/** * Tests if the logger actually calls the writer. With the log level at default, it should be * called twice, both for the warning and the info. */ @Test public void testWriteInfoLevelDefault() { Logger.setLogLevel(2); Logger.logInfo("WriteInfoLevel2"); Logger.logWarning("WriteInfoLevel2"); verify(print, times(2)).println(anyString()); }
/** * Tests if the logger actually calls the writer. With the log level at 1, it should only be * called once, when logging the warning. */ @Test public void testWriteInfoLevel1() { Logger.setLogLevel(1); Logger.logInfo("WriteInfoLevel1"); Logger.logWarning("WriteInfoLevel1"); verify(print, times(1)).println("[WARNING]" + anyString()); }
/** * Tests if the logger actually calls the writer. It should not be called when the log level is 0. */ @Test public void testWriteInfoLevel0() { Logger.setLogLevel(0); Logger.logInfo("WriteInfoLevel0"); Logger.logWarning("WriteInfoLevel0"); verify(print, never()).println(); }
/** Tests if all possible log settings are correctly passed on. Tests the default log level */ @Test public void testSetLogLevelDefault() { Logger.setLogLevel(2); assertTrue(Logger.getLogInfo()); assertTrue(Logger.getLogWarning()); }
/** Tests if all possible log settings are correctly passed on. Tests log level 1. */ @Test public void testSetLogLevel1() { Logger.setLogLevel(1); assertFalse(Logger.getLogInfo()); assertTrue(Logger.getLogWarning()); }
/** * Sets up the Logger with a mocked PrintWriter, to improve observability and to make sure it does * not actually write to the log. */ @Before public void setUp() { Logger.setWriter(print); }