// ## operation writeChemkinSpecies(ReactionModel,SystemSnapshot) public static String writeChemkinSpecies( ReactionModel p_reactionModel, SystemSnapshot p_beginStatus) { // #[ operation writeChemkinSpecies(ReactionModel,SystemSnapshot) StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("SPECIES\n"); CoreEdgeReactionModel cerm = (CoreEdgeReactionModel) p_reactionModel; // write inert gas for (Iterator iter = p_beginStatus.getInertGas(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String name = (String) iter.next(); result.append('\t' + name + '\n'); } // write species for (Iterator iter = cerm.getSpecies(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Species spe = (Species) iter.next(); result.append('\t' + spe.getChemkinName() + '\n'); } result.append("END\n"); return result.toString(); // #] }
// ## operation generateSpeciesStatus(ReactionModel,ArrayList,ArrayList,ArrayList) private LinkedHashMap generateSpeciesStatus( ReactionModel p_reactionModel, ArrayList p_speciesChemkinName, ArrayList p_speciesConc, ArrayList p_speciesFlux) { // #[ operation generateSpeciesStatus(ReactionModel,ArrayList,ArrayList,ArrayList) int size = p_speciesChemkinName.size(); if (size != p_speciesConc.size() || size != p_speciesFlux.size()) throw new InvalidSpeciesStatusException(); LinkedHashMap speStatus = new LinkedHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String name = (String) p_speciesChemkinName.get(i); int ID = parseIDFromChemkinName(name); Species spe = SpeciesDictionary.getInstance().getSpeciesFromID(ID); double conc = ((Double) p_speciesConc.get(i)).doubleValue(); double flux = ((Double) p_speciesFlux.get(i)).doubleValue(); System.out.println( String.valueOf(spe.getID()) + '\t' + spe.getName() + '\t' + String.valueOf(conc) + '\t' + String.valueOf(flux)); if (conc < 0) { double aTol = ReactionModelGenerator.getAtol(); // if (Math.abs(conc) < aTol) conc = 0; // else throw new NegativeConcentrationException("species " + spe.getName() + " has negative // conc: " + String.valueOf(conc)); if (conc < -100.0 * aTol) throw new NegativeConcentrationException( "Species " + spe.getName() + " has negative concentration: " + String.valueOf(conc)); } SpeciesStatus ss = new SpeciesStatus(spe, 1, conc, flux); speStatus.put(spe, ss); } return speStatus; // #] }
// ## operation writeReactorInputFile(ReactionModel,ReactionTime,ReactionTime,SystemSnapshot) public boolean writeReactorInputFile( ReactionModel p_reactionModel, ReactionTime p_beginTime, ReactionTime p_endTime, SystemSnapshot p_beginStatus) { // #[ operation writeReactorInputFile(ReactionModel,ReactionTime,ReactionTime,SystemSnapshot) // construct "input" string String input = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?>" + "\n"; String dir = System.getProperty("RMG.workingDirectory"); if (!dir.endsWith("/")) dir += "/"; String dtd = dir + "software/reactorModel/documentTypeDefinitions/reactorInput.dtd"; input += "<!DOCTYPE reactorinput SYSTEM \"" + dtd + "\">" + "\n"; input += "<reactorinput>" + "\n"; input += "<header>" + "\n"; input += "<title>Reactor Input File</title>" + "\n"; input += "<description>RMG-generated file used to call an external reactor model</description>" + "\n"; input += "</header>" + "\n"; input += "<inputvalues>" + "\n"; input += "<integrationparameters>" + "\n"; input += "<reactortype>" + reactorType + "</reactortype>" + "\n"; input += "<starttime units=\"" + p_beginTime.getUnit() + "\">" + MathTool.formatDouble(p_beginTime.getTime(), 15, 6) + "</starttime>" + "\n"; input += "<endtime units=\"" + p_endTime.getUnit() + "\">" + MathTool.formatDouble(p_endTime.getTime(), 15, 6) + "</endtime>" + "\n"; // input += "<starttime units=\"" + p_beginTime.unit + "\">" + // MathTool.formatDouble(p_beginTime.time,15,6) + "</starttime>" + "\n"; // input += "<endtime units=\"" + p_endTime.unit + "\">" + // MathTool.formatDouble(p_endTime.time,15,6) + "</endtime>" + "\n"; input += "<rtol>" + rtol + "</rtol>" + "\n"; input += "<atol>" + atol + "</atol>" + "\n"; input += "</integrationparameters>" + "\n"; input += "<chemistry>" + "\n"; input += "</chemistry>" + "\n"; input += "<systemstate>" + "\n"; input += "<temperature units=\"K\">" + MathTool.formatDouble(p_beginStatus.getTemperature().getK(), 15, 6) + "</temperature>" + "\n"; input += "<pressure units=\"Pa\">" + MathTool.formatDouble(p_beginStatus.getPressure().getPa(), 15, 6) + "</pressure>" + "\n"; for (Iterator iter = p_beginStatus.getSpeciesStatus(); iter.hasNext(); ) { SpeciesStatus spcStatus = (SpeciesStatus) iter.next(); Species thisSpecies = spcStatus.getSpecies(); CoreEdgeReactionModel cerm = (CoreEdgeReactionModel) p_reactionModel; if (cerm.containsAsReactedSpecies(thisSpecies)) { String spcChemkinName = thisSpecies.getChemkinName(); double concentration = spcStatus.getConcentration(); input += "<amount units=\"molPerCm3\" speciesid=\"" + spcChemkinName + "\">" + concentration + "</amount>" + "\n"; } } for (Iterator iter = p_beginStatus.getInertGas(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String name = (String) iter.next(); double conc = p_beginStatus.getInertGas(name); if (conc != 0.0) input += "<amount units=\"molPerCm3\" speciesid=\"" + name + "\">" + conc + "</amount>" + "\n"; } input += "</systemstate>" + "\n"; input += "</inputvalues>" + "\n"; input += "</reactorinput>" + "\n"; // write "input" string to file try { String file = "chemkin/reactorInput.xml"; FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file); fw.write(input); fw.close(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in writing reactorInput.xml!"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); return false; } // #] }
// ## operation writeChemkinThermo(ReactionModel) public static String writeChemkinThermo(ReactionModel p_reactionModel) { // #[ operation writeChemkinThermo(ReactionModel) /* String thermoHeader = "! neon added by pey (20/6/04) - used thermo for Ar\n"; thermoHeader += "Ne 120186Ne 1 G 0300.00 5000.00 1000.00 1\n"; thermoHeader += " 0.02500000E+02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2\n"; thermoHeader += "-0.07453750E+04 0.04366001E+02 0.02500000E+02 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3\n"; thermoHeader += " 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-0.07453750E+04 0.04366001E+02 4\n"; thermoHeader += "N2 121286N 2 G 0300.00 5000.00 1000.00 1\n"; thermoHeader += " 0.02926640e+02 0.01487977e-01-0.05684761e-05 0.01009704e-08-0.06753351e-13 2\n"; thermoHeader += "-0.09227977e+04 0.05980528e+02 0.03298677e+02 0.01408240e-01-0.03963222e-04 3\n"; thermoHeader += " 0.05641515e-07-0.02444855e-10-0.01020900e+05 0.03950372e+02 4\n"; thermoHeader += "Ar 120186Ar 1 G 0300.00 5000.00 1000.00 1\n"; thermoHeader += " 0.02500000e+02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 2\n"; thermoHeader += "-0.07453750e+04 0.04366001e+02 0.02500000e+02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3\n"; thermoHeader += " 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00-0.07453750e+04 0.04366001e+02 4\n"; */ // #] String thermoHeader = "! The first four sets of polynomial coefficients (Ar, N2, Ne, He) are from \n"; thermoHeader += "! THIRD MILLENIUM IDEAL GAS AND CONDENSED PHASE THERMOCHEMICAL DATABASE FOR \n"; thermoHeader += "! COMBUSTION WITH UPDATES FROM ACTIVE THERMOCHENICAL TABLES \n"; thermoHeader += "! Authors: Alexander Burcat and Branko Ruscic \n"; thermoHeader += "! \n"; thermoHeader += "! The rest of the species are estimated by RMG (http://rmg.mit.edu/) \n"; // thermoHeader += "! Ar HF298=0. REF=C.E. Moore 'Atomic Energy Levels' NSRDS-NBS 35 (1971) // p.211 \n"; // thermoHeader += "! NASA Glen (former Lewis) Research Center (1988) // \n"; thermoHeader += "Ar L 6/88Ar 1 G 200.000 6000.000 1000. 1\n"; thermoHeader += " 0.25000000E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2\n"; thermoHeader += "-0.74537500E+03 0.43796749E+01 0.25000000E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3\n"; thermoHeader += " 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-0.74537500E+03 0.43796749E+01 4\n"; // thermoHeader += "! N2 HF298= 0.0 KJ REF=TSIV Max Lst Sq Error Cp @ 6000 K 0.29% // \n"; thermoHeader += "N2 G 8/02N 2 G 200.000 6000.000 1000. 1\n"; thermoHeader += " 2.95257637E+00 1.39690040E-03-4.92631603E-07 7.86010195E-11-4.60755204E-15 2\n"; thermoHeader += "-9.23948688E+02 5.87188762E+00 3.53100528E+00-1.23660988E-04-5.02999433E-07 3\n"; thermoHeader += " 2.43530612E-09-1.40881235E-12-1.04697628E+03 2.96747038E+00 4\n"; // thermoHeader += "!Ne HF298= 0.0 KJ REF=McBride, Heimel, Ehlers & Gordon // \n"; // thermoHeader += "! 'Thermodynamic Properties to 6000 K...' NASA SP-3001 // (1963) \n"; thermoHeader += "Ne L10/90Ne 1 G 200.0 6000.00 1000.0 1\n"; thermoHeader += " 0.25000000E 01 0.00000000E 00 0.00000000E 00 0.00000000E 00 0.00000000E 00 2\n"; thermoHeader += "-0.74537500E 03 0.33553227E 01 0.25000000E 01 0.00000000E 00 0.00000000E 00 3\n"; thermoHeader += " 0.00000000E 00 0.00000000E 00-0.74537498E 03 0.33553227E 01 4\n"; // thermoHeader += "7440-59-7 // \n"; // thermoHeader += "He HF298=0.0 KJ REF=McBride, Heimel, Ehlers & Gordon "Thermodynamic // Properties\n"; // thermoHeader += "to 6000K ..." NASA SP-3001 1963. // \n"; thermoHeader += "He REF ELEMENT L10/90HE 1. 0. 0. 0.G 200.000 6000.000 B 4.00260 1\n"; thermoHeader += " 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2\n"; thermoHeader += "-7.45375000E+02 9.28723974E-01 2.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3\n"; thermoHeader += " 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-7.45375000E+02 9.28723974E-01 0.00000000E+00 4\n\n"; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("THERMO ALL\n"); result.append(" 300.000 1000.000 5000.000\n"); result.append(thermoHeader); CoreEdgeReactionModel cerm = (CoreEdgeReactionModel) p_reactionModel; for (Iterator iter = cerm.getSpecies(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Species spe = (Species) iter.next(); if (spe.getNasaThermoSource() != null) { result.append("!" + spe.getNasaThermoSource() + "\n"); } result.append(spe.getNasaThermoData() + "\n"); } result.append("END\n"); // Added by Amrit for Richard's liquid phase chemkin code 05/21/2009 result.append("\n"); return result.toString(); // #] }
public static void main(String[] args) { // Initialize the logger (saves to RMG.log file). Logger.initialize(); initializeSystemProperties(); try { ChemGraph.readForbiddenStructure(); } catch (IOException e1) { System.err.println("PopulateReactions cannot locate forbiddenStructures.txt file"); e1.printStackTrace(); } ArrheniusKinetics.setAUnits("moles"); ArrheniusKinetics.setEaUnits("kcal/mol"); // Creating a new ReactionModelGenerator so I can set the variable temp4BestKinetics // and call the new readAndMakePTL and readAndMakePRL methods ReactionModelGenerator rmg = new ReactionModelGenerator(); rmg.setSpeciesSeed(new LinkedHashSet()); // Set Global.lowTemp and Global.highTemp // The values of the low/highTemp are not used in the function // (to the best of my knowledge). // They are necessary for the instances of additionalKinetics, // e.g. H2C*-CH2-CH2-CH3 -> H3C-CH2-*CH-CH3 /* * 7Apr2010: The input file will now ask the user for a TemperatureModel and PressureModel (same as the RMG * module). The Global .lowTemperature and .highTemperature will automatically be determined */ // Global.lowTemperature = new Temperature(300,"K"); // Global.highTemperature = new Temperature(1500,"K"); // Define variable 'speciesSet' to store the species contained in the input file LinkedHashSet speciesSet = new LinkedHashSet(); // Define variable 'reactions' to store all possible rxns between the species in speciesSet LinkedHashSet reactions = new LinkedHashSet(); // Define two string variables 'listOfReactions' and 'listOfSpecies' // These strings will hold the list of rxns (including the structure, // modified Arrhenius parameters, and source/comments) and the list of // species (including the chemkin name and graph), respectively String listOfReactions = "Arrhenius 'A' parameter has units of: " + ArrheniusEPKinetics.getAUnits() + ",cm3,s\n" + "Arrhenius 'n' parameter is unitless and assumes Tref = 1K\n" + "Arrhenius 'E' parameter has units of: " + ArrheniusEPKinetics.getEaUnits() + "\n\n"; String listOfSpecies = ""; // Open and read the input file try { FileReader fr_input = new FileReader(args[0]); BufferedReader br_input = new BufferedReader(fr_input); // Read in the Database field String line = ChemParser.readMeaningfulLine(br_input, true); if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("database")) { RMG.extractAndSetDatabasePath(line); } else { System.err.println("PopulateReactions: Could not" + " locate the Database field"); System.exit(0); } // Read in the first line of the input file // This line should hold the temperature of the system, e.g. // Temperature: 500 (K) line = ChemParser.readMeaningfulLine(br_input, true); /* * Read max atom types (if they exist) */ line = rmg.readMaxAtomTypes(line, br_input); /* * Read primary thermo libraries (if they exist) */ if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("primarythermolibrary")) { rmg.readAndMakePTL(br_input); } else { System.err.println( "PopulateReactions: Could not locate the PrimaryThermoLibrary field.\n" + "Line read was: " + line); System.exit(0); } line = ChemParser.readMeaningfulLine(br_input, true); // Read primary transport library if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("primarytransportlibrary")) rmg.readAndMakePTransL(br_input); else { System.err.println( "PopulateReactions: Could not locate the PrimaryTransportLibrary field.\n" + "Line read was: " + line); System.exit(0); } /* * Read the temperature model (must be of length one) */ line = ChemParser.readMeaningfulLine(br_input, true); rmg.createTModel(line); if (rmg.getTempList().size() > 1) { System.out.println("Please list only one temperature in the TemperatureModel field."); System.exit(0); } // Set the user's input temperature LinkedList tempList = rmg.getTempList(); systemTemp = ((ConstantTM) tempList.get(0)).getTemperature(); rmg.setTemp4BestKinetics(systemTemp); /* * Read the pressure model (must be of length 1) */ line = ChemParser.readMeaningfulLine(br_input, true); rmg.createPModel(line); if (rmg.getPressList().size() > 1) { System.out.println("Please list only one pressure in the PressureModel field."); System.exit(0); } /* * Read the solvation field (if present) */ line = ChemParser.readMeaningfulLine(br_input, true); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line); // The first line should start with "Solvation", otherwise do nothing and display a message to // the user if (st.nextToken().startsWith("Solvation")) { line = st.nextToken().toLowerCase(); // The options for the "Solvation" field are "on" or "off" (as of 18May2009), otherwise do // nothing and // display a message to the user // Note: I use "Species.useInChI" because the "Species.useSolvation" updates were not yet // committed. if (line.equals("on")) { Species.useSolvation = true; // rmg.setUseDiffusion(true); listOfReactions += "Solution-phase chemistry!\n\n"; } else if (line.equals("off")) { Species.useSolvation = false; // rmg.setUseDiffusion(false); listOfReactions += "Gas-phase chemistry.\n\n"; } else { System.out.println( "Error in reading input.txt file:\nThe field 'Solvation' has the options 'on' or 'off'." + "\nPopulateReactions does not recognize: " + line); return; } line = ChemParser.readMeaningfulLine(br_input, true); } /* * Read in the species (name, concentration, adjacency list) */ if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("speciesstatus")) { LinkedHashMap lhm = new LinkedHashMap(); lhm = rmg.populateInitialStatusListWithReactiveSpecies(br_input); speciesSet.addAll(lhm.values()); } /* * Read in the inert gas (name, concentration) */ line = ChemParser.readMeaningfulLine(br_input, true); if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("bathgas")) { rmg.populateInitialStatusListWithInertSpecies(br_input); } /* * Read in the p-dep options */ line = ChemParser.readMeaningfulLine(br_input, true); if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("spectroscopicdata")) { rmg.setSpectroscopicDataMode(line); line = ChemParser.readMeaningfulLine(br_input, true); line = rmg.setPressureDependenceOptions(line, br_input); } /* * Read primary kinetic libraries (if they exist) */ if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("primarykineticlibrary")) { rmg.readAndMakePKL(br_input); } else { System.err.println( "PopulateReactions: Could not locate the PrimaryKineticLibrary field." + "Line read was: " + line); System.exit(0); } line = ChemParser.readMeaningfulLine(br_input, true); if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("reactionlibrary")) { rmg.readAndMakeReactionLibrary(br_input); } else { System.err.println( "PopulateReactions: Could not locate the ReactionLibrary field." + "Line read was: " + line); System.exit(0); } /* * Read in verbosity field (if it exists) */ line = ChemParser.readMeaningfulLine(br_input, true); if (line != null && line.toLowerCase().startsWith("verbose")) { StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer(line); String tempString = st2.nextToken(); tempString = st2.nextToken(); tempString = tempString.toLowerCase(); if (tempString.equals("on") || tempString.equals("true") || tempString.equals("yes")) ArrheniusKinetics.setVerbose(true); } TemplateReactionGenerator rtLibrary = new TemplateReactionGenerator(); // / THE SERVERY BIT ServerSocket Server = new ServerSocket(5000); Logger.info("TCPServer Waiting for client on port 5000"); Logger.info("Switching to quiet mode - only WARNINGS and above will be logged..."); Logger.setConsoleLevel(jing.rxnSys.Logger.WARNING); Logger.setFileLevel(jing.rxnSys.Logger.WARNING); while (true) { Socket connected = Server.accept(); Logger.warning( " THE CLIENT" + " " + connected.getInetAddress() + ":" + connected.getPort() + " IS CONNECTED "); BufferedReader inFromClient = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connected.getInputStream())); inFromClient.mark(4096); // so you can reset up to 4096 characters back. PrintWriter outToClient = new PrintWriter(connected.getOutputStream(), true); try { listOfReactions = "Arrhenius 'A' parameter has units of: " + ArrheniusEPKinetics.getAUnits() + ",cm3,s\n" + "Arrhenius 'n' parameter is unitless and assumes Tref = 1K\n" + "Arrhenius 'E' parameter has units of: " + ArrheniusEPKinetics.getEaUnits() + "\n\n"; listOfSpecies = ""; // clear old things speciesSet.clear(); reactions.clear(); /* * Read in the species (name, concentration, adjacency list) */ LinkedHashMap lhm = new LinkedHashMap(); lhm = rmg.populateInitialStatusListWithReactiveSpecies(inFromClient); speciesSet.addAll(lhm.values()); // Check Reaction Library ReactionLibrary RL = rmg.getReactionLibrary(); LibraryReactionGenerator lrg1 = new LibraryReactionGenerator(RL); reactions = lrg1.react(speciesSet); if (RL != null) { System.out.println("Checking Reaction Library " + RL.getName() + " for reactions."); Iterator ReactionIter = reactions.iterator(); while (ReactionIter.hasNext()) { Reaction current_reaction = (Reaction) ReactionIter.next(); System.out.println("Library Reaction: " + current_reaction.toString()); } } // Add all reactions found from RMG template reaction generator reactions.addAll(rtLibrary.react(speciesSet)); System.out.println("FINISHED generating template reactions"); if (!(rmg.getReactionModelEnlarger() instanceof RateBasedRME)) { // NOT an instance of RateBasedRME therefore assume RateBasedPDepRME and we're doing // pressure // dependence CoreEdgeReactionModel cerm = new CoreEdgeReactionModel(speciesSet, reactions); rmg.setReactionModel(cerm); rmg.setReactionGenerator(rtLibrary); ReactionSystem rs = new ReactionSystem( (TemperatureModel) rmg.getTempList().get(0), (PressureModel) rmg.getPressList().get(0), rmg.getReactionModelEnlarger(), new FinishController(), null, rmg.getPrimaryKineticLibrary(), rmg.getReactionGenerator(), speciesSet, (InitialStatus) rmg.getInitialStatusList().get(0), rmg.getReactionModel(), rmg.getLibraryReactionGenerator(), 0, "GasPhase"); PDepNetwork.reactionModel = rmg.getReactionModel(); PDepNetwork.reactionSystem = rs; // If the reaction structure is A + B = C + D, we are not concerned w/pdep Iterator iter = reactions.iterator(); LinkedHashSet nonPdepReactions = new LinkedHashSet(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Reaction r = (Reaction) iter.next(); if (FastMasterEqn.isReactionPressureDependent(r)) { cerm.categorizeReaction(r.getStructure()); PDepNetwork.addReactionToNetworks(r); } else { nonPdepReactions.add(r); } } // Run fame calculation PDepKineticsEstimator pDepKineticsEstimator = ((RateBasedPDepRME) rmg.getReactionModelEnlarger()).getPDepKineticsEstimator(); BathGas bathGas = new BathGas(rs); for (int numNetworks = 0; numNetworks < PDepNetwork.getNetworks().size(); ++numNetworks) { LinkedHashSet allSpeciesInNetwork = new LinkedHashSet(); PDepNetwork pdepnetwork = PDepNetwork.getNetworks().get(numNetworks); LinkedList isomers = pdepnetwork.getIsomers(); for (int numIsomers = 0; numIsomers < isomers.size(); ++numIsomers) { PDepIsomer currentIsomer = (PDepIsomer) isomers.get(numIsomers); if (currentIsomer.getNumSpecies() == 2) pdepnetwork.makeIsomerIncluded(currentIsomer); } pDepKineticsEstimator.runPDepCalculation(pdepnetwork, rs, cerm); if (pdepnetwork.getNetReactions().size() > 0) { String formatSpeciesName = "%1$-16s\t"; listOfReactions += "!PDepNetwork\n" + "!\tdeltaEdown = " + bathGas.getDeltaEdown().getAlpha() + "(T / " + bathGas.getDeltaEdown().getT0() + ")^" + bathGas.getDeltaEdown().getN() + " kJ/mol\n" + "!\tbathgas MW = " + bathGas.getMolecularWeight() + " amu\n" + "!\tbathgas LJ sigma = " + bathGas.getLJSigma() + " meters\n" + "!\tbathgas LJ epsilon = " + bathGas.getLJEpsilon() + " Joules\n" + "!Here are the species and their thermochemistry:\n"; LinkedList<PDepIsomer> allpdepisomers = pdepnetwork.getIsomers(); for (int numIsomers = 0; numIsomers < allpdepisomers.size(); ++numIsomers) { LinkedList species = allpdepisomers.get(numIsomers).getSpeciesList(); for (int numSpecies = 0; numSpecies < species.size(); ++numSpecies) { Species currentSpec = (Species) species.get(numSpecies); if (!allSpeciesInNetwork.contains(currentSpec)) { listOfReactions += "!\t" + String.format(formatSpeciesName, currentSpec.getFullName()) + currentSpec.getThermoData().toString() + currentSpec.getThermoData().getSource() + "\n"; allSpeciesInNetwork.add(currentSpec); } } speciesSet.addAll(species); } String formatRxnName = "%1$-32s\t"; listOfReactions += "!Here are the path reactions and their high-P limit kinetics:\n"; LinkedList<PDepReaction> pathRxns = pdepnetwork.getPathReactions(); for (int numPathRxns = 0; numPathRxns < pathRxns.size(); numPathRxns++) { Kinetics[] currentKinetics = pathRxns.get(numPathRxns).getKinetics(); for (int numKinetics = 0; numKinetics < currentKinetics.length; ++numKinetics) { listOfReactions += "!\t" + String.format( formatRxnName, pathRxns.get(numPathRxns).getStructure().toRestartString(true)) + currentKinetics[numKinetics].toChemkinString( pathRxns .get(numPathRxns) .calculateHrxn(new Temperature(298.0, "K")), new Temperature(298.0, "K"), false) + "\n"; } } listOfReactions += "\n"; LinkedList<PDepReaction> indivPDepRxns = pdepnetwork.getNetReactions(); for (int numPDepRxns = 0; numPDepRxns < indivPDepRxns.size(); numPDepRxns++) { listOfReactions += indivPDepRxns.get(numPDepRxns).toRestartString(systemTemp); } LinkedList<PDepReaction> nonIncludedRxns = pdepnetwork.getNonincludedReactions(); for (int numNonRxns = 0; numNonRxns < nonIncludedRxns.size(); ++numNonRxns) { listOfReactions += nonIncludedRxns.get(numNonRxns).toRestartString(systemTemp); } } } reactions = nonPdepReactions; } // Some of the reactions may be duplicates of one another // (e.g. H+CH4=CH3+H2 as a forward reaction and reverse reaction) // Create new LinkedHashSet which will store the non-duplicate rxns LinkedHashSet nonDuplicateRxns = new LinkedHashSet(); int Counter = 0; Iterator iter_rxns = reactions.iterator(); while (iter_rxns.hasNext()) { ++Counter; Reaction r = (Reaction) iter_rxns.next(); // The first reaction is not a duplicate of any previous reaction if (Counter == 1) { nonDuplicateRxns.add(r); listOfReactions += writeOutputString(r, rtLibrary); speciesSet.addAll(r.getProductList()); } // Check whether the current reaction (or its reverse) has the same structure // of any reactions already reported in the output else { Iterator iterOverNonDup = nonDuplicateRxns.iterator(); boolean dupRxn = false; while (iterOverNonDup.hasNext()) { Reaction temp_Reaction = (Reaction) iterOverNonDup.next(); if (r.getStructure() == temp_Reaction.getStructure()) { dupRxn = true; break; } else if (r.hasReverseReaction()) { if (r.getReverseReaction().getStructure() == temp_Reaction.getStructure()) { dupRxn = true; break; } } } if (!dupRxn) { nonDuplicateRxns.add(r); // If Reaction is Not a Library Reaction listOfReactions += writeOutputString(r, rtLibrary); speciesSet.addAll(r.getProductList()); } } } Iterator iter_species = speciesSet.iterator(); // Define dummy integer 'i' so our getChemGraph().toString() // call only returns the graph int i = 0; while (iter_species.hasNext()) { Species species = (Species) iter_species.next(); listOfSpecies += species.getFullName() + "\n" + species.getChemGraph().toStringWithoutH(i) + "\n"; } // Write the output files try { File rxns = new File("PopRxnsOutput_rxns.txt"); FileWriter fw_rxns = new FileWriter(rxns); fw_rxns.write(listOfReactions); fw_rxns.close(); File spcs = new File("PopRxnsOutput_spcs.txt"); FileWriter fw_spcs = new FileWriter(spcs); fw_spcs.write(listOfSpecies); fw_spcs.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Could not write PopRxnsOutput*.txt files"); } // Display to the user that the program was successful and also // inform them where the results may be located System.out.println( "Reaction population complete. " + "Results are stored in PopRxnsOutput_rxns.txt and PopRxnsOutput_spcs.txt"); // send output to client System.out.println("SENDING RESPONSE TO CLIENT"); outToClient.println(listOfSpecies); outToClient.println(listOfReactions); } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error("Error in PopulateReactionsServer"); try { inFromClient.reset(); Logger.error("Input:"); while (inFromClient.ready()) { Logger.error(inFromClient.readLine()); } } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error("Couldn't read input stream"); } Logger.logStackTrace(t); outToClient.println("Error in PopulateReactionsServer"); t.printStackTrace(outToClient); } connected.close(); System.out.println("SOCKET CLOSED"); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("File was not found!\n"); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println( "IOException: Something maybe wrong with ChemParser.readChemGraph.\n" + e.toString()); } }