@Override protected void initFile(String id) throws FormatException, IOException { LOGGER.debug("OmeroReader.initFile({})", id); super.initFile(id); if (!id.startsWith("omero:")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an OMERO id: " + id); } // parse credentials from id string LOGGER.info("Parsing credentials"); String address = server, user = username, pass = password; int port = thePort; long iid = -1; final String[] tokens = id.substring(6).split("\n"); for (String token : tokens) { final int equals = token.indexOf("="); if (equals < 0) continue; final String key = token.substring(0, equals); final String val = token.substring(equals + 1); if (key.equals("server")) address = val; else if (key.equals("user")) user = val; else if (key.equals("pass")) pass = val; else if (key.equals("port")) { try { port = Integer.parseInt(val); } catch (NumberFormatException exc) { } } else if (key.equals("session")) { sessionID = val; } else if (key.equals("groupName")) { group = val; } else if (key.equals("groupID")) { groupID = new Long(val); } else if (key.equals("iid")) { try { iid = Long.parseLong(val); } catch (NumberFormatException exc) { } } } if (address == null) { throw new FormatException("Invalid server address"); } if (user == null && sessionID == null) { throw new FormatException("Invalid username"); } if (pass == null && sessionID == null) { throw new FormatException("Invalid password"); } if (iid < 0) { throw new FormatException("Invalid image ID"); } try { // authenticate with OMERO server LOGGER.info("Logging in"); client = new omero.client(address, port); ServiceFactoryPrx serviceFactory = null; if (user != null && pass != null) { serviceFactory = client.createSession(user, pass); } else { serviceFactory = client.createSession(sessionID, sessionID); } if (!encrypted) { client = client.createClient(false); serviceFactory = client.getSession(); } if (group != null || groupID != null) { IAdminPrx iAdmin = serviceFactory.getAdminService(); IQueryPrx iQuery = serviceFactory.getQueryService(); EventContext eventContext = iAdmin.getEventContext(); ExperimenterGroup defaultGroup = iAdmin.getDefaultGroup(eventContext.userId); if (!defaultGroup.getName().getValue().equals(group) && !new Long(defaultGroup.getId().getValue()).equals(groupID)) { Experimenter exp = iAdmin.getExperimenter(eventContext.userId); ParametersI p = new ParametersI(); p.addId(eventContext.userId); List<IObject> groupList = iQuery.findAllByQuery( "select distinct g from ExperimenterGroup as g " + "join fetch g.groupExperimenterMap as map " + "join fetch map.parent e " + "left outer join fetch map.child u " + "left outer join fetch u.groupExperimenterMap m2 " + "left outer join fetch m2.parent p " + "where g.id in " + " (select m.parent from GroupExperimenterMap m " + " where m.child.id = :id )", p); Iterator<IObject> i = groupList.iterator(); ExperimenterGroup g = null; boolean in = false; while (i.hasNext()) { g = (ExperimenterGroup) i.next(); if (g.getName().getValue().equals(group) || new Long(g.getId().getValue()).equals(groupID)) { in = true; groupID = g.getId().getValue(); break; } } if (in) { iAdmin.setDefaultGroup(exp, iAdmin.getGroup(groupID)); serviceFactory.setSecurityContext(new ExperimenterGroupI(groupID, false)); } } } // get raw pixels store and pixels store = serviceFactory.createRawPixelsStore(); final GatewayPrx gateway = serviceFactory.createGateway(); img = gateway.getImage(iid); if (img == null) { throw new FormatException( "Could not find Image with ID=" + iid + " in group '" + group + "'."); } long pixelsId = img.getPixels(0).getId().getValue(); store.setPixelsId(pixelsId, false); pix = gateway.getPixels(pixelsId); final int sizeX = pix.getSizeX().getValue(); final int sizeY = pix.getSizeY().getValue(); final int sizeZ = pix.getSizeZ().getValue(); final int sizeC = pix.getSizeC().getValue(); final int sizeT = pix.getSizeT().getValue(); final String pixelType = pix.getPixelsType().getValue().getValue(); // populate metadata LOGGER.info("Populating metadata"); core[0].sizeX = sizeX; core[0].sizeY = sizeY; core[0].sizeZ = sizeZ; core[0].sizeC = sizeC; core[0].sizeT = sizeT; core[0].rgb = false; core[0].littleEndian = false; core[0].dimensionOrder = "XYZCT"; core[0].imageCount = sizeZ * sizeC * sizeT; core[0].pixelType = FormatTools.pixelTypeFromString(pixelType); RDouble x = pix.getPhysicalSizeX(); Double px = x == null ? null : x.getValue(); RDouble y = pix.getPhysicalSizeY(); Double py = y == null ? null : y.getValue(); RDouble z = pix.getPhysicalSizeZ(); Double pz = z == null ? null : z.getValue(); RDouble t = pix.getTimeIncrement(); Double time = t == null ? null : t.getValue(); RString imageName = img.getName(); String name = imageName == null ? null : imageName.getValue(); if (name != null) { currentId = name; } else { currentId = "Image ID " + iid; } RString imgDescription = img.getDescription(); String description = imgDescription == null ? null : imgDescription.getValue(); RTime date = img.getAcquisitionDate(); MetadataStore store = getMetadataStore(); MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this); store.setImageName(name, 0); store.setImageDescription(description, 0); if (date != null) { store.setImageAcquisitionDate( new Timestamp(DateTools.convertDate(date.getValue(), (int) DateTools.UNIX_EPOCH)), 0); } if (px != null && px > 0) { store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeX(new PositiveFloat(px), 0); } if (py != null && py > 0) { store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeY(new PositiveFloat(py), 0); } if (pz != null && pz > 0) { store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(new PositiveFloat(pz), 0); } if (time != null) { store.setPixelsTimeIncrement(time, 0); } List<Channel> channels = pix.copyChannels(); for (int c = 0; c < channels.size(); c++) { LogicalChannel channel = channels.get(c).getLogicalChannel(); RInt emWave = channel.getEmissionWave(); RInt exWave = channel.getExcitationWave(); RDouble pinholeSize = channel.getPinHoleSize(); RString cname = channel.getName(); Integer emission = emWave == null ? null : emWave.getValue(); Integer excitation = exWave == null ? null : exWave.getValue(); String channelName = cname == null ? null : cname.getValue(); Double pinhole = pinholeSize == null ? null : pinholeSize.getValue(); if (channelName != null) { store.setChannelName(channelName, 0, c); } if (pinhole != null) { store.setChannelPinholeSize(pinhole, 0, c); } if (emission != null && emission > 0) { store.setChannelEmissionWavelength(new PositiveInteger(emission), 0, c); } if (excitation != null && excitation > 0) { store.setChannelExcitationWavelength(new PositiveInteger(excitation), 0, c); } } } catch (CannotCreateSessionException e) { throw new FormatException(e); } catch (PermissionDeniedException e) { throw new FormatException(e); } catch (ServerError e) { throw new FormatException(e); } }
/* @see BaseTiffReader#initMetadataStore() */ @Override protected void initMetadataStore() throws FormatException { super.initMetadataStore(); MetadataStore store = makeFilterMetadata(); MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this); if (date != null) { date = DateTools.formatDate(date, DATE_FORMAT); if (date != null) { store.setImageAcquisitionDate(new Timestamp(date), 0); } } if (imageName != null) { store.setImageName(imageName, 0); } if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() != MetadataLevel.MINIMUM) { if (imageDescription != null) { store.setImageDescription(imageDescription, 0); } if (userName != null) { store.setExperimenterID(MetadataTools.createLSID("Experimenter", 0), 0); store.setExperimenterLastName(userName, 0); } if (microscopeModel != null) { String instrument = MetadataTools.createLSID("Instrument", 0); store.setInstrumentID(instrument, 0); store.setImageInstrumentRef(instrument, 0); store.setMicroscopeModel(microscopeModel, 0); } if (detectors != null && detectors.size() > 0) { String instrument = MetadataTools.createLSID("Instrument", 0); store.setInstrumentID(instrument, 0); store.setImageInstrumentRef(instrument, 0); for (int i = 0; i < detectors.size(); i++) { String detectorID = MetadataTools.createLSID("Detector", 0, i); store.setDetectorID(detectorID, 0, i); store.setDetectorModel(detectors.get(i), 0, i); store.setDetectorType(getDetectorType("Other"), 0, i); } } if (magnification != null) { store.setObjectiveID(MetadataTools.createLSID("Objective", 0, 0), 0, 0); store.setObjectiveNominalMagnification(magnification, 0, 0); store.setObjectiveCorrection(getCorrection("Other"), 0, 0); store.setObjectiveImmersion(getImmersion("Other"), 0, 0); } store.setStageLabelX(stageX, 0); store.setStageLabelY(stageY, 0); store.setStageLabelZ(stageZ, 0); store.setStageLabelName("", 0); Length physicalSizeX = FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeX(sizeX); Length physicalSizeY = FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeY(sizeY); if (physicalSizeX != null) { store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeX(physicalSizeX, 0); } if (physicalSizeY != null) { store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeY(physicalSizeY, 0); } if (timeIncrement != null) { store.setPixelsTimeIncrement(new Time(timeIncrement, UNITS.S), 0); } } }