@Override public void setConnection(final DatabaseConnection conn) { LogFactory.getLogger() .debug("Connected to " + conn.getConnectionUserName() + "@" + conn.getURL()); this.connection = conn; try { boolean autoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit(); if (autoCommit == getAutoCommitMode()) { // Don't adjust the auto-commit mode if it's already what the database wants it to be. LogFactory.getLogger() .debug("Not adjusting the auto commit mode; it is already " + autoCommit); } else { // Store the previous auto-commit mode, because the connection needs to be restored to it // when this // AbstractDatabase type is closed. This is important for systems which use connection // pools. previousAutoCommit = autoCommit; LogFactory.getLogger() .debug("Setting auto commit to " + getAutoCommitMode() + " from " + autoCommit); connection.setAutoCommit(getAutoCommitMode()); } } catch (DatabaseException e) { LogFactory.getLogger() .warning("Cannot set auto commit to " + getAutoCommitMode() + " on connection"); } this.connection.attached(this); }
@Override public void close() throws DatabaseException { DatabaseConnection connection = getConnection(); if (connection != null) { if (previousAutoCommit != null) { try { connection.setAutoCommit(previousAutoCommit); } catch (DatabaseException e) { LogFactory.getLogger() .warning("Failed to restore the auto commit to " + previousAutoCommit); throw e; } } connection.close(); } ExecutorService.getInstance().clearExecutor(this); }