public void showItem() { if (!this.editorPanel.getViewer().isLanguageFunctionAvailable()) { return; } this.highlight = this.editorPanel .getEditor() .addHighlight(this.position, this.position + this.word.length(), null, true); final FindSynonymsActionHandler _this = this; QTextEditor editor = this.editorPanel.getEditor(); Rectangle r = null; try { r = editor.modelToView(this.position); } catch (Exception e) { // BadLocationException! Environment.logError("Location: " + this.position + " is not valid", e); UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); return; } int y = r.y; // Show a panel of all the items. final QPopup p = this.popup; p.setOpaque(false); Synonyms syns = null; try { syns = this.projectViewer.getSynonymProvider().getSynonyms(this.word); } catch (Exception e) { UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); Environment.logError("Unable to lookup synonyms for: " + word, e); return; } if ((syns.words.size() == 0) && (this.word.toLowerCase().endsWith("ed"))) { // Trim off the ed and try again. try { syns = this.projectViewer.getSynonyms(this.word.substring(0, this.word.length() - 2)); } catch (Exception e) { UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); Environment.logError("Unable to lookup synonyms for: " + word, e); return; } } if ((syns.words.size() == 0) && (this.word.toLowerCase().endsWith("s"))) { // Trim off the ed and try again. try { syns = this.projectViewer.getSynonyms(this.word.substring(0, this.word.length() - 1)); } catch (Exception e) { UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); Environment.logError("Unable to lookup synonyms for: " + word, e); return; } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (syns.words.size() > 0) { sb.append("6px"); for (int i = 0; i < syns.words.size(); i++) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append("p, 3px, [p,90px], 5px"); } /* if (syns.words.size () > 0) { sb.append (",5px"); } */ } else { sb.append("6px, p, 6px"); } FormLayout summOnly = new FormLayout("3px, fill:380px:grow, 3px", sb.toString()); PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(summOnly); CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); int ind = 2; Map<String, String> names = new HashMap(); names.put(Synonyms.ADJECTIVE + "", "Adjectives"); names.put(Synonyms.NOUN + "", "Nouns"); names.put(Synonyms.VERB + "", "Verbs"); names.put(Synonyms.ADVERB + "", "Adverbs"); names.put(Synonyms.OTHER + "", "Other"); if (syns.words.size() == 0) { JLabel l = new JLabel("No synonyms found."); l.setFont(l.getFont().deriveFont(Font.ITALIC)); pb.add(l, cc.xy(2, 2)); } // Determine what type of word we are looking for. for (Synonyms.Part i : syns.words) { JLabel l = new JLabel(names.get(i.type + "")); l.setFont(l.getFont().deriveFont(Font.ITALIC)); l.setFont(l.getFont().deriveFont((float) UIUtils.getEditorFontSize(10))); l.setBorder( new CompoundBorder( new MatteBorder(0, 0, 1, 0, Environment.getBorderColor()), new EmptyBorder(0, 0, 3, 0))); pb.add(l, cc.xy(2, ind)); ind += 2; HTMLEditorKit kit = new HTMLEditorKit(); HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) kit.createDefaultDocument(); JTextPane t = new JTextPane(doc); t.setEditorKit(kit); t.setEditable(false); t.setOpaque(false); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( "<style>a { text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }</style><span style='color: #000000; font-size: " + ((int) UIUtils.getEditorFontSize(10) /*t.getFont ().getSize () + 2*/) + "pt; font-family: " + t.getFont().getFontName() + ";'>"); for (int x = 0; x < i.words.size(); x++) { String w = (String) i.words.get(x); buf.append("<a class='x' href='http://" + w + "'>" + w + "</a>"); if (x < (i.words.size() - 1)) { buf.append(", "); } } buf.append("</span>"); t.setText(buf.toString()); t.addHyperlinkListener( new HyperlinkAdapter() { public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent ev) { if (ev.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { QTextEditor ed = _this.editorPanel.getEditor(); ed.replaceText( _this.position, _this.position + _this.word.length(), ev.getURL().getHost()); ed.removeHighlight(_this.highlight); _this.popup.setVisible(false); _this.projectViewer.fireProjectEvent( ProjectEvent.SYNONYM, ProjectEvent.REPLACE, ev.getURL().getHost()); } } }); // Annoying that we have to do this but it prevents the text from being too small. t.setSize(new Dimension(380, Short.MAX_VALUE)); JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(t); t.setCaretPosition(0); sp.setOpaque(false); sp.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(0); /* sp.setPreferredSize (t.getPreferredSize ()); sp.setMaximumSize (new Dimension (380, 75)); */ sp.getViewport().setOpaque(false); sp.setOpaque(false); sp.setBorder(null); sp.getViewport().setBackground(Color.WHITE); sp.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); pb.add(sp, cc.xy(2, ind)); ind += 2; } JPanel pan = pb.getPanel(); pan.setOpaque(true); pan.setBackground(Color.WHITE); this.popup.setContent(pan); // r.y -= this.editorPanel.getScrollPane ().getVerticalScrollBar ().getValue (); Point po = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(editor, r.x, r.y, this.editorPanel); r.x = po.x; r.y = po.y; // Subtract the insets of the editorPanel. Insets ins = this.editorPanel.getInsets(); r.x -= ins.left; r.y -=; this.editorPanel.showPopupAt(this.popup, r, "above", true); }
/* public String getWindowTitle () { return "What's new in this version - " + Environment.getQuollWriterVersion (); } public String getHeaderTitle () { return this.getWindowTitle (); } public String getHeaderIconType () { return null;//"whatsnew"; } */ public String getFirstHelpText() { return String.format( "Welcome to version <b>%s</b>. This window describes the various changes that have been made since the last version and lets you setup new features. You can also see the <a href='help://version-changes/%s'>full list of changes online</a>.", Environment.getQuollWriterVersion().getVersion(), Environment.getQuollWriterVersion().getVersion().replace('.', '_')); }
// paints the player, items, and rooms public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Environment Layout = new Environment(); Layout.drawRoom(mapX, mapY, g); Player PlayerSprite = new Player(); PlayerSprite.drawPlayer(x, y, g); Layout.items(x, y, g, getItem); }
// creates the JFrame, and puts first room onto panel public static void main(String[] s) throws IOException { JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.getContentPane().add(new Adventure()); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.pack(); f.setVisible(true); Environment Layout = new Environment(); wallLayout = Layout.walls(mapX, mapY); }
public void init() { super.init(); try { Environment.setUserProperty( Constants.WHATS_NEW_VERSION_VIEWED_PROPERTY_NAME, new StringProperty( Constants.WHATS_NEW_VERSION_VIEWED_PROPERTY_NAME, Environment.getQuollWriterVersion().getVersion())); } catch (Exception e) { Environment.logError("Unable to set the whats new version viewed property", e); } }
public StackTraceTool(Environment env) { super(new BorderLayout()); this.env = env; this.runtime = env.getExecutionManager(); this.context = env.getContextManager(); stackModel = new DefaultListModel(); // empty list = new JList(stackModel); list.setCellRenderer(new StackFrameRenderer()); JScrollPane listView = new JScrollPane(list); add(listView); // Create listener. StackTraceToolListener listener = new StackTraceToolListener(); context.addContextListener(listener); list.addListSelectionListener(listener); // ### remove listeners on exit! }
// takes keyboard input to move player around, and to different rooms public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { c = e.getKeyChar(); repaint(); g = this.getGraphics(); Environment Layout = new Environment(); if (Layout.isWall(x, y, c, wallLayout)) { } else { if (c == 'a') { x = x - 3; } else if (c == 'w') { y = y - 3; } else if (c == 's') { y = y + 3; } else if (c == 'd') { x = x + 3; } else if (c == 'e') { getItem = !getItem; } int yDoor = Layout.isDoor(x, y, c, 'y', wallLayout); int xDoor = Layout.isDoor(x, y, c, 'x', wallLayout); if (xDoor != 0 || yDoor != 0) { mapY = mapY + yDoor; mapX = mapX + xDoor; wallLayout = Layout.walls(mapX, mapY); Layout.drawRoom(mapX, mapY, g); if (xDoor == -1) { x = 760; } else if (xDoor == 1) { x = 40; } else if (yDoor == -1) { y = 460; } else if (yDoor == 1) { y = 40; } } } }
public FindSynonymsActionHandler(String word, int position, Chapter c, AbstractEditorPanel p) { this.word = word; this.position = position; // this.chapter = c; this.editorPanel = p; this.projectViewer = this.editorPanel.getViewer(); final FindSynonymsActionHandler _this = this; // Show a panel of all the items. this.popup = new QPopup( "Synonyms for: " + word, Environment.getIcon(Constants.FIND_ICON_NAME, Constants.ICON_POPUP), null); JButton close = UIUtils.createButton( Constants.CLOSE_ICON_NAME, Constants.ICON_MENU, "Click to close", null); List<JButton> buts = new ArrayList(); buts.add(close); this.popup.getHeader().setControls(UIUtils.createButtonBar(buts)); close.addActionListener( new ActionAdapter() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { _this.popup.setVisible(false); _this.editorPanel.getEditor().removeHighlight(_this.highlight); } }); p.addPopup(this.popup, true, true); /* this.highlight = this.editorPanel.getEditor ().addHighlight (position, position + word.length (), null, true); */ this.popup.setOpaque(false); this.popup.setVisible(false); this.popup.setDraggable(this.editorPanel); }
/* * Completely erases the current state of the Simulation */ public void reset() { e.purgeAgents(); paint.clearHistory(); children.clear(); fillWithAgents(); Agent a = new Agent(); a.setName("My Agent"); a.setChrome("000 000 000 000 000 000 000 011 011 011 011 011 100 101 101 101"); children.add(a); cur_gen = 0; current_elite = null; prev_elite_total = 0; running = true; }
public BizSimMain(int numThreads, int numAgents, int numGenerations) { // configure our main window which will contain all the other elements JFrame control_window = new JFrame(); control_window.setTitle("Control Suite"); control_window.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); control_window.setSize(new Dimension(800, 480)); // control_window.setAlwaysOnTop(true); control_window.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel species_control = new JPanel(); JLabel species_list_l = new JLabel("Species Running"); DefaultListModel species_list = new DefaultListModel(); // create our Environment Environment e = new Environment(); // create all our threads for (int kittehsex = 0; kittehsex < numThreads; ++kittehsex) { // create some test agents ArrayList<Agent> agents = new ArrayList<Agent>(); for (int i = 0; i < numAgents; ++i) { agents.add(new Agent()); } // create our new thread and pass in some control variables ProcessSimulator ps = new ProcessSimulator(agents, numGenerations, kittehsex, e, this); Thread t = new Thread(ps); species.add(ps); // update our current species list species_list.addElement("Species #" + kittehsex); // set the thread to a high priority, and then start it t.setPriority(9); t.start(); } // create a selectable list of all the different species we have JList species_select_list = new JList(species_list); species_select_list.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION); species_select_list.setLayoutOrientation(JList.VERTICAL); species_select_list.setVisibleRowCount(3); // start listening to all buttons start_stop.addActionListener(this); reset.addActionListener(this); reconfigure.addActionListener(this); // add mnemonics to some buttons start_stop.setMnemonic('s'); reset.setMnemonic('r'); reconfigure.setMnemonic('e'); // create a panel for all our environment variables JPanel environment_controls = new JPanel(); environment_controls.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Modify Finished Good Values")); environment_controls.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 4)); environment_controls.add(new JLabel("High Rate:")); environment_controls.add(high_rate); environment_controls.add(new JLabel("High Sale:")); environment_controls.add(high_sale); environment_controls.add(new JLabel("Med Rate:")); environment_controls.add(med_rate); environment_controls.add(new JLabel("Med Sale:")); environment_controls.add(med_sale); environment_controls.add(new JLabel("Low Rate:")); environment_controls.add(low_rate); environment_controls.add(new JLabel("Low Sale:")); environment_controls.add(low_sale); // create a panel for all our simulation variables JPanel simulation_controls = new JPanel(); simulation_controls.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Modify Simulation Controls")); simulation_controls.setLayout(new GridLayout(6, 2)); simulation_controls.add(new JLabel("Agent Count:")); simulation_controls.add(agent_count); simulation_controls.add(new JLabel("Generation Count:")); simulation_controls.add(generation_count); simulation_controls.add(new JLabel("Elite Percent")); simulation_controls.add(elite_percent); simulation_controls.add(new JLabel("Parent Percent")); simulation_controls.add(parent_percent); simulation_controls.add(new JLabel("Agent Performance")); simulation_controls.add(agent_performance); // create a panel for displaying information about the current elite // agent JPanel elite_panel = new JPanel(); elite_panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Current Elite Agent Performance")); elite_panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2)); elite_panel.add(new JLabel("Total: ")); elite_panel.add(cur_elite_total); elite_panel.add(new JLabel("Genome: ")); JScrollPane genome_scroll = new JScrollPane(cur_elite_genome); elite_panel.add(genome_scroll); // this panel encompasses the different panels for altering and showing // the current state of the simulation JPanel field_controls = new JPanel(); field_controls.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2)); field_controls.add(environment_controls); field_controls.add(simulation_controls); field_controls.add(elite_panel); // set some attributes on misc. GUI stuff cur_elite_genome.setWrapStyleWord(true); cur_elite_genome.setEditable(false); cur_elite_genome.setLineWrap(true); // set the size of the button to just 3 characters high_rate.setColumns(3); high_sale.setColumns(3); med_rate.setColumns(3); med_sale.setColumns(3); low_rate.setColumns(3); low_sale.setColumns(3); // set the current value of our fields to the current environment value high_rate.setText(e.getHQRate() + ""); high_sale.setText(e.getHQSale() + ""); med_rate.setText(e.getMQRate() + ""); med_sale.setText(e.getMQSale() + ""); low_rate.setText(e.getLQRate() + ""); low_sale.setText(e.getLQSale() + ""); // set the default value of our fields to the current simulation values day_count.setText("100"); generation_count.setText(numGenerations + ""); elite_percent.setText(".05"); parent_percent.setText(".8"); agent_count.setText(numAgents + ""); agent_performance.setText(e.getIncomeRatioThreshold() + ""); // create a panel for all our flow control buttons JPanel control_flow_buttons = new JPanel(); control_flow_buttons.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 6)); control_flow_buttons.add(start_stop); control_flow_buttons.add(reset); control_flow_buttons.add(reconfigure); // add our components to the window species_control.add(species_list_l); species_control.add(species_select_list); control_window.add(species_control, BorderLayout.WEST); control_window.add(field_controls, BorderLayout.CENTER); control_window.add(control_flow_buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH); control_window.setLocation(620, 0); control_window.setVisible(true); }
public void run() { // keep the thread alive while (true) { // wait for a signal to re-continue processing agents if (!running) { synchronized (this) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { System.err.println("ERROR: wait() call failed" + ie); } } } // run for the number of generations specified while (cur_gen < generations && running) { // create our list of agents e.purgeAgents(); e.addAgents(children); // Process 100-days for (int i = 0; i < day_count; i++) { e.simulateDay(); } // record this generation history.addGeneration(children); // sort the results by money, descending Collections.sort(children); Collections.reverse(children); // if the elite total changed, alert the main class int elite_most_money = children.get(0).getMoney(); if (elite_most_money > prev_elite_total) { // cache the new elite total prev_elite_total = elite_most_money; current_elite = children.get(0); ep.setNewElite(current_elite); ep.repaint(); // fire an event to the main class listener.actionPerformed( new ActionEvent(this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "elite_total")); } // now we need to select agents for crossover, mutation, // and elites for elites, keep the first x% List<Agent> elites = children.subList(0, (int) (children.size() * elite_percent)); // for parents to keep, simply choose the top y% // (including the elites) List<Agent> parents = children.subList(0, (int) (children.size() * parent_percent)); // create some children, and perform mutations children = evo.performCrossover(parents); children = evo.performMutation(children); // add the elite agents into the pool children.addAll(elites); // System.out.println(elites.get(0) + ": " + elites.get(0).getMoney()); // reset the elites for the next generation for (Agent elitea : elites) elitea.reset(); // repopulate the next generation with new Agents fillWithAgents(); cur_gen++; } running = false; } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // dump ActionEvent information Object src = e.getSource(); String msg = e.getActionCommand(); if (src == start_stop) { // tell all threads to continue/resume operation for (ProcessSimulator ps : species) if (ps.toggleRunning()) synchronized (ps) { ps.notify(); } System.out.println("Started/Stopped Simulator..."); } else if (src == reset) { for (ProcessSimulator ps : species) { if (!ps.isRunning()) { ps.reset(); synchronized (ps) { ps.notify(); } } } // clear the Elite Agent data cur_elite_genome.setText(""); cur_elite_total.setText(""); System.out.println("Simulation Reset..."); } else if (src == reconfigure) { // create a new environment with the new parameters Environment environment = new Environment(); // override existing values environment.setHQSale(Integer.parseInt(high_sale.getText())); environment.setHQRate(Integer.parseInt(high_rate.getText())); environment.setMQRate(Integer.parseInt(med_rate.getText())); environment.setMQSale(Integer.parseInt(med_sale.getText())); environment.setLQRate(Integer.parseInt(low_rate.getText())); environment.setLQSale(Integer.parseInt(low_sale.getText())); environment.setIncomeRatioThreshold(Double.parseDouble(agent_performance.getText())); for (ProcessSimulator ps : species) { if (!ps.isRunning()) { ps.replaceEnvironment(environment); // replace simulation values ps.setAgentCount(Integer.parseInt(agent_count.getText())); ps.setDayCount(Integer.parseInt(day_count.getText())); ps.setElitePercent(Double.parseDouble(elite_percent.getText())); ps.setGenerationCount(Integer.parseInt(generation_count.getText())); ps.setParentPercent(Double.parseDouble(parent_percent.getText())); } } System.out.println("Species Reconfigured..."); } else if (msg == "elite_total") { // one of the threads has a new elite // TODO: Later, we are going to want to differentiate between the // TODO: different threads current_elite = ((ProcessSimulator) src).getCurrentElite(); // update our GUI cur_elite_total.setText("$" + current_elite.getMoney()); cur_elite_genome.setText(current_elite.toString()); } }
public WhatsNew(AbstractProjectViewer pv, boolean onlyShowCurrentVersion) throws GeneralException { super(pv); String wn = Environment.getProperty(Constants.WHATS_NEW_VERSION_VIEWED_PROPERTY_NAME); if (wn == null) { wn = "0"; } // Get the current whats new version (i.e. old). Version lastWhatsNewVersion = new Version(wn); boolean betasAllowed = Environment.getUserProperties() .getPropertyAsBoolean(Constants.OPTIN_TO_BETA_VERSIONS_PROPERTY_NAME); try { String whatsNew = Environment.getResourceFileAsString(Constants.WHATS_NEW_FILE); // Load up all the whats new for greater versions. Element root = JDOMUtils.getStringAsElement(whatsNew); java.util.List verEls = JDOMUtils.getChildElements(root, XMLConstants.version, false); // Assume they are in the right order // TODO: Enforce the order and/or sort. for (int i = 0; i < verEls.size(); i++) { Element vEl = (Element) verEls.get(i); String id = JDOMUtils.getAttributeValue(vEl,, true); Version v = new Version(id); /* if ((v.isBeta ()) && (!betasAllowed) ) { // Ignore, the user isn't interested in betas. continue; } */ if ((lastWhatsNewVersion.isNewer(v)) || ((onlyShowCurrentVersion) && (v.isSame(Environment.getQuollWriterVersion())))) { String c = WhatsNewComponentProvider.class.getName(); int ind = c.lastIndexOf("."); if (ind > 0) { c = c.substring(0, ind); } WhatsNewComponentProvider compProv = null; String cl = JDOMUtils.getAttributeValue(vEl, XMLConstants.clazz, false); if (!cl.equals("")) { Class clz = null; try { clz = Class.forName(cl); if (WhatsNewComponentProvider.class.isAssignableFrom(clz)) { compProv = (WhatsNewComponentProvider) clz.newInstance(); } } catch (Exception e) { } } // This is a version we are interested in. java.util.List itemEls = JDOMUtils.getChildElements(vEl, WhatsNewItem.XMLConstants.root, true); java.util.List<WhatsNewItem> its = new ArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < itemEls.size(); j++) { Element itEl = (Element) itemEls.get(j); WhatsNewItem it = new WhatsNewItem(itEl, compProv, pv); if (it.onlyIfCurrentVersion) { if (!Environment.getQuollWriterVersion().isSame(v)) { continue; } } if ((it.description == null) && (it.component == null)) { Environment.logMessage( "Whats new item has no description or component, referenced by: " + JDOMUtils.getPath(itEl)); continue; } its.add(it); } if (its.size() > 0) { this.items.put(v, its); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new GeneralException("Unable to init whats new", e); } }
public TextArea(String placeholder, int rows, int maxChars) { super(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); this.text = UIUtils.createTextArea(rows); if (placeholder != null) { this.placeholder = Environment.replaceObjectNames(placeholder); this.text.setText(this.placeholder); this.text.setForeground(UIUtils.getHintTextColor()); } this.maxChars = maxChars; final TextArea _this = this; final JLabel maxText = new JLabel("Max " + Environment.formatNumber(maxChars) + " characters"); maxText.setForeground(UIUtils.getHintTextColor()); this.scrollPane = UIUtils.createScrollPane((JComponent) this.text); this.text.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ev) { if (_this.text.getForeground() != Color.BLACK) { _this.text.setText(""); } _this.text.setForeground(Color.BLACK); if (_this.maxChars <= 0) { return; } maxText.setForeground(UIUtils.getHintTextColor()); int l = _this.text.getText().trim().length(); String t = "Max " + Environment.formatNumber(_this.maxChars) + " characters"; if (l > 0) { if (l > 5000) { t += ", over " + Environment.formatNumber(_this.maxChars) + " characters"; maxText.setForeground(Color.RED); } else { t += ", " + Environment.formatNumber((5000 - l)) + " remaining"; } } maxText.setText(t); } }); this.text.addMouseListener( new MouseEventHandler() { @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent ev) { if ((!_this.text.getText().equals("")) && (_this.text.getForeground() != Color.BLACK)) { _this.text.getCaret().setDot(0); } if (_this.isAutoGrabFocus()) { _this.text.grabFocus(); } } @Override public void handlePress(MouseEvent ev) { if ((!_this.text.getText().equals("")) && (_this.text.getForeground() == Color.BLACK)) { return; } _this.text.setText(""); _this.text.setForeground(Color.BLACK); } }); this.add(this.scrollPane); this.add(maxText); if (this.maxChars <= 0) { maxText.setVisible(false); } }