/** * Constructs the button with the given node type and image prefix. If the node type is "Select", * constructs a button that allows nodes to be selected and moved. If the node type is "Edge", * constructs a button that allows edges to be drawn. For other node types, constructs buttons * that allow those type of nodes to be added to the workbench. If a non-null image prefix is * provided, images for <prefix>Up.gif, <prefix>Down.gif, <prefix>Off.gif and <prefix>Roll.gif are * loaded from the /images directory relative to this compiled class and used to provide up, down, * off, and rollover images for the constructed button. On construction, nodes are mapped to their * node types in the Map, <code>nodeTypes</code>. Listeners are added to the node. * * @param buttonInfo contains the info needed to construct the button. */ private JToggleButton constructButton(ButtonInfo buttonInfo) { String imagePrefix = buttonInfo.getImagePrefix(); if (imagePrefix == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Image prefix must not be null."); } JToggleButton button = new JToggleButton(); button.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { super.mouseClicked(e); setShiftDown(e.isShiftDown()); // setControlDown(e.isControlDown()); } }); if ("Select".equals(buttonInfo.getNodeTypeName())) { button.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageUtils.getImage(this, "move.gif"))); } else if ("Edge".equals(buttonInfo.getNodeTypeName())) { button.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageUtils.getImage(this, "flow.gif"))); } else { button.setName(buttonInfo.getNodeTypeName()); button.setText("<html><center>" + buttonInfo.getDisplayName() + "</center></html>"); } button.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(110, 40)); // For a vertical box. button.setToolTipText(buttonInfo.getToolTipText()); this.nodeTypes.put(button, buttonInfo.getNodeTypeName()); return button; }
@NotNull @Override protected Action[] createActions() { List<Action> actions = new ArrayList<Action>(); actions.add(getOKAction()); final List<ButtonInfo> buttons = myLatestBuild.getButtons(); if (hasPatch()) { if (buttons.isEmpty()) { actions.add( new AbstractAction(IdeBundle.message("updates.more.info.button")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { openDownloadPage(); } }); } else { for (ButtonInfo info : buttons) { if (!info.isDownload()) { actions.add(new ButtonAction(info)); } } } } else { // the first button replaces the OK action for (int i = 1; i < buttons.size(); i++) { actions.add(new ButtonAction(buttons.get(i))); } } actions.add(getCancelAction()); actions.add( new AbstractAction("&Ignore This Update") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { UpdateSettings.getInstance() .getIgnoredBuildNumbers() .add(myLatestBuild.getNumber().asString()); doCancelAction(); } }); return actions.toArray(new Action[buttons.size()]); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { BrowserUtil.launchBrowser(myInfo.getUrl()); }
private ButtonAction(ButtonInfo info) { super(info.getName()); myInfo = info; }
protected void updateLayout(AbstractButton button, ButtonInfo buttonInfo) { Shape customShape = (Shape) button.getClientProperty(SHAPE); int width = button.getWidth(); int height = button.getHeight(); int horizontalPosition = getHorizontalPosition(button); int verticalPosition = getVerticalPosition(button); String key = width + " " + height + " " + horizontalPosition + " " + verticalPosition; button.putClientProperty("FilledButtonUI.validationKey", key); int dx = 0; int dy = 0; if (getFocusPainting(button) == PaintFocus.OUTSIDE || getFocusPainting(button) == PaintFocus.BOTH) { if (horizontalPosition == POS_LEFT || horizontalPosition == POS_ONLY) { dx += focusSize; width -= focusSize; } if (horizontalPosition == POS_RIGHT || horizontalPosition == POS_ONLY) { width -= focusSize; } if (verticalPosition == POS_TOP || verticalPosition == POS_ONLY) { dy += focusSize; height -= focusSize; } if (verticalPosition == POS_BOTTOM || verticalPosition == POS_ONLY) { height -= focusSize; } } else { if ((verticalPosition == POS_BOTTOM || verticalPosition == POS_ONLY) && fill.getShadowHighlight(button) != null) { height--; } } ButtonInfo info = getButtonInfo(button); boolean showSeparators = isShowingSeparators(button); shape.getShape( info.fill, info.stroke, width, height, horizontalPosition, verticalPosition, showSeparators, customShape); AffineTransform translation = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(dx, dy); info.fill.transform(translation); info.stroke.transform(translation); Font font = button.getFont(); if (font == null) font = new Font("Default", 0, 12); FontMetrics fm = button.getFontMetrics(font); info.viewRect.x = info.viewRect.y = info.textRect.x = info.textRect.y = info.textRect.width = info.textRect.height = 0; info.iconRect.x = info.iconRect.y = info.iconRect.width = info.iconRect.height = 0; info.viewRect.width = Short.MAX_VALUE; info.viewRect.height = Short.MAX_VALUE; SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel( fm, button.getText(), button.getIcon(), button.getVerticalAlignment(), button.getHorizontalAlignment(), button.getVerticalTextPosition(), button.getHorizontalTextPosition(), info.viewRect, info.iconRect, info.textRect, button.getIconTextGap()); Insets textInsets = getTextPadding(); Insets iconInsets = getIconPadding(); Rectangle tempTextRect = new Rectangle(info.textRect); Rectangle tempIconRect = new Rectangle(info.iconRect); if (info.textRect.width > 0) { tempTextRect.y -= textInsets.top; tempTextRect.x -= textInsets.left; tempTextRect.width += textInsets.left + textInsets.right; tempTextRect.height += textInsets.top + textInsets.bottom; } if (info.iconRect.width > 0) { tempIconRect.y -= iconInsets.top; tempIconRect.x -= iconInsets.left; tempIconRect.width += iconInsets.left + iconInsets.right; tempIconRect.height += iconInsets.top + iconInsets.bottom; } Rectangle sum = getSum(new Rectangle[] {tempIconRect, tempTextRect}); Insets padding = getContentInsets(button); float centerX, centerY; if (button.getHorizontalAlignment() == SwingConstants.LEFT || button.getHorizontalAlignment() == SwingConstants.LEADING) { centerX = padding.left + sum.width / 2; } else if (button.getHorizontalAlignment() == SwingConstants.RIGHT || button.getHorizontalAlignment() == SwingConstants.TRAILING) { centerX = button.getWidth() - padding.right - sum.width / 2; } else { centerX = ((button.getWidth() - padding.left - padding.right)) / 2f; } // TODO: also take into account vertical alignment: centerY = ((button.getHeight() - padding.top - padding.bottom)) / 2f; float shiftX = centerX - (sum.width) / 2f - sum.x + padding.left; float shiftY = centerY - (sum.height) / 2f - sum.y + padding.top; if (customShape == null) { if (button.getVerticalAlignment() == SwingConstants.CENTER && button.getVerticalTextPosition() == SwingConstants.CENTER && info.textRect.width > 0) { int unusedAscent = getUnusedAscent(fm, font); int ascent = fm.getAscent() - unusedAscent; shiftY = (int) (-sum.y + centerY - ascent / 2 - unusedAscent + padding.top - textInsets.top); } } info.iconRect.setFrame( info.iconRect.x + shiftX, info.iconRect.y + shiftY, info.iconRect.width, info.iconRect.height); info.textRect.setRect( (int) (info.textRect.x + shiftX + .5f), (int) (info.textRect.y + shiftY + .5f), info.textRect.width, info.textRect.height); info.updateFillBounds(); }