/** * Base class for JSR166 Junit TCK tests. Defines some constants, utility methods and classes, as * well as a simple framework for helping to make sure that assertions failing in generated threads * cause the associated test that generated them to itself fail (which JUnit does not otherwise * arrange). The rules for creating such tests are: * * <ol> * <li>All assertions in code running in generated threads must use the forms {@link #threadFail}, * {@link #threadAssertTrue}, {@link #threadAssertEquals}, or {@link #threadAssertNull}, (not * {@code fail}, {@code assertTrue}, etc.) It is OK (but not particularly recommended) for * other code to use these forms too. Only the most typically used JUnit assertion methods are * defined this way, but enough to live with. * <li>If you override {@link #setUp} or {@link #tearDown}, make sure to invoke {@code * super.setUp} and {@code super.tearDown} within them. These methods are used to clear and * check for thread assertion failures. * <li>All delays and timeouts must use one of the constants {@code SHORT_DELAY_MS}, {@code * SMALL_DELAY_MS}, {@code MEDIUM_DELAY_MS}, {@code LONG_DELAY_MS}. The idea here is that a * SHORT is always discriminable from zero time, and always allows enough time for the small * amounts of computation (creating a thread, calling a few methods, etc) needed to reach a * timeout point. Similarly, a SMALL is always discriminable as larger than SHORT and smaller * than MEDIUM. And so on. These constants are set to conservative values, but even so, if * there is ever any doubt, they can all be increased in one spot to rerun tests on slower * platforms. * <li>All threads generated must be joined inside each test case method (or {@code fail} to do * so) before returning from the method. The {@code joinPool} method can be used to do this * when using Executors. * </ol> * * <p><b>Other notes</b> * * <ul> * <li>Usually, there is one testcase method per JSR166 method covering "normal" operation, and * then as many exception-testing methods as there are exceptions the method can throw. * Sometimes there are multiple tests per JSR166 method when the different "normal" behaviors * differ significantly. And sometimes testcases cover multiple methods when they cannot be * tested in isolation. * <li>The documentation style for testcases is to provide as javadoc a simple sentence or two * describing the property that the testcase method purports to test. The javadocs do not say * anything about how the property is tested. To find out, read the code. * <li>These tests are "conformance tests", and do not attempt to test throughput, latency, * scalability or other performance factors (see the separate "jtreg" tests for a set intended * to check these for the most central aspects of functionality.) So, most tests use the * smallest sensible numbers of threads, collection sizes, etc needed to check basic * conformance. * <li>The test classes currently do not declare inclusion in any particular package to simplify * things for people integrating them in TCK test suites. * <li>As a convenience, the {@code main} of this class (JSR166TestCase) runs all JSR166 unit * tests. * </ul> */ public class JSR166TestCase extends TestCase { private static final boolean useSecurityManager = Boolean.getBoolean("jsr166.useSecurityManager"); protected static final boolean expensiveTests = Boolean.getBoolean("jsr166.expensiveTests"); /** * If true, report on stdout all "slow" tests, that is, ones that take more than profileThreshold * milliseconds to execute. */ private static final boolean profileTests = Boolean.getBoolean("jsr166.profileTests"); /** * The number of milliseconds that tests are permitted for execution without being reported, when * profileTests is set. */ private static final long profileThreshold = Long.getLong("jsr166.profileThreshold", 100); protected void runTest() throws Throwable { if (profileTests) runTestProfiled(); else super.runTest(); } protected void runTestProfiled() throws Throwable { // Warmup run, notably to trigger all needed classloading. super.runTest(); long t0 = System.nanoTime(); try { super.runTest(); } finally { long elapsedMillis = millisElapsedSince(t0); if (elapsedMillis >= profileThreshold) System.out.printf("%n%s: %d%n", toString(), elapsedMillis); } } /** Runs all JSR166 unit tests using junit.textui.TestRunner */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (useSecurityManager) { System.err.println("Setting a permissive security manager"); Policy.setPolicy(permissivePolicy()); System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager()); } int iters = (args.length == 0) ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(args[0]); Test s = suite(); for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i) { junit.textui.TestRunner.run(s); System.gc(); System.runFinalization(); } System.exit(0); } public static TestSuite newTestSuite(Object... suiteOrClasses) { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(); for (Object suiteOrClass : suiteOrClasses) { if (suiteOrClass instanceof TestSuite) suite.addTest((TestSuite) suiteOrClass); else if (suiteOrClass instanceof Class) suite.addTest(new TestSuite((Class<?>) suiteOrClass)); else throw new ClassCastException("not a test suite or class"); } return suite; } /** Collects all JSR166 unit tests as one suite. */ public static Test suite() { return newTestSuite( AtomicDoubleTest.suite(), AtomicDoubleArrayTest.suite(), CompletableFutureTest.suite(), ConcurrentHashMapV8Test.suite(), CountedCompleterTest.suite(), DoubleAdderTest.suite(), ForkJoinPoolTest.suite(), ForkJoinTaskTest.suite(), LongAdderTest.suite(), RecursiveTaskTest.suite(), RecursiveActionTest.suite(), StampedLockTest.suite(), ThreadLocalRandomTest.suite()); } // Delays for timing-dependent tests, in milliseconds. public static long SHORT_DELAY_MS; public static long SMALL_DELAY_MS; public static long MEDIUM_DELAY_MS; public static long LONG_DELAY_MS; /** * Returns the shortest timed delay. This could be reimplemented to use for example a Property. */ protected long getShortDelay() { return 50; } /** Sets delays as multiples of SHORT_DELAY. */ protected void setDelays() { SHORT_DELAY_MS = getShortDelay(); SMALL_DELAY_MS = SHORT_DELAY_MS * 5; MEDIUM_DELAY_MS = SHORT_DELAY_MS * 10; LONG_DELAY_MS = SHORT_DELAY_MS * 200; } /** * Returns a timeout in milliseconds to be used in tests that verify that operations block or time * out. */ long timeoutMillis() { return SHORT_DELAY_MS / 4; } /** Returns a new Date instance representing a time delayMillis milliseconds in the future. */ Date delayedDate(long delayMillis) { return new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + delayMillis); } /** The first exception encountered if any threadAssertXXX method fails. */ private final AtomicReference<Throwable> threadFailure = new AtomicReference<Throwable>(null); /** * Records an exception so that it can be rethrown later in the test harness thread, triggering a * test case failure. Only the first failure is recorded; subsequent calls to this method from * within the same test have no effect. */ public void threadRecordFailure(Throwable t) { threadFailure.compareAndSet(null, t); } public void setUp() { setDelays(); } /** * Extra checks that get done for all test cases. * * <p>Triggers test case failure if any thread assertions have failed, by rethrowing, in the test * harness thread, any exception recorded earlier by threadRecordFailure. * * <p>Triggers test case failure if interrupt status is set in the main thread. */ public void tearDown() throws Exception { Throwable t = threadFailure.getAndSet(null); if (t != null) { if (t instanceof Error) throw (Error) t; else if (t instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) t; else if (t instanceof Exception) throw (Exception) t; else { AssertionFailedError afe = new AssertionFailedError(t.toString()); afe.initCause(t); throw afe; } } if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new AssertionFailedError("interrupt status set in main thread"); } /** * Just like fail(reason), but additionally recording (using threadRecordFailure) any * AssertionFailedError thrown, so that the current testcase will fail. */ public void threadFail(String reason) { try { fail(reason); } catch (AssertionFailedError t) { threadRecordFailure(t); fail(reason); } } /** * Just like assertTrue(b), but additionally recording (using threadRecordFailure) any * AssertionFailedError thrown, so that the current testcase will fail. */ public void threadAssertTrue(boolean b) { try { assertTrue(b); } catch (AssertionFailedError t) { threadRecordFailure(t); throw t; } } /** * Just like assertFalse(b), but additionally recording (using threadRecordFailure) any * AssertionFailedError thrown, so that the current testcase will fail. */ public void threadAssertFalse(boolean b) { try { assertFalse(b); } catch (AssertionFailedError t) { threadRecordFailure(t); throw t; } } /** * Just like assertNull(x), but additionally recording (using threadRecordFailure) any * AssertionFailedError thrown, so that the current testcase will fail. */ public void threadAssertNull(Object x) { try { assertNull(x); } catch (AssertionFailedError t) { threadRecordFailure(t); throw t; } } /** * Just like assertEquals(x, y), but additionally recording (using threadRecordFailure) any * AssertionFailedError thrown, so that the current testcase will fail. */ public void threadAssertEquals(long x, long y) { try { assertEquals(x, y); } catch (AssertionFailedError t) { threadRecordFailure(t); throw t; } } /** * Just like assertEquals(x, y), but additionally recording (using threadRecordFailure) any * AssertionFailedError thrown, so that the current testcase will fail. */ public void threadAssertEquals(Object x, Object y) { try { assertEquals(x, y); } catch (AssertionFailedError t) { threadRecordFailure(t); throw t; } catch (Throwable t) { threadUnexpectedException(t); } } /** * Just like assertSame(x, y), but additionally recording (using threadRecordFailure) any * AssertionFailedError thrown, so that the current testcase will fail. */ public void threadAssertSame(Object x, Object y) { try { assertSame(x, y); } catch (AssertionFailedError t) { threadRecordFailure(t); throw t; } } /** Calls threadFail with message "should throw exception". */ public void threadShouldThrow() { threadFail("should throw exception"); } /** Calls threadFail with message "should throw" + exceptionName. */ public void threadShouldThrow(String exceptionName) { threadFail("should throw " + exceptionName); } /** * Records the given exception using {@link #threadRecordFailure}, then rethrows the exception, * wrapping it in an AssertionFailedError if necessary. */ public void threadUnexpectedException(Throwable t) { threadRecordFailure(t); t.printStackTrace(); if (t instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) t; else if (t instanceof Error) throw (Error) t; else { AssertionFailedError afe = new AssertionFailedError("unexpected exception: " + t); afe.initCause(t); throw afe; } } /** * Delays, via Thread.sleep, for the given millisecond delay, but if the sleep is shorter than * specified, may re-sleep or yield until time elapses. */ static void delay(long millis) throws InterruptedException { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); long ns = millis * 1000 * 1000; for (; ; ) { if (millis > 0L) Thread.sleep(millis); else // too short to sleep Thread.yield(); long d = ns - (System.nanoTime() - startTime); if (d > 0L) millis = d / (1000 * 1000); else break; } } /** Waits out termination of a thread pool or fails doing so. */ void joinPool(ExecutorService exec) { try { exec.shutdown(); assertTrue( "ExecutorService did not terminate in a timely manner", exec.awaitTermination(2 * LONG_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS)); } catch (SecurityException ok) { // Allowed in case test doesn't have privs } catch (InterruptedException ie) { fail("Unexpected InterruptedException"); } } /** * Checks that thread does not terminate within the default millisecond delay of {@code * timeoutMillis()}. */ void assertThreadStaysAlive(Thread thread) { assertThreadStaysAlive(thread, timeoutMillis()); } /** Checks that thread does not terminate within the given millisecond delay. */ void assertThreadStaysAlive(Thread thread, long millis) { try { // No need to optimize the failing case via Thread.join. delay(millis); assertTrue(thread.isAlive()); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { fail("Unexpected InterruptedException"); } } /** * Checks that the threads do not terminate within the default millisecond delay of {@code * timeoutMillis()}. */ void assertThreadsStayAlive(Thread... threads) { assertThreadsStayAlive(timeoutMillis(), threads); } /** Checks that the threads do not terminate within the given millisecond delay. */ void assertThreadsStayAlive(long millis, Thread... threads) { try { // No need to optimize the failing case via Thread.join. delay(millis); for (Thread thread : threads) assertTrue(thread.isAlive()); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { fail("Unexpected InterruptedException"); } } /** Checks that future.get times out, with the default timeout of {@code timeoutMillis()}. */ void assertFutureTimesOut(Future future) { assertFutureTimesOut(future, timeoutMillis()); } /** Checks that future.get times out, with the given millisecond timeout. */ void assertFutureTimesOut(Future future, long timeoutMillis) { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); try { future.get(timeoutMillis, MILLISECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (TimeoutException success) { } catch (Exception e) { threadUnexpectedException(e); } finally { future.cancel(true); } assertTrue(millisElapsedSince(startTime) >= timeoutMillis); } /** Fails with message "should throw exception". */ public void shouldThrow() { fail("Should throw exception"); } /** Fails with message "should throw " + exceptionName. */ public void shouldThrow(String exceptionName) { fail("Should throw " + exceptionName); } /** The number of elements to place in collections, arrays, etc. */ public static final int SIZE = 20; // Some convenient Integer constants public static final Integer zero = new Integer(0); public static final Integer one = new Integer(1); public static final Integer two = new Integer(2); public static final Integer three = new Integer(3); public static final Integer four = new Integer(4); public static final Integer five = new Integer(5); public static final Integer six = new Integer(6); public static final Integer seven = new Integer(7); public static final Integer eight = new Integer(8); public static final Integer nine = new Integer(9); public static final Integer m1 = new Integer(-1); public static final Integer m2 = new Integer(-2); public static final Integer m3 = new Integer(-3); public static final Integer m4 = new Integer(-4); public static final Integer m5 = new Integer(-5); public static final Integer m6 = new Integer(-6); public static final Integer m10 = new Integer(-10); /** * Runs Runnable r with a security policy that permits precisely the specified permissions. If * there is no current security manager, the runnable is run twice, both with and without a * security manager. We require that any security manager permit getPolicy/setPolicy. */ public void runWithPermissions(Runnable r, Permission... permissions) { SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm == null) { r.run(); Policy savedPolicy = Policy.getPolicy(); try { Policy.setPolicy(permissivePolicy()); System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager()); runWithPermissions(r, permissions); } finally { System.setSecurityManager(null); Policy.setPolicy(savedPolicy); } } else { Policy savedPolicy = Policy.getPolicy(); AdjustablePolicy policy = new AdjustablePolicy(permissions); Policy.setPolicy(policy); try { r.run(); } finally { policy.addPermission(new SecurityPermission("setPolicy")); Policy.setPolicy(savedPolicy); } } } /** Runs a runnable without any permissions. */ public void runWithoutPermissions(Runnable r) { runWithPermissions(r); } /** A security policy where new permissions can be dynamically added or all cleared. */ public static class AdjustablePolicy extends java.security.Policy { Permissions perms = new Permissions(); AdjustablePolicy(Permission... permissions) { for (Permission permission : permissions) perms.add(permission); } void addPermission(Permission perm) { perms.add(perm); } void clearPermissions() { perms = new Permissions(); } public PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource cs) { return perms; } public PermissionCollection getPermissions(ProtectionDomain pd) { return perms; } public boolean implies(ProtectionDomain pd, Permission p) { return perms.implies(p); } public void refresh() {} } /** Returns a policy containing all the permissions we ever need. */ public static Policy permissivePolicy() { return new AdjustablePolicy // Permissions j.u.c. needs directly ( new RuntimePermission("modifyThread"), new RuntimePermission("getClassLoader"), new RuntimePermission("setContextClassLoader"), // Permissions needed to change permissions! new SecurityPermission("getPolicy"), new SecurityPermission("setPolicy"), new RuntimePermission("setSecurityManager"), // Permissions needed by the junit test harness new RuntimePermission("accessDeclaredMembers"), new PropertyPermission("*", "read"), new java.io.FilePermission("<<ALL FILES>>", "read")); } /** Sleeps until the given time has elapsed. Throws AssertionFailedError if interrupted. */ void sleep(long millis) { try { delay(millis); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { AssertionFailedError afe = new AssertionFailedError("Unexpected InterruptedException"); afe.initCause(ie); throw afe; } } /** * Spin-waits up to the specified number of milliseconds for the given thread to enter a wait * state: BLOCKED, WAITING, or TIMED_WAITING. */ void waitForThreadToEnterWaitState(Thread thread, long timeoutMillis) { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); for (; ; ) { Thread.State s = thread.getState(); if (s == Thread.State.BLOCKED || s == Thread.State.WAITING || s == Thread.State.TIMED_WAITING) return; else if (s == Thread.State.TERMINATED) fail("Unexpected thread termination"); else if (millisElapsedSince(startTime) > timeoutMillis) { threadAssertTrue(thread.isAlive()); return; } Thread.yield(); } } /** * Waits up to LONG_DELAY_MS for the given thread to enter a wait state: BLOCKED, WAITING, or * TIMED_WAITING. */ void waitForThreadToEnterWaitState(Thread thread) { waitForThreadToEnterWaitState(thread, LONG_DELAY_MS); } /** * Returns the number of milliseconds since time given by startNanoTime, which must have been * previously returned from a call to {@link System.nanoTime()}. */ static long millisElapsedSince(long startNanoTime) { return NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startNanoTime); } /** Returns a new started daemon Thread running the given runnable. */ Thread newStartedThread(Runnable runnable) { Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); return t; } /** * Waits for the specified time (in milliseconds) for the thread to terminate (using {@link * Thread#join(long)}), else interrupts the thread (in the hope that it may terminate later) and * fails. */ void awaitTermination(Thread t, long timeoutMillis) { try { t.join(timeoutMillis); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { threadUnexpectedException(ie); } finally { if (t.getState() != Thread.State.TERMINATED) { t.interrupt(); fail("Test timed out"); } } } /** * Waits for LONG_DELAY_MS milliseconds for the thread to terminate (using {@link * Thread#join(long)}), else interrupts the thread (in the hope that it may terminate later) and * fails. */ void awaitTermination(Thread t) { awaitTermination(t, LONG_DELAY_MS); } // Some convenient Runnable classes public abstract class CheckedRunnable implements Runnable { protected abstract void realRun() throws Throwable; public final void run() { try { realRun(); } catch (Throwable t) { threadUnexpectedException(t); } } } public abstract class RunnableShouldThrow implements Runnable { protected abstract void realRun() throws Throwable; final Class<?> exceptionClass; <T extends Throwable> RunnableShouldThrow(Class<T> exceptionClass) { this.exceptionClass = exceptionClass; } public final void run() { try { realRun(); threadShouldThrow(exceptionClass.getSimpleName()); } catch (Throwable t) { if (!exceptionClass.isInstance(t)) threadUnexpectedException(t); } } } public abstract class ThreadShouldThrow extends Thread { protected abstract void realRun() throws Throwable; final Class<?> exceptionClass; <T extends Throwable> ThreadShouldThrow(Class<T> exceptionClass) { this.exceptionClass = exceptionClass; } public final void run() { try { realRun(); threadShouldThrow(exceptionClass.getSimpleName()); } catch (Throwable t) { if (!exceptionClass.isInstance(t)) threadUnexpectedException(t); } } } public abstract class CheckedInterruptedRunnable implements Runnable { protected abstract void realRun() throws Throwable; public final void run() { try { realRun(); threadShouldThrow("InterruptedException"); } catch (InterruptedException success) { threadAssertFalse(Thread.interrupted()); } catch (Throwable t) { threadUnexpectedException(t); } } } public abstract class CheckedCallable<T> implements Callable<T> { protected abstract T realCall() throws Throwable; public final T call() { try { return realCall(); } catch (Throwable t) { threadUnexpectedException(t); return null; } } } public abstract class CheckedInterruptedCallable<T> implements Callable<T> { protected abstract T realCall() throws Throwable; public final T call() { try { T result = realCall(); threadShouldThrow("InterruptedException"); return result; } catch (InterruptedException success) { threadAssertFalse(Thread.interrupted()); } catch (Throwable t) { threadUnexpectedException(t); } return null; } } public static class NoOpRunnable implements Runnable { public void run() {} } public static class NoOpCallable implements Callable { public Object call() { return Boolean.TRUE; } } public static final String TEST_STRING = "a test string"; public static class StringTask implements Callable<String> { public String call() { return TEST_STRING; } } public Callable<String> latchAwaitingStringTask(final CountDownLatch latch) { return new CheckedCallable<String>() { protected String realCall() { try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException quittingTime) { } return TEST_STRING; } }; } public Runnable awaiter(final CountDownLatch latch) { return new CheckedRunnable() { public void realRun() throws InterruptedException { await(latch); } }; } public void await(CountDownLatch latch) { try { assertTrue(latch.await(LONG_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS)); } catch (Throwable t) { threadUnexpectedException(t); } } public void await(Semaphore semaphore) { try { assertTrue(semaphore.tryAcquire(LONG_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS)); } catch (Throwable t) { threadUnexpectedException(t); } } // /** // * Spin-waits up to LONG_DELAY_MS until flag becomes true. // */ // public void await(AtomicBoolean flag) { // await(flag, LONG_DELAY_MS); // } // /** // * Spin-waits up to the specified timeout until flag becomes true. // */ // public void await(AtomicBoolean flag, long timeoutMillis) { // long startTime = System.nanoTime(); // while (!flag.get()) { // if (millisElapsedSince(startTime) > timeoutMillis) // throw new AssertionFailedError("timed out"); // Thread.yield(); // } // } public static class NPETask implements Callable<String> { public String call() { throw new NullPointerException(); } } public static class CallableOne implements Callable<Integer> { public Integer call() { return one; } } public class ShortRunnable extends CheckedRunnable { protected void realRun() throws Throwable { delay(SHORT_DELAY_MS); } } public class ShortInterruptedRunnable extends CheckedInterruptedRunnable { protected void realRun() throws InterruptedException { delay(SHORT_DELAY_MS); } } public class SmallRunnable extends CheckedRunnable { protected void realRun() throws Throwable { delay(SMALL_DELAY_MS); } } public class SmallPossiblyInterruptedRunnable extends CheckedRunnable { protected void realRun() { try { delay(SMALL_DELAY_MS); } catch (InterruptedException ok) { } } } public class SmallCallable extends CheckedCallable { protected Object realCall() throws InterruptedException { delay(SMALL_DELAY_MS); return Boolean.TRUE; } } public class MediumRunnable extends CheckedRunnable { protected void realRun() throws Throwable { delay(MEDIUM_DELAY_MS); } } public class MediumInterruptedRunnable extends CheckedInterruptedRunnable { protected void realRun() throws InterruptedException { delay(MEDIUM_DELAY_MS); } } public Runnable possiblyInterruptedRunnable(final long timeoutMillis) { return new CheckedRunnable() { protected void realRun() { try { delay(timeoutMillis); } catch (InterruptedException ok) { } } }; } public class MediumPossiblyInterruptedRunnable extends CheckedRunnable { protected void realRun() { try { delay(MEDIUM_DELAY_MS); } catch (InterruptedException ok) { } } } public class LongPossiblyInterruptedRunnable extends CheckedRunnable { protected void realRun() { try { delay(LONG_DELAY_MS); } catch (InterruptedException ok) { } } } /** For use as ThreadFactory in constructors */ public static class SimpleThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory { public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { return new Thread(r); } } public interface TrackedRunnable extends Runnable { boolean isDone(); } public static TrackedRunnable trackedRunnable(final long timeoutMillis) { return new TrackedRunnable() { private volatile boolean done = false; public boolean isDone() { return done; } public void run() { try { delay(timeoutMillis); done = true; } catch (InterruptedException ok) { } } }; } public static class TrackedShortRunnable implements Runnable { public volatile boolean done = false; public void run() { try { delay(SHORT_DELAY_MS); done = true; } catch (InterruptedException ok) { } } } public static class TrackedSmallRunnable implements Runnable { public volatile boolean done = false; public void run() { try { delay(SMALL_DELAY_MS); done = true; } catch (InterruptedException ok) { } } } public static class TrackedMediumRunnable implements Runnable { public volatile boolean done = false; public void run() { try { delay(MEDIUM_DELAY_MS); done = true; } catch (InterruptedException ok) { } } } public static class TrackedLongRunnable implements Runnable { public volatile boolean done = false; public void run() { try { delay(LONG_DELAY_MS); done = true; } catch (InterruptedException ok) { } } } public static class TrackedNoOpRunnable implements Runnable { public volatile boolean done = false; public void run() { done = true; } } public static class TrackedCallable implements Callable { public volatile boolean done = false; public Object call() { try { delay(SMALL_DELAY_MS); done = true; } catch (InterruptedException ok) { } return Boolean.TRUE; } } /** Analog of CheckedRunnable for RecursiveAction */ public abstract class CheckedRecursiveAction extends RecursiveAction { protected abstract void realCompute() throws Throwable; public final void compute() { try { realCompute(); } catch (Throwable t) { threadUnexpectedException(t); } } } /** Analog of CheckedCallable for RecursiveTask */ public abstract class CheckedRecursiveTask<T> extends RecursiveTask<T> { protected abstract T realCompute() throws Throwable; public final T compute() { try { return realCompute(); } catch (Throwable t) { threadUnexpectedException(t); return null; } } } /** For use as RejectedExecutionHandler in constructors */ public static class NoOpREHandler implements RejectedExecutionHandler { public void rejectedExecution(Runnable r, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) {} } /** * A CyclicBarrier that uses timed await and fails with AssertionFailedErrors instead of throwing * checked exceptions. */ public class CheckedBarrier extends CyclicBarrier { public CheckedBarrier(int parties) { super(parties); } public int await() { try { return super.await(2 * LONG_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AssertionFailedError("timed out"); } catch (Exception e) { AssertionFailedError afe = new AssertionFailedError("Unexpected exception: " + e); afe.initCause(e); throw afe; } } } void checkEmpty(BlockingQueue q) { try { assertTrue(q.isEmpty()); assertEquals(0, q.size()); assertNull(q.peek()); assertNull(q.poll()); assertNull(q.poll(0, MILLISECONDS)); assertEquals("[]", q.toString()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(q.toArray(), new Object[0])); assertFalse(q.iterator().hasNext()); try { q.element(); shouldThrow(); } catch (NoSuchElementException success) { } try { q.iterator().next(); shouldThrow(); } catch (NoSuchElementException success) { } try { q.remove(); shouldThrow(); } catch (NoSuchElementException success) { } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { threadUnexpectedException(ie); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") <T> T serialClone(T o) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); oos.writeObject(o); oos.flush(); oos.close(); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray())); T clone = (T) ois.readObject(); assertSame(o.getClass(), clone.getClass()); return clone; } catch (Throwable t) { threadUnexpectedException(t); return null; } } }
/** * Test suite for distributing JUnit3 tests. Simply add tests to this suite just like you would for * regular JUnit3 suites, and these tests will be executed in parallel on the grid. Note that if * there are no other grid nodes, this suite will still ensure parallel test execution within single * JVM. * * <p>Below is an example of distributed JUnit3 test suite: * * <pre name="code" class="java"> * public class GridJunit3ExampleTestSuite { * // Standard JUnit3 static suite method. * public static TestSuite suite() { * TestSuite suite = new GridJunit3TestSuite("Example Grid Test Suite"); * * // Add tests. * suite.addTestSuite(TestA.class); * suite.addTestSuite(TestB.class); * suite.addTestSuite(TestC.class); * * return suite; * } * } * </pre> * * If you have four tests A, B, C, and D, and if you need to run A and B sequentially, then you * should create a nested test suite with test A and B as follows: * * <pre name="code" class="java"> * public class GridJunit3ExampleTestSuite { * // Standard JUnit3 static suite method. * public static TestSuite suite() { * TestSuite suite = new GridJunit3TestSuite("Example Grid Test Suite"); * * // Nested test suite to run tests A and B sequentially. * TestSuite nested = new TestSuite("Example Nested Sequential Suite"); * * nested.addTestSuite(TestA.class); * nested.addTestSuite(TestB.class); * * // Add tests A and B. * suite.addTest(nested); * * // Add other tests. * suite.addTestSuite(TestC.class); * * return suite; * } * } * </pre> * * <p>Note that you can also grid-enable existing JUnit3 tests using {@link * GridifyTest @GridifyTest} annotation which you can attach to your {@code suite()} methods of * existing test suite. Refer to {@link GridifyTest @GridifyTest} documentation for more * information. * * <p>Also note that some tests can only be executed locally mostly due to some environment issues. * However they still can benefit from parallel execution with other tests. GridGain supports it via * {@link GridJunit3LocalTestSuite} suites that can be added to {@code GridJunit3TestSuite}. Refer * to {@link GridJunit3LocalTestSuite} documentation for more information. * * <h1 class="header">Logging</h1> * * When running distributed JUnit, all the logging that is done to {@link System#out} or {@link * System#err} is preserved. GridGain will accumulate all logging that is done on remote nodes, send * them back to originating node and associate all log statements with their corresponding tests. * This way, for example, if you are running tests from and IDEA or Eclipse (or any other IDE) you * would still see the logs as if it was a local run. However, since remote nodes keep all log * statements done within a single individual test case in memory, you must make sure that enough * memory is allocated on every node and that individual test cases do not spit out gigabytes of log * statements. Also note, that logs will be sent back to originating node upon completion of every * test, so don't be alarmed if you don't see any log statements for a while and then all of them * appear at once. * * <p>GridGain achieves such log transparency via reassigning {@link System#out} or {@link * System#err} to internal {@link PrintStream} implementation. However, when using {@code Log4J} (or * any other logging framework) within your tests you must make sure that it is configured with * {@link ConsoleAppender} and that {@link ConsoleAppender#setFollow(boolean)} attribute is set to * {@code true}. Logging to files is not supported yet and is planned for next point release. * * <p> * * <h1 class="header">Test Suite Nesting</h1> * * {@code GridJunit3TestSuite} instances can be nested within each other as deep as needed. However * all nested distributed test suites will be treated just like regular JUnit test suites, and not * as distributed test suites. This approach becomes convenient when you have several distributed * test suites that you would like to be able to execute separately in distributed fashion, but at * the same time you would like to be able to execute them as a part of larger distributed suites. * * <p> * * <h1 class="header">Configuration</h1> * * To run distributed JUnit tests you need to start other instances of GridGain. You can do so by * running {@code GRIDGAIN_HOME/bin/ggjunit.{sh|bat}} script, which will start default * configuration. If configuration other than default is required, then use regular {@code * GRIDGAIN_HOME/bin/ggstart.{sh|bat}} script and pass your own Spring XML configuration file as a * parameter to the script. * * <p>You can use the following configuration parameters to configure distributed test suite * locally. Note that many parameters can be overridden by setting corresponding VM parameters * defined in {@link GridTestVmParameters} at VM startup. * * <table class="doctable"> * <tr> * <th>GridConfiguration Method</th> * <th>Default Value</th> * <th>Description</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #setDisabled(boolean) setDisabled(boolean)}</td> * <td>{@code false}</td> * <td> * If {@code true} then GridGain will be turned off and suite will run locally. * This value can be overridden by setting {@link GridTestVmParameters#GRIDGAIN_DISABLED} VM * parameter to {@code true}. This parameter comes handy when you would like to * turn off GridGain without changing the actual code. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #setConfigurationPath(String) setConfigurationPath(String)}</td> * <td>{@link #DFLT_JUNIT_CONFIG DFLT_JUNIT_CONFIG}</td> * <td> * Optional path to GridGain Spring XML configuration file for running JUnit tests. This * property can be overridden by setting {@link GridTestVmParameters#GRIDGAIN_CONFIG} VM * parameter. Note that the value can be either absolute value or relative to * ${GRIDGAIN_HOME} installation folder. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #setRouterClassName(String) setRouterClassName(String)}</td> * <td>{@link #DFLT_JUNIT_ROUTER DFLT_JUNIT_ROUTER}</td> * <td> * Optional name of test router class that implements {@link GridTestRouter} interface. * If not provided, then tests will be routed in round-robin fashion using default * {@link GridTestRouterAdapter}. The value of this parameter can be overridden by setting * {@link GridTestVmParameters#GRIDGAIN_TEST_ROUTER} VM parameter to the name of your * own customer router class. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #setRouterClass(Class) setRouterClass(Class)}</td> * <td>{@code null}</td> * <td> * Same as {@link #setRouterClassName(String) setRouterClassName(String)}, but sets the * actual class instead of the name. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #setTimeout(long) setTimeout(long)}</td> * <td>{@code 0} which means that tests will never timeout.</td> * <td> * Maximum timeout value in milliseconds after which test suite will return without * waiting for the remaining tests to complete. This value can be overridden by setting * {@link GridTestVmParameters#GRIDGAIN_TEST_TIMEOUT} VM parameter to the timeout value * for the tests. * </td> * </tr> * </table> * * @author 2005-2011 Copyright (C) GridGain Systems, Inc. * @version 3.1.1c.19062011 */ public class GridJunit3TestSuite extends TestSuite { /** * Default GridGain configuration file for JUnits (value is {@code * config/junit/junit-spring.xml}). */ public static final String DFLT_JUNIT_CONFIG = "config/junit/junit-spring.xml"; /** * Default JUnit test router (value is {@link GridTestRouterAdapter * GridTestRouterAdapter.class.getName()}). */ public static final String DFLT_JUNIT_ROUTER = GridTestRouterAdapter.class.getName(); /** */ private final Collection<String> locTests = new HashSet<String>(); /** JUnit3 JavaAssist proxy. */ private final GridJunit3ProxyFactory factory = new GridJunit3ProxyFactory(); /** Flag indicating whether grid was started in this suite. */ private boolean selfStarted; /** Junit3 Spring configuration path. */ private String cfgPath = System.getProperty(GRIDGAIN_CONFIG.name()) == null ? DFLT_JUNIT_CONFIG : System.getProperty(GRIDGAIN_CONFIG.name()); /** * Check if GridGain is disabled by checking {@link GridTestVmParameters#GRIDGAIN_DISABLED} system * property. */ private boolean isDisabled = Boolean.getBoolean(GRIDGAIN_DISABLED.name()); /** JUnit test router class name. */ private String routerClsName = System.getProperty(GRIDGAIN_TEST_ROUTER.name()) == null ? DFLT_JUNIT_ROUTER : System.getProperty(GRIDGAIN_TEST_ROUTER.name()); /** JUnit test router class. */ private Class<? extends GridTestRouter> routerCls; /** * Local suite in case if grid is disabled or if this is a nested suite within other distributed * suite. */ private TestSuite copy; /** JUnit grid name. */ private String gridName; /** Test timeout. */ private long timeout = Long.getLong(GRIDGAIN_TEST_TIMEOUT.name()) == null ? 0 : Long.getLong(GRIDGAIN_TEST_TIMEOUT.name()); /** */ private ClassLoader clsLdr; /** Empty test suite. */ public GridJunit3TestSuite() { if (copy == null) { copy = new TestSuite(); } } /** @param name Test suite name. */ public GridJunit3TestSuite(String name) { super(name); if (copy == null) { copy = new TestSuite(name); } } /** * Test suite for one class. * * @param cls Class for test suite. */ public GridJunit3TestSuite(Class<? extends TestCase> cls) { super(cls); if (copy == null) { copy = new TestSuite(cls); } } /** * Test suite for a given test class with specified test name. * * @param cls Test class. * @param name Test name. */ public GridJunit3TestSuite(Class<? extends TestCase> cls, String name) { super(cls, name); if (copy == null) { copy = new TestSuite(cls, name); } } /** * Copies non-distributed test suite into distributed one. * * @param suite Test suite to copy. */ public GridJunit3TestSuite(TestSuite suite) { super(suite.getName()); if (copy == null) { copy = new TestSuite(suite.getName()); } for (int i = 0; i < suite.testCount(); i++) { addTest(suite.testAt(i)); } } /** * Empty test suite with given class loader. * * @param clsLdr Tests class loader. */ public GridJunit3TestSuite(ClassLoader clsLdr) { this(); assert clsLdr != null; this.clsLdr = clsLdr; } /** * @param name Test suite name. * @param clsLdr Tests class loader. */ public GridJunit3TestSuite(String name, ClassLoader clsLdr) { this(name); assert clsLdr != null; this.clsLdr = clsLdr; } /** * Test suite for one class. * * @param cls Class for test suite. * @param clsLdr Tests class loader. */ public GridJunit3TestSuite(Class<? extends TestCase> cls, ClassLoader clsLdr) { this(cls); assert clsLdr != null; this.clsLdr = clsLdr; } /** * Test suite for a given test class with specified test name. * * @param cls Test class. * @param name Test name. * @param clsLdr Tests class loader. */ public GridJunit3TestSuite(Class<? extends TestCase> cls, String name, ClassLoader clsLdr) { this(cls, name); assert clsLdr != null; this.clsLdr = clsLdr; } /** * Copies non-distributed test suite into distributed one. * * @param suite Test suite to copy. * @param clsLdr Tests class loader. */ public GridJunit3TestSuite(TestSuite suite, ClassLoader clsLdr) { this(suite); assert clsLdr != null; this.clsLdr = clsLdr; } /** * Sets path to GridGain configuration file. By default {@code * {GRIDGAIN_HOME}/config/junit/junit-spring.xml} is used. * * @param cfgPath Path to GridGain configuration file. */ public void setConfigurationPath(String cfgPath) { this.cfgPath = cfgPath; } /** * Gets path to GridGain configuration file. By default {@code * {GRIDGAIN_HOME}/config/junit/junit-spring.xml} is used. * * @return Path to GridGain configuration file. */ public String getConfigurationPath() { return cfgPath; } /** * Disables GridGain. If set to {@code true} then this suite will execute locally as if GridGain * was not in a picture at all. * * @param disabled If set to {@code true} then this suite will execute locally as if GridGain was * not in a picture at all. */ public void setDisabled(boolean disabled) { isDisabled = disabled; } /** * Gets flag indicating whether GridGain should be enabled or not. If set to {@code true} then * this suite will execute locally as if GridGain was not in a picture at all. * * @return Flag indicating whether GridGain should be enabled or not. If set to {@code true} then * this suite will execute locally as if GridGain was not in a picture at all. */ public boolean isDisabled() { return isDisabled; } /** * Sets name of class for routing JUnit tests. By default {@link #DFLT_JUNIT_ROUTER} class name is * used. * * @param routerClsName Junit test router class name. */ public void setRouterClassName(String routerClsName) { this.routerClsName = routerClsName; } /** * Gets JUnit test router class name. * * @return JUnit test router class name. */ public String getRouterClassName() { return routerClsName; } /** * Sets router class. By default {@link GridTestRouterAdapter} is used. * * @param routerCls Router class to use for test routing. */ public void setRouterClass(Class<? extends GridTestRouter> routerCls) { this.routerCls = routerCls; } /** * Gets router class used for test routing. * * @return Router class used for test routing. */ public Class<? extends GridTestRouter> getRouterClass() { return routerCls; } /** * Gets identical suite for local (non-distributed) execution. * * @return Local suite. */ public TestSuite getLocalCopy() { return copy; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setName(String name) { if (copy != null) { copy.setName(name); } super.setName(name); } /** * Gets timeout for running distributed test suite. * * @return Timeout for tests. */ public long getTimeout() { return timeout; } /** * Sets timeout for running distributed test suite. By default, test execution does not expire. * * @param timeout Timeout for tests. */ public void setTimeout(long timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Test testAt(int index) { return isDisabled ? copy.testAt(index) : super.testAt(index); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int testCount() { return isDisabled ? copy.testCount() : super.testCount(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Enumeration<Test> tests() { return isDisabled ? copy.tests() : super.tests(); } /** * The added suite will be always executed locally, but in parallel with other locally or remotely * running tests. This comes handy for tests that cannot be distributed for some environmental * reasons, but still would benefit from parallel execution. * * <p>Note, that local suites will be executed on local node even if grid topology only allows * remote nodes. * * @param localSuite Test to execute locally in parallel with other local or distributed tests. */ @SuppressWarnings({"TypeMayBeWeakened"}) public void addTest(GridJunit3LocalTestSuite localSuite) { if (!locTests.contains(localSuite.getName())) { locTests.add(localSuite.getName()); } addTest((Test) localSuite); } /** * Adds a test to be executed on the grid. In case of test suite, all tests inside of test suite * will be executed sequentially on some remote node. * * @param test Test to add. */ @Override public void addTest(Test test) { if (copy == null) { copy = new TestSuite(getName()); } // Add test to the list of local ones. if (test instanceof GridJunit3LocalTestSuite) { String testName = ((TestSuite) test).getName(); if (!locTests.contains(testName)) { locTests.add(testName); } } if (test instanceof GridJunit3TestSuite) { copy.addTest(((GridJunit3TestSuite) test).copy); super.addTest(new GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy(((GridJunit3TestSuite) test).copy, factory)); } else if (test instanceof GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy) { copy.addTest(((GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy) test).getOriginal()); super.addTest(test); } else if (test instanceof GridJunit3TestCaseProxy) { copy.addTest(((GridJunit3TestCaseProxy) test).getGridGainJunit3OriginalTestCase()); super.addTest(test); } else if (test instanceof TestSuite) { copy.addTest(test); super.addTest(new GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy((TestSuite) test, factory)); } else { assert test instanceof TestCase : "Test must be either instance of TestSuite or TestCase: " + test; copy.addTest(test); super.addTest(factory.createProxy((TestCase) test)); } } /** * Creates JUnit test router. Note that router must have a no-arg constructor. * * @return JUnit router instance. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private GridTestRouter createRouter() { try { if (routerCls == null) { routerCls = (Class<? extends GridTestRouter>) Class.forName(routerClsName); } else { routerClsName = routerCls.getName(); } return routerCls.newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new GridRuntimeException("Failed to initialize JUnit router: " + routerClsName, e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new GridRuntimeException("Failed to initialize JUnit router: " + routerClsName, e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new GridRuntimeException("Failed to initialize JUnit router: " + routerClsName, e); } } /** * Runs all tests belonging to this test suite on the grid. * * @param result Test result collector. */ @Override public void run(TestResult result) { if (isDisabled) { copy.run(result); } else { GridTestRouter router = createRouter(); Grid grid = startGrid(); try { List<GridTaskFuture<?>> futs = new ArrayList<GridTaskFuture<?>>(testCount()); List<GridJunit3SerializableTest> tests = new ArrayList<GridJunit3SerializableTest>(testCount()); for (int i = 0; i < testCount(); i++) { Test junit = testAt(i); GridJunit3SerializableTest test; if (junit instanceof TestSuite) { test = new GridJunit3SerializableTestSuite((TestSuite) junit); } else { assert junit instanceof TestCase : "Test must be either TestSuite or TestCase: " + junit; test = new GridJunit3SerializableTestCase((TestCase) junit); } tests.add(test); if (clsLdr == null) { clsLdr = U.detectClassLoader(junit.getClass()); } futs.add( grid.execute( new GridJunit3Task(junit.getClass(), clsLdr), new GridJunit3Argument(router, test, locTests.contains(test.getName())), timeout)); } for (int i = 0; i < testCount(); i++) { GridTaskFuture<?> fut = futs.get(i); GridJunit3SerializableTest origTest = tests.get(i); try { GridJunit3SerializableTest resTest = (GridJunit3SerializableTest) fut.get(); origTest.setResult(resTest); origTest.getTest().run(result); } catch (GridException e) { handleFail(result, origTest, e); } } } finally { stopGrid(); } } } /** * Handles test fail. * * @param result Test result. * @param origTest Original JUnit test. * @param e Exception thrown from grid. */ private void handleFail(TestResult result, GridJunit3SerializableTest origTest, Throwable e) { // Simulate that all tests were run. origTest.getTest().run(result); // For the tests suite we assume that all tests failed because // entire test suite execution failed and there is no way to get // broken tests. if (origTest.getTest() instanceof GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy) { TestSuite suite = (((TestSuite) origTest.getTest())); for (int j = 0; j < suite.testCount(); j++) { result.addError(suite.testAt(j), e); } } else if (origTest.getTest() instanceof GridJunit3TestCaseProxy) { result.addError(origTest.getTest(), e); } } /** * Starts Grid instance. Note that if grid is already started, then it will be looked up and * returned from this method. * * @return Started grid. */ private Grid startGrid() { Properties props = System.getProperties(); gridName = props.getProperty(GRIDGAIN_NAME.name()); if (!props.containsKey(GRIDGAIN_NAME.name()) || G.state(gridName) != GridFactoryState.STARTED) { selfStarted = true; // Set class loader for the spring. ClassLoader curCl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); // Add no-op logger to remove no-appender warning. Appender app = new NullAppender(); Logger.getRootLogger().addAppender(app); try { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()); Grid grid = G.start(cfgPath); gridName = grid.name(); System.setProperty(GRIDGAIN_NAME.name(), grid.name()); return grid; } catch (GridException e) { throw new GridRuntimeException("Failed to start grid: " + cfgPath, e); } finally { Logger.getRootLogger().removeAppender(app); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(curCl); } } return G.grid(gridName); } /** Stops grid only if it was started by this test suite. */ private void stopGrid() { // Only stop grid if it was started here. if (selfStarted) { G.stop(gridName, true); } } }