@Test // @Ignore
  public void shouldGetDoctors() throws IOException {

    URI uri = UriBuilder.fromUri("http://localhost/").port(8282).build();

    // Create an HTTP server listening at port 8282
    HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(uri.getPort()), 0);
    // Create a handler wrapping the JAX-RS application
    HttpHandler handler =
            .createEndpoint(new TestApplicationConfig01(), HttpHandler.class);
    // Map JAX-RS handler to the server root
    server.createContext(uri.getPath(), handler);
    // Start the server

    Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();

    // Valid URIs
    Response response = client.target("http://localhost:8282/doctor").request().get();
    assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());


    // Stop HTTP server
예제 #2
 private void publish() {
   HttpServer server = getServer();
   HttpHandler requestHandler =
       RuntimeDelegate.getInstance().createEndpoint(new RestfulAdage(), HttpHandler.class);
   server.createContext(uri, requestHandler);
예제 #3
 public org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Server jaxRsServer() {
   JAXRSServerFactoryBean factory =
           .createEndpoint(jaxRsApiApplication(), JAXRSServerFactoryBean.class);
   factory.setAddress("/" + factory.getAddress());
   List<Object> providers = new ArrayList<Object>();
   providers.add(new OrderReader());
   // factory.setProviders( Arrays.< Object >asList( jsonProvider() ) );
   return factory.create();
  @Test // @Ignore
  public void shouldCheckURIs() throws IOException {

    URI uri = UriBuilder.fromUri("http://localhost/").port(8282).build();

    // Create an HTTP server listening at port 8282
    HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(uri.getPort()), 0);
    // Create a handler wrapping the JAX-RS application
    HttpHandler handler =
            .createEndpoint(new TestApplicationConfig01(), HttpHandler.class);
    // Map JAX-RS handler to the server root
    server.createContext(uri.getPath(), handler);
    // Start the server

    Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();

    // Valid URIs
        200, client.target("http://*****:*****@wp.pl")

    // Invalid URIs
        404, client.target("http://localhost:8282/doctor/dummy/22").request().get().getStatus());
        404, client.target("http://localhost:8282/doctor/dummy/1234").request().get().getStatus());

    // Stop HTTP server
예제 #5
  public void testEmptyHeaderString() {

    RuntimeDelegate original = RuntimeDelegate.getInstance();
    RuntimeDelegate.setInstance(new NullStringBeanRuntimeDelegate(original));
    try {
      Response abortWith = Response.ok().header("header1", new StringBean("aa")).build();
      Response response =
              .register(new AbortWith(abortWith))
      Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200);
    } finally {
예제 #6
 public void getStringHeadersUsingHeaderDelegateTest() {
   RuntimeDelegate original = RuntimeDelegate.getInstance();
   RuntimeDelegate.setInstance(new StringBeanRuntimeDelegate(original));
   try {
     StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("s1");
     StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("s2");
     StringBean bean = new StringBean("s3");
     Response response =
             .header(builder.toString(), builder)
             .header(buffer.toString(), buffer)
             .header(bean.get(), bean)
     MultivaluedMap<String, String> headers = response.getStringHeaders();
     String header = headers.getFirst(bean.get());
   } finally {
예제 #7
  * Convert the media type to a string suitable for use as the value of a corresponding HTTP
  * header.
  * @return a string version of the media type.
 public String toString() {
   return RuntimeDelegate.getInstance().createHeaderDelegate(MediaType.class).toString(this);
예제 #8
  * Creates a new instance of {@code MediaType} by parsing the supplied string.
  * @param type the media type string.
  * @return the newly created MediaType.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied string cannot be parsed or is {@code null}.
 public static MediaType valueOf(String type) {
   return RuntimeDelegate.getInstance().createHeaderDelegate(MediaType.class).fromString(type);
예제 #9
 * A client (out-bound) HTTP request.
 * <p>Instances may be created by using the static method {@link #create} and methods on {@link
 * ClientRequest.Builder}.
 * @author [email protected]
public abstract class ClientRequest {

   * Get the mutable property bag.
   * @return the property bag.
  public abstract Map<String, Object> getProperties();

  /** Sets properties (replaces everything previously set). */
  public abstract void setProperties(Map<String, Object> properties);

   * Get a feature that is boolean property of the property bag.
   * @param name the name of the feature;
   * @return true if the feature value is present and is an instance of <code>Boolean</code> and
   *     that value is true, otherwise false.
  public boolean getPropertyAsFeature(String name) {
    return getPropertyAsFeature(name, false);

   * Get a feature that is boolean property of the property bag.
   * @param name the name of the feature;
   * @param defaultValue the default boolean value if the property is absent.
   * @return true if the feature value is present and is an instance of <code>Boolean</code> and
   *     that value is true, otherwise the <code>defaultValue</code>.
  public boolean getPropertyAsFeature(String name, boolean defaultValue) {
    Boolean v = (Boolean) getProperties().get(name);
    return (v != null) ? v : defaultValue;

   * Get the URI of the request. The URI shall contain sufficient components to correctly dispatch a
   * request
   * @return the URI of the request.
  public abstract URI getURI();

   * Set the URI of the request. The URI shall contain sufficient components to correctly dispatch a
   * request
   * @param uri the URI of the request.
  public abstract void setURI(URI uri);

   * Get the HTTP method of the request.
   * @return the HTTP method.
  public abstract String getMethod();

   * Set the HTTP method of the request.
   * @param method the HTTP method.
  public abstract void setMethod(String method);

   * Get the entity of the request.
   * @return the entity of the request.
  public abstract Object getEntity();

   * Set the entity of the request.
   * <p>Any Java type instance for a request entity, that is supported by the client configuration
   * of the client, can be passed. If generic information is required then an instance of {@link
   * javax.ws.rs.core.GenericEntity} may be used.
   * @param entity the entity of the request.
  public abstract void setEntity(Object entity);

   * Get the HTTP headers of the request.
   * @return the HTTP headers of the request.
  public abstract MultivaluedMap<String, Object> getMetadata();

   * Get the HTTP headers of the request.
   * @return the HTTP headers of the request.
  public abstract MultivaluedMap<String, Object> getHeaders();

   * Get the client request adapter.
   * @return the client request adapter.
  public abstract ClientRequestAdapter getAdapter();

   * Set the client request adapter.
   * <p>If an existing adapter is set then usually this adapter wrapped in the new adapter to be set
   * such that the current adaption behaviour is retained and augmented with the new adpation
   * behaviour.
   * @param adapter the client request adapter.
  public abstract void setAdapter(ClientRequestAdapter adapter);

   * Clone the request.
   * @return the cloned request.
  public abstract ClientRequest clone();

   * Create a builder for building a new {@link ClientRequest} instance.
   * @return the builder.
  public static final ClientRequest.Builder create() {
    return new Builder();

  /** The builder for building a {@link ClientRequest} instance. */
  public static final class Builder extends PartialRequestBuilder<Builder> {
     * Build the {@link ClientRequest} instance.
     * @param uri the URI of the request.
     * @param method the HTTP method.
     * @return the client request.
    public ClientRequest build(URI uri, String method) {
      ClientRequest ro = new ClientRequestImpl(uri, method, entity, metadata);
      entity = null;
      metadata = null;
      return ro;

  private static final RuntimeDelegate rd = RuntimeDelegate.getInstance();

   * Convert a header value, represented as a general object, to the string value.
   * <p>This method defers to {@link RuntimeDelegate#createHeaderDelegate} to obtain a {@link
   * HeaderDelegate} to convert the value to a string. If a {@link HeaderDelegate} is not found then
   * the <code>toString</code> is utilized.
   * @param headerValue the header value as an object
   * @return the string value
  public static String getHeaderValue(Object headerValue) {
    HeaderDelegate hp = rd.createHeaderDelegate(headerValue.getClass());

    return (hp != null) ? hp.toString(headerValue) : headerValue.toString();
예제 #10
 * An out-bound HTTP response to be processed by the web application.
 * <p>Containers instantiate, or inherit, and provide an instance to the {@link WebApplication}.
 * @author Paul Sandoz (paul.sandoz at oracle.com)
public class ContainerResponse implements HttpResponseContext {
  private static final Annotation[] EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS = new Annotation[0];

  private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ContainerResponse.class.getName());

  private static final RuntimeDelegate rd = RuntimeDelegate.getInstance();

  private final WebApplication wa;

  private ContainerRequest request;

  private ContainerResponseWriter responseWriter;

  private Response response;

  private Throwable mappedThrowable;

  private StatusType statusType;

  private MultivaluedMap<String, Object> headers;

  private Object originalEntity;

  private Object entity;

  private Type entityType;

  private boolean isCommitted;

  private CommittingOutputStream out;

  private Annotation[] annotations = EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS;

  private final class CommittingOutputStream extends OutputStream {
    private final long size;

    private OutputStream o;

    CommittingOutputStream(long size) {
      this.size = size;

    public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException {

    public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
      o.write(b, off, len);

    public void write(int b) throws IOException {

    public void flush() throws IOException {

    public void close() throws IOException {

    private void commitWrite() throws IOException {
      if (!isCommitted) {
        if (getStatus() == 204) setStatus(200);
        isCommitted = true;
        o = responseWriter.writeStatusAndHeaders(size, ContainerResponse.this);

    private void commitClose() throws IOException {
      if (!isCommitted) {
        isCommitted = true;
        o = responseWriter.writeStatusAndHeaders(-1, ContainerResponse.this);

   * Instantiate a new ContainerResponse.
   * @param wa the web application.
   * @param request the container request associated with this response.
   * @param responseWriter the response writer
  public ContainerResponse(
      WebApplication wa, ContainerRequest request, ContainerResponseWriter responseWriter) {
    this.wa = wa;
    this.request = request;
    this.responseWriter = responseWriter;
    this.statusType = Status.NO_CONTENT;

  /*package */ ContainerResponse(ContainerResponse acr) {
    this.wa = acr.wa;

  // ContainerResponse

   * Convert a header value, represented as a general object, to the string value.
   * <p>This method defers to {@link RuntimeDelegate#createHeaderDelegate} to obtain a {@link
   * HeaderDelegate} to convert the value to a string. If a {@link HeaderDelegate} is not found then
   * the <code>toString</code> is utilized.
   * <p>Containers may use this method to convert the header values obtained from the {@link
   * #getHttpHeaders}
   * @param headerValue the header value as an object
   * @return the string value
  public static String getHeaderValue(Object headerValue) {
    HeaderDelegate hp = rd.createHeaderDelegate(headerValue.getClass());

    return (hp != null) ? hp.toString(headerValue) : headerValue.toString();

   * Write the response.
   * <p>The status and headers will be written by calling the method {@link
   * ContainerResponseWriter#writeStatusAndHeaders} on the provided {@link ContainerResponseWriter}
   * instance. The {@link OutputStream} returned from that method call is used to write the entity
   * (if any) to that {@link OutputStream}. An appropriate {@link MessageBodyWriter} will be found
   * to write the entity.
   * @throws WebApplicationException if {@link MessageBodyWriter} cannot be found for the entity
   *     with a 500 (Internal Server error) response.
   * @throws java.io.IOException if there is an error writing the entity
  public void write() throws IOException {
    if (isCommitted) return;

    if (request.isTracingEnabled()) {

    if (entity == null) {
      isCommitted = true;
      responseWriter.writeStatusAndHeaders(-1, this);

    if (!getHttpHeaders().containsKey(HttpHeaders.VARY)) {
      final String varyHeader = (String) request.getProperties().get(ContainerRequest.VARY_HEADER);
      if (varyHeader != null) {
        getHttpHeaders().add(HttpHeaders.VARY, varyHeader);

    MediaType contentType = getMediaType();
    if (contentType == null) {
      contentType =
                  entity.getClass(), entityType, annotations, request.getAcceptableMediaTypes());
      if (contentType == null || contentType.isWildcardType() || contentType.isWildcardSubtype())
        contentType = MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE;

      getHttpHeaders().putSingle(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);

    final MessageBodyWriter p =
            .getMessageBodyWriter(entity.getClass(), entityType, annotations, contentType);
    if (p == null) {
      String message =
          "A message body writer for Java class "
              + entity.getClass().getName()
              + ", and Java type "
              + entityType
              + ", and MIME media type "
              + contentType
              + " was not found";
      Map<MediaType, List<MessageBodyWriter>> m = getMessageBodyWorkers().getWriters(contentType);
          "The registered message body writers compatible with the MIME media type are:\n"
              + getMessageBodyWorkers().writersToString(m));

      if (request.getMethod().equals("HEAD")) {
        isCommitted = true;
        responseWriter.writeStatusAndHeaders(-1, this);
      } else {
        throw new WebApplicationException(new MessageException(message), 500);

    final long size = p.getSize(entity, entity.getClass(), entityType, annotations, contentType);
    if (request.getMethod().equals("HEAD")) {
      if (size != -1) getHttpHeaders().putSingle(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, Long.toString(size));
      isCommitted = true;
      responseWriter.writeStatusAndHeaders(0, this);
    } else {
      if (request.isTracingEnabled()) {
                "matched message body writer: %s, \"%s\" -> %s",

      if (out == null) out = new CommittingOutputStream(size);
          entity, entity.getClass(), entityType, annotations, contentType, getHttpHeaders(), out);
      if (!isCommitted) {
        isCommitted = true;
        responseWriter.writeStatusAndHeaders(-1, this);

  private void configureTrace(final ContainerResponseWriter crw) {
    final TraceInformation ti =
        (TraceInformation) request.getProperties().get(TraceInformation.class.getName());
        new ContainerResponseWriter() {
          public OutputStream writeStatusAndHeaders(long contentLength, ContainerResponse response)
              throws IOException {
            return crw.writeStatusAndHeaders(contentLength, response);

          public void finish() throws IOException {

  /** Reset the response to 204 (No content) with no headers. */
  public void reset() {

   * Get the container request.
   * @return the container request.
  public ContainerRequest getContainerRequest() {
    return request;

   * Set the container request.
   * @param request the container request.
  public void setContainerRequest(ContainerRequest request) {
    this.request = request;

   * Get the container response writer.
   * @return the container response writer
  public ContainerResponseWriter getContainerResponseWriter() {
    return responseWriter;

   * Set the container response writer.
   * @param responseWriter the container response writer
  public void setContainerResponseWriter(ContainerResponseWriter responseWriter) {
    this.responseWriter = responseWriter;

   * Get the message body workers.
   * @return the message body workers.
  public MessageBodyWorkers getMessageBodyWorkers() {
    return wa.getMessageBodyWorkers();

   * Map the cause of a mappable container exception to a response.
   * <p>If the cause cannot be mapped and then that cause is re-thrown if a runtime exception
   * otherwise the mappable container exception is re-thrown.
   * @param e the mappable container exception whose cause will be mapped to a response.
  public void mapMappableContainerException(MappableContainerException e) {
    Throwable cause = e.getCause();

    if (cause instanceof WebApplicationException) {
      mapWebApplicationException((WebApplicationException) cause);
    } else if (!mapException(cause)) {
      if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
            "The RuntimeException could not be mapped to a response, "
                + "re-throwing to the HTTP container",
        throw (RuntimeException) cause;
      } else {
            "The exception contained within "
                + "MappableContainerException could not be mapped to a response, "
                + "re-throwing to the HTTP container",
        throw e;

   * Map a web application exception to a response.
   * @param e the web application exception.
  public void mapWebApplicationException(WebApplicationException e) {
    if (e.getResponse().getEntity() != null) {
      wa.getResponseListener().onError(Thread.currentThread().getId(), e);
      onException(e, e.getResponse(), false);
    } else {
      if (!mapException(e)) {
        onException(e, e.getResponse(), false);

   * Map an exception to a response.
   * @param e the exception.
   * @return true if the exception was mapped, otherwise false.
  public boolean mapException(Throwable e) {
    ExceptionMapper em = wa.getExceptionMapperContext().find(e.getClass());
    if (em == null) {
      wa.getResponseListener().onError(Thread.currentThread().getId(), e);

      return false;

    wa.getResponseListener().onMappedException(Thread.currentThread().getId(), e, em);

    if (request.isTracingEnabled()) {
              "matched exception mapper: %s -> %s",
              ReflectionHelper.objectToString(e), ReflectionHelper.objectToString(em)));

    try {
      Response r = em.toResponse(e);
      if (r == null) r = Response.noContent().build();
      onException(e, r, true);
    } catch (MappableContainerException ex) {
      // If the exception mapper throws a MappableContainerException then
      // rethrow it to the HTTP container
      throw ex;
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
          "Exception mapper "
              + em
              + " for Throwable "
              + e
              + " threw a RuntimeException when "
              + "attempting to obtain the response");
      Response r = Response.serverError().build();
      onException(ex, r, false);
    return true;

  private void onException(Throwable e, Response r, boolean mapped) {
    if (request.isTracingEnabled()) {
      Response.Status s = Response.Status.fromStatusCode(r.getStatus());
      if (s != null) {
                "mapped exception to response: %s -> %d (%s)",
                ReflectionHelper.objectToString(e), r.getStatus(), s.getReasonPhrase()));
      } else {
                "mapped exception to response: %s -> %d",
                ReflectionHelper.objectToString(e), r.getStatus()));

    if (!mapped && r.getStatus() >= 500) {
      logException(e, r, Level.SEVERE);
    } else if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
      logException(e, r, Level.FINE);


    this.mappedThrowable = e;

    if (getEntity() != null && getHttpHeaders().getFirst(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE) == null) {
      Object m = request.getProperties().get(HttpMethodRule.CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY);
      if (m != null) {
        getHttpHeaders().putSingle(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, m);

  private void logException(Throwable e, Response r, Level l) {
    Response.Status s = Response.Status.fromStatusCode(r.getStatus());
    if (s != null) {
          "Mapped exception to response: " + r.getStatus() + " (" + s.getReasonPhrase() + ")",
    } else {
      LOGGER.log(l, "Mapped exception to response: " + r.getStatus(), e);

  // HttpResponseContext

  public Response getResponse() {
    if (response == null) {

    return response;

  public void setResponse(Response response) {
    this.isCommitted = false;
    this.out = null;
    this.response = response = (response != null) ? response : Responses.noContent().build();
    this.mappedThrowable = null;

    if (response instanceof ResponseImpl) {
      final ResponseImpl responseImpl = (ResponseImpl) response;
      setEntity(responseImpl.getEntity(), responseImpl.getEntityType());
    } else {

  public boolean isResponseSet() {
    return response != null;

  public Throwable getMappedThrowable() {
    return mappedThrowable;

  public StatusType getStatusType() {
    return statusType;

  public void setStatusType(StatusType statusType) {
    this.statusType = statusType;

  public int getStatus() {
    return statusType.getStatusCode();

  public void setStatus(int status) {
    this.statusType = ResponseImpl.toStatusType(status);

  public Object getEntity() {
    return entity;

  public Type getEntityType() {
    return entityType;

  public Object getOriginalEntity() {
    return originalEntity;

  public void setEntity(Object entity) {
    setEntity(entity, (entity == null) ? null : entity.getClass());

  public void setEntity(Object entity, Type entityType) {
    this.originalEntity = this.entity = entity;
    this.entityType = entityType;
    if (this.entity instanceof GenericEntity) {
      final GenericEntity ge = (GenericEntity) this.entity;
      this.entity = ge.getEntity();
      this.entityType = ge.getType();

  public Annotation[] getAnnotations() {
    return annotations;

  public void setAnnotations(Annotation[] annotations) {
    this.annotations = (annotations != null) ? annotations : EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS;

  public MultivaluedMap<String, Object> getHttpHeaders() {
    if (headers == null) headers = new OutBoundHeaders();
    return headers;

  public MediaType getMediaType() {
    final Object mediaTypeHeader = getHttpHeaders().getFirst(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE);
    if (mediaTypeHeader instanceof MediaType) {
      return (MediaType) mediaTypeHeader;
    } else if (mediaTypeHeader != null) {
      return MediaType.valueOf(mediaTypeHeader.toString());

    return null;

  public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
    if (out == null) out = new CommittingOutputStream(-1);

    return out;

  public boolean isCommitted() {
    return isCommitted;

  private void setHeaders(MultivaluedMap<String, Object> headers) {
    this.headers = headers;
    Object location = headers.getFirst(HttpHeaders.LOCATION);
    if (location != null) {
      if (location instanceof URI) {
        final URI locationUri = (URI) location;
        if (!locationUri.isAbsolute()) {
          final URI base =
              (statusType.getStatusCode() == Status.CREATED.getStatusCode())
                  ? request.getAbsolutePath()
                  : request.getBaseUri();
          location =
        headers.putSingle(HttpHeaders.LOCATION, location);
예제 #11
 * Represents the value of a HTTP cookie, transferred in a request. RFC 2109 specifies the legal
 * characters for name, value, path and domain. The default version of 1 corresponds to RFC 2109.
 * @see <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2109.txt">IETF RFC 2109</a>
public class Cookie {

  /** Cookies using the default version correspond to RFC 2109. */
  public static final int DEFAULT_VERSION = 1;

  private static final HeaderDelegate<Cookie> delegate =

  private String name;
  private String value;
  private int version;
  private String path;
  private String domain;

   * Create a new instance.
   * @param name the name of the cookie
   * @param value the value of the cookie
   * @param path the URI path for which the cookie is valid
   * @param domain the host domain for which the cookie is valid
   * @param version the version of the specification to which the cookie complies
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if name is null
  public Cookie(String name, String value, String path, String domain, int version) {
    if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("name==null");
    this.name = name;
    this.value = value;
    this.version = version;
    this.domain = domain;
    this.path = path;

   * Create a new instance.
   * @param name the name of the cookie
   * @param value the value of the cookie
   * @param path the URI path for which the cookie is valid
   * @param domain the host domain for which the cookie is valid
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if name is null
  public Cookie(String name, String value, String path, String domain) {
    this(name, value, path, domain, DEFAULT_VERSION);

   * Create a new instance.
   * @param name the name of the cookie
   * @param value the value of the cookie
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if name is null
  public Cookie(String name, String value) {
    this(name, value, null, null);

   * Creates a new instance of Cookie by parsing the supplied string.
   * @param value the cookie string
   * @return the newly created Cookie
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied string cannot be parsed or is null
  public static Cookie valueOf(String value) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    return delegate.fromString(value);

   * Get the name of the cookie
   * @return the name
  public String getName() {
    return name;

   * Get the value of the cookie
   * @return the value
  public String getValue() {
    return value;

   * Get the version of the cookie
   * @return the version
  public int getVersion() {
    return version;

   * Get the domain of the cookie
   * @return the domain
  public String getDomain() {
    return domain;

   * Get the path of the cookie
   * @return the path
  public String getPath() {
    return path;

   * Convert the cookie to a string suitable for use as the value of the corresponding HTTP header.
   * @return a stringified cookie
  public String toString() {
    return delegate.toString(this);

   * Generate a hashcode by hashing all of the cookies properties
   * @return the hashcode
  public int hashCode() {
    int hash = 7;
    hash = 97 * hash + (this.name != null ? this.name.hashCode() : 0);
    hash = 97 * hash + (this.value != null ? this.value.hashCode() : 0);
    hash = 97 * hash + this.version;
    hash = 97 * hash + (this.path != null ? this.path.hashCode() : 0);
    hash = 97 * hash + (this.domain != null ? this.domain.hashCode() : 0);
    return hash;

   * Compare for equality
   * @param obj the object to compare to
   * @return true if the object is a {@code Cookie} with the same value for all properties, false
   *     otherwise.
  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (obj == null) {
      return false;
    if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
      return false;
    final Cookie other = (Cookie) obj;
    if (this.name != other.name && (this.name == null || !this.name.equals(other.name))) {
      return false;
    if (this.value != other.value && (this.value == null || !this.value.equals(other.value))) {
      return false;
    if (this.version != other.version) {
      return false;
    if (this.path != other.path && (this.path == null || !this.path.equals(other.path))) {
      return false;
    if (this.domain != other.domain && (this.domain == null || !this.domain.equals(other.domain))) {
      return false;
    return true;