/* * Test for - toString(). */ @Test(dataProvider = "number-string") public void checkDurationToString( boolean isPositive, int years, int months, int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, String lexical) { Duration duration = datatypeFactory.newDuration(isPositive, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds); assertEquals(duration.toString(), lexical); assertEquals(datatypeFactory.newDuration(duration.toString()), duration); }
public void testDuration() throws Exception { DatatypeFactory dtf = DatatypeFactory.newInstance(); // arbitrary value Duration dur = dtf.newDurationDayTime(false, 15, 19, 58, 1); assertEquals(quote(dur.toString()), serializeAsString(dur)); }
public void TestXMLDuration() { DatatypeFactory factory = null; try { factory = DatatypeFactory.newInstance(); } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) { errln("Error instantiating XML DatatypeFactory."); e.printStackTrace(); } String cases[] = { "en", "PT10.00099S", "10 seconds", "en", "#10000", "10 seconds", "en", "-PT10.00099S", "10 seconds", "en", "#-10000", "10 seconds", // from BD req's "en", "PT2H46M40S", "2 hours, 46 minutes, and 40 seconds", "it", "PT2H46M40S", "due ore, 46 minuti e 40 secondi", // more cases "en", "PT10S", "10 seconds", "en", "PT88M70S", "88 minutes and 70 seconds", "en", "PT10.100S", "10 seconds and 100 milliseconds", "en", "-PT10S", "10 seconds", "en", "PT0H5M0S", "5 minutes and 0 seconds" }; for (int n = 0; n < cases.length; n += 3) { String loc = cases[n + 0]; String from = cases[n + 1]; String to = cases[n + 2]; ULocale locale = new ULocale(loc); Duration d; if (from.startsWith("#")) { d = factory.newDuration(Long.parseLong(from.substring(1))); } else { d = factory.newDuration(from); } DurationFormat df = DurationFormat.getInstance(locale); String output = df.format(d); if (output.equals(to)) { logln( "SUCCESS: locale: " + loc + ", from " + from + " [" + d.toString() + "] " + " to " + to + "= " + output); } else { logln( "FAIL: locale: " + loc + ", from " + from + " [" + d.toString() + "] " + ": expected " + to + " got " + output); } } }
private static void sendXQueryResponse(HttpServletResponse res, Object o) throws IOException { // Make sure to leave the status code alone. It defaults to 200, but sometimes // callers of this method will have set it to a custom code. res.setContentType("x-marklogic/xquery; charset=UTF-8"); // res.setContentType("text/plain"); Writer writer = res.getWriter(); // care to handle errors later? if (o == null) { writer.write("()"); } else if (o instanceof byte[]) { writer.write("binary {'"); writer.write(hexEncode((byte[]) o)); writer.write("'}"); } else if (o instanceof Object[]) { Object[] arr = (Object[]) o; writer.write("("); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { sendXQueryResponse(res, arr[i]); if (i + 1 < arr.length) writer.write(", "); } writer.write(")"); } else if (o instanceof String) { writer.write("'"); writer.write(escapeSingleQuotes(o.toString())); writer.write("'"); } else if (o instanceof Integer) { writer.write("xs:int("); writer.write(o.toString()); writer.write(")"); } else if (o instanceof Long) { writer.write("xs:integer("); writer.write(o.toString()); writer.write(")"); } else if (o instanceof Float) { Float flt = (Float) o; writer.write("xs:float("); if (flt.equals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) { writer.write("'INF'"); } else if (flt.equals(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)) { writer.write("'-INF'"); } else if (flt.equals(Float.NaN)) { writer.write("fn:number(())"); // poor man's way to write NaN } else { writer.write(o.toString()); } writer.write(")"); } else if (o instanceof Double) { Double dbl = (Double) o; writer.write("xs:double("); if (dbl.equals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) { writer.write("'INF'"); } else if (dbl.equals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)) { writer.write("'-INF'"); } else if (dbl.equals(Double.NaN)) { writer.write("fn:number(())"); // poor man's way to write NaN } else { writer.write(o.toString()); } writer.write(")"); } else if (o instanceof Boolean) { writer.write("xs:boolean('"); writer.write(o.toString()); writer.write("')"); } else if (o instanceof BigDecimal) { writer.write("xs:decimal("); writer.write(o.toString()); writer.write(")"); } else if (o instanceof Date) { // We want something like: 2006-04-30T01:28:30.499-07:00 // We format to get: 2006-04-30T01:28:30.499-0700 // Then we add in the colon writer.write("xs:dateTime('"); String d = dateFormat.format((Date) o); writer.write(d.substring(0, d.length() - 2)); writer.write(":"); writer.write(d.substring(d.length() - 2)); writer.write("')"); } else if (o instanceof XMLGregorianCalendar) { XMLGregorianCalendar greg = (XMLGregorianCalendar) o; QName type = greg.getXMLSchemaType(); if (type.equals(DatatypeConstants.DATETIME)) { writer.write("xs:dateTime('"); } else if (type.equals(DatatypeConstants.DATE)) { writer.write("xs:date('"); } else if (type.equals(DatatypeConstants.TIME)) { writer.write("xs:time('"); } else if (type.equals(DatatypeConstants.GYEARMONTH)) { writer.write("xs:gYearMonth('"); } else if (type.equals(DatatypeConstants.GMONTHDAY)) { writer.write("xs:gMonthDay('"); } else if (type.equals(DatatypeConstants.GYEAR)) { writer.write("xs:gYear('"); } else if (type.equals(DatatypeConstants.GMONTH)) { writer.write("xs:gMonth('"); } else if (type.equals(DatatypeConstants.GDAY)) { writer.write("xs:gDay('"); } writer.write(greg.toXMLFormat()); writer.write("')"); } else if (o instanceof Duration) { Duration dur = (Duration) o; /* // The following fails on Xerces QName type = dur.getXMLSchemaType(); if (type.equals(DatatypeConstants.DURATION)) { writer.write("xs:duration('"); } else if (type.equals(DatatypeConstants.DURATION_DAYTIME)) { writer.write("xdt:dayTimeDuration('"); } else if (type.equals(DatatypeConstants.DURATION_YEARMONTH)) { writer.write("xdt:yearMonthDuration('"); } */ // If no years or months, must be DURATION_DAYTIME if (dur.getYears() == 0 && dur.getMonths() == 0) { writer.write("xdt:dayTimeDuration('"); } // If has years or months but nothing else, must be DURATION_YEARMONTH else if (dur.getDays() == 0 && dur.getHours() == 0 && dur.getMinutes() == 0 && dur.getSeconds() == 0) { writer.write("xdt:yearMonthDuration('"); } else { writer.write("xs:duration('"); } writer.write(dur.toString()); writer.write("')"); } else if (o instanceof org.jdom.Element) { org.jdom.Element elt = (org.jdom.Element) o; writer.write("xdmp:unquote('"); // Because "<" in XQuery is the same as "<" I need to double escape any ampersands writer.write( new org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter() .outputString(elt) .replaceAll("&", "&") .replaceAll("'", "''")); writer.write("')/*"); // make sure to return the root elt } else if (o instanceof org.jdom.Document) { org.jdom.Document doc = (org.jdom.Document) o; writer.write("xdmp:unquote('"); writer.write( new org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter() .outputString(doc) .replaceAll("&", "&") .replaceAll("'", "''")); writer.write("')"); } else if (o instanceof org.jdom.Text) { org.jdom.Text text = (org.jdom.Text) o; writer.write("text {'"); writer.write(escapeSingleQuotes(text.getText())); writer.write("'}"); } else if (o instanceof org.jdom.Attribute) { // <fake xmlns:pref="http://uri.com" pref:attrname="attrvalue"/>/@*:attrname // <fake xmlns="http://uri.com" attrname="attrvalue"/>/@*:attrname org.jdom.Attribute attr = (org.jdom.Attribute) o; writer.write("<fake xmlns"); if ("".equals(attr.getNamespacePrefix())) { writer.write("=\""); } else { writer.write(":" + attr.getNamespacePrefix() + "=\""); } writer.write(attr.getNamespaceURI()); writer.write("\" "); writer.write(attr.getQualifiedName()); writer.write("=\""); writer.write(escapeSingleQuotes(attr.getValue())); writer.write("\"/>/@*:"); writer.write(attr.getName()); } else if (o instanceof org.jdom.Comment) { org.jdom.Comment com = (org.jdom.Comment) o; writer.write("comment {'"); writer.write(escapeSingleQuotes(com.getText())); writer.write("'}"); } else if (o instanceof org.jdom.ProcessingInstruction) { org.jdom.ProcessingInstruction pi = (org.jdom.ProcessingInstruction) o; writer.write("processing-instruction "); writer.write(pi.getTarget()); writer.write(" {'"); writer.write(escapeSingleQuotes(pi.getData())); writer.write("'}"); } else if (o instanceof QName) { QName q = (QName) o; writer.write("fn:expanded-QName('"); writer.write(escapeSingleQuotes(q.getNamespaceURI())); writer.write("','"); writer.write(q.getLocalPart()); writer.write("')"); } else { writer.write( "error('XQuery tried to retrieve unsupported type: " + o.getClass().getName() + "')"); } writer.flush(); }