private CEntityResourceFormContainer doAllAnalysisforResFiles( String filename, String csApplication, CTransApplicationGroup grp, boolean bResources) { String csFileNameNoExt = FileSystem.getNameWithoutExtension(filename); if (csFileNameNoExt.endsWith("S")) { String map = csFileNameNoExt.substring(0, csFileNameNoExt.length() - 1); CEntityResourceFormContainer cont = m_cat.GetFormContainer(map, grp, bResources); if (cont != null) { String fileNameJavaS = grp.m_csOutputPath + csFileNameNoExt + ".java"; CJavaExporter outjavaS = new CJavaExporter(cont.getExporter(), fileNameJavaS); CJavaEntityFactory factoryS = new CJavaEntityFactory(cont.m_ProgramCatalog, outjavaS); CEntityResourceFormContainer eSav = cont.MakeSavCopy(factoryS, false); m_cat.RegisterFormContainer(eSav.GetName(), eSav); if (m_FormEnhancer != null) m_FormEnhancer.ProcessFormContainer(eSav, bResources); return eSav; } } CEntityResourceFormContainer ext = importRESResource(filename, csApplication, grp, bResources); if (ext != null) m_cat.RegisterFormContainer(filename, ext); return ext; }
private CEntityResourceFormContainer importRESResource( String inputFileName, String csApplication, CTransApplicationGroup grp, boolean bResources) { String csOutputFile = generateOutputFileName(inputFileName); CTransApplicationGroup grpResources = m_cat.getGroupResources(); String csFullInputFileName = grpResources.m_csOutputPath + inputFileName; // String csOutputFile = generateOutputFileName(inputFileName) ; // createDirIsRequired(grp.m_csOutputPath, csApplication); // For .res output Tag tagRoot = Tag.createFromFile(csFullInputFileName); if (tagRoot == null) return null; if (grp.m_csOutputPath != null) createDirIsRequired(grp.m_csOutputPath, csApplication); // For .java output CBMSParser BMSParser = parseRESResource(tagRoot); if (BMSParser != null) { Transcoder.logInfo("Transcoding resource " + inputFileName); // exportXMLToFile(BMSParser, "D:/Dev/naca/Pub2000Cobol/Inter/BMS/RS01A05b.xml") ; // Reexport // XML NotificationEngine engine = new NotificationEngine(); doPopulateSpecialActionHandlers(engine); COriginalLisiting listing = new COriginalLisiting(); CObjectCatalog cat = new CObjectCatalog(m_cat, listing, grp.m_eType, engine); try { if (grp.m_csOutputPath != null) { String csJavaOutFileName = FileSystem.appendFilePath( grp.m_csOutputPath + csApplication, ReplaceExtensionFileName(csOutputFile, "java")); CEntityResourceFormContainer ext = doSemanticAnalysis(BMSParser, csJavaOutFileName, cat, grp, bResources); if (ext != null) { // To reexport .res file, uncomment below // String csResOutFileName = grp.m_csOutputPath + // ReplaceExtensionFileName(csOutputFile, "res"); // ext.setExportFilePath(csResOutFileName); // // Transcoder.logInfo("Exporting resource file "+csResOutFileName); // ext.MakeXMLOutput(true) ; m_cat.RegisterFormContainer(inputFileName, ext); // PJD 08/08/2007 Uncomment to export screen copy file. These are duplicated // files generated twice beforecorrect generation export by // Transcoder.logInfo("Exporting java file "+csJavaOutFileName); // ext.StartExport() ; String fileNameJavaS = FileSystem.appendFilePath( grp.m_csOutputPath + csApplication, ReplaceExtensionFileNameWithSuffix(csOutputFile, "S", "java")); // String fileNameJavaS = grp.m_csOutputPath + csApplication + "/" + // ReplaceExtensionFileNameWithSuffix(csOutputFile, "S", "java"); CJavaExporter outjavaS = new CJavaExporter(ext.getExporter(), fileNameJavaS); CJavaEntityFactory factoryS0 = new CJavaEntityFactory(ext.m_ProgramCatalog, outjavaS); m_cat = ms_BMSTranscoderEngine.getGlobalCatalog(); CJavaEntityFactory factoryS = new CJavaEntityFactory(cat, outjavaS); ext.clearSavCopy(factoryS); CEntityResourceFormContainer eSav = ext.MakeSavCopy( factoryS, true); // we are generating directly form a .res file; the name of variables in // * file is not very well managed in taht case, so, the flag ... if (ext.GetSavCopy() != null) { // PJD 08/08/2007 Uncomment to export screen copy file. These are duplicated // files generated twice beforecorrect generation export by // Transcoder.logInfo("Exporting javaS file "+fileNameJavaS); // ext.GetSavCopy().StartExport() ; } } return ext; } } catch (NacaTransAssertException e) { Transcoder.logError( "Failure while transcoding " + csFullInputFileName + " : " + e.m_csMessage); } } return null; }