예제 #1
   * Update whether a named signal source is active.
   * @param name signal's name (not null)
   * @param sourceIndex index of the signal source (key or button) which is being updated
   * @param newState true if the source is active; false is the source is inactive
  private void update(String name, int sourceIndex, boolean newState) {
    Indices status = statusMap.get(name);
    if (status == null) {
      logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unknown signal: {0}", MyString.quote(name));
        Level.INFO, "name = {0}, newState = {1}", new Object[] {MyString.quote(name), newState});

    status.addRemove(sourceIndex, newState);
예제 #2
  * Reload a prop and unpick it.
  * @param originalProp which prop to reload (not null)
 public void reload(Spatial originalProp) {
   String name = originalProp.getName();
   logger.log(Level.INFO, "reloading prop {0}", MyString.quote(name));
   Node reloaded = duplicate(originalProp);
예제 #3
  * Determine the mass of a standard-sized prop.
  * @param propType the type of the prop (not null)
  * @return mass (in kilograms, >0)
 private static float standardMass(String propType) {
   assert propType != null;
   switch (propType) {
     case "barrel":
       return 500f;
     case "mantlet":
       return 100f;
   logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unexpected prop type {0}", MyString.quote(propType));
   return 1f;
예제 #4
   * Create a prop without adding it to the scene.
   * @param propType which kind of prop to add (not null)
   * @param relativeSize the prop's size relative to standard (>0)
   * @return a new node to represent the prop, or null if the model is invalid
  private Node create(String propType, float relativeSize) {
    assert propType != null;
    assert relativeSize > 0f : relativeSize;

    Node propNode = loadModel(propType);
    Node modelNode = (Node) propNode.getChild(0);
    List<Spatial> parts = modelNode.getChildren();
     * Texture each part of the prop and specify its hardness.
    for (Spatial part : parts) {
      String partName = part.getName();
      if (!(part instanceof Geometry)) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Prop part {0} is not a geometry.", MyString.quote(partName));
        return null;
      String materialName = material(partName);
      SpatialProperties.setHardness(part, materialName);
      Material material = Assets.loadBlockMaterial(materialName);
     * Set the scale factor.
    float scaleFactor = scene.getScaleFactor();
    float modelScale = relativeSize / scaleFactor;
    assert getRelativeSize(propNode) == relativeSize : relativeSize;
     * Set other properties.
     * Give the prop a physics control.
    CollisionShape shape = createShape(propType, relativeSize, parts);
    float mass = calculateMass(propType, relativeSize);
    RigidBodyControl rigidBodyControl = new RigidBodyControl(shape, mass);
     * Configure the physics control.
     * Give the prop a PickedControl.
    SpatialProperties.setPickType(propNode, pickType);
    PickedControl pickedControl = new PickedControl();

    return propNode;
예제 #5
   * Duplicate a prop. Duplicating differs from cloning because the duplicate gets a unique name and
   * any descendants of the duplicate get renamed to match. Besides, cloning doesn't work well on
   * physics controls.
   * @param originalProp which prop to duplicate (not null)
   * @return the new prop
  public Node duplicate(Spatial originalProp) {
    String name = originalProp.getName();
    logger.log(Level.INFO, "duplicating prop {0}", MyString.quote(name));

    String propType = SpatialProperties.getPrefixType(originalProp);
    float relativeSize = originalProp.getWorldScale().x;
    Vector3f centerLocation = MySpatial.getWorldLocation(originalProp);
    Quaternion orientation = MySpatial.getWorldOrientation(originalProp);

    Node result = add(propType, relativeSize, centerLocation, orientation);
    return result;
예제 #6
  * Determine the correct material for a name prop part.
  * @param partName the name of the prop part (not null)
  * @return name of the material (or null if unknown part)
 private static String material(String partName) {
   assert partName != null;
   switch (partName) {
     case "barrel1":
     case "mantlet2":
       return "bronze";
     case "barrel2":
     case "mantlet1":
       return "wood";
   logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unexpected prop part {0}", MyString.quote(partName));
   return null;
예제 #7
  * Process a signal action.
  * @param actionString
  * @param isOngoing
  * @param unused
 public void onAction(String actionString, boolean isOngoing, float unused) {
   logger.log(Level.INFO, "action = {0}", MyString.quote(actionString));
    * Parse the action string into words.
   String[] words = actionString.split("\\s+");
   assert words.length == 3;
   assert "signal".equals(words[0]);
   String name = words[1];
   int sourceIndex = Integer.parseInt(words[2]);
   update(name, sourceIndex, isOngoing);
예제 #8
   * Test whether the named signal is active.
   * @param name signal's name (not null)
   * @return true if any of the signal's sources is active; false if all of the signal's sources are
   *     inactive
  public boolean test(String name) {
    assert name != null;

    Indices status = statusMap.get(name);
    if (status == null) {
          "Testing a signal which has not yet been added: {0}.",
      status = new Indices();
      statusMap.put(name, status);
    boolean result = !status.isEmpty();
    return result;
예제 #9
  * Create a prop, add it to the scene with its base at the insertion point, and pick it. Assumes
  * that the application is in world-building mode.
  * @param propType which kind of prop to add (not null)
 private void addAsPick(String propType) {
   assert propType != null;
   switch (propType) {
     case "barrel":
       addAsPick("barrel", 0.62f);
     case "hogshead":
       addAsPick("barrel", 0.78f);
     case "mantlet":
       addAsPick("mantlet", 1f);
     case "tun":
       addAsPick("barrel", 1.24f);
   logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown prop type {0}!", MyString.quote(propType));