray and strikethrough if so, remove the "x "/"*" // Also remove "+", means currently selected for firing boolean wpDest = false; String nameStr = entry.getKey(); if (entry.getKey().startsWith("x ")) { nameStr = entry.getKey().substring(2, entry.getKey().length()); wpDest = true; } if (entry.getKey().startsWith("*")) { nameStr = entry.getKey().substring(1, entry.getKey().length()); wpDest = true; } if (entry.getKey().startsWith("+")) { nameStr = entry.getKey().substring(1, entry.getKey().length()); nameStr = nameStr.concat(" <I>(Firing)</I>"); } // normal coloring tooltipString.append("<FONT COLOR=#8080FF>"); // but: color gray and strikethrough when weapon destroyed if (wpDest) tooltipString.append("<FONT COLOR=#a0a0a0><S>"); String clanStr = ""; if (entry.getValue() < 0) clanStr = Messages.getString("BoardView1.Tooltip.Clan"); // when more than 5 weapons are present, they will be grouped // and listed with a multiplier if (weapons.size() > 5) { addToTT("WeaponN", BR, Math.abs(entry.getValue()), clanStr, nameStr); } else { // few weapons: list each weapon separately for (int i = 0; i < Math.abs(entry.getValue()); i++) { addToTT("Weapon", BR, Math.abs(entry.getValue()), clanStr, nameStr); } } // Weapon destroyed? End strikethrough if (wpDest) tooltipString.append("</S>"); tooltipString.append("</FONT>"); } tooltipString.append("</FONT>"); } return tooltipString; }
/** Host a game constructed from a scenario file */ void scenario() { JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser("data" + File.separatorChar + "scenarios"); fc.setLocation(frame.getLocation().x + 150, frame.getLocation().y + 100); fc.setDialogTitle(Messages.getString("MegaMek.SelectScenarioDialog.title")); FileFilter filter = new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File f) { if (f.isDirectory()) { return true; } String ext = null; String s = f.getName(); int i = s.lastIndexOf('.'); if ((i > 0) && (i < (s.length() - 1))) { ext = s.substring(i + 1).toLowerCase(); } if (ext != null) { if (ext.equalsIgnoreCase("mms")) { return true; } return false; } return false; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "MegaMek Scenario Files"; } }; fc.setFileFilter(filter); int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(frame); if ((returnVal != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) || (fc.getSelectedFile() == null)) { // I want a file, y'know! return; } ScenarioLoader sl = new ScenarioLoader(fc.getSelectedFile()); IGame g; try { g = sl.createGame(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( frame, Messages.getString("MegaMek.HostScenarioAlert.message") + e.getMessage(), Messages.getString("MegaMek.HostScenarioAlert.title"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return; } // popup options dialog GameOptionsDialog god = new GameOptionsDialog(frame, g.getOptions(), false); god.update(g.getOptions()); god.setEditable(true); god.setVisible(true); for (IBasicOption opt : god.getOptions()) { IOption orig = g.getOptions().getOption(opt.getName()); orig.setValue(opt.getValue()); } god = null; // popup planetry conditions dialog PlanetaryConditionsDialog pcd = new PlanetaryConditionsDialog(frame, g.getPlanetaryConditions()); pcd.update(g.getPlanetaryConditions()); pcd.setVisible(true); g.setPlanetaryConditions(pcd.getConditions()); pcd = null; // get player types and colors set Player[] pa = new Player[g.getPlayersVector().size()]; g.getPlayersVector().copyInto(pa); ScenarioDialog sd = new ScenarioDialog(frame, pa); sd.setVisible(true); if (!sd.bSet) { return; } // host with the scenario. essentially copied from host() HostDialog hd = new HostDialog(frame); boolean hasSlot = false; if (!("".equals(sd.localName))) { hasSlot = true; } hd.yourNameF.setText(sd.localName); hd.setVisible(true); // verify dialog data if ((hd.playerName == null) || (hd.serverPass == null) || (hd.port == 0)) { return; } sd.localName = hd.playerName; // Players should have to enter a non-blank, non-whitespace name. boolean foundValid = false; char[] nameChars = hd.playerName.toCharArray(); for (int loop = 0; !foundValid && (loop < nameChars.length); loop++) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(nameChars[loop])) { foundValid = true; } } if (!foundValid) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( frame, Messages.getString("MegaMek.HostScenarioAlert1.message"), Messages.getString("MegaMek.HostScenarioAlert1.title"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return; } // kick off a RNG check Compute.d6(); // start server try { server = new Server(hd.serverPass, hd.port); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("could not create server socket on port " + hd.port); StringBuffer error = new StringBuffer(); error .append("Error: could not start server at localhost") .append(":") .append(hd.port) .append(" (") .append(ex.getMessage()) .append(")."); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( frame, error.toString(), Messages.getString("MegaMek.HostGameAlert.title"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // $NON-NLS-1$ return; } server.setGame(g); // apply any scenario damage sl.applyDamage(server); ClientGUI gui = null; if (!"".equals(sd.localName)) { // $NON-NLS-1$ // initialize game client = new Client(hd.playerName, "localhost", hd.port); // $NON-NLS-1$ gui = new ClientGUI(client, controller); controller.clientgui = gui; gui.initialize(); if (!client.connect()) { StringBuffer error = new StringBuffer(); error .append("Error: could not connect to server at localhost") .append(":") .append(hd.port) .append("."); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( frame, error.toString(), Messages.getString("MegaMek.HostScenarioAlert.title"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // $NON-NLS-1$ frame.setVisible(false); client.die(); } } optdlg = null; // calculate initial BV server.calculatePlayerBVs(); // setup any bots for (int x = 0; x < pa.length; x++) { if (sd.playerTypes[x] == ScenarioDialog.T_BOT) { BotClient c = new TestBot(pa[x].getName(), "localhost", hd.port); // $NON-NLS-1$ c.getGame().addGameListener(new BotGUI(c)); if (!c.connect()) { // bots should never fail on connect } } } for (int x = 0; x < pa.length; x++) { if (sd.playerTypes[x] == ScenarioDialog.T_OBOT) { BotClient c = new Princess(pa[x].getName(), "localhost", hd.port, LogLevel.ERROR); // $NON-NLS-1$ c.getGame().addGameListener(new BotGUI(c)); if (!c.connect()) { // bots should never fail on connect } } } // If he didn't have a name when hasSlot was set, then the host should // be an observer. if (!hasSlot) { Enumeration<IPlayer> pE = server.getGame().getPlayers(); while (pE.hasMoreElements()) { IPlayer tmpP = pE.nextElement(); if (tmpP.getName().equals(sd.localName)) { tmpP.setObserver(true); } } } if (gui != null) { launch(gui.getFrame()); } }