public static String parsePlaceHolder(String path, ServletContext sc) { ResourceProvider frp = ResourcesImpl.getFileResourceProvider(); if (path == null) return null; if (path.indexOf('{') != -1) { if (StringUtil.startsWith(path, '{')) { // Web Root if (path.startsWith("{web-root")) { if (path.startsWith("}", 9)) path = frp.getResource(ReqRspUtil.getRootPath(sc)) .getRealResource(path.substring(10)) .toString(); else if (path.startsWith("-dir}", 9)) path = frp.getResource(ReqRspUtil.getRootPath(sc)) .getRealResource(path.substring(14)) .toString(); else if (path.startsWith("-directory}", 9)) path = frp.getResource(ReqRspUtil.getRootPath(sc)) .getRealResource(path.substring(20)) .toString(); } else path = SystemUtil.parsePlaceHolder(path); } if ((path.indexOf("{web-context-hash}")) != -1) { String id = hash(sc); path = StringUtil.replace(path, "{web-context-hash}", id, false); } } return path; }
private static Resource getDeployDirectory(Config config) { Resource dir = ConfigWebUtil.getConfigServerDirectory(config); if (dir == null || !dir.isWriteable() || !dir.isReadable()) dir = ResourceUtil.toResource( CFMLEngineFactory.getClassLoaderRoot(SystemUtil.getLoaderClassLoader())); return dir; }
private static Resource getBinDirectory(Config config) { Resource dir = ConfigWebUtil.getConfigServerDirectory(config); if (dir == null || !dir.isWriteable() || !dir.isReadable()) dir = ResourceUtil.toResource( CFMLEngineFactory.getClassLoaderRoot(SystemUtil.getLoaderClassLoader())); else { dir = dir.getRealResource("bin"); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdir(); } return dir; }
private static Resource createToolsJar(Config config) throws IOException { Resource dir = getDeployDirectory(config); String os = "bsd"; // used for Mac OS X if (SystemUtil.isWindows()) { os = "windows"; } else if (SystemUtil.isLinux()) { // not MacOSX os = "linux"; } else if (SystemUtil.isSolaris()) { os = "solaris"; } String name = "tools-" + os + "-" + TOOLS_VERSION + ".jar"; Resource trg = dir.getRealResource(name); if (!trg.exists() || trg.length() == 0) { InputStream jar = InfoImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("/resource/lib/" + name); IOUtil.copy(jar, trg, true); } return trg; }
private static void addAttachIfNecessary(Config config, Log log) { String srcName = null, trgName = null; String archBits = (SystemUtil.getJREArch() == SystemUtil.ARCH_64) ? "64" : "32"; // Windows if (SystemUtil.isWindows()) { trgName = "attach.dll"; srcName = "windows" + archBits + "/" + trgName; } // Linux else if (SystemUtil.isLinux()) { trgName = ""; srcName = "linux" + archBits + "/" + trgName; } // Solaris else if (SystemUtil.isSolaris()) { trgName = ""; srcName = "solaris" + archBits + "/" + trgName; } // Mac OSX else if (SystemUtil.isMacOSX()) { trgName = "libattach.dylib"; srcName = "macosx" + archBits + "/" + trgName; } if (srcName != null) { // create dll if necessary Resource binDir = getBinDirectory(config); Resource trg = binDir.getRealResource(trgName); if (!trg.exists() || trg.length() == 0) {"Instrumentation", "deploy /resource/bin/" + srcName + " to " + trg); InputStream src = InfoImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("/resource/bin/" + srcName); try { IOUtil.copy(src, trg, true); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Log.LEVEL_ERROR, "Instrumentation", e); } } // set directory to library path SystemUtil.addLibraryPathIfNoExist(binDir, log); } }
public void run() { PageContextImpl pci = (PageContextImpl) pc; Thread thread = pc.getThread(); pci.stop(t); int count = 0; if (thread.isAlive()) { do { if (count > 0 && log != null) { LogUtil.log( log, Log.LEVEL_ERROR, "", "could not stop the thread on the first approach", thread.getStackTrace()); } if (count++ > 10) break; // should never happen try { thread.stop(t); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) { LogUtil.log( log, Log.LEVEL_ERROR, "", "Thread.stop(Throwable) is not supported by this JVM and failed with UnsupportedOperationException", thread.getStackTrace()); thread.stop(); } SystemUtil.sleep(1000); } while (thread.isAlive() && pci.isInitialized()); } if (count > 10 && log != null) { LogUtil.log(log, Log.LEVEL_ERROR, "", "could not stop the thread", thread.getStackTrace()); aprint.e(thread.getStackTrace()); } }
@Override public void run() { // scheduleThread.start(); boolean firstRun = true; List<ControlerThread> threads = new ArrayList<ControlerThread>(); CFMLFactoryImpl factories[] = null; while ( { // sleep SystemUtil.sleep(interval); factories = toFactories(factories, contextes); // start the thread that calls control ControlerThread ct = new ControlerThread(this, factories, firstRun, configServer.getLog("application")); ct.start(); threads.add(ct); if (threads.size() > 10 && lastMinuteInterval + 60000 < System.currentTimeMillis()) configServer .getLog("application") .info("controller", threads.size() + " active controller threads"); // now we check all threads we have Iterator<ControlerThread> it = threads.iterator(); long time; while (it.hasNext()) { ct =; // print.e(ct.hashCode()); time = System.currentTimeMillis() - ct.start; // done if (ct.done >= 0) { if (time > 10000) configServer .getLog("application") .info("controller", "controler took " + ct.done + "ms to execute sucessfully."); it.remove(); } // failed else if (ct.t != null) { LogUtil.log(configServer.getLog("application"), Log.LEVEL_ERROR, "controler", ct.t); it.remove(); } // stop it! else if (time > TIMEOUT) { SystemUtil.stop(ct); // print.e(ct.getStackTrace()); if (!ct.isAlive()) { configServer .getLog("application") .error( "controller", "controler thread [" + ct.hashCode() + "] forced to stop after " + time + "ms"); it.remove(); } else { LogUtil.log( configServer.getLog("application"), Log.LEVEL_ERROR, "controler", "was not able to stop controller thread running for " + time + "ms", ct.getStackTrace()); } } } if (factories.length > 0) firstRun = false; } }
public String getHash() { return SystemUtil.hash(getServletContext()); }
private void writeOut( PageContext pc, DumpData data, Writer writer, boolean expand, boolean inside) throws IOException { if (data == null) return; if (!(data instanceof DumpTable)) { writer.write(StringUtil.escapeHTML(data.toString())); return; } DumpTable table = (DumpTable) data; // prepare data DumpRow[] rows = table.getRows(); int cols = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) if (rows[i].getItems().length > cols) cols = rows[i].getItems().length; TemplateLine tl = null; if (!inside) tl = SystemUtil.getCurrentContext(); String context = tl == null ? "" : tl.toString(); if (rows.length == 1 && rows[0].getItems().length == 2) { DumpData d = rows[0].getItems()[1]; if (!(d instanceof DumpTable)) { writer.write(StringUtil.escapeHTML(d.toString())); return; } } writer.write( "<table cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" " + (table.getWidth() != null ? " width=\"" + table.getWidth() + "\"" : "") + "" + (table.getHeight() != null ? " height=\"" + table.getHeight() + "\"" : "") + " border=\"1\">"); // header if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(table.getTitle())) { writer.write("<tr><td title=\"" + context + "\" colspan=\"" + cols + "\">"); // isSetContext=true; String contextPath = ""; pc = ThreadLocalPageContext.get(pc); if (pc != null) { contextPath = pc.getHttpServletRequest().getContextPath(); if (contextPath == null) contextPath = ""; } writer.write( "<b>" + (!StringUtil.isEmpty(table.getTitle()) ? table.getTitle() : "") + "</b>" + (!StringUtil.isEmpty(table.getComment()) ? "<br>" + table.getComment() : "") + "</td></tr>"); } // items DumpData value; for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { writer.write("<tr>"); DumpData[] items = rows[i].getItems(); // int comperator=1; for (int y = 0; y < cols; y++) { if (y <= items.length - 1) value = items[y]; else value = new SimpleDumpData(" "); // comperator*=2; if (value == null) value = new SimpleDumpData("null"); // else if(value.equals(""))value=" "; if (!inside) { writer.write("<td title=\"" + context + "\">"); } else writer.write("<td>"); writeOut(pc, value, writer, expand, true); writer.write("</td>"); } writer.write("</tr>"); } // footer writer.write("</table>"); }