public void restart() { final Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData( DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(myDescriptor.getComponent())); if (ExecutorRegistry.getInstance() .isStarting(project, myExecutor.getId(), myRunner.getRunnerId())) { return; } try { final ExecutionEnvironment old = myEnvironment; myRunner.execute( myExecutor, new ExecutionEnvironment( old.getRunProfile(), old.getExecutionTarget(), project, old.getRunnerSettings(), old.getConfigurationSettings(), myDescriptor, old.getRunnerAndConfigurationSettings())); } catch (RunCanceledByUserException ignore) { } catch (ExecutionException e1) { Messages.showErrorDialog( project, e1.getMessage(), ExecutionBundle.message("restart.error.message.title")); } }
public Object getData(@NonNls final String dataId) { if ( { return myProject; } if ( { final VirtualFile selectedFile = myWindow.getSelectedFile(); return selectedFile != null && selectedFile.isValid() ? selectedFile : null; } if ( { return myWindow; } if ( { return HELP_ID; } if ( { TabInfo selected = myTabs.getSelectedInfo(); if (selected != null) { return EditorTabbedContainer.this; } } if ( { return myWindow; } return null; }
@NotNull @Override public RelativePoint guessBestPopupLocation(@NotNull DataContext dataContext) { Component component = PlatformDataKeys.CONTEXT_COMPONENT.getData(dataContext); JComponent focusOwner = component instanceof JComponent ? (JComponent) component : null; if (focusOwner == null) { Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(dataContext); IdeFrameImpl frame = project == null ? null : ((WindowManagerEx) WindowManager.getInstance()).getFrame(project); focusOwner = frame == null ? null : frame.getRootPane(); if (focusOwner == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("focusOwner cannot be null"); } } final Point point = PlatformDataKeys.CONTEXT_MENU_POINT.getData(dataContext); if (point != null) { return new RelativePoint(focusOwner, point); } Editor editor = PlatformDataKeys.EDITOR.getData(dataContext); if (editor != null && focusOwner == editor.getContentComponent()) { return guessBestPopupLocation(editor); } else { return guessBestPopupLocation(focusOwner); } }
public boolean processAction(final InputEvent e, ActionProcessor processor) { ActionManagerEx actionManager = ActionManagerEx.getInstanceEx(); final Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(myContext.getDataContext()); final boolean dumb = project != null && DumbService.getInstance(project).isDumb(); List<AnActionEvent> nonDumbAwareAction = new ArrayList<AnActionEvent>(); for (final AnAction action : myContext.getActions()) { final Presentation presentation = myPresentationFactory.getPresentation(action); // Mouse modifiers are 0 because they have no any sense when action is invoked via keyboard final AnActionEvent actionEvent = processor.createEvent( e, myContext.getDataContext(), ActionPlaces.MAIN_MENU, presentation, ActionManager.getInstance()); ActionUtil.performDumbAwareUpdate(action, actionEvent, true); if (dumb && !action.isDumbAware()) { if (Boolean.FALSE.equals( presentation.getClientProperty(ActionUtil.WOULD_BE_ENABLED_IF_NOT_DUMB_MODE))) { continue; } nonDumbAwareAction.add(actionEvent); continue; } if (!presentation.isEnabled()) { continue; } processor.onUpdatePassed(e, action, actionEvent); ((DataManagerImpl.MyDataContext) myContext.getDataContext()) .setEventCount(IdeEventQueue.getInstance().getEventCount(), this); actionManager.fireBeforeActionPerformed(action, actionEvent.getDataContext(), actionEvent); Component component = PlatformDataKeys.CONTEXT_COMPONENT.getData(actionEvent.getDataContext()); if (component != null && !component.isShowing()) { return true; } processor.performAction(e, action, actionEvent); actionManager.fireAfterActionPerformed(action, actionEvent.getDataContext(), actionEvent); return true; } if (!nonDumbAwareAction.isEmpty()) { showDumbModeWarningLaterIfNobodyConsumesEvent( e, nonDumbAwareAction.toArray(new AnActionEvent[nonDumbAwareAction.size()])); } return false; }
public void run() { if (myState == KeyState.STATE_WAIT_FOR_SECOND_KEYSTROKE) { resetState(); if (myContext != null) { final DataContext dataContext = myContext.getDataContext(); StatusBar.Info.set( null, dataContext == null ? null : PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(dataContext)); } } }
@Override public void update(final AnActionEvent e) { final DataContext dataContext = e.getDataContext(); final Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(dataContext); final Change[] changes = e.getData(getChangesKey()); final Presentation presentation = e.getPresentation(); presentation.setVisible(VcsDataKeys.CHANGES.getData(dataContext) != null); presentation.setEnabled(enabled(project, changes)); }
private boolean inSecondStrokeInProgressState() { KeyEvent e = myContext.getInputEvent(); // when any key is released, we stop waiting for the second stroke if (KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED == e.getID()) { myFirstKeyStroke = null; setState(KeyState.STATE_INIT); Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(myContext.getDataContext()); StatusBar.Info.set(null, project); return false; } KeyStroke originalKeyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStrokeForEvent(e); KeyStroke keyStroke = getKeyStrokeWithoutMouseModifiers(originalKeyStroke); updateCurrentContext( myContext.getFoundComponent(), new KeyboardShortcut(myFirstKeyStroke, keyStroke), myContext.isModalContext()); // consume the wrong second stroke and keep on waiting if (myContext.getActions().isEmpty()) { return true; } // finally user had managed to enter the second keystroke, so let it be processed Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(myContext.getDataContext()); StatusBarEx statusBar = (StatusBarEx) WindowManager.getInstance().getStatusBar(project); if (processAction(e, myActionProcessor)) { if (statusBar != null) { statusBar.setInfo(null); } return true; } else { return false; } }
public void actionPerformed(final AnActionEvent e) { final DataContext dataContext = e.getDataContext(); final Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(dataContext); final Change[] changes = e.getData(getChangesKey()); if (!enabled(project, changes)) { return; } final Change change = changes[0]; final CalculateAndShow worker = new CalculateAndShow(project, change, e.getPresentation().getText()); ProgressManager.getInstance().run(worker); }
public final void actionPerformed(final AnActionEvent e) { final DataContext dataContext = e.getDataContext(); final IdeView view = LangDataKeys.IDE_VIEW.getData(dataContext); if (view == null) { return; } final Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(dataContext); final PsiDirectory dir = view.getOrChooseDirectory(); if (dir == null || project == null) return; final CreateFileFromTemplateDialog.Builder builder = CreateFileFromTemplateDialog.createDialog(project); buildDialog(project, dir, builder); final Ref<String> selectedTemplateName = Ref.create(null); final T createdElement = getErrorTitle(), getDefaultTemplateName(dir), new CreateFileFromTemplateDialog.FileCreator<T>() { public T createFile(@NotNull String name, @NotNull String templateName) { selectedTemplateName.set(templateName); return CreateFromTemplateAction.this.createFile(name, templateName, dir); } @NotNull public String getActionName(@NotNull String name, @NotNull String templateName) { return CreateFromTemplateAction.this.getActionName(dir, name, templateName); } }); if (createdElement != null) { view.selectElement(createdElement); postProcess(createdElement, selectedTemplateName.get(), builder.getCustomProperties()); } }
private boolean inInitState() { Component focusOwner = myContext.getFocusOwner(); boolean isModalContext = myContext.isModalContext(); DataContext dataContext = myContext.getDataContext(); KeyEvent e = myContext.getInputEvent(); // if (myLeftCtrlPressed && myRightAltPressed && focusOwner != null && e.getModifiers() == (InputEvent.CTRL_MASK | InputEvent.ALT_MASK)) { if ("")) { return false; } final InputContext inputContext = focusOwner.getInputContext(); if (inputContext != null) { Locale locale = inputContext.getLocale(); if (locale != null) { @NonNls final String language = locale.getLanguage(); if (ALT_GR_LAYOUTS.contains(language)) { // don't search for shortcuts return false; } } } } KeyStroke originalKeyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStrokeForEvent(e); KeyStroke keyStroke = getKeyStrokeWithoutMouseModifiers(originalKeyStroke); if (myKeyGestureProcessor.processInitState()) { return true; } if (SystemInfo.isMac) { boolean keyTyped = e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED; boolean hasMnemonicsInWindow = e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED && hasMnemonicInWindow(focusOwner, e.getKeyCode()) || keyTyped && hasMnemonicInWindow(focusOwner, e.getKeyChar()); boolean imEnabled = IdeEventQueue.getInstance().isInputMethodEnabled(); if (e.getModifiersEx() == InputEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK && (hasMnemonicsInWindow || (!imEnabled && keyTyped))) { setPressedWasProcessed(true); setState(KeyState.STATE_PROCESSED); return false; } } updateCurrentContext(focusOwner, new KeyboardShortcut(keyStroke, null), isModalContext); if (myContext.getActions().isEmpty()) { // there's nothing mapped for this stroke return false; } if (myContext.isHasSecondStroke()) { myFirstKeyStroke = keyStroke; final ArrayList<Pair<AnAction, KeyStroke>> secondKeyStrokes = getSecondKeystrokeActions(); final Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(dataContext); StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.append(KeyMapBundle.message("prefix.key.pressed.message")); message.append(' '); for (int i = 0; i < secondKeyStrokes.size(); i++) { Pair<AnAction, KeyStroke> pair = secondKeyStrokes.get(i); if (i > 0) message.append(", "); message.append(pair.getFirst().getTemplatePresentation().getText()); message.append(" ("); message.append(KeymapUtil.getKeystrokeText(pair.getSecond())); message.append(")"); } StatusBar.Info.set(message.toString(), project); mySecondStrokeTimeout.cancelAllRequests(); mySecondStrokeTimeout.addRequest( mySecondStrokeTimeoutRunnable, Registry.intValue("actionSystem.secondKeystrokeTimeout")); if ("actionSystem.secondKeystrokeAutoPopupEnabled")) { mySecondKeystrokePopupTimeout.cancelAllRequests(); if (secondKeyStrokes.size() > 1) { final DataContext oldContext = myContext.getDataContext(); mySecondKeystrokePopupTimeout.addRequest( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (myState == KeyState.STATE_WAIT_FOR_SECOND_KEYSTROKE) { StatusBar.Info.set(null, PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(oldContext)); new SecondaryKeystrokePopup(myFirstKeyStroke, secondKeyStrokes, oldContext) .showInBestPositionFor(oldContext); } } }, Registry.intValue("actionSystem.secondKeystrokePopupTimeout")); } } setState(KeyState.STATE_WAIT_FOR_SECOND_KEYSTROKE); return true; } else { return processAction(e, myActionProcessor); } }
protected boolean isAvailable(DataContext dataContext) { final Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(dataContext); final IdeView view = LangDataKeys.IDE_VIEW.getData(dataContext); return project != null && view != null && view.getDirectories().length != 0; }
public Object getData(String dataId) { if ( { return myProject; } if ( { final FavoritesTreeNodeDescriptor[] selectedNodeDescriptors = getSelectedNodeDescriptors(); return selectedNodeDescriptors.length == 1 ? selectedNodeDescriptors[0].getElement() : null; } if ( { final List<Navigatable> selectedElements = getSelectedElements(Navigatable.class); return selectedElements.toArray(new Navigatable[selectedElements.size()]); } if ( { return myCopyPasteDelegator.getCutProvider(); } if ( { return myCopyPasteDelegator.getCopyProvider(); } if ( { return myCopyPasteDelegator.getPasteProvider(); } if ( { return myHelpId; } if ( { PsiElement[] elements = getSelectedPsiElements(); if (elements.length != 1) { return null; } return elements[0] != null && elements[0].isValid() ? elements[0] : null; } if ( { final PsiElement[] elements = getSelectedPsiElements(); ArrayList<PsiElement> result = new ArrayList<PsiElement>(); for (PsiElement element : elements) { if (element.isValid()) { result.add(element); } } return result.isEmpty() ? null : result.toArray(new PsiElement[result.size()]); } if ( { return myIdeView; } if ( { return null; } if ( { Module[] selected = getSelectedModules(); return selected != null && selected.length == 1 ? selected[0] : null; } if ( { return getSelectedModules(); } if ( { final Object[] elements = getSelectedNodeElements(); return elements != null && elements.length >= 1 && elements[0] instanceof Module ? myDeleteModuleProvider : myDeletePSIElementProvider; } if ( { final List<ModuleGroup> selectedElements = getSelectedElements(ModuleGroup.class); return selectedElements.isEmpty() ? null : selectedElements.toArray(new ModuleGroup[selectedElements.size()]); } if ( { final List<LibraryGroupElement> selectedElements = getSelectedElements(LibraryGroupElement.class); return selectedElements.isEmpty() ? null : selectedElements.toArray(new LibraryGroupElement[selectedElements.size()]); } if ( { final List<NamedLibraryElement> selectedElements = getSelectedElements(NamedLibraryElement.class); return selectedElements.isEmpty() ? null : selectedElements.toArray(new NamedLibraryElement[selectedElements.size()]); } if ( { List<FavoritesTreeNodeDescriptor> result = new ArrayList<FavoritesTreeNodeDescriptor>(); FavoritesTreeNodeDescriptor[] selectedNodeDescriptors = getSelectedNodeDescriptors(); for (FavoritesTreeNodeDescriptor selectedNodeDescriptor : selectedNodeDescriptors) { FavoritesTreeNodeDescriptor root = selectedNodeDescriptor.getFavoritesRoot(); if (root != null && !(root.getElement().getValue() instanceof String)) { result.add(root); } } return result.toArray(new FavoritesTreeNodeDescriptor[result.size()]); } if ( { return myListName; } FavoritesTreeNodeDescriptor[] descriptors = getSelectedNodeDescriptors(); if (descriptors.length > 0) { List<AbstractTreeNode> nodes = new ArrayList<AbstractTreeNode>(); for (FavoritesTreeNodeDescriptor descriptor : descriptors) { nodes.add(descriptor.getElement()); } return myFavoritesTreeStructure.getDataFromProviders(nodes, dataId); } return null; }