public void removeRow() { try { if (tblUnitList.getSelectedRow() < 0) { Message.showWarning("Please select in the table"); return; } // if (((Number) model.getValueAt(0, 2)).intValue() > 0) { // deleteUnitList.add((Integer) model.getValueAt(tblUnitList.getSelectedRow(), // 4)); // } if (userTask >= GlobalMode.EDIT && (int) model.getValueAt(tblUnitList.getSelectedRow(), 4) > 0) { if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this, "This unit is already in use. This will be permanently delete to the database. Do you still want to continue?", "WARNING", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { totalLeaseArea -= ((Number) model.getValueAt(tblUnitList.getSelectedRow(), 1)).doubleValue(); rDB.deleteRentalDetailID( ((Number) model.getValueAt(tblUnitList.getSelectedRow(), 4)).intValue(), totalLeaseArea); model.removeRow(tblUnitList.getSelectedRow()); } } else { totalLeaseArea -= ((Number) model.getValueAt(tblUnitList.getSelectedRow(), 1)).doubleValue(); model.removeRow(tblUnitList.getSelectedRow()); } } catch (Exception e) { Message.showError(e.getMessage()); } }
public void addUnitToTable(Object[] obj) { // if (model == null) { // model = (DefaultTableModel) tblUnitList.getModel(); // } for (int i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(); i++) { if (((Number) model.getValueAt(i, 2)).intValue() == (int) obj[2]) { Message.showWarning("UNIT Already Exist"); return; } } model.addRow(obj); totalLeaseArea += ((Number) obj[1]).doubleValue(); tblUnitList.requestFocus(); tblUnitList.setRowSelectionInterval(0, 0); btnChooseUnit.requestFocus(); }
// METHODS for SEARCHING / RELOADING THE SEARCH VALUE public void loadTable() { try { model.getDataVector().removeAllElements(); model.fireTableDataChanged(); b.searchBuildingList(txtSearch.getText().trim().replaceAll("'", ""), buildingList); if (buildingList.isEmpty()) { Message.showWarning("Record not Found"); txtSearch.requestFocus(); return; } for (Object[] obj : buildingList) { model.addRow(obj); } if (model.getRowCount() > 0) { tblBuildingList.requestFocus(); tblBuildingList.setRowSelectionInterval(0, 0); } } catch (Exception e) { Message.showError(e.getMessage()); } }