/** * Return an integer frame rate in BDN XML style * * @param fps source frame rate * @return next integer frame rate (yet returned as double) */ private static double XmlFps(double fps) { if (fps == Framerate.FPS_23_975.getValue()) { return Framerate.FPS_24.getValue(); } else if (fps == Framerate.FPS_23_976.getValue()) { return Framerate.FPS_24.getValue(); } else if (fps == Framerate.NTSC.getValue()) { return 30.0; } else if (fps == Framerate.NTSC_I.getValue()) { return 60.0; } else { return fps; } }
/** Reading and writing of Blu-Ray captions in Xml/Png format. */ public class SupXml implements SubtitleStream { private static final Configuration configuration = Configuration.getInstance(); private static final Logger logger = Logger.getInstance(); /** ArrayList of captions contained in the current file */ private List<SubPictureXml> subPictures = new ArrayList<SubPictureXml>(); /** color palette of the last decoded caption */ private Palette palette; /** bitmap of the last decoded caption */ private Bitmap bitmap; /** index of dominant color for the current caption */ private int primaryColorIndex; /** number of forced captions in the current file */ private int numForcedFrames; /** path of the input stream */ private String pathName; /** file name of XML file used as title */ private String title; /** language id read from the xml */ private String language = "eng"; /** resolution read from the xml */ private Resolution resolution = Resolution.HD_1080; /** frame rate read from the stream */ private double fps = Framerate.FPS_23_976.getValue(); /** converted xml frame rate read from the stream */ private double fpsXml = XmlFps(fps); /** * Constructor (for reading) * * @param filename file name of Xml file to read * @throws CoreException */ public SupXml(String filename) throws CoreException { this.pathName = FilenameUtils.addSeparator(FilenameUtils.getParent(filename)); this.title = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(FilenameUtils.getName(filename)); SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); SAXParser saxParser; try { saxParser = factory.newSAXParser(); DefaultHandler handler = new XmlHandler(); saxParser.parse(new File(filename), handler); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new CoreException(e.getMessage()); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new CoreException(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CoreException(e.getMessage()); } logger.trace("\nDetected " + numForcedFrames + " forced captions.\n"); } /** * Return an integer frame rate in BDN XML style * * @param fps source frame rate * @return next integer frame rate (yet returned as double) */ private static double XmlFps(double fps) { if (fps == Framerate.FPS_23_975.getValue()) { return Framerate.FPS_24.getValue(); } else if (fps == Framerate.FPS_23_976.getValue()) { return Framerate.FPS_24.getValue(); } else if (fps == Framerate.NTSC.getValue()) { return 30.0; } else if (fps == Framerate.NTSC_I.getValue()) { return 60.0; } else { return fps; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see deadbeef.SupTools.SubtitleStream#close() */ @Override public void close() {} /* (non-Javadoc) * @see deadbeef.SupTools.SubtitleStream#decode(int) */ @Override public void decode(int index) throws CoreException { try { File f = new File(subPictures.get(index).getFileName()); if (!f.exists()) { throw new CoreException("file " + subPictures.get(index).getFileName() + " not found."); } BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read(f); int w = img.getWidth(); int h = img.getHeight(); this.palette = null; // first try to read image and palette directly from imported image if (img.getType() == BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED) { IndexColorModel icm = (IndexColorModel) img.getColorModel(); if (icm.getMapSize() < 255 || (icm.hasAlpha() && icm.getAlpha(255) == 0)) { // create palette palette = new Palette(256); for (int i = 0; i < icm.getMapSize(); i++) { int alpha = (icm.getRGB(i) >> 24) & 0xff; if (alpha >= configuration.getAlphaCrop()) { palette.setARGB(i, icm.getRGB(i)); } else { palette.setARGB(i, 0); } } // copy pixels WritableRaster raster = img.getRaster(); bitmap = new Bitmap( img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), (byte[]) raster.getDataElements(0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), null)); } } // if this failed, assume RGB image and quantize palette if (palette == null) { // grab int array (ARGB) int[] pixels = new int[w * h]; img.getRGB(0, 0, w, h, pixels, 0, w); // quantize image QuantizeFilter qf = new QuantizeFilter(); bitmap = new Bitmap(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight()); int ct[] = qf.quantize(pixels, bitmap.getInternalBuffer(), w, h, 255, false, false); int size = ct.length; if (size > 255) { logger.warn("Quantizer failed.\n"); size = 255; } // create palette palette = new Palette(256); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int alpha = (ct[i] >> 24) & 0xff; if (alpha >= configuration.getAlphaCrop()) { palette.setARGB(i, ct[i]); } else { palette.setARGB(i, 0); } } } primaryColorIndex = bitmap.getPrimaryColorIndex( palette.getAlpha(), configuration.getAlphaThreshold(), palette.getY()); // crop BitmapBounds bounds = bitmap.getCroppingBounds(palette.getAlpha(), configuration.getAlphaCrop()); if (bounds.yMin > 0 || bounds.xMin > 0 || bounds.xMax < bitmap.getWidth() - 1 || bounds.yMax < bitmap.getHeight() - 1) { w = bounds.xMax - bounds.xMin + 1; h = bounds.yMax - bounds.yMin + 1; if (w < 2) { w = 2; } if (h < 2) { h = 2; } bitmap = bitmap.crop(bounds.xMin, bounds.yMin, w, h); // update picture SubPictureXml pic = subPictures.get(index); pic.setImageWidth(w); pic.setImageHeight(h); pic.setOfsX(pic.getOriginalXOffset() + bounds.xMin); pic.setOfsY(pic.getOriginalYOffset() + bounds.yMin); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new CoreException(e.getMessage()); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Out of heap! Use -Xmx256m to increase heap!", "Error!", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); throw new CoreException("Out of heap! Use -Xmx256m to increase heap!"); } } /** * Create Xml file * * @param fname file name * @param pics Map of SubPictures and their original indexes which were used to generate the png * file names * @throws CoreException */ public static void writeXml(String fname, SortedMap<Integer, SubPicture> pics) throws CoreException { double fps = configuration.getFpsTrg(); double fpsXml = XmlFps(fps); BufferedWriter out = null; String name = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(FilenameUtils.getName(fname)); try { out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fname)); out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"); out.newLine(); out.write( "<BDN Version=\"0.93\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"BD-03-006-0093b BDN File Format.xsd\">"); out.newLine(); out.write(" <Description>"); out.newLine(); out.write(" <Name Title=\"" + name + "\" Content=\"\"/>"); out.newLine(); out.write(" <Language Code=\"" + LANGUAGES[configuration.getLanguageIdx()][2] + "\"/>"); out.newLine(); String res = configuration.getOutputResolution().getResolutionNameForXml(); out.write( " <Format VideoFormat=\"" + res + "\" FrameRate=\"" + ToolBox.formatDouble(fps) + "\" DropFrame=\"False\"/>"); out.newLine(); long t = pics.get(pics.firstKey()).getStartTime(); if (fps != fpsXml) { t = (t * 2000 + 1001) / 2002; } String ts = ptsToTimeStrXml(t, fpsXml); t = pics.get(pics.lastKey()).getEndTime(); if (fps != fpsXml) { t = (t * 2000 + 1001) / 2002; } String te = ptsToTimeStrXml(t, fpsXml); out.write( " <Events Type=\"Graphic\" FirstEventInTC=\"" + ts + "\" LastEventOutTC=\"" + te + "\" NumberofEvents=\"" + pics.size() + "\"/>"); out.newLine(); out.write(" </Description>"); out.newLine(); out.write(" <Events>"); out.newLine(); for (int idx : pics.keySet()) { SubPicture p = pics.get(idx); t = p.getStartTime(); if (fps != fpsXml) { t = (t * 2000 + 1001) / 2002; } ts = ptsToTimeStrXml(t, fpsXml); t = p.getEndTime(); if (fps != fpsXml) { t = (t * 2000 + 1001) / 2002; } te = ptsToTimeStrXml(t, fpsXml); String forced = p.isForced() ? "True" : "False"; out.write(" <Event InTC=\"" + ts + "\" OutTC=\"" + te + "\" Forced=\"" + forced + "\">"); out.newLine(); String pname = getPNGname(name, idx + 1); out.write( " <Graphic Width=\"" + p.getImageWidth() + "\" Height=\"" + p.getImageHeight() + "\" X=\"" + p.getXOffset() + "\" Y=\"" + p.getYOffset() + "\">" + pname + "</Graphic>"); out.newLine(); out.write(" </Event>"); out.newLine(); } out.write(" </Events>"); out.newLine(); out.write("</BDN>"); out.newLine(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CoreException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see SubtitleStream#getBitmap() */ public Bitmap getBitmap() { return bitmap; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see SubtitleStream#getImage() */ public BufferedImage getImage() { return bitmap.getImage(palette.getColorModel()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see SubtitleStream#getImage(Bitmap) */ public BufferedImage getImage(final Bitmap bm) { return bm.getImage(palette.getColorModel()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see SubtitleStream#getForcedFrameCount() */ public int getForcedFrameCount() { return numForcedFrames; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see SubtitleStream#getNumFrames() */ public int getFrameCount() { return subPictures.size(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see SubtitleStream#getPalette() */ public Palette getPalette() { return palette; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see SubtitleStream#getPrimaryColorIndex() */ public int getPrimaryColorIndex() { return primaryColorIndex; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see deadbeef.SupTools.SubtitleStream#getStartOffset(int) */ public long getStartOffset(int index) { // dummy return 0; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see SubtitleStream#getSubPicture(int) */ public SubPicture getSubPicture(int index) { return subPictures.get(index); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see SubtitleStream#getEndTime(int) */ public long getEndTime(int index) { return subPictures.get(index).getEndTime(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see SubtitleStream#getStartTime(int) */ public long getStartTime(final int index) { return subPictures.get(index).getStartTime(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see SubtitleStream#isForced(int) */ public boolean isForced(int index) { return subPictures.get(index).isForced(); } /** * Create PNG name from (xml) file name and index * * @param fn file name * @param idx index * @return PNG name */ public static String getPNGname(String fn, int idx) { return fn + "_" + ToolBox.leftZeroPad(idx, 4) + ".png"; } /** * get language read from Xml * * @return language as String */ public String getLanguage() { return language; } /** * get fps read from Xml * * @return frame rate as double */ public double getFps() { return fps; } enum XmlState { BDN, DESCRIPT, NAME, LANGUAGE, FORMAT, EVENTS, EVENT, GRAPHIC, UNKNOWN } private static final String xmlStates[] = { "bdn", "description", "name", "language", "format", "events", "event", "graphic" }; class XmlHandler extends DefaultHandler { XmlState state; StringBuffer txt; boolean valid; SubPictureXml pic; private XmlState findState(final String s) { for (XmlState x : XmlState.values()) { if (s.toLowerCase().equals(xmlStates[x.ordinal()])) { return x; } } return XmlState.UNKNOWN; } @Override public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) { state = findState(qName); String at; if (state != XmlState.BDN && !valid) { logger.error("BDN tag missing"); } txt = null; switch (state) { case UNKNOWN: logger.error("Unknown tag " + qName + "\n"); break; case BDN: if (valid) { logger.error("BDN must be used only once"); } else { valid = true; } break; case NAME: at = atts.getValue("Title"); if (at != null) { title = at; logger.trace("Title: " + title + "\n"); } break; case LANGUAGE: at = atts.getValue("Code"); if (at != null) { language = at; logger.trace("Language: " + language + "\n"); } break; case FORMAT: at = atts.getValue("FrameRate"); if (at != null) { fps = SubtitleUtils.getFps(at); fpsXml = XmlFps(fps); logger.trace("fps: " + ToolBox.formatDouble(fps) + "\n"); } at = atts.getValue("VideoFormat"); if (at != null) { String res = at; for (Resolution r : Resolution.values()) { if (res.length() == 4 && res.charAt(0) != '7') { // hack to rename 480p/576p to 480i/576i res = res.replace('p', 'i'); } if (r.getResolutionNameForXml().equalsIgnoreCase(res)) { resolution = r; logger.trace("Language: " + r.getResolutionNameForXml() + "\n"); break; } } } break; case EVENTS: at = atts.getValue("NumberofEvents"); if (at != null) { int n = ToolBox.getInt(at); if (n > 0) { /* number of subtitles read from the xml */ Core.setProgressMax(n); } } break; case EVENT: pic = new SubPictureXml(); subPictures.add(pic); int num = subPictures.size(); logger.info("#" + num + "\n"); Core.setProgress(num); at = atts.getValue("InTC"); if (at != null) { pic.setStartTime(timeStrXmlToPTS(at, fpsXml)); if (pic.getStartTime() == -1) { pic.setStartTime(0); logger.warn("Invalid start time " + at + "\n"); } } at = atts.getValue("OutTC"); if (at != null) { pic.setEndTime(timeStrXmlToPTS(at, fpsXml)); if (pic.getEndTime() == -1) { pic.setEndTime(0); logger.warn("Invalid end time " + at + "\n"); } } if (fps != fpsXml) { pic.setStartTime((pic.getStartTime() * 1001 + 500) / 1000); pic.setEndTime((pic.getEndTime() * 1001 + 500) / 1000); } at = atts.getValue("Forced"); pic.setForced(at != null && at.equalsIgnoreCase("true")); if (pic.isForced()) { numForcedFrames++; } int dim[] = resolution.getDimensions(); pic.setWidth(dim[0]); pic.setHeight(dim[1]); break; case GRAPHIC: pic.setImageWidth(ToolBox.getInt(atts.getValue("Width"))); pic.setImageHeight(ToolBox.getInt(atts.getValue("Height"))); pic.setOfsX(ToolBox.getInt(atts.getValue("X"))); pic.setOfsY(ToolBox.getInt(atts.getValue("Y"))); pic.storeOriginalOffsets(); txt = new StringBuffer(); break; } } @Override public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) { XmlState endState = findState(qName); if (state == XmlState.GRAPHIC && endState == XmlState.GRAPHIC) { pic.setFileName(pathName + txt.toString().trim()); } } @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) { if (txt != null) { txt.append(ch, start, length); } } } }